9 research outputs found

    Literature review of image compression effects on face recognition

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    In this research work, a literature review is conducted to assess the progress made in the field of image compression effects on the face recognition. The DCT algorithms are considered for the review and their application is limited only to JPEG compression. In this review, progress made in the DCT algorithms of a single image, and a series images from a video, namely 2D DCT and 3D DCT respectively, along with several other algorithms in the application of face recognition are discussed in detail.&nbsp

    MPEG-7 Based Image Retrieval on the World Wide Web

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    Due to the rapid growth of the number of digital media elements like image, video, audio, graphics on Internet, there is an increasing demand for effective search and retrieval techniques. Recently, many search engines have made image search as an option like Google, AlltheWeb, AltaVista, Freenet. In addition to this, Ditto, Picsearch, can search only the images on Internet. There are also other domain specific search engines available for graphics and clip art, audio, video, educational images, artwork, stock photos, science and nature [www.faganfinder.com/img]. These entire search engines are directory based. They crawls the entire Internet and index all the images in certain categories. They do not display the images in any particular order with respect to the time and context. With the availability of MPEG-7, a standard for describing multimedia content, it is now possible to store the images with its metadata in a structured format. This helps in searching and retrieving the images. The MPEG-7 standard uses XML to describe the content of multimedia information objects. These objects will have metadata information in the form of MPEG-7 or any other similar format associated with them. It can be used in different ways to search the objects. In this paper we propose a system, which can do content based image retrieval on the World Wide Web. It displays the result in user-defined order

    Texture feature extraction and classification by combining statistical and neural based technique for efficient CBIR

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    This paper presents a technique based on statistical and neural feature extractor, classifier and retrieval for real world texture images. The paper is presented into two stages, texture image pre-processing includes downloading images, normalizing into specific rows and columns, forming non-overlapping windows and extracting statistical features. Co-occrance based statistical technique is used for extracting four prominent texture features from an image. Stage two includes, feeding of these parameters to Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) as input and output. Hidden layer output was treated as characteristics of the patterns and fed to classifier to classify into six different classes. Graphical user interface was designed to pose a query of texture pattern and retrieval results are shown. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Mètode d'extracció multiparamètrica de característiques de textura orientat a la segmentació d'imatges

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    Tal com es veurà en el següent capítol d'antecedents, existeixen formes molt variades d'afrontar l'anàlisi de textures però cap d'elles està orientada al càlcul en temps real (video rate). Degut a la manca de mètodes que posin tant d'èmfasi en el temps de processat, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és definir i desenvolupar un nou mètode d'extracció de característiques de textura que treballi en temps real. Per aconseguir aquesta alta velocitat d'operació, un altre objectiu és presentar el disseny d'una arquitectura específica per implementar l'algorisme de càlcul dels paràmetres de textura definits, així com també l'algorisme de classificació dels paràmetres i la segmentació de la imatge en regions de textura semblant.En el capítol 2 s'expliquen els diversos mètodes més rellevants dins la caracterització de textures. Es veuran els mètodes més importants tant pel que fa als enfocaments estadístics com als estructurals. També en el mateix capítol se situa el nou mètode presentat en aquesta tesi dins els diferents enfocaments principals que existeixen. De la mateixa manera es fa una breu ressenya a la síntesi de textures, una manera d'avaluar quantitativament la caracterització de la textura d'una imatge. Ens centrarem principalment, en el capítol 3, en l'explicació del mètode presentat en aquest treball: s'introduiran els paràmetres de textura proposats, la seva necessitat i definicions. Al ser paràmetres altament perceptius i no seguir cap model matemàtic, en aquest mateix capítol s'utilitza una tècnica estadística anomenada anàlisi discriminant per demostrar que tots els paràmetres introdueixen suficient informació per a la separabilitat de regions de textura i veure que tots ells són necessaris en la discriminació de les textures.Dins el capítol 4 veurem com es tracta la informació subministrada pel sistema d'extracció de característiques per tal de classificar les dades i segmentar la imatge en funció de les seves textures. L'etapa de reconeixement de patrons es durà a terme en dues fases: aprenentatge i treball. També es presenta un estudi comparatiu entre diversos mètodes de classificació de textures i el mètode presentat en aquesta tesi; en ell es veu la bona funcionalitat del mètode en un temps de càlcul realment reduït. S'acaba el capítol amb una anàlisi de la robustesa del mètode introduint imatges amb diferents nivells de soroll aleatori. En el capítol 5 es presentaran els resultats obtinguts mitjançant l'extracció de característiques de textura a partir de diverses aplicacions reals. S'aplica el nostre mètode en aplicacions d'imatges aèries i en entorns agrícoles i sobre situacions que requereixen el processament en temps real com són la segmentació d'imatges de carreteres i una aplicació industrial d'inspecció i control de qualitat en l'estampació de teixits. Al final del capítol fem unes consideracions sobre dos efectes que poden influenciar en l'obtenció correcta dels resultats: zoom i canvis de perspectiva en les imatges de textura.En el capítol 6 es mostrarà l'arquitectura que s'ha dissenyat expressament per al càlcul dels paràmetres de textura en temps real. Dins el capítol es presentarà l'algorisme per a l'assignació de grups de textura i es demostrarà la seva velocitat d'operació a video rate.Finalment, en el capítol 7 es presentaran les conclusions i les línies de treball futures que es deriven d'aquesta tesi, així com els articles que hem publicat en relació a aquest treball i a l'anàlisi de textures. Les referències bibliogràfiques i els apèndixs conclouen el treball

    Indexing, learning and content-based retrieval for special purpose image databases

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    This chapter deals with content-based image retrieval in special purpose image databases. As image data is amassed ever more effortlessly, building efficient systems for searching and browsing of image databases becomes increasingly urgent. We provide an overview of the current state-of-the art by taking a tour along the entir

    Visual Speech Recognition

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    In recent years, Visual speech recognition has a more concentration, by researchers, than the past. Because of the leakage of the visual processing of the Arabic vocabularies recognition, we start to search in this field. Audio speech recognition concerned with the acoustic characteristic of the signal, but there are many situations that the audio signal is weak of not exist, and this will be a point in Chapter 2. The visual recognition process focuses on the features extracted from video of the speaker. These features are to be classified using several techniques. The most important feature to be extracted is motion. By segmenting motion of the lips of the speaker, an algorithm has manipulate it in such away to recognize the word which is said. But motion segmentation is not the only problem facing the speech recognition process, segmenting the lips itself is an early step in the speech recognition process, so, to segment lips motion we have to segment lips first, a new approach for lip segmentation is proposed in this thesis. Sometimes, motion feature needs another feature to support in recognition the spoken word. So in our thesis another new algorithm is proposed to use motion segmentation by using the Abstract Difference Image from an image series, supported by correlation for registering images in the image series, to recognize ten words in the Arabic language, the words are from “one” to “ten” in Arabic language. The algorithm also uses the HU-Invariant set of features to describe the Abstract Difference Image, and uses a three different recognition methods to recognize the words. The CLAHE method as a filtering technique is used by our algorithm to manipulate lighting problems. Our algorithm based on extracting the differences details from a series of images to recognize the word, achieved an overall results 55.8%, it is an adequate result for our algorithm when integrated in an audio-visual system

    Segmentaçao de imagens baseada em dependencia espacial utilizando campo aleatório de Markov associado com características de texturas

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografiaResumo: Uma etapa crítica presente no processo de análise de imagens é a segmentação, responsável por obter informações de alto n'nível sobre as regiões ou objetos contidos na imagem, de modo a facilitar sua interpretação. Contudo, a segmentação ainda é um dos maiores desafios na área de análise de imagens, particularmente quando não se utiliza informações previamente adquiridas sobre a imagem a ser segmentada. Os métodos convencionais de segmentação desconsideram a dependência espacial entre as regiões, o que pode gerar resultados impróprios. Técnicas que consideram a dependência espacial entre as regiões da imagem têm recebido crescente atenção da comunidade científica, pois apresentam uma maior precisão nos resultados obtidos. Embora avanços significativos tenham sido alcançados na segmentação de texturas e de imagens coloridas separadamente, a combinação dessas duas propriedades é considerada como um problema bem mais complexo. Devido a importância dessa etapa no processo de análise de imagens e ao fato de não existirem soluções definitivas para o problema, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um novo método de segmentação aplicado a imagens texturizadas monocromáticas e coloridas. O método utiliza a formulação Bayesiana para associar a dependência espacial modelada por um campo aleatório de Markov com características de texturas. A segmentação final é obtida por meio da aplicação de t'cênicas de relaxação para minimizar uma função de energia definida a partir da referida associação. Experimentos são efetuados visando avaliar os métodos de análise de texturas, bem como validar a metodologia proposta.Abstract: A critical stage present in the image analysis process is the segmentation, responsible for obtaining high level information about regions or objects in the image, in order to facilitate its interpretation. However, the segmentation is still one of the greatest challenges in the image analysis area, particularly when it does not use information previously acquired on the image to be segmented. Conventional segmentation methods do not consider the spatial dependence between the regions, which can generate improper results. Techniques considering the spatial dependence between the image regions have received increasing attention from the scientific community, because they present a major precision in the obtained results. Although significant advances have been reached in the segmentation of textures and colored images separately, the combination of these two properties is considered a more complex problem. Due to the importance of this stage in the image analysis process and to the fact that does not exist definitive solutions to the problem, this work considers the development of a new segmentation method applied to gray scale and color texture images. The method uses the Bayesian formulation to associate the spatial dependence modeled by a Markov random field with texture features. The final segmentation is obtained by the application of relaxation techniques to minimize an energy function defined by such association. Experiments are performed to evaluate the texture analysis methods, as well as validating the proposal method