7 research outputs found

    Évaluation mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique et organisationnelle pour la conception d'un systĂšme de tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©decine. Approche systĂ©mique et Ă©tude des valeurs

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    International audienceFrance, like many other western countries, observes a massive increase of health care costs. This is partly due to the rapidly ageing population and the growth of the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Simultaneously, the number of medical staff decreases in many regions. To overcome these developments, telehealth seems to be one of the responses that ensure accessibility for all to quality care. The main idea of telehealth is to provide a remote access of health care services thus closing the distance with appropriate health care professionals. However, the introduction of telehealth involves a major organizational change. The purpose of this paper is to present the research framework and to discuss the development of methods and tools of industrial engineering suitable for developing a new telemedicine system and realize its medico-economic evaluation. Thus, we propose a research framework to explore several scenarios in order to elaborate an optimal organization in terms of economic development considering all values sought by stakeholders. Specific tools such as systems approach and value analysis are proposed to be used to help design the telehealth system. A first application of these methods and tools is discussed regarding the telehealth experience named Telegeria at the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital of Paris.La France, comme nombre d'autres pays occidentaux, assiste à une inflation des coûts de santé dûe en partie au vieillissement rapide de la population et à l'accroissement du nombre de malades atteints de pathologies chroniques. Simultanément nous assistons à une diminution des densités de personnels médicaux dans de multiples régions. Pour pallier ces évolutions, la télémédecine apporte une réponse qui participe à l'accessibilité de tous à des soins de qualité. Elle permet d'accéder à distance à des professionnels de santé. Toutefois, l'introduction de la télémédecine entraßne un changement organisationnel majeur. L'objet du présent article est de présenter le cadre de recherche ainsi que de discuter le développement de méthodes et outils de génie industriel appropriés permettant d'élaborer un nouveau systÚme de télémédecine et de réaliser son évaluation médico-économique. Ainsi nous proposons un cadre de recherche afin d'explorer plusieurs scenarii d'organisation de l'infrastructure du point de vue économique tout en garantissant l'ensemble de valeurs recherchées par toutes les parties prenantes. Les outils conceptuels spécifiques tels que l'approche systémique et l'identification de valeurs seront utilisés afin d'aider à la conception du systÚme de santé en télémédecine. Une premiÚre application de ces méthodes et outils sera évoquée concernant les travaux en cours dans le cadre du programme de télémédecine Télégéria de l'HÎpital Européen Georges-Pompidou de Paris

    Multi-criteria decision-making method based on intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy prioritised owa operator

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    In the real decision-making, there are many multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problems, in which there exists the prioritised relationship among decision-making attributes. In this paper, with respect to the prioritised multi-criteria decision-making problems under intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy information, a new decision-making method on the basis of the intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy prioritised ordered weighted aggregation operator has been proposed. Firstly, the definitions, operational rules and characteristics of intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and POWA operator have been introduced. Then, intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy prioritised ordered weighted aggregation (ITFPOWA) operator has been defined as well as the computational method of associated weight, and some properties have been studied and proved. Furthermore, based on the ITFPOWA operator, an approach to the multi-criteria decision-making with intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers has been established. Finally, an illustrative example has been given to prove the evaluation procedures of the developed approach and to demonstrate its practicality and validity

    Approaches to multi-attribute group decision-making based on picture fuzzy prioritized Aczel–Alsina aggregation information

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    The Aczel-Alsina t-norm and t-conorm were derived by Aczel and Alsina in 1982. They are modified forms of the algebraic t-norm and t-conorm. Furthermore, the theory of picture fuzzy values is a very valuable and appropriate technique for describing awkward and unreliable information in a real-life scenario. In this research, we analyze the theory of averaging and geometric aggregation operators (AOs) in the presence of the Aczel-Alsina operational laws and prioritization degree based on picture fuzzy (PF) information, such as the prioritized PF Aczel-Alsina average operator and prioritized PF Aczel-Alsina geometric operator. Moreover, we examine properties such as idempotency, monotonicity and boundedness for the derived operators and also evaluated some important results. Furthermore, we use the derived operators to create a system for controlling the multi-attribute decision-making problem using PF information. To show the approach's effectiveness and the developed operators' validity, a numerical example is given. Also, a comparative analysis is presented

    Water Policies and Conflict Resolution of Public Participation Decision-Making Processes Using Prioritized Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) Operators

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    [EN] There is a growing interest in environmental policies about how to implement public participation engagement in the context of water resources management. This paper presents a robust methodology, based on ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators, to conflict resolution decision-making problems under uncertain environments due to both information and stakeholders' preferences. The methodology allows integrating heterogeneous interests of the general public and stakeholders on account of their different degree of acceptance or preference and level of influence or power regarding the measures and policies to be adopted, and also of their level of involvement (i.e., information supply, consultation and active involvement). These considerations lead to different environmental and socio-economic outcomes, and levels of stakeholders' satisfaction. The methodology establishes a prioritization relationship over the stakeholders. The individual stakeholders' preferences are aggregated through their associated weights, which depend on the satisfaction of the higher priority decision maker. The methodology ranks the optimal management strategies to maximize the stakeholders' satisfaction. It has been successfully applied to a real case study, providing greater fairness, transparency, social equity and consensus among actors. Furthermore, it provides support to environmental policies, such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), improving integrated water management while covering a wide range of objectives, management alternatives and stakeholders.Llopis Albert, C.; MerigĂł-Lindahl, JM.; Liao, H.; Xu, Y.; Grima-Olmedo, J.; Grima-Olmedo, C. (2018). Water Policies and Conflict Resolution of Public Participation Decision-Making Processes Using Prioritized Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) Operators. Water Resources Management. 32(2):497-510. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-017-1823-2S497510322Amin GR, Sadeghi H (2010) Application of prioritized aggregation operators in preference voting. Int J Intell Syst 25(10):1027–1034Chen TY (2014) A prioritized aggregation operator-based approach to multiple criteria decision making using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: A comparative perspective. Inf Sci 281:97–112Chen LH, Xu ZS (2014) A prioritized aggregation operator based on the OWA operator and prioritized measures. J Intell Fuzzy Syst 27:1297–1307Chen LH, Xu ZS, Yu XH (2014a) Prioritized measure-guided aggregation operators. IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst 22:1127–1138Chen LH, Xu ZS, Yu XH (2014b) Weakly prioritized measure aggregation in prioritized multicriteria decision making. Int J Intell Syst 29:439–461CHJ (2016). JĂșcar river basin authority http://www.chj.es/CHS (2016). Segura river basin authority http://www.chsegura.es/Dong JY, Wan SP (2016) A new method for prioritized multi-criteria group decision making with triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. J Intell Fuzzy Syst 30:1719–1733EC (2000). Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23 2000 Establishing a Framework for Community Action in the Field of Water Policy. Official Journal of the European Communities, L327/1eL327/72 22.12.2000Jackson S, Tan P-L, Nolan S (2012) Tools to enhance public participation and confidence in the development of the Howard East aquifer water plan, Northern Territory. J Hydrol 474:22–28Jin FF, Ni ZW, Chen HY (2016) Note on “Hesitant fuzzy prioritized operators and their application to multiple attribute decision making”. Knowl-Based Syst 96:115–119Kentel E, Aral MM (2007) Fuzzy Multiobjective Decision-Making Approach for Groundwater Resources Management. J Hydrol Eng 12(2):206–217. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2007)12:2(206).Kirchherr J, Charles KJ, Walton MJ (2016) Multi-causal pathways of public opposition to dam project in Asia: A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Glob Environ Chang 41:33–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.08.001Llopis-Albert C, Pulido-Velazquez D (2015) Using MODFLOW code to approach transient hydraulic head with a sharp-interface solution. Hydrol Process 29(8):2052–2064. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10354Llopis-Albert C, Palacios-MarquĂ©s D, Soto-Acosta P (2015) Decision-making and stakeholders constructive participation in environmental projects. J Bus Res 68:1641–1644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.02.010Llopis-Albert C, MerigĂł JM, Xu Y, Huchang L (2017) Improving regional climate projections by prioritized aggregation via ordered weighted averaging operators. Environ Eng Sci. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2016.0546Maia R (2017) The WFD Implementation in the European Member States. Water Resour Manag 31(10):3043–3060. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-017-1723-5Malczewski J, Chapman T, Flegel C, Walters D, Shrubsole D, Healy MA (2003) GIS - multicriteria evaluation with ordered weighted averaging (OWA): case study of developing watershed management strategies. Environ Plan A 35:1769–1784. https://doi.org/10.1068/a35156MerigĂł JM, Casanovas M (2011) The uncertain generalized owa operator and its application to financial decision making. Int J Inf Technol Decis Mak 10(2):211–230MerigĂł JM, Yager RR (2013) Generalized moving averages, distance measures and OWA operators. Int J Uncertain, Fuzziness Knowl-Based Syst 21(4):533–559MerigĂł JM, Palacios-MarquĂ©s D, Ribeiro-Navarrete B (2015) Aggregation systems for sales forecasting. J Bus Res 68:2299–2304Mesiar R, StupnanovĂĄ A, Yager RR (2015) Generalizations of OWA Operators. IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst 23(6):2154–2162O’Hagan M (1988) Aggregating Template Rule Antecedents in Real-time Expert Systems with Fuzzy Set Logic. In: Proceedings of 22nd annual IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals. IEEE and Maple Press, Pacific Grove, Systems and Computers, pp 681–689Rahmani MA, Zarghami M (2013) A new approach to combine climate change projections by ordered weighting averaging operator; applications to northwestern provinces of Iran. Glob Planet Chang 102:41–50Ran LG, Wei GW (2015) Uncertain prioritized operators and their application to multiple attribute group decision making. Technol Econ Dev Econ 21:118–139Ruiz-Villaverde, A., GarcĂ­a-Rubio, M.A. (2017). Public Participation in European Water Management: from Theory to Practice. Water Resour Manag 31(8), 2479–2495. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-016-1355-1Sadiq R, Tesfamariam S (2007) Probability density functions based weights for ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators: An example of water quality indices. Eur J Oper Res 182:1350–1368Sadiq R, RodrĂ­guez MJ, Tesfamariam S (2010) Integrating indicators for performance assessment of small water utilities using ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators. Expert Syst Appl 37:4881–4891Verma R, Sharma B (2016) Prioritized information fusion method for triangular fuzzy information and its application to multiple attribute decision making. Int J Uncertain, Fuzziness Knowl-Based Syst 24:265–290Wang HM, Xu YJ, MerigĂł JM (2014) Prioritized aggregation for non-homogeneous group decision making in water resource management. Econ Comput Econ Cybern Stud Res 48(1):247–258Wei GW (2012) Hesitant fuzzy prioritized operators. Knowl-Based Syst 31:176–182Wei CP, Tang XJ (2012) Generalized prioritized aggregation operators. Int J Intell Syst 27:578–589Xu ZS (2005) An Overview of Methods for Determining OWA Weights. 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Int J Uncertain, Fuzziness Knowl-Based Syst 21:603–627Zhou LG, MerigĂł JM, Chen HY, Liu JP (2016) The optimal group continuous logarithm compatibility measure for interval multiplicative preference relations based on the COWGA operator. Inf Sci 328:250–26

    A process model for customer relationship management system selection

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    On prioritized weighted aggregation in multi-criteria decision making

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    This paper deals with multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems with multiple priorities, in which priority weights associated with the lower priority criteria are related to the satisfactions of the higher priority criteria. To do so, we first propose a prioritized weighted aggregation operator based on ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator and triangular norms (t-norms). In order to preserve the tradeoffs among the criteria in the same priority level, we suggest that the satisfaction degree regarding each priority level is viewed as a pseudo criterion. On the other hand, t-norms are used to model the priority relationships between the criteria in different priority levels. In particular, we show that strict Archimedean t-norms perform better in inducing priority weights. As Hamacher family of t-norms provides a wide class of strict Archimedean t-norms ranging from the product to weakestt-norm, Hamacher parameterized t-norms are used to induce the priority weight for each priority level. Furthermore, considering decision maker (DM)’s requirement toward higher priority levels, a benchmark based approach is proposed to induce priority weight for each priority level. In particular, Lukasiewicz implication is used to compute benchmark achievement for crisp requirements;target-oriented decision analysis is utilized to obtain the benchmark achievement for fuzzy requirements. Finally, some numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed prioritized aggregation technique as well as to compare with previous researches

    Innovation Issues in Water, Agriculture and Food

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    In a worldwide context of ever-growing competition for water and land, climate change, droughts and man-made water scarcity, and less-participatory water governance, agriculture faces the great challenge of producing enough food for a continually increasing population. In this line, this book provides a broad overview of innovation issues in the complex water–agriculture–food nexus, thus also relative to their interconnections and dependences. Issues refer to different spatial scales, from the field or the farm to the irrigation system or the river basin. Multidisciplinary approaches are used when analyzing the relationships between water, agriculture, and food security. The covered issues are quite diverse and include: innovation in crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficients and modeling; updates in research relative to crop water use and saving; irrigation scheduling and systems design; simulation models to support water and agricultural decisions; issues to cope with water scarcity and climate change; advances in water resource quality and sustainable uses; new tools for mapping and use of remote sensing information; and fostering a participative and inclusive governance of water for food security and population welfare. This book brings together a variety of contributions by leading international experts, professionals, and scholars in those diverse fields. It represents a major synthesis and state-of-the-art on various subjects, thus providing a valuable and updated resource for all researchers, professionals, policymakers, and post-graduate students interested in the complex world of the water–agriculture–food nexus