15 research outputs found

    The Reversible Temporal Process Language

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    Reversible debuggers help programmers to quickly find the causes of misbehaviours in concurrent programs. These debuggers can be founded on the well-studied theory of causal-consistent reversibility, which allows one to undo any action provided that its consequences are undone beforehand. Till now, causal-consistent reversibility never considered time, a key aspect in real world applications. Here, we study the interplay between reversibility and time in concurrent systems via a process algebra. The Temporal Process Language (TPL) by Hennessy and Regan is a well-understood extension of CCS with discrete-time and a timeout operator. We define revTPL, a reversible extension of TPL, and we show that it satisfies the properties expected from a causal-consistent reversible calculus. We show that, alternatively, revTPL can be interpreted as an extension of reversible CCS with time

    A case study for reversible computing: Reversible debugging of concurrent programs

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    Reversible computing allows one to run programs not only in the usual forward direction, but also backward. A main application area for reversible computing is debugging, where one can use reversibility to go backward from a visible misbehaviour towards the bug causing it. While reversible debugging of sequential systems is well understood, reversible debugging of concurrent and distributed systems is less settled. We present here two approaches for debugging concurrent programs, one based on backtracking, which undoes actions in reverse order of execution, and one based on causal consistency, which allows one to undo any action provided that its consequences, if any, are undone beforehand. The first approach tackles an imperative language with shared memory, while the second one considers a core of the functional message-passing language Erlang. Both the approaches are based on solid formal foundations

    The Reversible Temporal Process Language

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    Reversible debuggers help programmers to quickly find the causes of misbehaviours in concurrent programs. These debuggers can be founded on the well-studied theory of causal-consistent reversibility, which allows one to undo any action provided that its consequences are undone beforehand. Till now, causal-consistent reversibility never considered time, a key aspect in real world applications. Here, we study the interplay between reversibility and time in concurrent systems via a process algebra. The Temporal Process Language (TPL) by Hennessy and Regan is a well-understood extension of CCS with discrete-time and a timeout operator. We define revTPL, a reversible extension of TPL, and we show that it satisfies the properties expected from a causal-consistent reversible calculus. We show that, alternatively, revTPL can be interpreted as an extension of reversible CCS with time

    A General Approach to Derive Uncontrolled Reversible Semantics

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    Reversible computing is a paradigm where programs can execute backward as well as in the usual forward direction. Reversible computing is attracting interest due to its applications in areas as different as biochemical modelling, simulation, robotics and debugging, among others. In concurrent systems the main notion of reversible computing is called causal-consistent reversibility, and it allows one to undo an action if and only if its consequences, if any, have already been undone. This paper presents a general and automatic technique to define a causal-consistent reversible extension for given forward models. We support models defined using a reduction semantics in a specific format and consider a causality relation based on resources consumed and produced. The considered format is general enough to fit many formalisms studied in the literature on causal-consistent reversibility, notably Higher-Order ?-calculus and Core Erlang, an intermediate language in the Erlang compilation. Reversible extensions of these models in the literature are ad hoc, while we build them using the same general technique. This also allows us to show in a uniform way that a number of relevant properties, causal-consistency in particular, hold in the reversible extensions we build. Our technique also allows us to go beyond the reversible models in the literature: we cover a larger fragment of Core Erlang, including remote error handling based on links, which has never been considered in the reversibility literature

    A general approach to derive uncontrolled reversible semantics

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    Reversible computing is a paradigm where programs can execute backward as well as in the usual forward direction. Reversible computing is attracting interest due to its applications in areas as different as biochemical modelling, simulation, robotics and debugging, among others. In concurrent systems the main notion of reversible computing is called causal-consistent reversibility, and it allows one to undo an action if and only if its consequences, if any, have already been undone. This paper presents a general and automatic technique to define a causal-consistent reversible extension for given forward models. We support models defined using a reduction semantics in a specific format and consider a causality relation based on resources consumed and produced. The considered format is general enough to fit many formalisms studied in the literature on causal-consistent reversibility, notably Higher-Order π-calculus and Core Erlang, an intermediate language in the Erlang compilation. Reversible extensions of these models in the literature are ad hoc, while we build them using the same general technique. This also allows us to show in a uniform way that a number of relevant properties, causal-consistency in particular, hold in the reversible extensions we build. Our technique also allows us to go beyond the reversible models in the literature: we cover a larger fragment of Core Erlang, including remote error handling based on links, which has never been considered in the reversibility literature

    A Case Study for Reversible Computing: Reversible Debugging of Concurrent Programs

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    International audienceReversible computing allows one to run programs not only in the usual forward direction, but also backward. A main application area for reversible computing is debugging, where one can use reversibility to go backward from a visible misbehaviour towards the bug causing it. While reversible debugging of sequential systems is well understood, reversible debugging of concurrent and distributed systems is less settled. We present here two approaches for debugging concurrent programs, one based on backtracking, which undoes actions in reverse order of execution, and one based on causal consistency, which allows one to undo any action provided that its consequences, if any, are undone beforehand. The first approach tackles an imperative language with shared memory, while the second one considers a core of the functional message-passing language Erlang. Both the approaches are based on solid formal foundations

    An Axiomatic Approach to Reversible Computation

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    Undoing computations of a concurrent system is beneficial inmany situations, e.g., in reversible debugging of multi-threaded programsand in recovery from errors due to optimistic execution in parallel dis-crete event simulation. A number of approaches have been proposed forhow to reverse formal models of concurrent computation including pro-cess calculi such as CCS, languages like Erlang, prime eventstructuresand occurrence nets. However it has not been settled what properties areversible system should enjoy, nor how the various properties that havebeen suggested, such as the parabolic lemma and the causal-consistencyproperty, are related. We contribute to a solution to these issues by usinga generic labelled transition system equipped with a relationcapturingwhether transitions are independent to explore the implications betweenthese properties. In particular, we show how they are derivable from aset of axioms. Our intention is that when establishing properties of someformalism it will be easier to verify the axioms rather than proving prop-erties such as the parabolic lemma directly. We also introduce two newnotions related to causal consistent reversibility, namely causal safetyand causal liveness, and show that they are derivable from our axioms

    A parametric framework for reversible pi-calculi

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    This paper presents a study of causality in a reversible, concurrent setting. There exist various notions of causality inπ-calculus, which differ in the treatment of parallel extrusions of the same name. Hence, by using a parametric way of bookkeeping the order and the dependencies among extruders it is possible to map different causal semantics into the same framework. Starting from this simple observation, we present a uniform framework forreversibleπ-calculi that is parametric with respect to a data structure that stores information about the extrusion of a name. Different data structures yield different approaches to the parallel extrusion problem. We map three well-known causal semantics into our framework. We prove causal-consistency for the three instances of our framework. Furthermore, we prove a causal correspondence between the appropriate instances of the framework and the Boreale-Sangiorgi semantics and an operational correspondence with the reversibleπ-calculus causal semantics

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first