11,752 research outputs found

    Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites

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    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological sites are important activities necessary to prevent damage or to perform restoration on cultural heritage. Standard techniques, like mapping and digitizing, are typically used to document the status of such sites. While these task are normally accomplished manually by humans, this is not possible when dealing with hard-to-access areas. For example, due to the possibility of structural collapses, underground tunnels like catacombs are considered highly unstable environments. Moreover, they are full of radioactive gas radon that limits the presence of people only for few minutes. The progress recently made in the artificial intelligence and robotics field opened new possibilities for mobile robots to be used in locations where humans are not allowed to enter. The ROVINA project aims at developing autonomous mobile robots to make faster, cheaper and safer the monitoring of archaeological sites. ROVINA will be evaluated on the catacombs of Priscilla (in Rome) and S. Gennaro (in Naples)

    Coloring the Past: Neural Historical Buildings Reconstruction from Archival Photography

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    Historical buildings are a treasure and milestone of human cultural heritage. Reconstructing the 3D models of these building hold significant value. The rapid development of neural rendering methods makes it possible to recover the 3D shape only based on archival photographs. However, this task presents considerable challenges due to the limitations of such datasets. Historical photographs are often limited in number and the scenes in these photos might have altered over time. The radiometric quality of these images is also often sub-optimal. To address these challenges, we introduce an approach to reconstruct the geometry of historical buildings, employing volumetric rendering techniques. We leverage dense point clouds as a geometric prior and introduce a color appearance embedding loss to recover the color of the building given limited available color images. We aim for our work to spark increased interest and focus on preserving historical buildings. Thus, we also introduce a new historical dataset of the Hungarian National Theater, providing a new benchmark for the reconstruction method

    Transforming Information Into Knowledge

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    Development and evaluation of a digital tool for virtual reconstruction of historic Islamic geometric patterns

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    For the purpose of cultural heritage preservation, the task of recording and reconstructing visually complicated architectural geometrical patterns is facing many practical challenges. Existing traditional technologies rely heavily on the subjective nature of our perceptual power in understanding its complexity and depicting its color differences. This study explores one possible solution, through utilizing digital techniques for reconstructing detailed historical Islamic geometric patterns. Its main hypothesis is that digital techniques offer many advantages over the human eye in terms of recognizing subtle differences in light and color. The objective of the study is to design, test and evaluate an automatic visual tool for identifying deteriorated or incomplete archaeological Islamic geometrical patterns captured in digital images, and then restoring them digitally, for the purpose of producing accurate 2D reconstructed metric models. An experimental approach is used to develop, test and evaluate the specialized software. The goal of the experiment is to analyze the output reconstructed patterns for the purpose of evaluating the digital tool in respect to reliability and structural accuracy, from the point of view of the researcher in the context of historic preservation. The research encapsulates two approaches within its methodology; Qualitative approach is evident in the process of program design, algorithm selection, and evaluation. Quantitative approach is manifested through using mathematical knowledge of pattern generation to interpret available data and to simulate the rest based on it. The reconstruction process involves induction, deduction and analogy. The proposed method was proven to be successful in capturing the accurate structural geometry of the deteriorated straight-lines patterns generated based on the octagon-square basic grid. This research also concluded that it is possible to apply the same conceptual method to reconstruct all two-dimensional Islamic geometric patterns. Moreover, the same methodology can be applied to reconstruct many other pattern systems. The conceptual framework proposed by this study can serve as a platform for developing professional softwares related to historic documentation. Future research should be directed more towards developing artificial intelligence and pattern recognition techniques that have the ability to suplement human power in accomplishing difficult tasks

    Virtual 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery Using Coarse Registration

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    The 3D reconstruction of objects has not only improved visualisation of digitised objects, it has helped researchers to actively carry out archaeological pottery. Reconstructing pottery is significant in archaeology but is challenging task among practitioners. For one, excavated potteries are hardly complete to provide exhaustive and useful information, hence archaeologists attempt to reconstruct them with available tools and methods. It is also challenging to apply existing reconstruction approaches in archaeological documentation. This limitation makes it difficult to carry out studies within a reasonable time. Hence, interest has shifted to developing new ways of reconstructing archaeological artefacts with new techniques and algorithms. Therefore, this study focuses on providing interventions that will ease the challenges encountered in reconstructing archaeological pottery. It applies a data acquisition approach that uses a 3D laser scanner to acquire point cloud data that clearly show the geometric and radiometric properties of the object’s surface. The acquired data is processed to remove noise and outliers before undergoing a coarse-to-fine registration strategy which involves detecting and extracting keypoints from the point clouds and estimating descriptions with them. Additionally, correspondences are estimated between point pairs, leading to a pairwise and global registration of the acquired point clouds. The peculiarity of the approach of this thesis is in its flexibility due to the peculiar nature of the data acquired. This improves the efficiency, robustness and accuracy of the approach. The approach and findings show that the use of real 3D dataset can attain good results when used with right tools. High resolution lenses and accurate calibration help to give accurate results. While the registration accuracy attained in the study lies between 0.08 and 0.14 mean squared error for the data used, further studies will validate this result. The results obtained are nonetheless useful for further studies in 3D pottery reassembly

    A Survey of Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage

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    We present a review of recent techniques for performing geometric analysis in cultural heritage (CH) applications. The survey is aimed at researchers in the areas of computer graphics, computer vision and CH computing, as well as to scholars and practitioners in the CH field. The problems considered include shape perception enhancement, restoration and preservation support, monitoring over time, object interpretation and collection analysis. All of these problems typically rely on an understanding of the structure of the shapes in question at both a local and global level. In this survey, we discuss the different problem forms and review the main solution methods, aided by classification criteria based on the geometric scale at which the analysis is performed and the cardinality of the relationships among object parts exploited during the analysis. We finalize the report by discussing open problems and future perspectives

    Digital reintegration of distributed mural paintings at different architectural phases: the case of St. Quirze de Pedret

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    Sant Quirze de Pedret is a Romanesque church located in Cercs (Catalonia, Spain) at the foothills of the Pyrenees. Its walls harbored one of the most important examples of mural paintings in Catalan Romanesque Art. However, in two different campaigns (in 1921 and 1937) the paintings were removed using the strappo technique and transferred to museums for safekeeping. This detachment protected the paintings from being sold in the art market, but at the price of breaking the integrity of the monument. Nowadays, the paintings are exhibited in the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - MNAC (Barcelona, Catalonia) and the Museu Diocesà i Comarcal de Solsona - MDCS (Solsona, Catalonia). Some fragments of the paintings are still on the walls of the church. In this work, we present the methodology to digitally reconstruct the church building at its different phases and group the dispersed paintings in a single virtual church, commissioned by the MDCS. We have combined 3D reconstruction (LIDAR and photogrammetric using portable artificial illumination) and modeling techniques (including texture transfer between different shapes) to recover the integrity of the monument in a single 3D virtual model. Furthermore, we have reconstructed the church building at different significant historical moments and placed actual paintings on its virtual walls, based on archaeological knowledge. This set of 3D models allows experts and visitors to better understand the monument as a whole, the relations between the different paintings, and its evolution over time.The project has been promoted by the Museu Diocesà i Comarcal de Solsona (special thanks are due to Carles Freixes and Lídia Fàbregas), co-financed by "La Caixa" Foundation and the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Likewise, the work presented here counted with the support of MEIC (Spanish Government) project 3D4LIFE (TIN-2017-88515-C2), PRECA II of the Universitat de Barcelona (HAR2017-84451-P) and EHEM (JPICH0127 Conservation, Protection and Use, PCI2020-111979). The high-resolution photographs of the paintings are by Gaetano Alfano (Università degli Studi della Tuscia).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    With the use of stereolithography, one of the most widespread and old rapid prototyping techniques, it is possible to reproduce objects, damaged or missing parts, faithful replicas of interest in the field of Cultural Heritage. In this work, some of the applications of the stereolithography technique to replicate objects or missing parts of artistic or cultural interest, are illustrated. The aim of the Authors is to highlight the potential, the advantages, and also the limits if any, of this technique when applied in the field of Cultural Heritage for various needs, reporting some real cases of objects obtained in the laboratory with stereolithography

    Fuentes de color mejoradas para el modelado tridimensional de artefactos arqueológicos de tamaño medio localizados in situ.

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    [EN] The paper describes a color enhanced processing system - applied as case study on an artifact of the Pompeii archaeological area - developed in order to enhance different techniques for reality-based 3D models construction and visualization of archaeological artifacts. This processing allows rendering reflectance properties with perceptual fidelity on a consumer display and presents two main improvements over existing techniques: a. the color definition of the archaeological artifacts; b. the comparison between the range-based and photogrammetry-based pipelines to understand the limits of use and suitability to specific objects.[ES] El documento describe un sistema mejorado de procesamiento de color, aplicado como caso de estudio sobre un artefacto de la zona arqueológica de Pompeya. Este sistema se ha desarrollado con la finalidad de mejorar las diferentes técnicas para la construcción de modelos 3D basados sobre datos de la realidad y para la visualización de artefactos arqueológicos. Este proceso permite visualizar las propiedades de reflectancia con fidelidad perceptible en una pantalla de usuario y presenta dos mejoras principales respecto a las técnicas existentes:a. la definición del color de los artefactos arqueológicos;b. la comparación entre los flujos de trabajo basados en range-based-modeling y en fotogrametría, para entender los límites de uso y la adecuación a los objetos específicos.Apollonio, FI.; Ballabeni, M.; Gaiani, M. (2014). Color enhanced pipelines for reality-based 3D modeling of on site medium sized archeological artifacts. Virtual Archaeology Review. 5(10):59-76. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2014.4218OJS5976510AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN (2014), http://www.agisoft.ru.ALLEN P., FEINER S., et al. 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    Material Recognition Meets 3D Reconstruction : Novel Tools for Efficient, Automatic Acquisition Systems

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    For decades, the accurate acquisition of geometry and reflectance properties has represented one of the major objectives in computer vision and computer graphics with many applications in industry, entertainment and cultural heritage. Reproducing even the finest details of surface geometry and surface reflectance has become a ubiquitous prerequisite in visual prototyping, advertisement or digital preservation of objects. However, today's acquisition methods are typically designed for only a rather small range of material types. Furthermore, there is still a lack of accurate reconstruction methods for objects with a more complex surface reflectance behavior beyond diffuse reflectance. In addition to accurate acquisition techniques, the demand for creating large quantities of digital contents also pushes the focus towards fully automatic and highly efficient solutions that allow for masses of objects to be acquired as fast as possible. This thesis is dedicated to the investigation of basic components that allow an efficient, automatic acquisition process. We argue that such an efficient, automatic acquisition can be realized when material recognition "meets" 3D reconstruction and we will demonstrate that reliably recognizing the materials of the considered object allows a more efficient geometry acquisition. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis are given by the development of novel, robust geometry acquisition techniques for surface materials beyond diffuse surface reflectance, and the development of novel, robust techniques for material recognition. In the context of 3D geometry acquisition, we introduce an improvement of structured light systems, which are capable of robustly acquiring objects ranging from diffuse surface reflectance to even specular surface reflectance with a sufficient diffuse component. We demonstrate that the resolution of the reconstruction can be increased significantly for multi-camera, multi-projector structured light systems by using overlappings of patterns that have been projected under different projector poses. As the reconstructions obtained by applying such triangulation-based techniques still contain high-frequency noise due to inaccurately localized correspondences established for images acquired under different viewpoints, we furthermore introduce a novel geometry acquisition technique that complements the structured light system with additional photometric normals and results in significantly more accurate reconstructions. In addition, we also present a novel method to acquire the 3D shape of mirroring objects with complex surface geometry. The aforementioned investigations on 3D reconstruction are accompanied by the development of novel tools for reliable material recognition which can be used in an initial step to recognize the present surface materials and, hence, to efficiently select the subsequently applied appropriate acquisition techniques based on these classified materials. In the scope of this thesis, we therefore focus on material recognition for scenarios with controlled illumination as given in lab environments as well as scenarios with natural illumination that are given in photographs of typical daily life scenes. Finally, based on the techniques developed in this thesis, we provide novel concepts towards efficient, automatic acquisition systems
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