547 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection Using ANFIS, FFA and EPSO Algorithms

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    Objectives: Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal   gives   a   viable perception about the neurological action of the human brain that aids the detection of epilepsy. The objective of this study is to build an accurate automated hybrid model for epileptic seizure detection. Methods: This work develops a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) machine learning model which can spontaneously classify pre-ictal and ictal EEG signals. In the proposed method two most effective nature inspired algorithms, Firefly algorithm (FFA) and Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) are used to determine the optimum parameters of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) network. Results: Compared to the FFA and EPSO algorithm separately, the composite (ANFIS+FFA+EPSO) optimization algorithm outperforms in all respects. The proposed technique achieved accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of 99.87%, 98.71% and 100% respectively. Conclusion: The ANFIS-FFA-EPSO method is able to enhance the seizure detection outcomes for demand forecast in hospital

    A Research Platform for Artificial Neural Networks with Applications in Pediatric Epilepsy

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    This dissertation established a state-of-the-art programming tool for designing and training artificial neural networks (ANNs) and showed its applicability to brain research. The developed tool, called NeuralStudio, allows users without programming skills to conduct studies based on ANNs in a powerful and very user friendly interface. A series of unique features has been implemented in NeuralStudio, such as ROC analysis, cross-validation, network averaging, topology optimization, and optimization of the activation function’s slopes. It also included a Support Vector Machines module for comparison purposes. Once the tool was fully developed, it was applied to two studies in brain research. In the first study, the goal was to create and train an ANN to detect epileptic seizures from subdural EEG. This analysis involved extracting features from the spectral power in the gamma frequencies. In the second application, a unique method was devised to link EEG recordings to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. The contribution of this method consisted of developing a descriptor matrix that can be used to represent any EEG file regarding its duration and the number of electrodes. The first study showed that the inter-electrode mean of the spectral power in the gamma frequencies and its duration above a specific threshold performs better than the other frequencies in seizure detection, exhibiting an accuracy of 95.90%, a sensitivity of 92.59%, and a specificity of 96.84%. The second study yielded that Hjorth’s parameter activity is sufficient to accurately relate EEG to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. After testing, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the classifier were all above 0.9667. Statistical tests measured the superiority of activity at over 99.99 % certainty. It was demonstrated that 1) the spectral power in the gamma frequencies is highly effective in locating seizures from EEG and 2) activity can be used to link EEG recordings to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. These two studies required high computational load and could be addressed thanks to NeuralStudio. From a medical perspective, both methods proved the merits of NeuralStudio in brain research applications. For its outstanding features, NeuralStudio has been recently awarded a patent (US patent No. 7502763)

    Deep Cellular Recurrent Neural Architecture for Efficient Multidimensional Time-Series Data Processing

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    Efficient processing of time series data is a fundamental yet challenging problem in pattern recognition. Though recent developments in machine learning and deep learning have enabled remarkable improvements in processing large scale datasets in many application domains, most are designed and regulated to handle inputs that are static in time. Many real-world data, such as in biomedical, surveillance and security, financial, manufacturing and engineering applications, are rarely static in time, and demand models able to recognize patterns in both space and time. Current machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models adapted for time series processing tend to grow in complexity and size to accommodate the additional dimensionality of time. Specifically, the biologically inspired learning based models known as artificial neural networks that have shown extraordinary success in pattern recognition, tend to grow prohibitively large and cumbersome in the presence of large scale multi-dimensional time series biomedical data such as EEG. Consequently, this work aims to develop representative ML and DL models for robust and efficient large scale time series processing. First, we design a novel ML pipeline with efficient feature engineering to process a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG dataset for automated detection of epileptic seizures. With the use of a sophisticated yet computationally efficient time-frequency analysis technique known as harmonic wavelet packet transform and an efficient self-similarity computation based on fractal dimension, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for automated seizure detection in EEG data. Subsequently, we investigate the development of a novel efficient deep recurrent learning model for large scale time series processing. For this, we first study the functionality and training of a biologically inspired neural network architecture known as cellular simultaneous recurrent neural network (CSRN). We obtain a generalization of this network for multiple topological image processing tasks and investigate the learning efficacy of the complex cellular architecture using several state-of-the-art training methods. Finally, we develop a novel deep cellular recurrent neural network (CDRNN) architecture based on the biologically inspired distributed processing used in CSRN for processing time series data. The proposed DCRNN leverages the cellular recurrent architecture to promote extensive weight sharing and efficient, individualized, synchronous processing of multi-source time series data. Experiments on a large scale multi-channel scalp EEG, and a machine fault detection dataset show that the proposed DCRNN offers state-of-the-art recognition performance while using substantially fewer trainable recurrent units

    Artificial immune system and particle swarm optimization for electroencephalogram based epileptic seizure classification

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    Automated analysis of brain activity from electroencephalogram (EEG) has indispensable applications in many fields such as epilepsy research. This research has studied the abilities of negative selection and clonal selection in artificial immune system (AIS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to produce different reliable and efficient methods for EEG-based epileptic seizure recognition which have not yet been explored. Initially, an optimization-based classification model was proposed to describe an individual use of clonal selection and PSO to build nearest centroid classifier for EEG signals. Next, two hybrid optimization-based negative selection models were developed to investigate the integration of the AIS-based techniques and negative selection with PSO from the perspective of classification and detection. In these models, a set of detectors was created by negative selection as self-tolerant and their quality was improved towards non-self using clonal selection or PSO. The models included a mechanism to maintain the diversity and generality among the detectors. The detectors were produced in the classification model for each class, while the detection model generated the detectors only for the abnormal class. These hybrid models differ from each other in hybridization configuration, solution representation and objective function. The three proposed models were abstracted into innovative methods by applying clonal selection and PSO for optimization, namely clonal selection classification algorithm (CSCA), particle swarm classification algorithm (PSCA), clonal negative selection classification algorithm (CNSCA), swarm negative selection classification algorithm (SNSCA), clonal negative selection detection algorithm (CNSDA) and swarm negative selection detection algorithm (SNSDA). These methods were evaluated on EEG data using common measures in medical diagnosis. The findings demonstrated that the methods can efficiently achieve a reliable recognition of epileptic activity in EEG signals. Although CNSCA gave the best performance, CNSDA and SNSDA are preferred due to their efficiency in time and space. A comparison with other methods in the literature showed the competitiveness of the proposed methods

    Otimização multi-objetivo em aprendizado de máquina

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    Orientador: Fernando José Von ZubenTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Regressão logística multinomial regularizada, classificação multi-rótulo e aprendizado multi-tarefa são exemplos de problemas de aprendizado de máquina em que objetivos conflitantes, como funções de perda e penalidades que promovem regularização, devem ser simultaneamente minimizadas. Portanto, a perspectiva simplista de procurar o modelo de aprendizado com o melhor desempenho deve ser substituída pela proposição e subsequente exploração de múltiplos modelos de aprendizado eficientes, cada um caracterizado por um compromisso (trade-off) distinto entre os objetivos conflitantes. Comitês de máquinas e preferências a posteriori do tomador de decisão podem ser implementadas visando explorar adequadamente este conjunto diverso de modelos de aprendizado eficientes, em busca de melhoria de desempenho. A estrutura conceitual multi-objetivo para aprendizado de máquina é suportada por três etapas: (1) Modelagem multi-objetivo de cada problema de aprendizado, destacando explicitamente os objetivos conflitantes envolvidos; (2) Dada a formulação multi-objetivo do problema de aprendizado, por exemplo, considerando funções de perda e termos de penalização como objetivos conflitantes, soluções eficientes e bem distribuídas ao longo da fronteira de Pareto são obtidas por um solver determinístico e exato denominado NISE (do inglês Non-Inferior Set Estimation); (3) Esses modelos de aprendizado eficientes são então submetidos a um processo de seleção de modelos que opera com preferências a posteriori, ou a filtragem e agregação para a síntese de ensembles. Como o NISE é restrito a problemas de dois objetivos, uma extensão do NISE capaz de lidar com mais de dois objetivos, denominada MONISE (do inglês Many-Objective NISE), também é proposta aqui, sendo uma contribuição adicional que expande a aplicabilidade da estrutura conceitual proposta. Para atestar adequadamente o mérito da nossa abordagem multi-objetivo, foram realizadas investigações mais específicas, restritas à aprendizagem de modelos lineares regularizados: (1) Qual é o mérito relativo da seleção a posteriori de um único modelo de aprendizado, entre os produzidos pela nossa proposta, quando comparado com outras abordagens de modelo único na literatura? (2) O nível de diversidade dos modelos de aprendizado produzidos pela nossa proposta é superior àquele alcançado por abordagens alternativas dedicadas à geração de múltiplos modelos de aprendizado? (3) E quanto à qualidade de predição da filtragem e agregação dos modelos de aprendizado produzidos pela nossa proposta quando aplicados a: (i) classificação multi-classe, (ii) classificação desbalanceada, (iii) classificação multi-rótulo, (iv) aprendizado multi-tarefa, (v) aprendizado com multiplos conjuntos de atributos? A natureza determinística de NISE e MONISE, sua capacidade de lidar adequadamente com a forma da fronteira de Pareto em cada problema de aprendizado, e a garantia de sempre obter modelos de aprendizado eficientes são aqui pleiteados como responsáveis pelos resultados promissores alcançados em todas essas três frentes de investigação específicasAbstract: Regularized multinomial logistic regression, multi-label classification, and multi-task learning are examples of machine learning problems in which conflicting objectives, such as losses and regularization penalties, should be simultaneously minimized. Therefore, the narrow perspective of looking for the learning model with the best performance should be replaced by the proposition and further exploration of multiple efficient learning models, each one characterized by a distinct trade-off among the conflicting objectives. Committee machines and a posteriori preferences of the decision-maker may be implemented to properly explore this diverse set of efficient learning models toward performance improvement. The whole multi-objective framework for machine learning is supported by three stages: (1) The multi-objective modelling of each learning problem, explicitly highlighting the conflicting objectives involved; (2) Given the multi-objective formulation of the learning problem, for instance, considering loss functions and penalty terms as conflicting objective functions, efficient solutions well-distributed along the Pareto front are obtained by a deterministic and exact solver named NISE (Non-Inferior Set Estimation); (3) Those efficient learning models are then subject to a posteriori model selection, or to ensemble filtering and aggregation. Given that NISE is restricted to two objective functions, an extension for many objectives, named MONISE (Many Objective NISE), is also proposed here, being an additional contribution and expanding the applicability of the proposed framework. To properly access the merit of our multi-objective approach, more specific investigations were conducted, restricted to regularized linear learning models: (1) What is the relative merit of the a posteriori selection of a single learning model, among the ones produced by our proposal, when compared with other single-model approaches in the literature? (2) Is the diversity level of the learning models produced by our proposal higher than the diversity level achieved by alternative approaches devoted to generating multiple learning models? (3) What about the prediction quality of ensemble filtering and aggregation of the learning models produced by our proposal on: (i) multi-class classification, (ii) unbalanced classification, (iii) multi-label classification, (iv) multi-task learning, (v) multi-view learning? The deterministic nature of NISE and MONISE, their ability to properly deal with the shape of the Pareto front in each learning problem, and the guarantee of always obtaining efficient learning models are advocated here as being responsible for the promising results achieved in all those three specific investigationsDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica2014/13533-0FAPES

    Examining applying high performance genetic data feature selection and classification algorithms for colon cancer diagnosis

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    Background and Objectives: This paper examines the accuracy and efficiency (time complexity) of high performance genetic data feature selection and classification algorithms for colon cancer diagnosis. The need for this research derives from the urgent and increasing need for accurate and efficient algorithms. Colon cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, hence it is vitally important for the cancer tissues to be expertly identified and classified in a rapid and timely manner, to assure both a fast detection of the disease and to expedite the drug discovery process. Methods: In this research, a three-phase approach was proposed and implemented: Phases One and Two examined the feature selection algorithms and classification algorithms employed separately, and Phase Three examined the performance of the combination of these. Results: It was found from Phase One that the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm performed best with the colon dataset as a feature selection (29 genes selected) and from Phase Two that the Sup- port Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm outperformed other classifications, with an accuracy of almost 86%. It was also found from Phase Three that the combined use of PSO and SVM surpassed other algorithms in accuracy and performance, and was faster in terms of time analysis (94%). Conclusions: It is concluded that applying feature selection algorithms prior to classification algorithms results in better accuracy than when the latter are applied alone. This conclusion is important and significant to industry and society

    A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Intrusion Detection in Networks

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    An intrusion detection system, often known as an IDS, is extremely important for preventing attacks on a network, violating network policies, and gaining unauthorized access to a network. The effectiveness of IDS is highly dependent on data preprocessing techniques and classification models used to enhance accuracy and reduce model training and testing time. For the purpose of anomaly identification, researchers have developed several machine learning and deep learning-based algorithms; nonetheless, accurate anomaly detection with low test and train times remains a challenge. Using a hybrid feature selection approach and a deep neural network- (DNN-) based classifier, the authors of this research suggest an enhanced intrusion detection system (IDS). In order to construct a subset of reduced and optimal features that may be used for classification, a hybrid feature selection model that consists of three methods, namely, chi square, ANOVA, and principal component analysis (PCA), is applied. These methods are referred to as “the big three.” On the NSL-KDD dataset, the suggested model receives training and is then evaluated. The proposed method was successful in achieving the following results: a reduction of input data by 40%, an average accuracy of 99.73%, a precision score of 99.75%, an F1 score of 99.72%, and an average training and testing time of 138% and 2.7 seconds, respectively. The findings of the experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to the performance of the other comparison approaches.publishedVersio