9 research outputs found

    Finitary non-compositional proof systems for ASL in first-order

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    In this paper we present finitary proof systems for the deduction of sentences from algebraic specifications inductively defined by specification expresssions in first-order and higher-order logic. Mainly, we redesign the proof systems for the reachability and behavioural operators. The main application of the result is to give an adequate representation of this kind of proof systems in a type-theoretic logical framework.Postprint (published version

    Behavioural and abstractor specifications revisited

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    In the area of algebraic specification there are two main approaches for defining observational abstraction: behavioural specifications use a notion of observational satisfaction for the axioms of a specification, whereas abstractor specifications define an abstraction from the standard semantics of a specification w.r.t. an observational equivalence relation between algebras. Earlier work by Bidoit, Hennicker, Wirsing has shown that in the case of first-order logic specifications both concepts coincide semantically under mild assumptions. Analogous results have been shown by Sannella and Hofmann for higher-order logic specifications and recently, by Hennicker and Madeira, for specifications of reactive systems using a dynamic logic with binders. In this paper, we bring these results into a common setting: we isolate a small set of characteristic principles to express the behaviour/abstractor equivalence and show that all three mentioned specification frameworks satisfy these principles and therefore their behaviour and abstractor specifications coincide semantically (under mild assumptions). As a new case we consider observational modal logic where observational satisfaction of Hennessy–Milner logic formulae is defined “up to” silent transitions and observational abstraction is defined by weak bisimulation. We show that in this case the behaviour/abstractor equivalence can only be obtained, if we restrict models to weakly deterministic labelled transition systems.publishe

    Behavioural and abstractor specifications

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    AbstractIn the literature, one can distinguish two main approaches to the definition of observational semantics of algebraic specifications. On one hand, observational semantics is defined using a notion of observational satisfaction for the axioms of the specifications and, on the other hand, one can define observational semantics by abstraction with respect to an observational equivalence relation between algebras. In this paper, we present an analysis and a comparative study of the different approaches in a more general framework which subsumes the observational case. The distinction between the different observational concepts is reflected by our notions of behavioural specification and abstractor specification. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the semantical equivalence of both kinds of specifications and we show that behavioural specifications can be characterized by an abstractor construction and, vice versa, abstractor specifications can be characterized in terms of behavioural specifications. Hence, there exists a duality between both concepts which allows to express each one by the other. We also study the relationships to fully abstract algebras which can be used for a further characterization of behavioural semantics. Finally, we provide proof-theoretic results which show that behavioural theories of specifications can be reduced to standard theories of some classes of algebras

    Behavioural reasoning for conditional equations

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    Object-oriented (OO) programming techniques can be applied to equational specification logics by distinguishing visible data from hidden data (that is, by distinguishing the output of methods from the objects to which the methods apply), and then focusing on the behavioural equivalence of hidden data in the sense introduced by H. Reichel in 1984. Equational specification logics structured in this way are called hidden equational logics, HELs. The central problem is how to extend the specification of a given HEL to a specification of behavioural equivalence in a computationally effective way. S. Buss and G. Roşu showed in 2000 that this is not possible in general, but much work has been done on the partial specification of behavioural equivalence for a wide class of HELs. The OO connection suggests the use of coalgebraic methods, and J. Goguen and his collaborators have developed coinductive processes that depend on an appropriate choice of a cobasis, which is a special set of contexts that generates a subset of the behavioural equivalence relation. In this paper the theoretical aspects of coinduction are investigated, specifically its role as a supplement to standard equational logic for determining behavioural equivalence. Various forms of coinduction are explored. A simple characterisation is given of those HELs that are behaviourally specifiable. Those sets of conditional equations that constitute a complete, finite cobasis for a HEL are characterised in terms of the HEL's specification. Behavioural equivalence, in the form of logical equivalence, is also an important concept for single-sorted logics, for example, sentential logics such as the classical propositional logic. The paper is an application of the methods developed through the extensive work that has been done in this area on HELs, and to a broader class of logics that encompasses both sentential logics and HELs. © 2007 Cambridge University Press.FCT via UIM

    Closure properties for the class of behavioral models

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    Hidden k-logics can be considered as the underlying logics of program specification. They constitute natural generalizations of k-deductive systems and encompass deductive systems as well as hidden equational logics and inequational logics. In our abstract algebraic approach, the data structures are sorted algebras endowed with a designated subset of their visible parts, called filter, which represents a set of truth values. We present a hierarchy of classes of hidden k-logics. The hidden k-logics in each class are characterized by three different kinds of conditions, namely, properties of their Leibniz operators, closure properties of the class of their behavioral models, and properties of their equivalence systems. Using equivalence systems, we obtain a new and more complete analysis of the axiomatization of the behavioral models. This is achieved by means of the Leibniz operator and its combinatorial properties. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.FCT via UIM

    On Behavioural Abstraction and Behavioural Satisfaction in Higher-Order Logic

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    The behavioural semantics of specifications with higher-order logical formulae as axioms is analyzed. A characterization of behavioural abstraction via behavioural satisfaction of formulae in which the equality symbol is interpreted as indistinguishability, which is due to Reichel and was recently generalized to the case of first-order logic by Bidoit et al, is further generalized to this case. The fact that higher-order logic is powerful enough to express the indistinguishability relation is used to characterize behavioural satisfaction in terms of ordinary satisfaction, and to develop new methods for reasoning about specifications under behavioural semantics. 1 Introduction An important ingredient in the use of algebraic specifications to describe data abstractions is the concept of behavioural equivalence between algebras, which seems to appropriately capture the "black box" character of data abstractions, see e.g. [GGM76], [GM82], [ST87] and [ST92]. Roughly speaking (since there a..

    On behavioural abstraction and behavioural satisfaction in higher-order logic

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    Type systems for modular programs and specifications

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