30,303 research outputs found

    Fixed point root-finding methods of fourth-order of convergence

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    [EN] In this manuscript, by using the weight-function technique, a new class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear problems is constructed, which includes many known schemes that can be obtained by choosing different weight functions. This weight function, depending on two different evaluations of the derivative, is the unique difference between the two steps of each method, which is unusual. As it is proven that all the members of the class are optimal methods in the sense of Kung-Traub¿s conjecture, the dynamical analysis is a good tool to determine the best elements of the family in terms of stability. Therefore, the dynamical behavior of this class on quadratic polynomials is studied in this work. We analyze the stability of the presented family from the multipliers of the fixed points and critical points, along with their associated parameter planes. In addition, this study enables us to select the members of the class with good stability properties.This research was partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades PGC2018-095896-B-C22 and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO/2016/089.Cordero Barbero, A.; Guasp, L.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2019). Fixed point root-finding methods of fourth-order of convergence. Symmetry (Basel). 11(6):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11060769S115116Van Sosin, B., & Elber, G. (2017). Solving piecewise polynomial constraint systems with decomposition and a subdivision-based solver. Computer-Aided Design, 90, 37-47. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2017.05.023Kung, H. T., & Traub, J. F. (1974). Optimal Order of One-Point and Multipoint Iteration. Journal of the ACM, 21(4), 643-651. doi:10.1145/321850.321860Cordero, A., Hueso, J. L., Martínez, E., & Torregrosa, J. R. (2009). A modified Newton-Jarratt’s composition. Numerical Algorithms, 55(1), 87-99. doi:10.1007/s11075-009-9359-zJarratt, P. (1966). Some fourth order multipoint iterative methods for solving equations. Mathematics of Computation, 20(95), 434-434. doi:10.1090/s0025-5718-66-99924-8Sharma, J. R., & Arora, H. (2013). Efficient Jarratt-like methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Calcolo, 51(1), 193-210. doi:10.1007/s10092-013-0097-1Hueso, J. L., Martínez, E., & Teruel, C. (2015). Convergence, efficiency and dynamics of new fourth and sixth order families of iterative methods for nonlinear systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 275, 412-420. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2014.06.010Ghorbanzadeh, M., & Soleymani, F. (2015). A Quartically Convergent Jarratt-Type Method for Nonlinear System of Equations. Algorithms, 8(3), 415-423. doi:10.3390/a8030415Blanchard, P. (1984). Complex analytic dynamics on the Riemann sphere. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 11(1), 85-142. doi:10.1090/s0273-0979-1984-15240-6Blanchard, P. (1995). The dynamics of Newton’s method. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 139-154. doi:10.1090/psapm/049/1315536Chicharro, F. I., Cordero, A., & Torregrosa, J. R. (2013). Drawing Dynamical and Parameters Planes of Iterative Families and Methods. The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 1-11. doi:10.1155/2013/78015

    Spectral Methods for Numerical Relativity. The Initial Data Problem

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    Numerical relativity has traditionally been pursued via finite differencing. Here we explore pseudospectral collocation (PSC) as an alternative to finite differencing, focusing particularly on the solution of the Hamiltonian constraint (an elliptic partial differential equation) for a black hole spacetime with angular momentum and for a black hole spacetime superposed with gravitational radiation. In PSC, an approximate solution, generally expressed as a sum over a set of orthogonal basis functions (e.g., Chebyshev polynomials), is substituted into the exact system of equations and the residual minimized. For systems with analytic solutions the approximate solutions converge upon the exact solution exponentially as the number of basis functions is increased. Consequently, PSC has a high computational efficiency: for solutions of even modest accuracy we find that PSC is substantially more efficient, as measured by either execution time or memory required, than finite differencing; furthermore, these savings increase rapidly with increasing accuracy. The solution provided by PSC is an analytic function given everywhere; consequently, no interpolation operators need to be defined to determine the function values at intermediate points and no special arrangements need to be made to evaluate the solution or its derivatives on the boundaries. Since the practice of numerical relativity by finite differencing has been, and continues to be, hampered by both high computational resource demands and the difficulty of formulating acceptable finite difference alternatives to the analytic boundary conditions, PSC should be further pursued as an alternative way of formulating the computational problem of finding numerical solutions to the field equations of general relativity.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, revtex, submitted to PR

    Status of the differential transformation method

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    Further to a recent controversy on whether the differential transformation method (DTM) for solving a differential equation is purely and solely the traditional Taylor series method, it is emphasized that the DTM is currently used, often only, as a technique for (analytically) calculating the power series of the solution (in terms of the initial value parameters). Sometimes, a piecewise analytic continuation process is implemented either in a numerical routine (e.g., within a shooting method) or in a semi-analytical procedure (e.g., to solve a boundary value problem). Emphasized also is the fact that, at the time of its invention, the currently-used basic ingredients of the DTM (that transform a differential equation into a difference equation of same order that is iteratively solvable) were already known for a long time by the "traditional"-Taylor-method users (notably in the elaboration of software packages --numerical routines-- for automatically solving ordinary differential equations). At now, the defenders of the DTM still ignore the, though much better developed, studies of the "traditional"-Taylor-method users who, in turn, seem to ignore similarly the existence of the DTM. The DTM has been given an apparent strong formalization (set on the same footing as the Fourier, Laplace or Mellin transformations). Though often used trivially, it is easily attainable and easily adaptable to different kinds of differentiation procedures. That has made it very attractive. Hence applications to various problems of the Taylor method, and more generally of the power series method (including noninteger powers) has been sketched. It seems that its potential has not been exploited as it could be. After a discussion on the reasons of the "misunderstandings" which have caused the controversy, the preceding topics are concretely illustrated.Comment: To appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation, 29 pages, references and further considerations adde

    A new approach for solving nonlinear Thomas-Fermi equation based on fractional order of rational Bessel functions

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    In this paper, the fractional order of rational Bessel functions collocation method (FRBC) to solve Thomas-Fermi equation which is defined in the semi-infinite domain and has singularity at x=0x = 0 and its boundary condition occurs at infinity, have been introduced. We solve the problem on semi-infinite domain without any domain truncation or transformation of the domain of the problem to a finite domain. This approach at first, obtains a sequence of linear differential equations by using the quasilinearization method (QLM), then at each iteration solves it by FRBC method. To illustrate the reliability of this work, we compare the numerical results of the present method with some well-known results in other to show that the new method is accurate, efficient and applicable

    A rational deferred correction approach to parabolic optimal control problems

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    The accurate and efficient solution of time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization problems is a challenging task, in large part due to the very high dimension of the matrix systems that need to be solved. We devise a new deferred correction method for coupled systems of time-dependent PDEs, allowing one to iteratively improve the accuracy of low-order time stepping schemes. We consider two variants of our method, a splitting and a coupling version, and analyze their convergence properties. We then test our approach on a number of PDE-constrained optimization problems. We obtain solution accuracies far superior to that achieved when solving a single discretized problem, in particular in cases where the accuracy is limited by the time discretization. Our approach allows for the direct reuse of existing solvers for the resulting matrix systems, as well as state-of-the-art preconditioning strategies
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