39,691 research outputs found

    The competences of command cadre of the airport fire service on the example of safety assurance of Warsaw Okęcie Airport

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    The globalization process in almost all spheres of our life causes a possibility of making equal living standards in all countries of the world. An introduction to globalization was undoubtedly the development of air transport which greatly accelerated the possibility of travelling on all continents. Along with the development of technology, airplanes used for carrying people and cargo become much better, quicker, but they also become more and more complicated in respect of their construction. This also gives rise to requirements that airports have to comply with, i.e. in order to receive super modern machines they must be equipped with modern navigational facilities, modern equipment for surface handling of airplanes and passengers. This, in turn, requires a continuous development of knowledge and competence from airport staff to be flexible in the constantly modernized environment. In consideration of a rapid development of air transport, and consequently its increasing importance for the world economy countries face a problem how to assure the high quality of aviation services, its access for a man-in-the-street, and first of all safety in its broad meaning, which is a synonym of quality in air transport. Nowadays, this is the main problem in air transport which has priority before the comfort of a traveller. Safety in aviation is approached in two dimensions – prevention of occurrence events and removal of results of unforeseeable incidents, accidents or catastrophes. A special part in this area is performed by the airport rescue and firefighting service, commonly called the Airport Fire Service (AFS). The main requirement for airport rescuers set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is conducting rescue and firefighting operations in case of an aircraft or airport incident (disaster) [...]

    Agricultural resources investigations in northern Italy and southern France, Agreste project. Part 1: Activity performed on the Italian test sites

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was found that the standard atmospheric correction procedure cannot be successfully applied to water targets if a better correlation of MSS data with radiance input to LANDSAT sensors was not reached. It was confirmed that the six line effect must be avoided unless more sophisticated data handling techniques allow subtraction of various amounts of path radiance for the six satellite detectors. The COPTRAN program for atmospheric corrections of scan angle influence on atmospheric path was modified and completed. Six rice varieties were discriminated in proportions ranging from 65 percent to more than 80 percent. The same techniques were applied to poplar groves with a 70 percent precision

    Remote terminal system evaluation

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    An Earth Resources Data Processing System was developed to evaluate the system for training, technology transfer, and data processing. In addition to the five sites included in this project two other sites were connected to the system under separate agreements. The experience of these two sites is discussed. The results of the remote terminal project are documented in seven reports: one from each of the five project sites, Purdue University, and an overview report summarizing the other six reports

    A critical review of the life sciences project management at Ames Research Center for the Spacelab Mission development test 3

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    A management study was initiated by ARC (Ames Research Center) to specify Spacelab Mission Development Test 3 activities and problems. This report documents the problems encountered and provides conclusions and recommendations to project management for current and future ARC life sciences projects. An executive summary of the conclusions and recommendations is provided. The report also addresses broader issues relevant to the conduct of future scientific missions under the constraints imposed by the space environment

    The Role of Legal Services in the Antipoverty Program

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    Large-scale adaptive radiations might explain the runaway success of a minority of extant vertebrate clades. This hypothesis predicts, among other things, rapid rates of morphological evolution during the early history of major groups, as lineages invade disparate ecological niches. However, few studies of adaptive radiation have included deep time data, so the links between extant diversity and major extinct radiations are unclear. The intensively studied Mesozoic dinosaur record provides a model system for such investigation, representing an ecologically diverse group that dominated terrestrial ecosystems for 170 million years. Furthermore, with 10,000 species, extant dinosaurs (birds) are the most speciose living tetrapod clade. We assembled composite trees of 614-622 Mesozoic dinosaurs/birds, and a comprehensive body mass dataset using the scaling relationship of limb bone robustness. Maximum-likelihood modelling and the node height test reveal rapid evolutionary rates and a predominance of rapid shifts among size classes in early (Triassic) dinosaurs. This indicates an early burst niche-filling pattern and contrasts with previous studies that favoured gradualistic rates. Subsequently, rates declined in most lineages, which rarely exploited new ecological niches. However, feathered maniraptoran dinosaurs (including Mesozoic birds) sustained rapid evolution from at least the Middle Jurassic, suggesting that these taxa evaded the effects of niche saturation. This indicates that a long evolutionary history of continuing ecological innovation paved the way for a second great radiation of dinosaurs, in birds. We therefore demonstrate links between the predominantly extinct deep time adaptive radiation of non-avian dinosaurs and the phenomenal diversification of birds, via continuing rapid rates of evolution along the phylogenetic stem lineage. This raises the possibility that the uneven distribution of biodiversity results not just from large-scale extrapolation of the process of adaptive radiation in a few extant clades, but also from the maintenance of evolvability on vast time scales across the history of life, in key lineages

    Risk and regulation of financial groups and conglomerates

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    Recent financial market trends, such as convergence and the spread of conglomerates have changed the nature and structure of the financial sector’s risk profile. The paper investigates this issue from a regulatory policy aspect. Regulatory failures in the 1990s (BCCI, Barings) and the development of the market demonstrate that even „best regulatory practice” does not fulfil the requirements of transparency and efficiency. We investigate the improvement of prudential legislation for financial groups on the example of EU legislation, summarize recommendations made by international forums, and present existing regulatory frameworks in certain countries. In the light of these we address major lacuna in the relevant Hungarian legislation, even going beyond requirements in the field of EU harmonization.financial convergence, financial conglomerates, prudential regulation, European Union, Hungary.