1,036 research outputs found

    Single-trial extraction of event-related potentials (ERPs) and classification of visual stimuli by ensemble use of discrete wavelet transform with Huffman coding and machine learning techniques

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    BackgroundPresentation of visual stimuli can induce changes in EEG signals that are typically detectable by averaging together data from multiple trials for individual participant analysis as well as for groups or conditions analysis of multiple participants. This study proposes a new method based on the discrete wavelet transform with Huffman coding and machine learning for single-trial analysis of evenal (ERPs) and classification of different visual events in the visual object detection task.MethodsEEG single trials are decomposed with discrete wavelet transform (DWT) up to the level of decomposition using a biorthogonal B-spline wavelet. The coefficients of DWT in each trial are thresholded to discard sparse wavelet coefficients, while the quality of the signal is well maintained. The remaining optimum coefficients in each trial are encoded into bitstreams using Huffman coding, and the codewords are represented as a feature of the ERP signal. The performance of this method is tested with real visual ERPs of sixty-eight subjects.ResultsThe proposed method significantly discards the spontaneous EEG activity, extracts the single-trial visual ERPs, represents the ERP waveform into a compact bitstream as a feature, and achieves promising results in classifying the visual objects with classification performance metrics: accuracies 93.60, sensitivities 93.55, specificities 94.85, precisions 92.50, and area under the curve (AUC) 0.93 using SVM and k-NN machine learning classifiers.ConclusionThe proposed method suggests that the joint use of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with Huffman coding has the potential to efficiently extract ERPs from background EEG for studying evoked responses in single-trial ERPs and classifying visual stimuli. The proposed approach has O(N) time complexity and could be implemented in real-time systems, such as the brain-computer interface (BCI), where fast detection of mental events is desired to smoothly operate a machine with minds

    A new method to detect event-related potentials based on Pearson\u2019s correlation

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) are widely used in brain-computer interface applications and in neuroscience. Normal EEG activity is rich in background noise, and therefore, in order to detect ERPs, it is usually necessary to take the average from multiple trials to reduce the effects of this noise. The noise produced by EEG activity itself is not correlated with the ERP waveform and so, by calculating the average, the noise is decreased by a factor inversely proportional to the square root of N, where N is the number of averaged epochs. This is the easiest strategy currently used to detect ERPs, which is based on calculating the average of all ERP\u2019s waveform, these waveforms being time- and phase-locked. In this paper, a new method called GW6 is proposed, which calculates the ERP using a mathematical method based only on Pearson\u2019s correlation. The result is a graph with the same time resolution as the classical ERP and which shows only positive peaks representing the increase\u2014in consonance with the stimuli\u2014in EEG signal correlation over all channels. This new method is also useful for selectively identifying and highlighting some hidden components of the ERP response that are not phase-locked, and that are usually hidden in the standard and simple method based on the averaging of all the epochs. These hidden components seem to be caused by variations (between each successive stimulus) of the ERP\u2019s inherent phase latency period (jitter), although the same stimulus across all EEG channels produces a reasonably constant phase. For this reason, this new method could be very helpful to investigate these hidden components of the ERP response and to develop applications for scientific and medical purposes. Moreover, this new method is more resistant to EEG artifacts than the standard calculations of the average and could be very useful in research and neurology. The method we are proposing can be directly used in the form of a process written in the well-known Matlab programming language and can be easily and quickly written in any other software language

    BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

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    Purpose: Brain–computer interface (BCI)-controlled assistive robotic systems have been developed with increasing success with the aim to rehabilitation of patients after brain injury to increase independence and quality of life. While such systems may use surgically implanted invasive sensors, non-invasive alternatives can be better suited due to the ease of use, reduced cost, improvements in accuracy and reliability with the advancement of the technology and practicality of use. The consumer-grade BCI devices are often capable of integrating multiple types of signals, including Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electromyogram (EMG) signals. Materials and Methods: This paper summarizes the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI-controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset “OpenBCI” and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm. To avoid risks of injury while the device is being used in clinical settings, appropriate measures were incorporated into the software control of the arm. A short survey was used following the system usability scale (SUS), to measure the usability of the technology to be trialed in clinical settings. Results: From the experimental results, it was found that EMG is a very reliable method for assistive technology control, provided that the user specific EMG calibration is done. With the EEG, even though the results were promising, due to insufficient detection of the signal, the controller was not adequate to be used within a neurorehabilitation environment. The survey indicated that the usability of the system is not a barrier for moving the system into clinical trials. Implication on rehabilitation For the rehabilitation of patients suffering from neurological disabilities (particularly those suffering from varying degrees of paralysis), it is necessary to develop technology that bypasses the limitations of their condition. For example, if a patient is unable to walk due to the unresponsiveness in their motor neurons, technology can be developed that used an alternate input to move an exoskeleton, which enables the patient to walk again with the assistance of the exoskeleton. This research focuses on neuro-rehabilitation within the framework of the NHS at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in UK. The hospital currently does not have any system in place for self-driven rehabilitation and instead relies on traditional rehabilitation methods through assistance from physicians and exercise regimens to maintain muscle movement. This paper summarises the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset “OpenBCI” and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm, which could perform a number of different tasks such as picking/placing objects or assist users in eating

    Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification

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    The imagination of limb movements offers an intuitive paradigm for the control of electronic devices via brain computer interfacing (BCI). The analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data related to motor imagery potentials has proved to be a difficult task. EEG readings are noisy, and the elicited patterns occur in different parts of the scalp, at different instants and at different frequencies. Wavelet transform has been widely used in the BCI field as it offers temporal and spectral capabilities, although it lacks spatial information. In this study we propose a tailored second generation wavelet to extract features from these three domains. This transform is applied over a graph representation of motor imaginary trials, which encodes temporal and spatial information. This graph is enhanced using per-subject knowledge in order to optimise the spatial relationships among the electrodes, and to improve the filter design. This method improves the performance of classifying different imaginary limb movements maintaining the low computational resources required by the lifting transform over graphs. By using an online dataset we were able to positively assess the feasibility of using the novel method in an online BCI context

    Ensemble of classifiers based data fusion of EEG and MRI for diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders

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    The prevalence of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are rising at an alarming rate as the average age of the population increases, especially in developing nations. The efficacy of the new medical treatments critically depends on the ability to diagnose these diseases at the earliest stages. To facilitate the availability of early diagnosis in community hospitals, an accurate, inexpensive, and noninvasive diagnostic tool must be made available. As biomarkers, the event related potentials (ERP) of the electroencephalogram (EEG) - which has previously shown promise in automated diagnosis - in addition to volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are relatively low cost and readily available tools that can be used as an automated diagnosis tool. 16-electrode EEG data were collected from 175 subjects afflicted with Alzheimer\u27s disease, Parkinson\u27s disease, mild cognitive impairment, as well as non-disease (normal control) subjects. T2 weighted MRI volumetric data were also collected from 161 of these subjects. Feature extraction methods were used to separate diagnostic information from the raw data. The EEG signals were decomposed using the discrete wavelet transform in order to isolate informative frequency bands. The MR images were processed through segmentation software to provide volumetric data of various brain regions in order to quantize potential brain tissue atrophy. Both of these data sources were utilized in a pattern recognition based classification algorithm to serve as a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s disease. Support vector machine and multilayer perceptron classifiers were used to create a classification algorithm trained with the EEG and MRI data. Extracted features were used to train individual classifiers, each learning a particular subset of the training data, whose decisions were combined using decision level fusion. Additionally, a severity analysis was performed to diagnose between various stages of AD as well as a cognitively normal state. The study found that EEG and MRI data hold complimentary information for the diagnosis of AD as well as PD. The use of both data types with a decision level fusion improves diagnostic accuracy over the diagnostic accuracy of each individual data source. In the case of AD only diagnosis, ERP data only provided a 78% diagnostic performance, MRI alone was 89% and ERP and MRI combined was 94%. For PD only diagnosis, ERP only performance was 67%, MRI only was 70%, and combined performance was 78%. MCI only diagnosis exhibited a similar effect with a 71% ERP performance, 82% MRI performance, and 85% combined performance. Diagnosis among three subject groups showed the same trend. For PD, AD, and normal diagnosis ERP only performance was 43%, MRI only was 66%, and combined performance was 71%. The severity analysis for mild AD, severe AD, and normal subjects showed the same combined effect

    EEG Processing for Fast and Efficient Analysis

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    Hobbies on the human body have never diminished and explore on it has never ceased since hundreds of years back. An investigation of EEG for examination of the creation of the cerebrum and intellectual methods for biomedical applications is progressing theme for exploration. For the legitimate conclusion of numerous neurological maladies, for example, epilepsy, tumors, issues connected with injury exact examination of EEG signs is key. Moreover, to upgrade the viability of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) frameworks it is obliged to focus systems for expanding the sign to-commotion proportion (SNR) of the watched EEG signals. EEG measured by setting cathodes on scalp generally has little abundancy in microvolts, so the examination of EEG information and the extraction of data from this information is a troublesome issue. This issue gets to be more entangled by the presentation of antiques, for example, line commotion from the force lattice, eye flickers, eye developments, pulse, breathing, and other muscle action. Discrete wavelet change offers a viable answer for denoising nonstationary EEG signals. In this paper, wavelet denoising is connected to EEG obtained amid performing diverse mental assignments. The initial decay of the EEG signal from database utilizing five unique sorts of wavelets viz. Haar, Daubechies, Symlet, Coiflet,Dmey is completed. In denoising process, the thresholding system utilized for expelling clamor from sullied EEG. Our goal to discover best suitable wavelet sort to specific errand which gave better execution measure, for example, bigger sign to-Noise Ratio (SNR). The EEG database from the Colorado state college is utilized for experimentation