6,601 research outputs found

    Invariance of visual operations at the level of receptive fields

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    Receptive field profiles registered by cell recordings have shown that mammalian vision has developed receptive fields tuned to different sizes and orientations in the image domain as well as to different image velocities in space-time. This article presents a theoretical model by which families of idealized receptive field profiles can be derived mathematically from a small set of basic assumptions that correspond to structural properties of the environment. The article also presents a theory for how basic invariance properties to variations in scale, viewing direction and relative motion can be obtained from the output of such receptive fields, using complementary selection mechanisms that operate over the output of families of receptive fields tuned to different parameters. Thereby, the theory shows how basic invariance properties of a visual system can be obtained already at the level of receptive fields, and we can explain the different shapes of receptive field profiles found in biological vision from a requirement that the visual system should be invariant to the natural types of image transformations that occur in its environment.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration

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    Spatially aligning medical images from different modalities remains a challenging task, especially for intraoperative applications that require fast and robust algorithms. We propose a weakly-supervised, label-driven formulation for learning 3D voxel correspondence from higher-level label correspondence, thereby bypassing classical intensity-based image similarity measures. During training, a convolutional neural network is optimised by outputting a dense displacement field (DDF) that warps a set of available anatomical labels from the moving image to match their corresponding counterparts in the fixed image. These label pairs, including solid organs, ducts, vessels, point landmarks and other ad hoc structures, are only required at training time and can be spatially aligned by minimising a cross-entropy function of the warped moving label and the fixed label. During inference, the trained network takes a new image pair to predict an optimal DDF, resulting in a fully-automatic, label-free, real-time and deformable registration. For interventional applications where large global transformation prevails, we also propose a neural network architecture to jointly optimise the global- and local displacements. Experiment results are presented based on cross-validating registrations of 111 pairs of T2-weighted magnetic resonance images and 3D transrectal ultrasound images from prostate cancer patients with a total of over 4000 anatomical labels, yielding a median target registration error of 4.2 mm on landmark centroids and a median Dice of 0.88 on prostate glands.Comment: Accepted to ISBI 201

    Physics of Deformed Special Relativity: Relativity Principle revisited

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    In many different ways, Deformed Special Relativity (DSR) has been argued to provide an effective limit of quantum gravity in almost-flat regime. Some experiments will soon be able to test some low energy effects of quantum gravity, and DSR is a very promising candidate to describe these latter. Unfortunately DSR is up to now plagued by many conceptual problems (in particular how it describes macroscopic objects) which forbids a definitive physical interpretation and clear predictions. Here we propose a consistent framework to interpret DSR. We extend the principle of relativity: the same way that Special Relativity showed us that the definition of a reference frame requires to specify its speed, we show that DSR implies that we must also take into account its mass. We further advocate a 5-dimensional point of view on DSR physics and the extension of the kinematical symmetry from the Poincare group to the Poincare-de Sitter group (ISO(4,1)). This leads us to introduce the concept of a pentamomentum and to take into account the renormalization of the DSR deformation parameter kappa. This allows the resolution of the "soccer ball problem" (definition of many-particle-states) and provides a physical interpretation of the non-commutativity and non-associativity of the addition the relativistic quadrimomentum. In particular, the coproduct of the kappa-Poincare algebra is interpreted as defining the law of change of reference frames and not the law of scattering. This point of view places DSR as a theory, half-way between Special Relativity and General Relativity, effectively implementing the Schwarzschild mass bound in a flat relativistic context.Comment: 24 pages, Revtex

    Structural Aspects Of Gravitational Dynamics And The Emergent Perspective Of Gravity

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    I describe several conceptual aspects of a particular paradigm which treats the field equations of gravity as emergent. These aspects are related to the features of classical gravitational theories which defy explanation within the conventional perspective. The alternative interpretation throws light on these features and could provide better insights into possible description of quantum structure of spacetime. This review complements the discussion in arXiv:1207.0505, which describes space itself as emergent in the cosmological context.Comment: Updated version of talks given at: (a) Sixth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation - 2012, Petropolis, Brazil; (b) Colloquium at Institute of Astrophysics, Paris, 2012 and (c) Discussion meeting on String Theory, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, 201

    A Liouville String Approach to Microscopic Time and Cosmology

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    In the non-critical string framework that we have proposed recently, the time tt is identified with a dynamical local renormalization group scale, the Liouville mode, and behaves as a statistical evolution parameter, flowing irreversibly from an infrared fixed point - which we conjecture to be a topological string phase - to an ultraviolet one - which corresponds to a static critical string vacuum. When applied to a toy two-dimensional model of space-time singularities, this formalism yields an apparent renormalization of the velocity of light, and a tt-dependent form of the uncertainty relation for position and momentum of a test string. We speculate within this framework on a stringy alternative to conventional field-theoretical inflation, and the decay towards zero of the cosmological constant in a maximally-symmetric space.Comment: Latex 23 pages, no figures, CERN-TH.7000/93, CTP-TAMU-66/9

    Holographic Micro Thermofield Geometries of BTZ Black Holes

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    We find general deformations of BTZ spacetime and identify the corresponding thermofield initial states of the dual CFT. We deform the geometry by introducing bulk fields dual to primary operators and find the back-reacted gravity solutions to the quadratic order of the deformation parameter. The dual thermofield initial states can be deformed by inserting arbitrary linear combination of operators at the mid-point of the Euclidean time evolution that appears in the construction of the thermofield initial states. The deformed geometries are dual to thermofield states without deforming the boundary Hamiltonians in the CFT side. We explicitly demonstrate that the AdS/CFT correspondence is not a linear correspondence in the sense that the linear structure of Hilbert space of the underlying CFT is realized nonlinearly in the gravity side. We also find that their Penrose diagrams are no longer a square but elongated horizontally due to deformation. These geometries describe a relaxation of generic initial perturbation of thermal system while fixing the total energy of the system. The coarse-grained entropy grows and the relaxation time scale is of order β/2π\beta/2\pi. We clarify that the gravity description involves coarse-graining inevitably missing some information of nonperurbative degrees.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, further typos corrected, reference adde

    Noncommutative geometry of the quantum clock

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    We introduce a model of noncommutative geometry that gives rise to the uncertainty relations recently derived from the discussion of a quantum clock. We investigate the dynamics of a free particle in this model from the point of view of doubly special relativity and discuss the geodesic motion in a Schwarzschild background.Comment: 7 pages, version accepted for publication on Phys. Lett. A. A discussion of the motion of a particle in a Schwarzschild background has been adde

    Equilibrium Configurations of Synchronous Binaries: Numerical Solutions and Application to Kuiper-Belt Binary 2001 QG298

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    We present numerical computations of the equilibrium configurations of tidally-locked homogeneous binaries, rotating in circular orbits. Unlike the classical Roche approximations, we self-consistently account for the tidal and rotational deformations of both components, and relax the assumptions of ellipsoidal configurations and Keplerian rotation. We find numerical solutions for mass ratios q between 1e-3 and 1, starting at a small angular velocity for which tidal and rotational deformations are small, and following a sequence of increasing angular velocities. Each series terminates at an appropriate ``Roche limit'', above which no equilibrium solution can be found. Even though the Roche limit is crossed before the ``Roche lobe'' is filled, any further increase in the angular velocity will result in mass-loss. For close, comparable-mass binaries, we find that local deviations from ellipsoidal forms may be as large as 10-20%, and departures from Keplerian rotation are significant. We compute the light curves that arise from our equilibrium configurations, assuming their distance is >>1 AU (e.g. in the Kuiper Belt). We consider both backscatter (proportional to the projected area) and diffuse (Lambert) reflections. Backscatter reflection always yields two minima of equal depths. Diffuse reflection, which is sensitive to the surface curvature, generally gives rise to unequal minima. We find detectable intensity differences of up to 10% between our light curves and those arising from the Roche approximations. Finally, we apply our models to Kuiper Belt binary 2001 QG298, and find a nearly edge-on binary with a mass ratio q = 0.93 ^{+0.07}_{-0.03}, angular velocity Omega^2/G rho = 0.333+/-0.001 (statistical errors only), and pure diffuse reflection. For the observed period of 2001 QG298, these parameters imply a bulk density, rho = 0.72 +/- 0.04 g cm^-3.Comment: Accepted to Ap
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