504 research outputs found

    Practical Implementation of the Virtual Organization Cluster Model

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    Virtualization has great potential in the realm of scientific computing because of its inherent advantages with regard to environment customization and isolation. Virtualization technology is not without it\u27s downsides, most notably, increased computational overhead. This thesis introduces the operating mechanisms of grid technologies in general, and the Open Science Grid in particular, including a discussion of general organization and specific software implementation. A model for utilization of virtualization resources with separate administrative domains for the virtual machines (VMs) and the physical resources is then presented. Two well-known virtual machine monitors, Xen and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), are introduced and a performance analysis conducted. The High-Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suite is used in conjunction with independent High-Performance Linpack (HPL) trials in order to analyze specific performance issues. Xen was found to introduce much lower performance overhead than KVM, however, KVM retains advantages with regard to ease of deployment, both of the VMM itself and of the VM images. KVM\u27s snapshot mode is of special interest, as it allows multiple VMs to be instantiated from a single image located on a network store. With virtualization overhead shown to be acceptable for high-throughput computing tasks, the Virtual Organization Cluster (VOC) Model was implemented as a prototype. Dynamic scaling and multi-site scheduling extensions were also successfully implemented using this prototype. It is also shown that traditional overlay networks have scaling issues and that a new approach to wide-area scheduling is needed. The use of XMPP messaging and the Google App Engine service to implement a virtual machine monitoring system is presented. Detailed discussions of the relevant sections of the XMPP protocol and libraries are presented. XMPP is found to be a good choice for sending status information due to its inherent advantages in a bandwidth-limited NAT environment. Thus, it is concluded that the VOC Model is a practical way to implement virtualization of high-throughput computing tasks. Smaller VOCs may take advantage of traditional overlay networks whereas larger VOCs need an alternative approach to scheduling

    Virtual Organization Clusters: Self-Provisioned Clouds on the Grid

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    Virtual Organization Clusters (VOCs) provide a novel architecture for overlaying dedicated cluster systems on existing grid infrastructures. VOCs provide customized, homogeneous execution environments on a per-Virtual Organization basis, without the cost of physical cluster construction or the overhead of per-job containers. Administrative access and overlay network capabilities are granted to Virtual Organizations (VOs) that choose to implement VOC technology, while the system remains completely transparent to end users and non-participating VOs. Unlike alternative systems that require explicit leases, VOCs are autonomically self-provisioned according to configurable usage policies. As a grid computing architecture, VOCs are designed to be technology agnostic and are implementable by any combination of software and services that follows the Virtual Organization Cluster Model. As demonstrated through simulation testing and evaluation of an implemented prototype, VOCs are a viable mechanism for increasing end-user job compatibility on grid sites. On existing production grids, where jobs are frequently submitted to a small subset of sites and thus experience high queuing delays relative to average job length, the grid-wide addition of VOCs does not adversely affect mean job sojourn time. By load-balancing jobs among grid sites, VOCs can reduce the total amount of queuing on a grid to a level sufficient to counteract the performance overhead introduced by virtualization

    Technical Report for Research Unit FOR-1511

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    This technical report presents the interim results of the DFG research unit FOR1511 "Protection and Control Systems for Reliable and Secure Operation of Electrical Transmission Systems"

    An efficient use of virtualization in grid/cloud environments

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    Grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational resources. Grid enables access to the resources but it does not guarantee any quality of service. Moreover, Grid does not provide performance isolation; job of one user can influence the performance of other user's job. The other problem with Grid is that the users of Grid belong to scientific community and the jobs require specific and customized software environment. Providing the perfect environment to the user is very difficult in Grid for its dispersed and heterogeneous nature. Though, Cloud computing provide full customization and control, but there is no simple procedure available to submit user jobs as in Grid. The Grid computing can provide customized resources and performance to the user using virtualization. A virtual machine can join the Grid as an execution node. The virtual machine can also be submitted as a job with user jobs inside. Where the first method gives quality of service and performance isolation, the second method also provides customization and administration in addition. In this thesis, a solution is proposed to enable virtual machine reuse which will provide performance isolation with customization and administration. The same virtual machine can be used for several jobs. In the proposed solution customized virtual machines join the Grid pool on user request. Proposed solution describes two scenarios to achieve this goal. In first scenario, user submits their customized virtual machine as a job. The virtual machine joins the Grid pool when it is powered on. In the second scenario, user customized virtual machines are preconfigured in the execution system. These virtual machines join the Grid pool on user request. Condor and VMware server is used to deploy and test the scenarios. Condor supports virtual machine jobs. The scenario 1 is deployed using Condor VM universe. The second scenario uses VMware-VIX API for scripting powering on and powering off of the remote virtual machines. The experimental results shows that as scenario 2 does not need to transfer the virtual machine image, the virtual machine image becomes live on pool more faster. In scenario 1, the virtual machine runs as a condor job, so it easy to administrate the virtual machine. The only pitfall in scenario 1 is the network traffic

    Testen von verteilten Systemen in heterogenen Netzwerken mit virtuellen Maschinen am Beispiel von MPI

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    Verteilte Systeme sind in zunehmendem Maße mit komplexen Netzwerkkonfigurationen konfrontiert, beispielsweise mit mehreren Netzwerkschnittstellen pro Knoten, NAT und gemischter IPv4/IPv6-Adressierung. Um Unterstützung dafür korrekt zu implementieren, ist regelmäßiges und gründliches Testen nerlässlich. Allerdings ist der Aufwand, derart vielfältige Teststellungen in Hardware vorzuhalten, so hoch, dass Testen nur sehr selten erfolgen kann und oftmals ganz unterbleibt. Gegenstand dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Virtual Test Environment (VTE), das (Multi-)Cluster-Umgebungen mit Hilfe von virtuellen Maschinen nachbildet und somit den erforderlichen Aufwand so weit senkt, dass kontinuierliches, entwicklungsbegleitendes Testen praktikabel wird

    Covrig: a framework for the analysis of code, test, and coverage evolution in real software

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    Copyright 2014 ACM.Software repositories provide rich information about the construction and evolution of software systems. While static data that can be mined directly from version control systems has been extensively studied, dynamic metrics concerning the execution of the software have received much less attention, due to the inherent difficulty of running and monitoring a large number of software versions. In this paper, we present Covrig, a flexible infrastructure that can be used to run each version of a system in isolation and collect static and dynamic software metrics, using a lightweight virtual machine environment that can be deployed on a cluster of local or cloud machines. We use Covrig to conduct an empirical study examining how code and tests co-evolve in six popular open-source systems. We report the main characteristics of software patches, analyse the evolution of program and patch coverage, assess the impact of nondeterminism on the execution of test suites, and investigate whether the coverage of code containing bugs and bug fixes is higher than average

    Entorno virtualizado de aprendizaje para facilitar el desarrollo de destrezas de programación

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    Esta comunicación resume la experiencia de creación y uso de un entorno virtualizado de aprendizaje de la programación para los alumnos de primer curso del Grado en Informática de la Universitat Politècnica de València durante el curso 2012/2013. Dicho entorno ofrece una configuración similar a la de los laboratorios de prácticas e integra un Corrector Automático de Programas así como vídeo-ejercicios de programación para crear un entorno virtual de aprendizaje interactivo. Además, puede ser ejecutado en los equipos de los alumnos sin necesidad de acceso a Internet y sin requerir costosas modificaciones de la instalación existente en los propios equipos. Esto permite a los alumnos recién llegados evitar la instalación del Sistema Operativo y las diferentes librerías y herramientas que se emplean durante dichas asignaturas. Se describe el proceso de creación y distribución del entorno (en la forma de una máquina virtual), así como la integración con vídeo-ejercicios didácticos y un corrector automático de programas. Finalmente se abordan las estadísticas de uso y los primeros resultados de la evaluación de la utilidad del mismo realizada por los estudiantes.SUMMARY -- This paper summarises the development and usage of a virtualised learning environment for the students of programming subjects in the Degree of Computer Science at the Universitat Politècnica de València during the academic course 2012/2013. Such environment exposes a configuration similar to the one used in the labs and integrates an Automatic Program Testing tool as well as video-exercises to create a unique interactive virtual learning environment. Besides, it can be executed in the student’s computer without requiring Internet access and without major modifications in the student’s computer. This enables freshmen to avoid dealing with the intricacies of installing the Operating System, libraries and tools recommended for those subjects. The process of creating and distributing this environment (in the shape of a virtual machine) is described, including the integration with learning videos and an automatic grading software. Finally, usage stats are covered as well as the first evaluation results of the usefulness of this service for the students

    Serverless Computing Strategies on Cloud Platforms

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    [ES] Con el desarrollo de la Computación en la Nube, la entrega de recursos virtualizados a través de Internet ha crecido enormemente en los últimos años. Las Funciones como servicio (FaaS), uno de los modelos de servicio más nuevos dentro de la Computación en la Nube, permite el desarrollo e implementación de aplicaciones basadas en eventos que cubren servicios administrados en Nubes públicas y locales. Los proveedores públicos de Computación en la Nube adoptan el modelo FaaS dentro de su catálogo para proporcionar computación basada en eventos altamente escalable para las aplicaciones. Por un lado, los desarrolladores especializados en esta tecnología se centran en crear marcos de código abierto serverless para evitar el bloqueo con los proveedores de la Nube pública. A pesar del desarrollo logrado por la informática serverless, actualmente hay campos relacionados con el procesamiento de datos y la optimización del rendimiento en la ejecución en los que no se ha explorado todo el potencial. En esta tesis doctoral se definen tres estrategias de computación serverless que permiten evidenciar los beneficios de esta tecnología para el procesamiento de datos. Las estrategias implementadas permiten el análisis de datos con la integración de dispositivos de aceleración para la ejecución eficiente de aplicaciones científicas en plataformas cloud públicas y locales. En primer lugar, se desarrolló la plataforma CloudTrail-Tracker. CloudTrail-Tracker es una plataforma serverless de código abierto basada en eventos para el procesamiento de datos que puede escalar automáticamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo, con la capacidad de escalar a cero para minimizar los costos operativos. Seguidamente, se plantea la integración de GPUs en una plataforma serverless local impulsada por eventos para el procesamiento de datos escalables. La plataforma admite la ejecución de aplicaciones como funciones severless en respuesta a la carga de un archivo en un sistema de almacenamiento de ficheros, lo que permite la ejecución en paralelo de las aplicaciones según los recursos disponibles. Este procesamiento es administrado por un cluster Kubernetes elástico que crece y decrece automáticamente según las necesidades de procesamiento. Ciertos enfoques basados en tecnologías de virtualización de GPU como rCUDA y NVIDIA-Docker se evalúan para acelerar el tiempo de ejecución de las funciones. Finalmente, se implementa otra solución basada en el modelo serverless para ejecutar la fase de inferencia de modelos de aprendizaje automático previamente entrenados, en la plataforma de Amazon Web Services y en una plataforma privada con el framework OSCAR. El sistema crece elásticamente de acuerdo con la demanda y presenta una escalado a cero para minimizar los costes. Por otra parte, el front-end proporciona al usuario una experiencia simplificada en la obtención de la predicción de modelos de aprendizaje automático. Para demostrar las funcionalidades y ventajas de las soluciones propuestas durante esta tesis se recogen varios casos de estudio que abarcan diferentes campos del conocimiento como la analítica de aprendizaje y la Inteligencia Artificial. Esto demuestra que la gama de aplicaciones donde la computación serverless puede aportar grandes beneficios es muy amplia. Los resultados obtenidos avalan el uso del modelo serverless en la simplificación del diseño de arquitecturas para el uso intensivo de datos en aplicaciones complejas.[CA] Amb el desenvolupament de la Computació en el Núvol, el lliurament de recursos virtualitzats a través d'Internet ha crescut granment en els últims anys. Les Funcions com a Servei (FaaS), un dels models de servei més nous dins de la Computació en el Núvol, permet el desenvolupament i implementació d'aplicacions basades en esdeveniments que cobreixen serveis administrats en Núvols públics i locals. Els proveïdors de computació en el Núvol públic adopten el model FaaS dins del seu catàleg per a proporcionar a les aplicacions computació altament escalable basada en esdeveniments. D'una banda, els desenvolupadors especialitzats en aquesta tecnologia se centren en crear marcs de codi obert serverless per a evitar el bloqueig amb els proveïdors del Núvol públic. Malgrat el desenvolupament alcançat per la informàtica serverless, actualment hi ha camps relacionats amb el processament de dades i l'optimització del rendiment d'execució en els quals no s'ha explorat tot el potencial. En aquesta tesi doctoral es defineixen tres estratègies informàtiques serverless que permeten demostrar els beneficis d'aquesta tecnologia per al processament de dades. Les estratègies implementades permeten l'anàlisi de dades amb a integració de dispositius accelerats per a l'execució eficient d'aplicacion scientífiques en plataformes de Núvol públiques i locals. En primer lloc, es va desenvolupar la plataforma CloudTrail-Tracker. CloudTrail-Tracker és una plataforma de codi obert basada en esdeveniments per al processament de dades serverless que pot escalar automáticament cap amunt i cap avall, amb la capacitat d'escalar a zero per a minimitzar els costos operatius. A continuació es planteja la integració de GPUs en una plataforma serverless local impulsada per esdeveniments per al processament de dades escalables. La plataforma admet l'execució d'aplicacions com funcions severless en resposta a la càrrega d'un arxiu en un sistema d'emmagatzemaments de fitxers, la qual cosa permet l'execució en paral·lel de les aplicacions segon sels recursos disponibles. Este processament és administrat per un cluster Kubernetes elàstic que creix i decreix automàticament segons les necessitats de processament. Certs enfocaments basats en tecnologies de virtualització de GPU com rCUDA i NVIDIA-Docker s'avaluen per a accelerar el temps d'execució de les funcions. Finalment s'implementa una altra solució basada en el model serverless per a executar la fase d'inferència de models d'aprenentatge automàtic prèviament entrenats en la plataforma de Amazon Web Services i en una plataforma privada amb el framework OSCAR. El sistema creix elàsticament d'acord amb la demanda i presenta una escalada a zero per a minimitzar els costos. D'altra banda el front-end proporciona a l'usuari una experiència simplificada en l'obtenció de la predicció de models d'aprenentatge automàtic. Per a demostrar les funcionalitats i avantatges de les solucions proposades durant esta tesi s'arrepleguen diversos casos d'estudi que comprenen diferents camps del coneixement com l'analítica d'aprenentatge i la Intel·ligència Artificial. Això demostra que la gamma d'aplicacions on la computació serverless pot aportar grans beneficis és molt àmplia. Els resultats obtinguts avalen l'ús del model serverless en la simplificació del disseny d'arquitectures per a l'ús intensiu de dades en aplicacions complexes.[EN] With the development of Cloud Computing, the delivery of virtualized resources over the Internet has greatly grown in recent years. Functions as a Service (FaaS), one of the newest service models within Cloud Computing, allows the development and implementation of event-based applications that cover managed services in public and on-premises Clouds. Public Cloud Computing providers adopt the FaaS model within their catalog to provide event-driven highly-scalable computing for applications. On the one hand, developers specialized in this technology focus on creating open-source serverless frameworks to avoid the lock-in with public Cloud providers. Despite the development achieved by serverless computing, there are currently fields related to data processing and execution performance optimization where the full potential has not been explored. In this doctoral thesis three serverless computing strategies are defined that allow to demonstrate the benefits of this technology for data processing. The implemented strategies allow the analysis of data with the integration of accelerated devices for the efficient execution of scientific applications on public and on-premises Cloud platforms. Firstly, the CloudTrail-Tracker platform was developed to extract and process learning analytics in the Cloud. CloudTrail-Tracker is an event-driven open-source platform for serverless data processing that can automatically scale up and down, featuring the ability to scale to zero for minimizing the operational costs. Next, the integration of GPUs in an event-driven on-premises serverless platform for scalable data processing is discussed. The platform supports the execution of applications as serverless functions in response to the loading of a file in a file storage system, which allows the parallel execution of applications according to available resources. This processing is managed by an elastic Kubernetes cluster that automatically grows and shrinks according to the processing needs. Certain approaches based on GPU virtualization technologies such as rCUDA and NVIDIA-Docker are evaluated to speed up the execution time of the functions. Finally, another solution based on the serverless model is implemented to run the inference phase of previously trained machine learning models on theAmazon Web Services platform and in a private platform with the OSCAR framework. The system grows elastically according to demand and is scaled to zero to minimize costs. On the other hand, the front-end provides the user with a simplified experience in obtaining the prediction of machine learning models. To demonstrate the functionalities and advantages of the solutions proposed during this thesis, several case studies are collected covering different fields of knowledge such as learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence. This shows the wide range of applications where serverless computing can bring great benefits. The results obtained endorse the use of the serverless model in simplifying the design of architectures for the intensive data processing in complex applications.Naranjo Delgado, DM. (2021). Serverless Computing Strategies on Cloud Platforms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160916TESI