88 research outputs found

    Key Signal Processing Technologies for High-speed Passive Optical Networks

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    With emerging technologies such as high-definition video, virtual reality, and cloud computing, bandwidth demand in the access networks is ever-increasing. Passive optical network (PON) has become a promising architecture thanks to its low cost and easy management. IEEE and ITU-T standard organizations have been standardizing the next-generation PON, targeting on increasing the single-channel capacity from 10 Gb/s to 25, 50, and 100 Gb/s as the solution to address the dramatic increase of bandwidth demand. However, since the access network is extremely cost-sensitive, many research problems imposed in the physical layer of PON need to be addressed in a cost-efficient way, which is the primary focus of this thesis. Utilizing the low-cost 10G optics to build up high-speed PON systems is a promising approach, where signal processing techniques are key of importance. Two categories of signal processing techniques have been extensively investigated, namely optical signal processing (OSP) and digital signal processing (DSP). Dispersion-supported equalization (DSE) as a novel OSP scheme is proposed to achieve bit-rate enhancement from 10 Gb/s to 25 Gb/s based on 10G class of optics. Thanks to the bandwidth improved by DSE, the non-return-zero on-off keying which is the simplest modulation format is able to be adopted in the PON system without complex modulation or DSP. Meanwhile, OSP is also proposed to work together with DSP enabling 50G PON while simplifying the DSP complexity. Using both DSE and simple feed-forward equalizer is able to support 50 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission with 10G optics. For C-band 50 Gb/s transmission, injection locking techniques as another OSP approach is proposed to compress the directly modulated laser chirp and increase system bandwidth in the optical domain where a doubled capacity from 25 Gb/s to 50 Gb/s over 20 km fiber can be built on top of 10G optics. For DSP, we investigated the advantages of neural network (NN) on the mitigation of the time-varying nonlinear semiconductor optical amplifier pattern effect. In order to reduce the expense caused by the high computation complexity of NN, a pre- equalizer is introduced at the central office that allows cost sharing for all connected access users. In order to push the PON system line rate to 100 Gb/s, a joint nonlinear Tomlinson- Harashima precoding-Volterra algorithm is proposed to compensate for both linear and nonlinear distortions where 100 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission over 20 km fiber with 15 GHz system bandwidth can be achieved

    Optical receivers for upstream traffic in next-generation passive optical networks

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    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Sistemas de calibração automático para transceivers NG-PON2

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    The current society is increasingly dependent on communication services, requiring better and faster connections, predicting in a near future connections in the order of hundreds of Gbit/s. During the data transmissions, the increase of speed reflects an increase of the error ratio due to factors such as noise, reductions of signal or jitter, which for low speed these were not emphasized so much. This project involves the development of a BER test system for both continuous and Burst mode of the transmission, demonstrating the viability of communication over the next-generation technology, NG-PON2, which uses high transmission rates (10 Gbit/s). For this purpose, an FPGA architecture was implemented that allows for long distances in the optical network, high transmission rates. This choice reflects a more economical alternative in relation to commercial equipment and has several advantages, such as the flexibility to reprogram and prepare the architecture according to the needs of the user. To achieve the proposed requirements, the project was divided into three parts. In the first part an architecture was developed that allows to obtain the error rate during a continuous mode transmission. In order to obtain the real-time viability of the communication referred and to have control over the system, an interface was developed between the computer and the FPGA to change certain characteristics of the communication channel. This is the second part of the project. The last part of the project has an architecture similar to the previous one, that is, instead of the transmission to be done in continuous mode, it is performed in mode Burst, being this the requirement with more interest to the technology NG-PON2. Finally, proof of concept was performed through an optical network provided by the company PICadvanced that allowed the validation of the different parts of the project. These validations will allow the development of new modules that will later contribute to the main project that is under development in the company PICadvanced, which aims at the construction of an automatic calibration board for the XFP transceivers.A sociedade atual depende cada vez mais dos serviços de comunicação, exigindo melhores ligações e mais rápidas, prevendo-se num futuro próximo a necessidade de ligações na ordem das centenas de Gbit/s. O aumento dos ritmos de transmissão refletem um aumento no que se refere à taxa de erro (BER), uma vez que o impacto associado a fatores como ruı́do ou interferência entre sı́mbolos, é maior do que para baixos ritmos. Este trabalho foca-se no desenvolvimento de um sistema de teste BER, tanto para uma transmissão contı́nua como para transmissão em rajadas, que demonstre a viabilidade da comunicação sobre a tecnologia da próxima geração, Next Generation Passive Optical Network 2 (NG-PON2), que utiliza débitos de transmissão elevados (10 Gbit/s). Para este efeito foi implementado uma arquitetura em Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) que possibilita para longas distâncias na rede ótica, elevados ritmos de transmissão. Esta escolha reflete uma alterativa mais económica em relação aos equipamentos comerciais e apresenta vantagens tais como a flexibilidade de reprogramar e preparar a arquitetura de acordo com as necessidades do utilizador. Para cumprir os requisitos propostos o projeto dividiu-se em três partes. Numa primeira parte do projeto desenvolveu-se uma arquitetura que permite adquirir a taxa de erros durante uma transmissão contı́nua. Com o intuito de analisar a viabilidade em tempo real da comunicação em questão, bem com o utilizador ter controlo sobre o sistema, alterando certas caracterı́sticas do canal de comunicação, desenvolveu-se numa segunda parte do projeto uma interface entre o computador e a FPGA. Numa última parte do projeto desenvolveu-se uma arquitetura semelhante à anterior, na qual se permite igualmente adquirir a taxa de erros com transmissão em rajadas (Burst), sendo este um dos requisitos de maior interesse na tecnologia NG-PON2. Por fim, a prova de conceito foi realizada através de uma rede ótica disponibilizada pela empresa PICadvanced, que permitiu a validação das diversas partes do projeto. Estas validações vão permitir a conceção de novos módulos que posteriormente vão contribuir para o projeto fonte que está em desenvolvimento na empresa PICadvanced, que visa a implementação de uma placa de calibração automatizada para os transceptores 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggables (XFP).Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Design of 10 Gb/s burst-mode receivers for high-split extended reach PONs

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    The continuous stream of new applications for the internet, increases the need for higher access speed in the currently deployed communication networks. Most networks in use today still consist of twisted copper wires, inherited from the telephone network. The disadvantages of reusing the existing telephone network are twofold. Firstly, the bandwidth of twisted copper wires is limited and secondly, a large number of switches and routers are needed throughout the network leading to an excessive power consumption. The hybrid fiber coax network that reuses the television distribution network is not free from these drawbacks. The bandwidth is also limited and power hungry amplifiers are needed to bridge the distance to and from the user. The future of broadband access lies in optical fiber networks. The optical fiber has a virtually unlimited bandwidth and the lower attenuation leads to less switches and amplifiers in the network, reducing the power consumption of the complete infrastructure. This dissertation describes the design of a 10 Gb/s burst-mode receiver for high-split extended reach passive optical networks (PONs). The designed receiver incorporates two very advanced features. Firstly, the burst-mode receiver locks its gain setting within 6 ns avoiding packet loss due to gain switching during data payload reception. Secondly, the burst-mode receiver detects both burst start and burst end, making it the first burst-mode receiver of its kind to operate without any time critical signal requirements from outside the burst-mode receiver. The presented work covers the chip-level architecture study and design of a 10 Gb/s burst-mode transimpedance amplifier and a 10 Gb/s post-amplifier, which are the two most critical components of a burst-mode receiver

    Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for next generation optical access networks

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    Dynamically reconfigurable long-reach PONs for high capacity access

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    Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) is currently seen as the ultimate in high-speed transmission technologies for delivering ubiquitous bandwidth to customers. However, as the deployment of network infrastructure requires a substantial investment, the main obstacle to fibre deployment is that of financial viability. With this in mind, a logical strategy to offset network costs is to optimise the infrastructure in order to capture a greater amount of customers over larger areas with increased sharing of network resources. This approach prompted the design of a long-reach passive optical network (LR-PON) in which the physical reach and split of a conventional PON is significantly increased through the use of intermediate optical amplification. In particular, the LR-PON architecture effectively integrates the metro and access networks enabling the majority of local exchange sites to be bypassed resulting in a substantial reduction in field equipment requirements and power consumption. Furthermore, the extension in physical reach and split can be coupled with an increased information capacity through the use of time- and wavelength division multiplexing (TWDM) which serve to exploit the large bandwidth capabilities offered by single-mode fibre. In this project, reconfigurable TWDM LR-PON architectures which dynamically exploit the wavelength domain are proposed, assembled and characterised in order to establish an economically viable ‘open access’ environment that is capable of concurrently supporting multiple operators offering converged services (residential, business and mobile) to support diverse customer requirements and locations. The main investigations in this work address the key physical layer challenges within such wavelength-agile networks. In particular, a range of experimental analysis has been carried out in order to realise the critical component technologies which include low-cost, 10G-capable, wavelength-tuneable transmitters for mass-market residential deployment and the development of gain-stabilised optical amplifier nodes to support the targeted physical reach (≥ 100km) and split (≥ 512). Finally, the feasibility of the proposed dynamically reconfigurable LR-PON configurations as a flexible and cost-effective solution for future access networks is verified through full-scale network demonstrations using an experimental laboratory test-bed

    Next generation technologies for 100 Gb/s PON systems

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    The worldwide explosion of Internet traffic demand is driving the research for innovative solutions in many aspects of the telecommunication world. In access systems, passive optical networks (PONs) are becoming the preferred solution towards which most providers are migrating thanks to the unrivalled bandwidth they can offer. PON systems with a capacity of 100 Gb/s are envisioned as the solution to the dramatic increase in bandwidth and will be essential to support the future fixed and mobile broadband services. However, many challenging aspects have to be addressed in order to overcome the limitations imposed by the physical layer while meeting the economical requirements for mass deployment. In this thesis a comprehensive approach is taken in order to address the most compelling problems and investigate a series of solutions to the current capacity limitations of PONs. Advanced modulation formats are used to achieve bit-rate enhancement from 10 Gb/s to 25 Gb/s re-using the same optoelectronic devices in order to provide a 2.5x increase in transmission speed without resorting to a newer, more expensive generation of higher speed devices. The management of chromatic dispersion is also addressed in order to extend the reach of the networks beyond the standard 20 km using either electronic or optical based compensation strategies. Transmission of 25 Gb/s traffic over fibre lengths of 40 and 50 km is demonstrated confirming the suitability of the proposed technologies for extended reach networks which could greatly reduce the number of existing nodes and hence the capital and operational costs of PONs. Optical amplification strategies are also discussed as a means to improve the physical reach of the networks, both in terms of distance and number of customers. Raman amplifiers and semiconductor optical amplifiers are investigated in order to extend the reach of a PON upstream channel. The results demonstrate a reach of up to 50 km which is more than double the typical fibre length of 20 km adopted in deployed systems today. A number of customers, up to 512, was also demonstrated in a 20 km network, increased from the typical 32 or 64 users of most commercial networks

    The Design of FTTH Network

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    The aim of this thesis is to explain the problems of optical access networks with wavelength division multiplexers, main purpose is to demonstrate the difference between theoretical and real measurement. The work is divided into several thematic areas. The introduction outlines the basic of telecommunications, fiber optics lasers, single mode, multimode, lasers fibers cables & cores, splitters division multiplexing system, there are known solutions discussed fundamental wavelength multiplexes and their possible combinations. The following chapter deals with the active elements such as AON, PON, which are essential part xWDM systems such as optical lasers, detectors and amplifiers. Another chapter focuses on passive elements, which form a key part of the wavelength multiplex. Methods of measurement of WDM/PON networks are discussed in the following part. The next section describes the topology used active and passive optical networks. The penultimate part of the work consists of architecture & technology of xWDM such as GPON and WDM-PON networks and comparing their transmission parameters. The final part of the paper presents the results of practical experimental measurements of optical access networks with wavelengths division multiplex while these results are compared with the theoretical output & methods of Optical lost test, OTDR & LSPM, with advantage & disadvantage of every methods. The second part of practical is the draft to the connection resident housing units of 30 houses, boarding-house (10 rooms) and 2 shops, 20 km distant from exchange. With comparing the possibilities of two options- passive and active optical network- PON system – WDM- Wave multiplex. Suggest the possibility of measuring and monitoring the created network.The aim of this thesis is to explain the problems of optical access networks with wavelength division multiplexers, main purpose is to demonstrate the difference between theoretical and real measurement. The work is divided into several thematic areas. The introduction outlines the basic of telecommunications, fiber optics lasers, single mode, multimode, lasers fibers cables & cores, splitters division multiplexing system, there are known solutions discussed fundamental wavelength multiplexes and their possible combinations. The following chapter deals with the active elements such as AON, PON, which are essential part xWDM systems such as optical lasers, detectors and amplifiers. Another chapter focuses on passive elements, which form a key part of the wavelength multiplex. Methods of measurement of WDM/PON networks are discussed in the following part. The next section describes the topology used active and passive optical networks. The penultimate part of the work consists of architecture & technology of xWDM such as GPON and WDM-PON networks and comparing their transmission parameters. The final part of the paper presents the results of practical experimental measurements of optical access networks with wavelengths division multiplex while these results are compared with the theoretical output & methods of Optical lost test, OTDR & LSPM, with advantage & disadvantage of every methods. The second part of practical is the draft to the connection resident housing units of 30 houses, boarding-house (10 rooms) and 2 shops, 20 km distant from exchange. With comparing the possibilities of two options- passive and active optical network- PON system – WDM- Wave multiplex. Suggest the possibility of measuring and monitoring the created network.