2,040 research outputs found

    Speaker segmentation and clustering

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    This survey focuses on two challenging speech processing topics, namely: speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. Speaker segmentation aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream, whereas speaker clustering aims at grouping speech segments based on speaker characteristics. Model-based, metric-based, and hybrid speaker segmentation algorithms are reviewed. Concerning speaker clustering, deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are examined. A comparative assessment of the reviewed algorithms is undertaken, the algorithm advantages and disadvantages are indicated, insight to the algorithms is offered, and deductions as well as recommendations are given. Rich transcription and movie analysis are candidate applications that benefit from combined speaker segmentation and clustering. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Computationally Efficient and Robust BIC-Based Speaker Segmentation

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    An algorithm for automatic speaker segmentation based on the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is presented. BIC tests are not performed for every window shift, as previously, but when a speaker change is most probable to occur. This is done by estimating the next probable change point thanks to a model of utterance durations. It is found that the inverse Gaussian fits best the distribution of utterance durations. As a result, less BIC tests are needed, making the proposed system less computationally demanding in time and memory, and considerably more efficient with respect to missed speaker change points. A feature selection algorithm based on branch and bound search strategy is applied in order to identify the most efficient features for speaker segmentation. Furthermore, a new theoretical formulation of BIC is derived by applying centering and simultaneous diagonalization. This formulation is considerably more computationally efficient than the standard BIC, when the covariance matrices are estimated by other estimators than the usual maximum-likelihood ones. Two commonly used pairs of figures of merit are employed and their relationship is established. Computational efficiency is achieved through the speaker utterance modeling, whereas robustness is achieved by feature selection and application of BIC tests at appropriately selected time instants. Experimental results indicate that the proposed modifications yield a superior performance compared to existing approaches

    Restricted Boltzmann machine vectors for speaker clustering and tracking tasks in TV broadcast shows

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    (This article belongs to the Special Issue IberSPEECH 2018: Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages)Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) have shown success in both the front-end and backend of speaker verification systems. In this paper, we propose applying RBMs to the front-end for the tasks of speaker clustering and speaker tracking in TV broadcast shows. RBMs are trained to transform utterances into a vector based representation. Because of the lack of data for a test speaker, we propose RBM adaptation to a global model. First, the global model—which is referred to as universal RBM—is trained with all the available background data. Then an adapted RBM model is trained with the data of each test speaker. The visible to hidden weight matrices of the adapted models are concatenated along with the bias vectors and are whitened to generate the vector representation of speakers. These vectors, referred to as RBM vectors, were shown to preserve speaker-specific information and are used in the tasks of speaker clustering and speaker tracking. The evaluation was performed on the audio recordings of Catalan TV Broadcast shows. The experimental results show that our proposed speaker clustering system gained up to 12% relative improvement, in terms of Equal Impurity (EI), over the baseline system. On the other hand, in the task of speaker tracking, our system has a relative improvement of 11% and 7% compared to the baseline system using cosine and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) scoring, respectivelyPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Detection and handling of overlapping speech for speaker diarization

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    For the last several years, speaker diarization has been attracting substantial research attention as one of the spoken language technologies applied for the improvement, or enrichment, of recording transcriptions. Recordings of meetings, compared to other domains, exhibit an increased complexity due to the spontaneity of speech, reverberation effects, and also due to the presence of overlapping speech. Overlapping speech refers to situations when two or more speakers are speaking simultaneously. In meeting data, a substantial portion of errors of the conventional speaker diarization systems can be ascribed to speaker overlaps, since usually only one speaker label is assigned per segment. Furthermore, simultaneous speech included in training data can eventually lead to corrupt single-speaker models and thus to a worse segmentation. This thesis concerns the detection of overlapping speech segments and its further application for the improvement of speaker diarization performance. We propose the use of three spatial cross-correlationbased parameters for overlap detection on distant microphone channel data. Spatial features from different microphone pairs are fused by means of principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, or by a multi-layer perceptron. In addition, we also investigate the possibility of employing longterm prosodic information. The most suitable subset from a set of candidate prosodic features is determined in two steps. Firstly, a ranking according to mRMR criterion is obtained, and then, a standard hill-climbing wrapper approach is applied in order to determine the optimal number of features. The novel spatial as well as prosodic parameters are used in combination with spectral-based features suggested previously in the literature. In experiments conducted on AMI meeting data, we show that the newly proposed features do contribute to the detection of overlapping speech, especially on data originating from a single recording site. In speaker diarization, for segments including detected speaker overlap, a second speaker label is picked, and such segments are also discarded from the model training. The proposed overlap labeling technique is integrated in Viterbi decoding, a part of the diarization algorithm. During the system development it was discovered that it is favorable to do an independent optimization of overlap exclusion and labeling with respect to the overlap detection system. We report improvements over the baseline diarization system on both single- and multi-site AMI data. Preliminary experiments with NIST RT data show DER improvement on the RT ¿09 meeting recordings as well. The addition of beamforming and TDOA feature stream into the baseline diarization system, which was aimed at improving the clustering process, results in a bit higher effectiveness of the overlap labeling algorithm. A more detailed analysis on the overlap exclusion behavior reveals big improvement contrasts between individual meeting recordings as well as between various settings of the overlap detection operation point. However, a high performance variability across different recordings is also typical of the baseline diarization system, without any overlap handling

    Advances in Binary and Multiclass Audio Segmentation with Deep Learning Techniques

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    Los avances tecnológicos acaecidos en la última década han cambiado completamente la forma en la que la población interactúa con el contenido multimedia. Esto ha propiciado un aumento significativo tanto en la generación como el consumo de dicho contenido. El análisis y la anotación manual de toda esta información no son factibles dado el gran volumen actual, lo que releva la necesidad de herramientas automáticas que ayuden en la transición hacia flujos de trabajo asistidos o parcialmente automáticos. En los últimos años, la mayoría de estas herramientas están basadas en el uso de redes neuronales y deep learning. En este contexto, el trabajo que se describe en esta tesis se centra en el ámbito de la extracción de información a partir de señales de audio. Particularmente, se estudia la tarea de segmentación de audio, cuyo principal objetivo es obtener una secuencia de etiquetas que aíslen diferentes regiones en una señal de entrada de acuerdo con una serie de características descritas en un conjunto predefinido de clases, como por ejemplo voz, música o ruido.La primera parte de esta memoria esta centrada en la tarea de detección de actividad de voz. Recientemente, diferentes campañas de evaluación internacionales han propuesto esta tarea como uno de sus retos. Entre ellas se encuentra el reto Fearless steps, que trabaja con audios de las grabaciones de las misiones Apollo de la NASA. Para este reto, se propone una solución basada en aprendizaje supervisado usando una red convolucional recurrente como clasificador. La principal contribución es un método que combina información de filtros de 1D y 2D en la etapa convolucional para que sea procesada posteriormente por la etapa recurrente. Motivado por la introducción de los datos del reto Fearless steps, se plantea una evaluación de diferentes técnicas de adaptación de dominio, con el objetivo de comprobar las prestaciones de un sistema entrenado con datos de dominios habituales y evaluado en este nuevo dominio presentado en el reto. Los métodos descritos no requieren de etiquetas en el dominio objetivo, lo que facilita su uso en aplicaciones prácticas. En términos generales, se observa que los métodos que buscan minimizar el cambio en las distribuciones estadísticas entre los dominios fuente y objetivo obtienen los resultados mas prometedores. Los avances recientes en técnicas de representación obtenidas mediante aprendizaje auto-supervisado han demostrado grandes mejoras en prestaciones en varias tareas relacionadas con el procesado de voz. Siguiendo esta línea, se plantea la incorporación de dichas representaciones en la tarea de detección de actividad de voz. Las ediciones más recientes del reto Fearless steps modificaron su propósito, buscando ahora evaluar las capacidades de generalización de los sistemas. El objetivo entonces con las técnicas introducidas es poder beneficiarse de grandes cantidades de datos no etiquetados para mejorar la robustez del sistema. Los resultados experimentales sugieren que el aprendizaje auto-supervisado de representaciones permite obtener sistemas que son mucho menos sensibles al cambio de dominio.En la segunda parte de este documento se analiza una tarea de segmentación de audio más genérica que busca clasificar de manera simultanea una señal de audio como voz, música, ruido o una combinación de estas. En el contexto de los datos propuesto para el reto de segmentación de audio Albayzín 2010, se presenta un enfoque basado en el uso de redes neuronales recurrentes como clasificador principal, y un modelo de postprocesado integrado por modelos ocultos de Markov. Se introduce un nuevo bloque en la arquitectura neuronal con el objetivo de eliminar la información temporal redundante, mejorando las prestaciones y reduciendo el numero de operaciones por segundo al mismo tiempo. Esta propuesta obtuvo mejores prestaciones que soluciones presentadas anteriormenteen la literatura, y que aproximaciones similares basadas en redes neuronales profundas. Mientras que los resultados con aprendizaje auto-supervisado de representaciones eran prometedores en tareas de segmentación binaria, si se aplican en tareas de segmentación multiclase surgen una serie de cuestiones. Las técnicas habituales de aumento de datos que se aplican en el entrenamiento fuerzan al modelo a compensar el ruido de fondo o la música. En estas condiciones las características obtenidas podrían no representar de manera precisa aquellas clases generadas de manera similar a las versiones aumentadas vistas en el entrenamiento. Este hecho limita la mejora global de prestaciones observada al aplicar estas técnicas en tareas como la propuesta en la evaluación Albayzín 2010.La última parte de este trabajo ha investigado la aplicación de nuevas funciones de coste en la tarea de segmentación de audio, con el principal objetivo de mitigar los problemas que se derivan de utilizar un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento limitado. Se ha demostrado que nuevas técnicas de optimización basadas en las métricas AUC y AUC parcial pueden mejorar objetivos de entrenamiento tradicionales como la entropía cruzada en varias tareas de detección. Con esta idea en mente, en esta tesis se introducen dichas técnicas en la tarea de detección de música. Considerando que la cantidad de datos etiquetados para esta tarea es limitada comparado con otras tareas, las funciones de coste basadas en la métrica AUC se aplican con el objetivo de mejorar las prestaciones cuando el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento es relativamente pequeño. La mayoría de los sistemas que utilizan las técnicas de optimización basadas en métricas AUC se limitan a tareas binarias ya que ese el ámbito de aplicación habitual de la métrica AUC. Además, el etiquetado de audios con taxonomías más detalladas en las que hay múltiples opciones posibles es más complejo, por lo que la cantidad de audio etiquetada en algunas tareas de segmentación multiclase es limitada. Como una extensión natural, se propone una generalización de las técnicas de optimización basadas en la métrica AUC binaria, de tal manera que se puedan aplicar con un número arbitrario de clases. Dos funciones de coste distintas se introducen, usando como base para su formulación las variaciones multiclase de la métrica AUC propuestas en la literatura: una basada en un enfoque uno contra uno, y otra basada en un enfoque uno contra el resto.<br /

    Access to recorded interviews: A research agenda

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    Recorded interviews form a rich basis for scholarly inquiry. Examples include oral histories, community memory projects, and interviews conducted for broadcast media. Emerging technologies offer the potential to radically transform the way in which recorded interviews are made accessible, but this vision will demand substantial investments from a broad range of research communities. This article reviews the present state of practice for making recorded interviews available and the state-of-the-art for key component technologies. A large number of important research issues are identified, and from that set of issues, a coherent research agenda is proposed

    Information Retrieval from Unsegmented Broadcast News Audio

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    International audienceThis paper describes a system for retrieving relevant portions of broadcast news shows starting with only the audio data. A novel method of automatically detecting and removing commercials is presented and shown to increase the performance of the system while also reducing the computational effort required. A sophisticated large vocabulary speech recogniser which produces high-quality transcriptions of the audio and a window-based retrieval system with post-retrieval merging are also described. Results are presented using the 1999 TREC-8 Spoken Document Retrieval data for the task where no story boundaries are known. Experiments investigating the effectiveness of all aspects of the system are described, and the relative benefits of automatically eliminating commercials, enforcing broadcast structure during retrieval, using relevance feedback, changing retrieval parameters and merging during post-processing are shown. An Average Precision of 46.8%, when duplicates are scored as irrelevant, is shown to be achievable using this system, with the corresponding word error rate of the recogniser being 20.5%

    Adaptive speaker diarization of broadcast news based on factor analysis

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    The introduction of factor analysis techniques in a speaker diarization system enhances its performance by facilitating the use of speaker specific information, by improving the suppression of nuisance factors such as phonetic content, and by facilitating various forms of adaptation. This paper describes a state-of-the-art iVector-based diarization system which employs factor analysis and adaptation on all levels. The diarization modules relevant for this work are: the speaker segmentation which searches for speaker boundaries and the speaker clustering which aims at grouping speech segments of the same speaker. The speaker segmentation relies on speaker factors which are extracted on a frame-by-frame basis using eigenvoices. We incorporate soft voice activity detection in this extraction process as the speaker change detection should be based on speaker information only and we want it to disregard the non-speech frames by applying speech posteriors. Potential speaker boundaries are inserted at positions where rapid changes in speaker factors are witnessed. By employing Mahalanobis distances, the effect of the phonetic content can be further reduced, which results in more accurate speaker boundaries. This iVector-based segmentation significantly outperforms more common segmentation methods based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) or speech activity marks. The speaker clustering employs two-step Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC): after initial BIC clustering, the second cluster stage is realized by either an iVector Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) system or Cosine Distance Scoring (CDS) of extracted speaker factors. The segmentation system is made adaptive on a file-by-file basis by iterating the diarization process using eigenvoice matrices adapted (unsupervised) on the output of the previous iteration. Assuming that for most use cases material similar to the recording in question is readily available, unsupervised domain adaptation of the speaker clustering is possible as well. We obtain this by expanding the eigenvoice matrix used during speaker factor extraction for the CDS clustering stage with a small set of new eigenvoices that, in combination with the initial generic eigenvoices, models the recurring speakers and acoustic conditions more accurately. Experiments on the COST278 multilingual broadcast news database show the generation of significantly more accurate speaker boundaries by using adaptive speaker segmentation which also results in more accurate clustering. The obtained speaker error rate (SER) can be further reduced by another 13% relative to 7.4% via domain adaptation of the CDS clustering. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved