253 research outputs found

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints

    Low-Impact System Performance Analysis Using Hardware Assisted Tracing Techniques

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    RÉSUMÉ Les applications modernes sont difficiles à diagnostiquer avec les outils de débogage et de profilage traditionnels. Dans les systèmes de production, la première priorité est de minimiser la perturbation sur l'application cible. Les outils de traçage sont très appropriés pour l'étude des performances de tels systèmes car les événements sont enregistrés et l'analyse se fait a posteriori. Une des principales exigences des systèmes de traçage est le faible surcoût. L'activation d'un nombre réduit d'événements aide à respecter cette exigence, mais au prix de la diminution de la granularité de la trace. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre travail de recherche qui traite du problème de la granularité limitée des traces en maintenant un faible surcoût sur les applications cibles. Nous présentons de nouvelles techniques et algorithmes qui abordent le problème en se basant d'abord sur une approche de filtrage logiciel et de traçage coopératif, puis en explorant des mécanismes plus avancés de traçage matériel. Nous avons proposé une approche efficace de traçage conditionnel dans l'espace noyau et utilisateur qui se base sur des mécanismes de filtrages compilés en code natif. Afin d'atteindre l'objectif d'avoir une trace détaillée du système, nous expliquons que les processeurs modernes contiennent des blocs de traçage matériel qui n'ont pas encore été entièrement exploités dans le domaine du traçage. Nous caractérisons leur performance et nous analysons les paquets de traces, leur relation avec l'exécution du logiciel, et les possibilités de les utiliser pour une trace détaillée. Nous proposons des techniques à faible surcoût, assistées par le matériel, rendant possible une analyse détaillée permettant la détection des latences d'interruption et des appels systèmes. Nous présentons aussi une nouvelle technique qui se base sur les paquets de trace à bas niveau du processeur pour analyser efficacement les processus et les ressources utilisées dans une machine virtuelle. De plus, nous avons identifié et solutionné des problèmes reliés au traçage matériel en utilisant l'assistance logicielle du système d'exploitation, ouvrant ainsi la voie à des recherches plus approfondies sur les approches coopératives de traçage matériel-logiciel. Comme nos techniques sont axées sur les exigences du traçage à haute vitesse dans les systèmes embarqués et de production traitant des transactions à haute fréquence, nous avons constaté que nos progrès dans le domaine du traçage matériel-logiciel se sont avérés très utiles pour détecter la contention des ressources et la latence dans les systèmes.----------ABSTRACT Modern applications are becoming hard to diagnose using traditional debugging and profiling tools. For production systems the first priority is to have minimal disturbance on the target application. To analyze performance of such systems, tracing tools are imperative where events can be logged and analyzed post-execution. One of the key requirements for tracing solutions however, is low overhead. A generic solution can be to select only a few events to trace, but at the cost of trace granularity. In this thesis, we present our research work that deals with the problem of lack of high granularity in traces while maintaining a low-overhead on target applications. We present our new techniques and algorithms that approach the problem initially from a software filtering and co-operative tracing approach, and then explore more advanced hardware tracing mechanisms that can be used. We have proposed an efficient kernel and userspace conditional tracing approach, with an enhanced native compiled filtering mechanism. Continuing towards our goal to have a detailed trace of a system, we further discuss how modern processors contain new hardware tracing blocks that have not yet been fully explored and exploited in the tracing domain. We characterize their performance and analyze the trace packets, their relation with software executions and opportunities to utilize them for a detailed trace. We therefore propose low-overhead hardware assisted techniques that allow a fine grained instruction based interrupt and system call latency detection mechanism. We also present a new algorithm that shows how such low-level trace packets coming directly from the processor, can be effectively utilized to analyze even the processes or resources consumed inside a VM. We have also identified and improved upon issues related to hardware tracing itself using software assistance from operating systems thus laying out ground for further research in hardware-software co-operative tracing approaches. As our techniques are focused towards requirements of high speed tracing in embedded or production systems, catering high frequency transactions, we have found that our advancements in the hardware-software domain have proved to be invaluable in detecting resource contention and latency in systems

    Nova combinação de hardware e de software para veículos de desporto automóvel baseada no processamento directo de funções gráficas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrónicaThe main motivation for the work presented here began with previously conducted experiments with a programming concept at the time named "Macro". These experiments led to the conviction that it would be possible to build a system of engine control from scratch, which could eliminate many of the current problems of engine management systems in a direct and intrinsic way. It was also hoped that it would minimize the full range of software and hardware needed to make a final and fully functional system. Initially, this paper proposes to make a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the specific area of software and corresponding hardware of automotive tools and automotive ECUs. Problems arising from such software will be identified, and it will be clear that practically all of these problems stem directly or indirectly from the fact that we continue to make comprehensive use of extremely long and complex "tool chains". Similarly, in the hardware, it will be argued that the problems stem from the extreme complexity and inter-dependency inside processor architectures. The conclusions are presented through an extensive list of "pitfalls" which will be thoroughly enumerated, identified and characterized. Solutions will also be proposed for the various current issues and for the implementation of these same solutions. All this final work will be part of a "proof-of-concept" system called "ECU2010". The central element of this system is the before mentioned "Macro" concept, which is an graphical block representing one of many operations required in a automotive system having arithmetic, logic, filtering, integration, multiplexing functions among others. The end result of the proposed work is a single tool, fully integrated, enabling the development and management of the entire system in one simple visual interface. Part of the presented result relies on a hardware platform fully adapted to the software, as well as enabling high flexibility and scalability in addition to using exactly the same technology for ECU, data logger and peripherals alike. Current systems rely on a mostly evolutionary path, only allowing online calibration of parameters, but never the online alteration of their own automotive functionality algorithms. By contrast, the system developed and described in this thesis had the advantage of following a "clean-slate" approach, whereby everything could be rethought globally. In the end, out of all the system characteristics, "LIVE-Prototyping" is the most relevant feature, allowing the adjustment of automotive algorithms (eg. Injection, ignition, lambda control, etc.) 100% online, keeping the engine constantly working, without ever having to stop or reboot to make such changes. This consequently eliminates any "turnaround delay" typically present in current automotive systems, thereby enhancing the efficiency and handling of such systems.A principal motivação para o trabalho que conduziu a esta tese residiu na constatação de que os actuais métodos de modelação de centralinas automóveis conduzem a significativos problemas de desenvolvimento e manutenção. Como resultado dessa constatação, o objectivo deste trabalho centrou-se no desenvolvimento de um conceito de arquitectura que rompe radicalmente com os modelos state-of-the-art e que assenta num conjunto de conceitos que vieram a ser designados de "Macro" e "Celular ECU". Com este modelo pretendeu-se simultaneamente minimizar a panóplia de software e de hardware necessários à obtenção de uma sistema funcional final. Inicialmente, esta tese propõem-se fazer um levantamento exaustivo do estado da arte na área específica do software e correspondente hardware das ferramentas e centralinas automóveis. Os problemas decorrentes de tal software serão identificados e, dessa identificação deverá ficar claro, que praticamente todos esses problemas têm origem directa ou indirecta no facto de se continuar a fazer um uso exaustivo de "tool chains" extremamente compridas e complexas. De forma semelhante, no hardware, os problemas têm origem na extrema complexidade e inter-dependência das arquitecturas dos processadores. As consequências distribuem-se por uma extensa lista de "pitfalls" que também serão exaustivamente enumeradas, identificadas e caracterizadas. São ainda propostas soluções para os diversos problemas actuais e correspondentes implementações dessas mesmas soluções. Todo este trabalho final faz parte de um sistema "proof-of-concept" designado "ECU2010". O elemento central deste sistema é o já referido conceito de “Macro”, que consiste num bloco gráfico que representa uma de muitas operações necessárias num sistema automóvel, como sejam funções aritméticas, lógicas, de filtragem, de integração, de multiplexagem, entre outras. O resultado final do trabalho proposto assenta numa única ferramenta, totalmente integrada que permite o desenvolvimento e gestão de todo o sistema de forma simples numa única interface visual. Parte do resultado apresentado assenta numa plataforma hardware totalmente adaptada ao software, bem como na elevada flexibilidade e escalabilidade, para além de permitir a utilização de exactamente a mesma tecnologia quer para a centralina, como para o datalogger e para os periféricos. Os sistemas actuais assentam num percurso maioritariamente evolutivo, apenas permitindo a calibração online de parâmetros, mas nunca a alteração online dos próprios algoritmos das funcionalidades automóveis. Pelo contrário, o sistema desenvolvido e descrito nesta tese apresenta a vantagem de seguir um "clean-slate approach", pelo que tudo pode ser globalmente repensado. No final e para além de todas as restantes características, o “LIVE-PROTOTYPING” é a funcionalidade mais relevante, ao permitir alterar algoritmos automóveis (ex: injecção, ignição, controlo lambda, etc.) de forma 100% online, mantendo o motor constantemente a trabalhar e sem nunca ter de o parar ou re-arrancar para efectuar tais alterações. Isto elimina consequentemente qualquer "turnaround delay" tipicamente presente em qualquer sistema automóvel actual, aumentando de forma significativa a eficiência global do sistema e da sua utilização

    3rd EGEE User Forum

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    We have organized this book in a sequence of chapters, each chapter associated with an application or technical theme introduced by an overview of the contents, and a summary of the main conclusions coming from the Forum for the chapter topic. The first chapter gathers all the plenary session keynote addresses, and following this there is a sequence of chapters covering the application flavoured sessions. These are followed by chapters with the flavour of Computer Science and Grid Technology. The final chapter covers the important number of practical demonstrations and posters exhibited at the Forum. Much of the work presented has a direct link to specific areas of Science, and so we have created a Science Index, presented below. In addition, at the end of this book, we provide a complete list of the institutes and countries involved in the User Forum

    Child Prime Label Approaches to Evaluate XML Structured Queries

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    The adoption of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as the standard format to store and exchange semi-structure data has been gaining momentum. The growing number of XML documents leads to the need for appropriate XML querying algorithms which are able to retrieve XML data efficiently. Due to the importance of twig pattern matching in XML retrieval systems, finding all matching occurrences of a tree pattern query in an XML document is often considered as a specific task for XML databases as well as a core operation in XML query processing. This thesis presents a design and implementation of a new indexing technique, called the Child Prime Label (CPL) which exploits the property of prime numbers to identify Parent-Child (P-C) edges in twig pattern queries (TPQs) during query evaluation. The CPL approach can be incorporated efficiently within the existing labelling schemes. The major contributions of this thesis can be seen as a set of novel twig matching algorithms which apply the CPL approach and focus on reducing the overhead of storing useless elements and performing unnecessary computations during the output enumeration. The research presented here is the first to provide an efficient and general solution for TPQs containing ordering constraints and positional predicates specified by the XML query languages. To evaluate the CPL approaches, the holistic model was implemented as an experimental prototype in which the approaches proposed are compared against state-of-the-art holistic twig algorithms. Extensive performance studies on various real-world and artificial datasets were conducted to demonstrate the significant improvement of the CPL approaches over the previous indexing and querying methods. The experimental results demonstrate the validity and improvements of the new algorithms over other related methods on common various subclasses of TPQs. Moreover, the scalability tests reveal that the new algorithms are more suitable for processing large XML datasets

    PiCo: A Domain-Specific Language for Data Analytics Pipelines

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    In the world of Big Data analytics, there is a series of tools aiming at simplifying programming applications to be executed on clusters. Although each tool claims to provide better programming, data and execution models—for which only informal (and often confusing) semantics is generally provided—all share a common under- lying model, namely, the Dataflow model. Using this model as a starting point, it is possible to categorize and analyze almost all aspects about Big Data analytics tools from a high level perspective. This analysis can be considered as a first step toward a formal model to be exploited in the design of a (new) framework for Big Data analytics. By putting clear separations between all levels of abstraction (i.e., from the runtime to the user API), it is easier for a programmer or software designer to avoid mixing low level with high level aspects, as we are often used to see in state-of-the-art Big Data analytics frameworks. From the user-level perspective, we think that a clearer and simple semantics is preferable, together with a strong separation of concerns. For this reason, we use the Dataflow model as a starting point to build a programming environment with a simplified programming model implemented as a Domain-Specific Language, that is on top of a stack of layers that build a prototypical framework for Big Data analytics. The contribution of this thesis is twofold: first, we show that the proposed model is (at least) as general as existing batch and streaming frameworks (e.g., Spark, Flink, Storm, Google Dataflow), thus making it easier to understand high-level data-processing applications written in such frameworks. As result of this analysis, we provide a layered model that can represent tools and applications following the Dataflow paradigm and we show how the analyzed tools fit in each level. Second, we propose a programming environment based on such layered model in the form of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for processing data collections, called PiCo (Pipeline Composition). The main entity of this programming model is the Pipeline, basically a DAG-composition of processing elements. This model is intended to give the user an unique interface for both stream and batch processing, hiding completely data management and focusing only on operations, which are represented by Pipeline stages. Our DSL will be built on top of the FastFlow library, exploiting both shared and distributed parallelism, and implemented in C++11/14 with the aim of porting C++ into the Big Data world

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Real-time simulator of collaborative and autonomous vehicles

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    Durant ces dernières décennies, l’apparition des systèmes d’aide à la conduite a essentiellement été favorisée par le développement des différentes technologies ainsi que par celui des outils mathématiques associés. Cela a profondément affecté les systèmes de transport et a donné naissance au domaine des systèmes de transport intelligents (STI). Nous assistons de nos jours au développement du marché des véhicules intelligents dotés de systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de moyens de communication inter-véhiculaire. Les véhicules et les infrastructures intelligents changeront le mode de conduite sur les routes. Ils pourront résoudre une grande partie des problèmes engendrés par le trafic routier comme les accidents, les embouteillages, la pollution, etc. Cependant, le bon fonctionnement et la fiabilité des nouvelles générations des systèmes de transport nécessitent une parfaite maitrise des différents processus de leur conception, en particulier en ce qui concerne les systèmes embarqués. Il est clair que l’identification et la correction des défauts des systèmes embarqués sont deux tâches primordiales à la fois pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine, à la fois pour la préservation de l’intégrité des véhicules et des infrastructures urbaines. Pour ce faire, la simulation numérique en temps réel est la démarche la plus adéquate pour tester et valider les systèmes de conduite et les véhicules intelligents. Elle présente de nombreux avantages qui la rendent incontournable pour la conception des systèmes embarqués. Par conséquent, dans ce projet, nous présentons une nouvelle plateforme de simulation temps-réel des véhicules intelligents et autonomes en conduite collaborative. Le projet se base sur deux principaux composants. Le premier étant les produits d’OPAL-RT Technologies notamment le logiciel RT-LAB « en : Real Time LABoratory », l’application Orchestra et les machines de simulation dédiées à la simulation en temps réel et aux calculs parallèles, le second composant est Pro-SiVIC pour la simulation de la dynamique des véhicules, du comportement des capteurs embarqués et de l’infrastructure. Cette nouvelle plateforme (Pro-SiVIC/RT-LAB) permettra notamment de tester les systèmes embarqués (capteurs, actionneurs, algorithmes), ainsi que les moyens de communication inter-véhiculaire. Elle permettra aussi d’identifier et de corriger les problèmes et les erreurs logicielles, et enfin de valider les systèmes embarqués avant même le prototypage
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