829 research outputs found

    Nonsupersymmetric Flux Vacua and Perturbed N=2 Systems

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    We geometrically engineer N=2 theories perturbed by a superpotential by adding 3-form flux with support at infinity to local Calabi-Yau geometries in type IIB. This allows us to apply the formalism of Ooguri, Ookouchi, and Park [arXiv:0704.3613] to demonstrate that, by tuning the flux at infinity, we can stabilize the dynamical complex structure moduli in a metastable, supersymmetry-breaking configuration. Moreover, we argue that this setup can arise naturally as a limit of a larger Calabi-Yau which separates into two weakly interacting regions; the flux in one region leaks into the other, where it appears to be supported at infinity and induces the desired superpotential. In our endeavor to confirm this picture in cases with many 3-cycles, we also compute the CIV-DV prepotential for arbitrary number of cuts up to fifth order in the glueball fields.Comment: 70 pages (47 pages + 4 appendices), 10 figure

    PSL(nn)PSL(n|n) Sigma Model as a Conformal Field Theory

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    We discuss the sigma model on the PSL(nn)PSL(n|n) supergroup manifold. We demonstrate that this theory is exactly conformal. The chiral algebra of this model is given by some extension of the Virasoro algebra, similar to the WW algebra of Zamolodchikov. We also show that all group invariant correlation functions are coupling constant independent and can be computed in the free theory. The non invariant correlation functions are highly nontrivial and coupling dependent. At the end we compare two and three-point correlation functions of the PSL(1,12)PSL(1,1|2) sigma model with the correlation functions in the boundary theory of AdS3×S3AdS_3 \times S^3 and find a qualitative agreement.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Criteria for Conformal Invariance of (0,2) Models

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    It is argued that many linear (0,2) models flow in the infrared to conformally invariant solutions of string theory. The strategy in the argument is to show that the effective space-time superpotential must vanish because there is no place where it can have a pole. This conclusion comes from either of two different analyses, in which the Kahler class or the complex structure of the gauge bundle is varied, while keeping everything else fixed. In the former case, we recover from the linear sigma model the usual simple pole in the 27ˉ3{\bf \bar {27}}^3 Yukawa coupling but show that an analogous pole does not arise in the couplings of gauge singlet modes. In the latter case, a dimension count shows that the world-sheet instanton sum does not ``see'' the singularities of the gauge bundle and hence cannot have a pole.Comment: 36 pages, harvmac. Equation (3.14) and miscellaneous typos corrected. (Error in section 5.2 has been corrected in 1999 version.

    Little String Amplitudes (and the Unreasonable Effectiveness of 6D SYM)

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    We study tree level scattering amplitudes of four massless states in the double scaled little string theory, and compare them to perturbative loop amplitudes in six-dimensional super-Yang-Mills theory. The little string amplitudes are computed from correlators in the cigar coset CFT and in N=2 minimal models. The results are expressed in terms of integrals of conformal blocks and evaluated numerically in the alpha' expansion. We find striking agreements with up to 2-loop scattering amplitudes of massless gluons in 6D SU(k) SYM at a Z_k invariant point on the Coulomb branch. We comment on the issue of UV divergence at higher loop orders in the gauge theory and discuss the implication of our results.Comment: 58 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, comments added, references adde

    FZZ Algebra

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    The duality between the Sine-Liouville conformal field theory and the two dimensional black hole is revisited by considering the two possible Sine-Liouville dressings together. We show that this choice is consistent with the structure of correlation functions, and that the OPE of the two dressings yields the black hole deformation operator. As an application of this approach, we investigate the role of higher winding perturbations in the context of c=1 strings, where we argue that they are related to higher-spin discrete states that generalize the 2d black hole operator.Comment: 23 pages, JHEP style. v2: small modifications to better clarify some of the argument

    Critical phenomena in N=4 SYM plasma

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    Strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at finite temperature and chemical potential for an R-symmetry charge undergoes a second order phase transition. We demonstrate that this phase transition is of the mean field theory type. We explicitly show that the model is in the dynamical universality class of 'model B' according to the classification of Hohenberg and Halperine, with dynamical critical exponent z=4. We study bulk viscosity in the mass deformed version of this theory in the vicinity of the phase transition. We point out that all available models of bulk viscosity at continuous phase transition are in conflict with our explicit holographic computations.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure

    LSZ in LST

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    We discuss the analytic structure of off-shell correlation functions in Little String Theories (LSTs) using their description as asymptotically linear dilaton backgrounds of string theory. We focus on specific points in the LST moduli space where this description involves the spacetime (R^{d-1,1} times SL(2)/U(1) times a compact CFT), though we expect our qualitative results to be much more general. We show that n-point functions of vertex operators O(p) have single poles as a function of the d-dimensional momentum p, which correspond to normalizable states localized near the tip of the SL(2)/U(1) cigar. Additional poles arise due to the non-trivial dynamics in the bulk of the cigar, and these can lead to a type of UV/IR mixing. Our results explain some previously puzzling features of the low energy behavior of the Green functions. As another application, we compute the precise combinations of single-trace and multi-trace operators in the low-energy gauge theory which map to single string vertex operators in the N=(1,1) supersymmetric d=6 LST. We also discuss the implications of our results for two dimensional string theories and for the (non-existence of a) Hagedorn phase transition in LSTs.Comment: 93 pages; harvmac. v2: minor changes. v3: Added reference and minor change