56 research outputs found

    Subspace and graph methods to leverage auxiliary data for limited target data multi-class classification, applied to speaker verification

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-130).Multi-class classification can be adversely affected by the absence of sufficient target (in-class) instances for training. Such cases arise in face recognition, speaker verification, and document classification, among others. Auxiliary data-sets, which contain a diverse sampling of non-target instances, are leveraged in this thesis using subspace and graph methods to improve classification where target data is limited. The auxiliary data is used to define a compact representation that maps instances into a vector space where inner products quantify class similarity. Within this space, an estimate of the subspace that constitutes within-class variability (e.g. the recording channel in speaker verification or the illumination conditions in face recognition) can be obtained using class-labeled auxiliary data. This thesis proposes a way to incorporate this estimate into the SVM framework to perform nuisance compensation, thus improving classification performance. Another contribution is a framework that combines mapping and compensation into a single linear comparison, which motivates computationally inexpensive and accurate comparison functions. A key aspect of the work takes advantage of efficient pairwise comparisons between the training, test, and auxiliary instances to characterize their interaction within the vector space, and exploits it for improved classification in three ways. The first uses the local variability around the train and test instances to reduce false-alarms. The second assumes the instances lie on a low-dimensional manifold and uses the distances along the manifold. The third extracts relational features from a similarity graph where nodes correspond to the training, test and auxiliary instances. To quantify the merit of the proposed techniques, results of experiments in speaker verification are presented where only a single target recording is provided to train the classifier. Experiments are preformed on standard NIST corpora and methods are compared using standard evalutation metrics: detection error trade-off curves, minimum decision costs, and equal error rates.by Zahi Nadim Karam.Ph.D

    Local representations and random sampling for speaker verification

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    In text-independent speaker verification, studies focused on compensating intra-speaker variabilities at the modeling stage through the last decade. Intra-speaker variabilities may be due to channel effects, phonetic content or the speaker himself in the form of speaking style, emotional state, health or other similar factors. Joint Factor Analysis, Total Variability Space compensation, Nuisance Attribute Projection are some of the most successful approaches for inter-session variability compensation in the literature. In this thesis, we criticize the assumptions of low dimensionality of channel space in these methods and propose to partition the acoustic space into local regions. Intra-speaker variability compensation may be done in each local space separately. Two architectures are proposed depending on whether the subsequent modeling and scoring steps will also be done locally or globally. We have also focused on a particular component of intra-speaker variability, namely within-session variability. The main source of within-session variability is the differences in the phonetic content of speech segments in a single utterance. The variabilities in phonetic content may be either due to across acoustic event variabilities or due to differences in the actual realizations of the acoustic events. We propose a method to combat these variabilities through random sampling of training utterance. The method is shown to be effective both in short and long test utterances

    Scalable learning for geostatistics and speaker recognition

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    With improved data acquisition methods, the amount of data that is being collected has increased severalfold. One of the objectives in data collection is to learn useful underlying patterns. In order to work with data at this scale, the methods not only need to be effective with the underlying data, but also have to be scalable to handle larger data collections. This thesis focuses on developing scalable and effective methods targeted towards different domains, geostatistics and speaker recognition in particular. Initially we focus on kernel based learning methods and develop a GPU based parallel framework for this class of problems. An improved numerical algorithm that utilizes the GPU parallelization to further enhance the computational performance of kernel regression is proposed. These methods are then demonstrated on problems arising in geostatistics and speaker recognition. In geostatistics, data is often collected at scattered locations and factors like instrument malfunctioning lead to missing observations. Applications often require the ability interpolate this scattered spatiotemporal data on to a regular grid continuously over time. This problem can be formulated as a regression problem, and one of the most popular geostatistical interpolation techniques, kriging is analogous to a standard kernel method: Gaussian process regression. Kriging is computationally expensive and needs major modifications and accelerations in order to be used practically. The GPU framework developed for kernel methods is extended to kriging and further the GPU's texture memory is better utilized for enhanced computational performance. Speaker recognition deals with the task of verifying a person's identity based on samples of his/her speech - "utterances". This thesis focuses on text-independent framework and three new recognition frameworks were developed for this problem. We proposed a kernelized Renyi distance based similarity scoring for speaker recognition. While its performance is promising, it does not generalize well for limited training data and therefore does not compare well to state-of-the-art recognition systems. These systems compensate for the variability in the speech data due to the message, channel variability, noise and reverberation. State-of-the-art systems model each speaker as a mixture of Gaussians (GMM) and compensate for the variability (termed "nuisance"). We propose a novel discriminative framework using a latent variable technique, partial least squares (PLS), for improved recognition. The kernelized version of this algorithm is used to achieve a state of the art speaker ID system, that shows results competitive with the best systems reported on in NIST's 2010 Speaker Recognition Evaluation

    Analysis of Speaker Verification System Using Support Vector Machine

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    The integration of GMM- super vector and Support Vector Machine (SVM) has become one of most popular strategy in text-independent speaker verification system.  This paper describes the application of Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (FSVM) for classification of speakers using GMM-super vectors. Super vectors are formed by stacking the mean vectors of adapted GMMs from UBM using maximum a posteriori (MAP). GMM super vectors characterize speaker’s acoustic characteristics which are used for developing a speaker dependent fuzzy SVM model. Introducing fuzzy theory in support vector machine yields better classification accuracy and requires less number of support vectors. Experiments were conducted on 2001 NIST speaker recognition evaluation corpus. Performance of GMM-FSVM based speaker verification system is compared with the conventional GMM-UBM and GMM-SVM based systems.  Experimental results indicate that the fuzzy SVM based speaker verification system with GMM super vector achieves better performance to GMM-UBM system. Â

    Discriminative and generative approaches for long- and short-term speaker characteristics modeling : application to speaker verification

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    The speaker verification problem can be stated as follows: given two speech recordings, determine whether or not they have been uttered by the same speaker. Most current speaker verification systems are based on Gaussian mixture models. This probabilistic representation allows to adequately model the complex distribution of the underlying speech feature parameters. It however represents an inadequate basis for discriminating between speakers, which is the key issue in the area of speaker verification. In the first part of this thesis, we attempt to overcome these difficulties by proposing to combine support vector machines, a well established discriminative modeling, with two generative approaches based on Gaussian mixture models. In the first generative approach, a target speaker is represented by a Gaussian mixture model corresponding to a Maximum A Posteriori adaptation of a large Gaussian mixture model, coined universal background model, to the target speaker data. The second generative approach is the Joint Factor Analysis that has become the state-of-the-art in the field of speaker verification during the last three years. The advantage of this technique is that it provides a framework of powerful tools for modeling the inter-speaker and channel variabilities. We propose and test several kernel functions that are integrated in the design of both previous combinations. The best results are obtained when the support vector machines are applied within a new space called the "total variability space", defined using the factor analysis. In this novel modeling approach, the channel effect is treated through a combination of linear discnminant analysis and kemel normalization based on the inverse of the within covariance matrix of the speaker. In the second part of this thesis, we present a new approach to modeling the speaker's longterm prosodic and spectral characteristics. This novel approach is based on continuous approximations of the prosodic and cepstral contours contained in a pseudo-syllabic segment of speech. Each of these contours is fitted to a Legendre polynomial, whose coefficients are modeled by a Gaussian mixture model. The joint factor analysis is used to treat the speaker and channel variabilities. Finally, we perform a scores fusion between systems based on long-term speaker characteristics with those described above that use short-term speaker features


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    This thesis describes research into effective voice biometrics (speaker recognition) under mismatched noise conditions. Over the last two decades, this class of biometrics has been the subject of considerable research due to its various applications in such areas as telephone banking, remote access control and surveillance. One of the main challenges associated with the deployment of voice biometrics in practice is that of undesired variations in speech characteristics caused by environmental noise. Such variations can in turn lead to a mismatch between the corresponding test and reference material from the same speaker. This is found to adversely affect the performance of speaker recognition in terms of accuracy. To address the above problem, a novel approach is introduced and investigated. The proposed method is based on minimising the noise mismatch between reference speaker models and the given test utterance, and involves a new form of Test-Normalisation (T-Norm) for further enhancing matching scores under the aforementioned adverse operating conditions. Through experimental investigations, based on the two main classes of speaker recognition (i.e. verification/ open-set identification), it is shown that the proposed approach can significantly improve the performance accuracy under mismatched noise conditions. In order to further improve the recognition accuracy in severe mismatch conditions, an approach to enhancing the above stated method is proposed. This, which involves providing a closer adjustment of the reference speaker models to the noise condition in the test utterance, is shown to considerably increase the accuracy in extreme cases of noisy test data. Moreover, to tackle the computational burden associated with the use of the enhanced approach with open-set identification, an efficient algorithm for its realisation in this context is introduced and evaluated. The thesis presents a detailed description of the research undertaken, describes the experimental investigations and provides a thorough analysis of the outcomes

    Acoustic Approaches to Gender and Accent Identification

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    There has been considerable research on the problems of speaker and language recognition from samples of speech. A less researched problem is that of accent recognition. Although this is a similar problem to language identification, di�erent accents of a language exhibit more fine-grained di�erences between classes than languages. This presents a tougher problem for traditional classification techniques. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate a number of techniques for gender and accent classification. These techniques are novel modifications and extensions to state of the art algorithms, and they result in enhanced performance on gender and accent recognition. The first part of the thesis focuses on the problem of gender identification, and presents a technique that gives improved performance in situations where training and test conditions are mismatched. The bulk of this thesis is concerned with the application of the i-Vector technique to accent identification, which is the most successful approach to acoustic classification to have emerged in recent years. We show that it is possible to achieve high accuracy accent identification without reliance on transcriptions and without utilising phoneme recognition algorithms. The thesis describes various stages in the development of i-Vector based accent classification that improve the standard approaches usually applied for speaker or language identification, which are insu�cient. We demonstrate that very good accent identification performance is possible with acoustic methods by considering di�erent i-Vector projections, frontend parameters, i-Vector configuration parameters, and an optimised fusion of the resulting i-Vector classifiers we can obtain from the same data. We claim to have achieved the best accent identification performance on the test corpus for acoustic methods, with up to 90% identification rate. This performance is even better than previously reported acoustic-phonotactic based systems on the same corpus, and is very close to performance obtained via transcription based accent identification. Finally, we demonstrate that the utilization of our techniques for speech recognition purposes leads to considerably lower word error rates. Keywords: Accent Identification, Gender Identification, Speaker Identification, Gaussian Mixture Model, Support Vector Machine, i-Vector, Factor Analysis, Feature Extraction, British English, Prosody, Speech Recognition

    Exploring variabilities through factor analysis in automatic acoustic language recognition

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    La problématique traitée par la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR) porte sur la définition découverte de la langue contenue dans un segment de parole. Cette thèse se base sur des paramètres acoustiques de courte durée, utilisés dans une approche d adaptation de mélanges de Gaussiennes (GMM-UBM). Le problème majeur de nombreuses applications du vaste domaine de la re- problème connaissance de formes consiste en la variabilité des données observées. Dans le contexte de la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR), cette variabilité nuisible est due à des causes diverses, notamment les caractéristiques du locuteur, l évolution de la parole et de la voix, ainsi que les canaux d acquisition et de transmission. Dans le contexte de la reconnaissance du locuteur, l impact de la variabilité solution peut sensiblement être réduit par la technique d Analyse Factorielle (Joint Factor Analysis, JFA). Dans ce travail, nous introduisons ce paradigme à la Reconnaissance de la Langue. Le succès de la JFA repose sur plusieurs hypothèses. La première est que l information observée est décomposable en une partie universelle, une partie dépendante de la langue et une partie de variabilité, qui elle est indépendante de la langue. La deuxième hypothèse, plus technique, est que la variabilité nuisible se situe dans un sous-espace de faible dimension, qui est défini de manière globale.Dans ce travail, nous analysons le comportement de la JFA dans le contexte d un dispositif de LR du type GMM-UBM. Nous introduisons et analysons également sa combinaison avec des Machines à Vecteurs Support (SVM). Les premières publications sur la JFA regroupaient toute information qui est amélioration nuisible à la tâche (donc ladite variabilité) dans un seul composant. Celui-ci est supposé suivre une distribution Gaussienne. Cette approche permet de traiter les différentes sortes de variabilités d une manière unique. En pratique, nous observons que cette hypothèse n est pas toujours vérifiée. Nous avons, par exemple, le cas où les données peuvent être groupées de manière logique en deux sous-parties clairement distinctes, notamment en données de sources téléphoniques et d émissions radio. Dans ce cas-ci, nos recherches détaillées montrent un certain avantage à traiter les deux types de données par deux systèmes spécifiques et d élire comme score de sortie celui du système qui correspond à la catégorie source du segment testé. Afin de sélectionner le score de l un des systèmes, nous avons besoin d un analyses détecteur de canal source. Nous proposons ici différents nouveaux designs pour engendrées de tels détecteurs automatiques. Dans ce cadre, nous montrons que les facteurs de variabilité (du sous-espace) de la JFA peuvent être utilisés avec succès pour la détection de la source. Ceci ouvre la perspective intéressante de subdiviser les5données en catégories de canal source qui sont établies de manière automatique. En plus de pouvoir s adapter à des nouvelles conditions de source, cette propriété permettrait de pouvoir travailler avec des données d entraînement qui ne sont pas accompagnées d étiquettes sur le canal de source. L approche JFA permet une réduction de la mesure de coûts allant jusqu à généraux 72% relatives, comparé au système GMM-UBM de base. En utilisant des systèmes spécifiques à la source, suivis d un sélecteur de scores, nous obtenons une amélioration relative de 81%.Language Recognition is the problem of discovering the language of a spoken definitionutterance. This thesis achieves this goal by using short term acoustic information within a GMM-UBM approach.The main problem of many pattern recognition applications is the variability of problemthe observed data. In the context of Language Recognition (LR), this troublesomevariability is due to the speaker characteristics, speech evolution, acquisition and transmission channels.In the context of Speaker Recognition, the variability problem is solved by solutionthe Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) technique. Here, we introduce this paradigm toLanguage Recognition. The success of JFA relies on several assumptions: The globalJFA assumption is that the observed information can be decomposed into a universalglobal part, a language-dependent part and the language-independent variabilitypart. The second, more technical assumption consists in the unwanted variability part to be thought to live in a low-dimensional, globally defined subspace. In this work, we analyze how JFA behaves in the context of a GMM-UBM LR framework. We also introduce and analyze its combination with Support Vector Machines(SVMs).The first JFA publications put all unwanted information (hence the variability) improvemen tinto one and the same component, which is thought to follow a Gaussian distribution.This handles diverse kinds of variability in a unique manner. But in practice,we observe that this hypothesis is not always verified. We have for example thecase, where the data can be divided into two clearly separate subsets, namely datafrom telephony and from broadcast sources. In this case, our detailed investigations show that there is some benefit of handling the two kinds of data with two separatesystems and then to elect the output score of the system, which corresponds to the source of the testing utterance.For selecting the score of one or the other system, we need a channel source related analyses detector. We propose here different novel designs for such automatic detectors.In this framework, we show that JFA s variability factors (of the subspace) can beused with success for detecting the source. This opens the interesting perspectiveof partitioning the data into automatically determined channel source categories,avoiding the need of source-labeled training data, which is not always available.The JFA approach results in up to 72% relative cost reduction, compared to the overall resultsGMM-UBM baseline system. Using source specific systems followed by a scoreselector, we achieve 81% relative improvement.AVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Deep learning for i-vector speaker and language recognition

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    Over the last few years, i-vectors have been the state-of-the-art technique in speaker and language recognition. Recent advances in Deep Learning (DL) technology have improved the quality of i-vectors but the DL techniques in use are computationally expensive and need speaker or/and phonetic labels for the background data, which are not easily accessible in practice. On the other hand, the lack of speaker-labeled background data makes a big performance gap, in speaker recognition, between two well-known cosine and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) i-vector scoring techniques. It has recently been a challenge how to fill this gap without speaker labels, which are expensive in practice. Although some unsupervised clustering techniques are proposed to estimate the speaker labels, they cannot accurately estimate the labels. This thesis tries to solve the problems above by using the DL technology in different ways, without any need of speaker or phonetic labels. In order to fill the performance gap between cosine and PLDA scoring given unlabeled background data, we have proposed an impostor selection algorithm and a universal model adaptation process in a hybrid system based on Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to discriminatively model each target speaker. In order to have more insight into the behavior of DL techniques in both single and multi-session speaker enrollment tasks, some experiments have been carried out in both scenarios. Experiments on the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) 2014 i-vector challenge show that 46% of this performance gap, in terms of minDCF, is filled by the proposed DL-based system. Furthermore, the score combination of the proposed DL-based system and PLDA with estimated labels covers 79% of this gap. In the second line of the research, we have developed an efficient alternative vector representation of speech by keeping the computational cost as low as possible and avoiding phonetic labels, which are not always accessible. The proposed vectors will be based on both Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and will be referred to as GMM-RBM vectors. The role of RBM is to learn the total speaker and session variability among background GMM supervectors. This RBM, which will be referred to as Universal RBM (URBM), will then be used to transform unseen supervectors to the proposed low dimensional vectors. The use of different activation functions for training the URBM and different transformation functions for extracting the proposed vectors are investigated. At the end, a variant of Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) which is referred to as Variable ReLU (VReLU) is proposed. Experiments on the core test condition 5 of the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) 2010 show that comparable results with conventional i-vectors are achieved with a clearly lower computational load in the vector extraction process. Finally, for the Language Identification (LID) application, we have proposed a DNN architecture to model effectively the i-vector space of four languages, English, Spanish, German, and Finnish, in the car environment. Both raw i-vectors and session variability compensated i-vectors are evaluated as input vectors to DNN. The performance of the proposed DNN architecture is compared with both conventional GMM-UBM and i-vector/Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) systems considering the effect of duration of signals. It is shown that the signals with duration between 2 and 3 sec meet the accuracy and speed requirements of this application, in which the proposed DNN architecture outperforms GMM-UBM and i-vector/LDA systems by 37% and 28%, respectively.En los últimos años, los i-vectores han sido la técnica de referencia en el reconocimiento de hablantes y de idioma. Los últimos avances en la tecnología de Aprendizaje Profundo (Deep Learning. DL) han mejorado la calidad de los i-vectores, pero las técnicas DL en uso son computacionalmente costosas y necesitan datos etiquetados para cada hablante y/o unidad fon ética, los cuales no son fácilmente accesibles en la práctica. La falta de datos etiquetados provoca una gran diferencia de los resultados en el reconocimiento de hablante con i-vectors entre las dos técnicas de evaluación más utilizados: distancia coseno y Análisis Lineal Discriminante Probabilístico (PLDA). Por el momento, sigue siendo un reto cómo reducir esta brecha sin disponer de las etiquetas de los hablantes, que son costosas de obtener. Aunque se han propuesto algunas técnicas de agrupamiento sin supervisión para estimar las etiquetas de los hablantes, no pueden estimar las etiquetas con precisión. Esta tesis trata de resolver los problemas mencionados usando la tecnología DL de diferentes maneras, sin necesidad de etiquetas de hablante o fon éticas. Con el fin de reducir la diferencia de resultados entre distancia coseno y PLDA a partir de datos no etiquetados, hemos propuesto un algoritmo selección de impostores y la adaptación a un modelo universal en un sistema hibrido basado en Deep Belief Networks (DBN) y Deep Neural Networks (DNN) para modelar a cada hablante objetivo de forma discriminativa. Con el fin de tener más información sobre el comportamiento de las técnicas DL en las tareas de identificación de hablante en una única sesión y en varias sesiones, se han llevado a cabo algunos experimentos en ambos escenarios. Los experimentos utilizando los datos del National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) 2014 i-vector Challenge muestran que el 46% de esta diferencia de resultados, en términos de minDCF, se reduce con el sistema propuesto basado en DL. Además, la combinación de evaluaciones del sistema propuesto basado en DL y PLDA con etiquetas estimadas reduce el 79% de esta diferencia. En la segunda línea de la investigación, hemos desarrollado una representación vectorial alternativa eficiente de la voz manteniendo el coste computacional lo más bajo posible y evitando las etiquetas fon éticas, Los vectores propuestos se basan tanto en el Modelo de Mezcla de Gaussianas (GMM) y en las Maquinas Boltzmann Restringidas (RBM), a los que se hacer referencia como vectores GMM-RBM. El papel de la RBM es aprender la variabilidad total del hablante y de la sesión entre los supervectores del GMM gen érico. Este RBM, al que se hará referencia como RBM Universal (URBM), se utilizará para transformar supervectores ocultos en los vectores propuestos, de menor dimensión. Además, se estudia el uso de diferentes funciones de activación para el entrenamiento de la URBM y diferentes funciones de transformación para extraer los vectores propuestos. Finalmente, se propone una variante de la Unidad Lineal Rectificada (ReLU) a la que se hace referencia como Variable ReLU (VReLU). Los experimentos sobre los datos de la condición 5 del test de la NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) 2010 muestran que se han conseguidos resultados comparables con los i-vectores convencionales, con una carga computacional claramente inferior en el proceso de extracción de vectores. Por último, para la aplicación de Identificación de Idioma (LID), hemos propuesto una arquitectura DNN para modelar eficazmente en el entorno del coche el espacio i-vector de cuatro idiomas: inglés, español, alemán y finlandés. Tanto los i-vectores originales como los i-vectores propuestos son evaluados como vectores de entrada a DNN. El rendimiento de la arquitectura DNN propuesta se compara con los sistemas convencionales GMM-UBM y i-vector/Análisis Discriminante Lineal (LDA) considerando el efecto de la duración de las señales. Se muestra que en caso de señales con una duración entre 2 y 3 se obtienen resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a precisión y resultados, superando a los sistemas GMM-UBM y i-vector/LDA en un 37% y 28%, respectivament

    Reconnaissance automatique du locuteur par des GMM à grande marge

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    Depuis plusieurs dizaines d'années, la reconnaissance automatique du locuteur (RAL) fait l'objet de travaux de recherche entrepris par de nombreuses équipes dans le monde. La majorité des systèmes actuels sont basés sur l'utilisation des Modèles de Mélange de lois Gaussiennes (GMM) et/ou des modèles discriminants SVM, i.e., les machines à vecteurs de support. Nos travaux ont pour objectif général la proposition d'utiliser de nouveaux modèles GMM à grande marge pour la RAL qui soient une alternative aux modèles GMM génératifs classiques et à l'approche discriminante état de l'art GMM-SVM. Nous appelons ces modèles LM-dGMM pour Large Margin diagonal GMM. Nos modèles reposent sur une récente technique discriminante pour la séparation multi-classes, qui a été appliquée en reconnaissance de la parole. Exploitant les propriétés des systèmes GMM utilisés en RAL, nous présentons dans cette thèse des variantes d'algorithmes d'apprentissage discriminant des GMM minimisant une fonction de perte à grande marge. Des tests effectués sur les tâches de reconnaissance du locuteur de la campagne d'évaluation NIST-SRE 2006 démontrent l'intérêt de ces modèles en reconnaissance.Most of state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems are based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), trained using maximum likelihood estimation and maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. The generative training of the GMM does not however directly optimize the classification performance. For this reason, discriminative models, e.g., Support Vector Machines (SVM), have been an interesting alternative since they address directly the classification problem, and they lead to good performances. Recently a new discriminative approach for multiway classification has been proposed, the Large Margin Gaussian mixture models (LM-GMM). As in SVM, the parameters of LM-GMM are trained by solving a convex optimization problem. However they differ from SVM by using ellipsoids to model the classes directly in the input space, instead of half-spaces in an extended high-dimensional space. While LM-GMM have been used in speech recognition, they have not been used in speaker recognition (to the best of our knowledge). In this thesis, we propose simplified, fast and more efficient versions of LM-GMM which exploit the properties and characteristics of speaker recognition applications and systems, the LM-dGMM models. In our LM-dGMM modeling, each class is initially modeled by a GMM trained by MAP adaptation of a Universal Background Model (UBM) or directly initialized by the UBM. The models mean vectors are then re-estimated under some Large Margin constraints. We carried out experiments on full speaker recognition tasks under the NIST-SRE 2006 core condition. The experimental results are very satisfactory and show that our Large Margin modeling approach is very promising