18 research outputs found

    Bandwidth-efficient delay- and loss-tolerant overlay routing

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    Motivation. Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are mostly deployed in heterogeneous environments with resource availability varying not only across the nodes but also over time. If any of the shared computational, storage or network resources are exhausted, failures and delays occur. The commonly used crash-stop failure model assumes that once a node stops sending messages it never again resumes. Such failures are trivially detected and appropriate algorithms are run that maintain the connectivity and routing efficiency of the P2P overlay under continuous arrivals and departures of the peers (i.e. churn) [6], [4]. The failure detection mechanisms in the crashstop model are typically tuned to minimize th

    Using lightweight modeling to understand chord

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    MOSAIC: Unified Platform for Dynamic Overlay Selection and Composition

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    MOSAIC constructs new overlay networks with desired characteristics by composing existing overlays with subsets of those attributes. Thus, MOSAIC overcomes the problem of multiple network infrastructures that are partial solutions, while preserving deployability. Composition of control and/or data planes is possible in the system. MOSAIC overlays are specified in Mozlog, a declarative language that specifies overlay properties without binding them to a particular implementation or underlying network. This paper focuses on the runtime aspects of MOSAIC: how it enables interoperability between different overlay networks and how it implements switching between different overlay compositions, permitting dynamic compositions with both existing overlay networks and legacy applications. The system is validated experimentally using declarative overlay compositions concisely specified in Mozlog: an indirection overlay that supports mobility (i3), a resilient overlay (RON), and scalable lookups (Chord), all of which are combined to provide new functionality. MOSAIC provides the benefits of runtime composition to simultaneously deliver application-aware mobility, NAT traversal and reliability with low performance overhead, demonstrated by measurements on both a local cluster and PlanetLab

    NAT-resilient Gossip Peer Sampling

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    International audienceCet article explique comment réaliser un protocole de diffusion par gossip fonctionnant en présence de NATs

    Fuzzynet: Zero-maintenance Ringless Overlay

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    Many structured overlay networks rely on a ring invariant as a core network connectivity element. The responsibility ranges of the participating peers and navigability principles (greedy routing) heavily depend on the ring structure. For correctness guarantees, each node needs to eagerly maintain its immediate neighboring links - the ring invariant. However, the ring maintenance is an expensive task and it may not even be possible to maintain the ring invariant continuously under high churn, particularly as the network size grows. Furthermore, routing anomalies in the network, peers behind firewalls and Network Address Translators (NATs) create non-transitivity effects, which inevitably lead to the violation of the ring invariant. We argue that reliance on the ring structure is a serious impediment for real life deployment and scalability of structured overlays. In this paper we propose an overlay called Fuzzynet, which does not rely on the ring invariant, yet have all the functionalities of structured overlays. Fuzzynet takes the idea of lazy overlay maintenance further by dropping any explicit connectivity and data maintenance requirement, relying merely on the actions performed when new Fuzzynet peers join the network. We show that with sufficient amount of neighbors (O(logN), comparable to traditional structured overlays), even under high churn, data can be retrieved in Fuzzynet w.h.p. We validate our novel design principles by simulations as well as PlanetLab experiments and compare it with ring based overlays

    Distributed k-ary System: Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables

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    This dissertation presents algorithms for data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. The provided algorithms guarantee lookup consistency in the presence of dynamism: they guarantee consistent lookup results in the presence of nodes joining and leaving. Similarly, the algorithms guarantee that routing never fails while nodes join and leave. Previous algorithms for lookup consistency either suffer from starvation, do not work in the presence of failures, or lack proof of correctness. Several group communication algorithms for structured overlay networks are presented. We provide an overlay broadcast algorithm, which unlike previous algorithms avoids redundant messages, reaching all nodes in O(log n) time, while using O(n) messages, where n is the number of nodes in the system. The broadcast algorithm is used to build overlay multicast. We introduce bulk operation, which enables a node to efficiently make multiple lookups or send a message to all nodes in a specified set of identifiers. The algorithm ensures that all specified nodes are reached in O(log n) time, sending maximum O(log n) messages per node, regardless of the input size of the bulk operation. Moreover, the algorithm avoids sending redundant messages. Previous approaches required multiple lookups, which consume more messages and can render the initiator a bottleneck. Our algorithms are used in DHT-based storage systems, where nodes can do thousands of lookups to fetch large files. We use the bulk operation algorithm to construct a pseudo-reliable broadcast algorithm. Bulk operations can also be used to implement efficient range queries. Finally, we describe a novel way to place replicas in a DHT, called symmetric replication, that enables parallel recursive lookups. Parallel lookups are known to reduce latencies. However, costly iterative lookups have previously been used to do parallel lookups. Moreover, joins or leaves only require exchanging O(1) messages, while other schemes require at least log(f) messages for a replication degree of f. The algorithms have been implemented in a middleware called the Distributed k-ary System (DKS), which is briefly described

    Distributed Information Systems and Data Mining in Self-Organizing Networks

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    The diffusion of sensors and devices to generate and collect data is capillary. The infrastructure that envelops the smart city has to react to the contingent situations and to changes in the operating environment. At the same time, the complexity of a distributed system, consisting of huge amounts of components fixed and mobile, can generate unsustainable costs and latencies to ensure robustness, scalability, and reliability, with type architectures middleware. The distributed system must be able to self-organize and self-restore adapting its operating strategies to optimize the use of resources and overall efficiency. Peer-to-peer systems (P2P) can offer solutions to face the requirements of managing, indexing, searching and analyzing data in scalable and self-organizing fashions, such as in cloud services and big data applications, just to mention two of the most strategic technologies for the next years. In this thesis we present G-Grid, a multi-dimensional distributed data indexing able to efficiently execute arbitrary multi-attribute exact and range queries in decentralized P2P environments. G-Grid is a foundational structure and can be effectively used in a wide range of application environments, including grid computing, cloud and big data domains. Nevertheless we proposed some improvements on the basic structure introducing a bit of randomness by using Small World networks, whereas are structures derived from social networks and show an almost uniform traffic distribution. This produced huge advantages in efficiency, cutting maintenance costs, without losing efficacy. Experiments show how this new hybrid structure obtains the best performance in traffic distribution and it a good settlement for the overall performance on the requirements desired in the modern data systems

    An interoperable and secure architecture for internet-scale decentralized personal communication

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    Interpersonal network communications, including Voice over IP (VoIP) and Instant Messaging (IM), are increasingly popular communications tools. However, systems to date have generally adopted a client-server model, requiring complex centralized infrastructure, or have not adhered to any VoIP or IM standard. Many deployment scenarios either require no central equipment, or due to unique properties of the deployment, are limited or rendered unattractive by central servers. to address these scenarios, we present a solution based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) standard, utilizing a decentralized Peer-to-Peer (P2P) mechanism to distribute data. Our new approach, P2PSIP, enables users to communicate with minimal or no centralized servers, while providing secure, real-time, authenticated communications comparable in security and performance to centralized solutions.;We present two complete protocol descriptions and system designs. The first, the SOSIMPLE/dSIP protocol, is a P2P-over-SIP solution, utilizing SIP both for the transport of P2P messages and personal communications, yielding an interoperable, single-stack solution for P2P communications. The RELOAD protocol is a binary P2P protocol, designed for use in a SIP-using-P2P architecture where an existing SIP application is modified to use an additional, binary RELOAD stack to distribute user information without need for a central server.;To meet the unique security needs of a fully decentralized communications system, we propose an enrollment-time certificate authority model that provides asserted identity and strong P2P and user-level security. In this model, a centralized server is contacted only at enrollment time. No run-time connections to the servers are required.;Additionally, we show that traditional P2P message routing mechanisms are inappropriate for P2PSIP. The existing mechanisms are generally optimized for file sharing and neglect critical practical elements of the open Internet --- namely link-level security and asymmetric connectivity caused by Network Address Translators (NATs). In response to these shortcomings, we introduce a new message routing paradigm, Adaptive Routing (AR), and using both analytical models and simulation show that AR significantly improves message routing performance for P2PSIP systems.;Our work has led to the creation of a new research topic within the P2P and interpersonal communications communities, P2PSIP. Our seminal publications have provided the impetus for subsequent P2PSIP publications, for the listing of P2PSIP as a topic in conference calls for papers, and for the formation of a new working group in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), directed to develop an open Internet standard for P2PSIP

    Understanding and Mitigating Congestion in Modern Networks

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