126,615 research outputs found

    The Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Abundance Toward LSE 44

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    We present measurements of the column densities of interstellar DI, OI, NI, and H2 made with FUSE, and of HI made with IUE toward the sdO star LSE 44, at a distance of 554+/-66 pc. This target is among the seven most distant Galactic sight lines for which these abundance ratios have been measured. The column densities were estimated by profile fitting and curve of growth analyses. We find D/H = (2.24 +1.39 -1.32)E-5, D/O = (1.99 +1.30 -0.67)E-2, D/N = (2.75 +1.19 -0.89)E-1, and O/H = (1.13 +0.96 -0.71)E-3 (2 sigma). Of the most distant Galactic sight lines for which the deuterium abundance has been measured LSE 44 is one of the few with D/H higher than the Local Bubble value, but D/O toward all these targets is below the Local Bubble value and more uniform than the D/H distribution. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 20 pages, including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Comparison of an approximately isothermal gravitational potentials of elliptical galaxies based on X-ray and optical data

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    We analyze six X-ray bright elliptical galaxies, observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton, and approximate their gravitational potentials by isothermal spheres phi(r)=v_c^2 ln(r) over a range of radii from ~0.5 to ~25 kpc. We then compare the circular speed v_c derived from X-ray data with the estimators available from optical data. In particular we discuss two simple and robust procedures for evaluating the circular speed of the galaxy using the observed optical surface brightness and the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles. The best fitting relation between the circular speeds derived from optical observations of stars and X-ray observations of hot gas is v_{c,opt}~ \eta * v_{c,X}, where \eta=1.10-1.15 (depending on the method), suggesting, albeit with large statistical and systematic uncertainties, that non-thermal pressure on average contributes ~20-30% of the gas thermal pressure.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A model of the anisotropic correlation function xi(rp, pi) in redshift space including redshift errors

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    With the advent of very large volume, wide-angle photometric redshift surveys like e.g. Pan-STARRS, DES, or PAU, which aim at using the spatial distribution of galaxies as a means to constrain the equation of state parameter of dark energy, w_DE, it has become extremely important to understand the influence of redshift inaccuracies on the measurement. We have developed a new model for the anisotropic two point large-scale (r > 64 h^-1 Mpc) correlation function xi(rp,pi), in which nonlinear structure growth and nonlinear coherent infall velocities are taken into account, and photometric redshift errors can easily be incorporated. In order to test its validity and investigate the effects of photometric redshifts, we compare our model with the correlation function computed from a suite of 50 large-volume, moderate-resolution numerical N-body simulation boxes, where we can perform the analysis not only in real- and redshift space, but also simulate the influence of a gaussian redshift error distribution with an absolute rms of sigma_z= 0.015, 0.03, 0.06, and 0.12, respectively. We conclude that for the given volume (V_box =2.4 h^-3 Gpc^3) and number density (n ~ 1.25 10^-4) of objects the full shape of xi(rp,pi) is modeled accurately enough to use it to derive unbiased constraints on the equation of state parameter of dark energy w_DE and the linear bias b, even in the presence of redshift errors of the order of sigma_z = 0.06.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Hubble Space Telescope Evidence for an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in the Globular Cluster M15: II. Kinematical Analysis and Dynamical Modeling

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    We analyze HST/STIS spectra (see Paper I) of the central region of the dense globular cluster M15. We infer the velocities of 64 individual stars, two-thirds of which have their velocity measured for the first time. This triples the number of stars with measured velocities in the central 1 arcsec of M15 and doubles the number in the central 2 arcsec. Combined with existing ground-based data we obtain the radial profiles of the projected kinematical quantities. The RMS velocity sigma_RMS rises to 14 km/s in the central few arcsec, somewhat higher than the values of 10-12 km/s inferred previously from ground-based data. To interpret the results we construct dynamical models based on the Jeans equation, which imply that M15 must have a central concentration of non-luminous material. If this is due to a single black hole, then its mass is M_BH = (3.9 +/- 2.2) x 10^3 solar masses. This is consistent with the relation between M_BH and sigma_RMS that has been established for galaxies. Also, the existence of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters is consistent with several scenarios for globular cluster evolution proposed in the literature. Therefore, these results may have important implications for our understanding of the evolution of globular clusters, the growth of black holes, the connection between globular cluster and galaxy formation, and the nature of the recently discovered `ultra-luminous' X-ray sources in nearby galaxies. Instead of a single black hole, M15 could have a central concentration of dark remnants (e.g., neutron stars) due to mass segregation. However, the best-fitting Fokker-Planck models that have previously been constructed for M15 do not predict a central mass concentration that is sufficient to explain the observed kinematics.[ABRIDGED]Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, with 14 PostScript figures. Astronomical Journal, in press (Dec 2002). Please note that the results reported here are modified by the Addendum available at astro-ph/0210158 (Astronomical Journal, in press, Jan 2003). This second version submitted to astro-ph is identical to first, with the exception of the preceeding remar

    Group-galaxy correlations in redshift space as a probe of the growth of structure

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    We investigate the use of the cross-correlation between galaxies and galaxy groups to measure redshift-space distortions (RSD) and thus probe the growth rate of cosmological structure. This is compared to the classical approach based on using galaxy auto-correlation. We make use of realistic simulated galaxy catalogues that have been constructed by populating simulated dark matter haloes with galaxies through halo occupation prescriptions. We adapt the classical RSD dispersion model to the case of the group-galaxy cross-correlation function and estimate the RSD parameter ÎČ\beta by fitting both the full anisotropic correlation function Ο(rp,π)\xi(r_p,\pi) and its multipole moments. In addition, we define a modified version of the latter statistics by truncating the multipole moments to exclude strongly non-linear distortions at small transverse scales. We fit these three observable quantities in our set of simulated galaxy catalogues and estimate statistical and systematic errors on ÎČ\beta for the case of galaxy-galaxy, group-group, and group-galaxy correlation functions. When ignoring off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix in the fitting, the truncated multipole moments of the group-galaxy cross-correlation function provide the most accurate estimate, with systematic errors below 3% when fitting transverse scales larger than 10Mpc/h10Mpc/h. Including the full data covariance enlarges statistical errors but keep unchanged the level of systematic error. Although statistical errors are generally larger for groups, the use of group-galaxy cross-correlation can potentially allow the reduction of systematics while using simple linear or dispersion models.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    The Connection Between Reddening, Gas Covering Fraction, and the Escape of Ionizing Radiation at High Redshift

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    We use a large sample of galaxies at z~3 to establish a relationship between reddening, neutral gas covering fraction (fcov(HI)), and the escape of ionizing photons at high redshift. Our sample includes 933 galaxies at z~3, 121 of which have very deep spectroscopic observations (>7 hrs) in the rest-UV (lambda=850-1300 A) with Keck/LRIS. Based on the high covering fraction of outflowing optically-thick HI indicated by the composite spectra of these galaxies, we conclude that photoelectric absorption, rather than dust attenuation, dominates the depletion of ionizing photons. By modeling the composite spectra as the combination of an unattenuated stellar spectrum including nebular continuum emission with one that is absorbed by HI and reddened by a line-of-sight extinction, we derive an empirical relationship between E(B-V) and fcov(HI). Galaxies with redder UV continua have larger covering fractions of HI characterized by higher line-of-sight extinctions. Our results are consistent with the escape of Lya through gas-free lines-of-sight. Covering fractions based on low-ionization interstellar absorption lines systematically underpredict those deduced from the HI lines, suggesting that much of the outflowing gas may be metal-poor. We develop a model which connects the ionizing escape fraction with E(B-V), and which may be used to estimate the escape fraction for an ensemble of high-redshift galaxies. Alternatively, direct measurements of the escape fraction for our data allow us to constrain the intrinsic 900-to-1500 A flux density ratio to be >0.20, a value that favors stellar population models that include weaker stellar winds, a flatter initial mass function, and/or binary evolution. Lastly, we demonstrate how the framework discussed here may be used to assess the pathways by which ionizing radiation escapes from high-redshift galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 14 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Imfit: A Fast, Flexible New Program for Astronomical Image Fitting

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    I describe a new, open-source astronomical image-fitting program called Imfit, specialized for galaxies but potentially useful for other sources, which is fast, flexible, and highly extensible. A key characteristic of the program is an object-oriented design which allows new types of image components (2D surface-brightness functions) to be easily written and added to the program. Image functions provided with Imfit include the usual suspects for galaxy decompositions (Sersic, exponential, Gaussian), along with Core-Sersic and broken-exponential profiles, elliptical rings, and three components which perform line-of-sight integration through 3D luminosity-density models of disks and rings seen at arbitrary inclinations. Available minimization algorithms include Levenberg-Marquardt, Nelder-Mead simplex, and Differential Evolution, allowing trade-offs between speed and decreased sensitivity to local minima in the fit landscape. Minimization can be done using the standard chi^2 statistic (using either data or model values to estimate per-pixel Gaussian errors, or else user-supplied error images) or Poisson-based maximum-likelihood statistics; the latter approach is particularly appropriate for cases of Poisson data in the low-count regime. I show that fitting low-S/N galaxy images using chi^2 minimization and individual-pixel Gaussian uncertainties can lead to significant biases in fitted parameter values, which are avoided if a Poisson-based statistic is used; this is true even when Gaussian read noise is present.Comment: pdflatex, 27 pages, 19 figures. Revised version, accepted by ApJ. Programs, source code, and documentation available at: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~erwin/code/imfit

    Study of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy from the DART CaII triplet survey

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    We use VLT/FLAMES intermediate resolution (R~6500) spectra of individual red giant branch stars in the near-infrared CaII triplet (CaT) region to investigate the wide-area metallicity properties and internal kinematics of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph). Our final sample consists of 174 probable members of Sextans with accurate line-of-sight velocities (+- 2 km/s) and CaT [Fe/H] measurements (+- 0.2 dex). We use the MgI line at 8806.8 \AA\, as an empirical discriminator for distinguishing between probable members of the dSph (giant stars) and probable Galactic contaminants (dwarf stars). Sextans shows a similar chemo-dynamical behaviour to other Milky Way dSphs, with its central regions being more metal rich than the outer parts and with the more metal-rich stars displaying colder kinematics than the more metal-poor stars. Hints of a velocity gradient are found along the projected major axis and along an axis at P.A.=191 deg, however a larger and more spatially extended sample may be necessary to pin down the amplitude and direction of this gradient. We detect a cold kinematic substructure at the centre of Sextans, consistent with being the remnant of a disrupted very metal poor stellar cluster. We derive the most extended line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile for Sextans, out to a projected radius of 1.6 deg. From Jeans modelling of the observed line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile we find that this is consistent with both a cored dark matter halo with large core radius and cuspy halo with low concentration. The mass within the last measured point is in the range 2-4 x 10^8 M_sun, giving very large mass-to-light ratios, from 460 to 920 (M/L)_(V,sun).Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures; 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Table 4 will appear as online material in the published version of the manuscript. Typo correcte
