3,693 research outputs found

    Neuromorphic Learning towards Nano Second Precision

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    Temporal coding is one approach to representing information in spiking neural networks. An example of its application is the location of sounds by barn owls that requires especially precise temporal coding. Dependent upon the azimuthal angle, the arrival times of sound signals are shifted between both ears. In order to deter- mine these interaural time differences, the phase difference of the signals is measured. We implemented this biologically inspired network on a neuromorphic hardware system and demonstrate spike-timing dependent plasticity on an analog, highly accelerated hardware substrate. Our neuromorphic implementation enables the resolution of time differences of less than 50 ns. On-chip Hebbian learning mechanisms select inputs from a pool of neurons which code for the same sound frequency. Hence, noise caused by different synaptic delays across these inputs is reduced. Furthermore, learning compensates for variations on neuronal and synaptic parameters caused by device mismatch intrinsic to the neuromorphic substrate.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, presented at IJCNN 2013 in Dallas, TX, USA. IJCNN 2013. Corrected version with updated STDP curves IJCNN 201

    Retinal oscillations carry visual information to cortex

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    Thalamic relay cells fire action potentials that transmit information from retina to cortex. The amount of information that spike trains encode is usually estimated from the precision of spike timing with respect to the stimulus. Sensory input, however, is only one factor that influences neural activity. For example, intrinsic dynamics, such as oscillations of networks of neurons, also modulate firing pattern. Here, we asked if retinal oscillations might help to convey information to neurons downstream. Specifically, we made whole-cell recordings from relay cells to reveal retinal inputs (EPSPs) and thalamic outputs (spikes) and analyzed these events with information theory. Our results show that thalamic spike trains operate as two multiplexed channels. One channel, which occupies a low frequency band (<30 Hz), is encoded by average firing rate with respect to the stimulus and carries information about local changes in the image over time. The other operates in the gamma frequency band (40-80 Hz) and is encoded by spike time relative to the retinal oscillations. Because these oscillations involve extensive areas of the retina, it is likely that the second channel transmits information about global features of the visual scene. At times, the second channel conveyed even more information than the first.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Frontiers in Systems Neuroscienc

    Enhancement of synchronization in a hybrid neural circuit by spike timing dependent plasticity

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    Synchronization of neural activity is fundamental for many functions of the brain. We demonstrate that spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) enhances synchronization (entrainment) in a hybrid circuit composed of a spike generator, a dynamic clamp emulating an excitatory plastic synapse, and a chemically isolated neuron from the Aplysia abdominal ganglion. Fixed-phase entrainment of the Aplysia neuron to the spike generator is possible for a much wider range of frequency ratios and is more precise and more robust with the plastic synapse than with a nonplastic synapse of comparable strength. Further analysis in a computational model of HodgkinHuxley-type neurons reveals the mechanism behind this significant enhancement in synchronization. The experimentally observed STDP plasticity curve appears to be designed to adjust synaptic strength to a value suitable for stable entrainment of the postsynaptic neuron. One functional role of STDP might therefore be to facilitate synchronization or entrainment of nonidentical neurons

    Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies

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    We review different aspects of the simulation of spiking neural networks. We start by reviewing the different types of simulation strategies and algorithms that are currently implemented. We next review the precision of those simulation strategies, in particular in cases where plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes. We overview different simulators and simulation environments presently available (restricted to those freely available, open source and documented). For each simulation tool, its advantages and pitfalls are reviewed, with an aim to allow the reader to identify which simulator is appropriate for a given task. Finally, we provide a series of benchmark simulations of different types of networks of spiking neurons, including Hodgkin-Huxley type, integrate-and-fire models, interacting with current-based or conductance-based synapses, using clock-driven or event-driven integration strategies. The same set of models are implemented on the different simulators, and the codes are made available. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a resource to facilitate identifying the appropriate integration strategy and simulation tool to use for a given modeling problem related to spiking neural networks.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figures, 1 table; review article, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, in press (2007

    Correlation entropy of synaptic input-output dynamics

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    The responses of synapses in the neocortex show highly stochastic and nonlinear behavior. The microscopic dynamics underlying this behavior, and its computational consequences during natural patterns of synaptic input, are not explained by conventional macroscopic models of deterministic ensemble mean dynamics. Here, we introduce the correlation entropy of the synaptic input-output map as a measure of synaptic reliability which explicitly includes the microscopic dynamics. Applying this to experimental data, we find that cortical synapses show a low-dimensional chaos driven by the natural input pattern.Comment: 7 pages, 6 Figures (7 figure files

    The impact of spike timing variability on the signal-encoding performance of neural spiking models

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    It remains unclear whether the variability of neuronal spike trains in vivo arises due to biological noise sources or represents highly precise encoding of temporally varying synaptic input signals. Determining the variability of spike timing can provide fundamental insights into the nature of strategies used in the brain to represent and transmit information in the form of discrete spike trains. In this study, we employ a signal estimation paradigm to determine how variability in spike timing affects encoding of random time-varying signals. We assess this for two types of spiking models: an integrate-and-fire model with random threshold and a more biophysically realistic stochastic ion channel model. Using the coding fraction and mutual information as information-theoretic measures, we quantify the efficacy of optimal linear decoding of random inputs from the model outputs and study the relationship between efficacy and variability in the output spike train. Our findings suggest that variability does not necessarily hinder signal decoding for the biophysically plausible encoders examined and that the functional role of spiking variability depends intimately on the nature of the encoder and the signal processing task; variability can either enhance or impede decoding performance

    Regulation of Irregular Neuronal Firing by Autaptic Transmission

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    The importance of self-feedback autaptic transmission in modulating spike-time irregularity is still poorly understood. By using a biophysical model that incorporates autaptic coupling, we here show that self-innervation of neurons participates in the modulation of irregular neuronal firing, primarily by regulating the occurrence frequency of burst firing. In particular, we find that both excitatory and electrical autapses increase the occurrence of burst firing, thus reducing neuronal firing regularity. In contrast, inhibitory autapses suppress burst firing and therefore tend to improve the regularity of neuronal firing. Importantly, we show that these findings are independent of the firing properties of individual neurons, and as such can be observed for neurons operating in different modes. Our results provide an insightful mechanistic understanding of how different types of autapses shape irregular firing at the single-neuron level, and they highlight the functional importance of autaptic self-innervation in taming and modulating neurodynamics.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Multiple firing coherence resonances in excitatory and inhibitory coupled neurons

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    The impact of inhibitory and excitatory synapses in delay-coupled Hodgkin--Huxley neurons that are driven by noise is studied. If both synaptic types are used for coupling, appropriately tuned delays in the inhibition feedback induce multiple firing coherence resonances at sufficiently strong coupling strengths, thus giving rise to tongues of coherency in the corresponding delay-strength parameter plane. If only inhibitory synapses are used, however, appropriately tuned delays also give rise to multiresonant responses, yet the successive delays warranting an optimal coherence of excitations obey different relations with regards to the inherent time scales of neuronal dynamics. This leads to denser coherence resonance patterns in the delay-strength parameter plane. The robustness of these findings to the introduction of delay in the excitatory feedback, to noise, and to the number of coupled neurons is determined. Mechanisms underlying our observations are revealed, and it is suggested that the regularity of spiking across neuronal networks can be optimized in an unexpectedly rich variety of ways, depending on the type of coupling and the duration of delays.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulatio

    Functional roles of synaptic inhibition in auditory temporal processing

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    Spike Timing and Reliability in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: Effects of EPSC Kinetics, Input Synchronization and Background Noise on Spike Timing

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    In vivo studies have shown that neurons in the neocortex can generate action potentials at high temporal precision. The mechanisms controlling timing and reliability of action potential generation in neocortical neurons, however, are still poorly understood. Here we investigated the temporal precision and reliability of spike firing in cortical layer V pyramidal cells at near-threshold membrane potentials. Timing and reliability of spike responses were a function of EPSC kinetics, temporal jitter of population excitatory inputs, and of background synaptic noise. We used somatic current injection to mimic population synaptic input events and measured spike probability and spike time precision (STP), the latter defined as the time window (Ξ”t) holding 80% of response spikes. EPSC rise and decay times were varied over the known physiological spectrum. At spike threshold level, EPSC decay time had a stronger influence on STP than rise time. Generally, STP was highest (≀2.45 ms) in response to synchronous compounds of EPSCs with fast rise and decay kinetics. Compounds with slow EPSC kinetics (decay time constants>6 ms) triggered spikes at lower temporal precision (β‰₯6.58 ms). We found an overall linear relationship between STP and spike delay. The difference in STP between fast and slow compound EPSCs could be reduced by incrementing the amplitude of slow compound EPSCs. The introduction of a temporal jitter to compound EPSCs had a comparatively small effect on STP, with a tenfold increase in jitter resulting in only a five fold decrease in STP. In the presence of simulated synaptic background activity, precisely timed spikes could still be induced by fast EPSCs, but not by slow EPSCs
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