17 research outputs found

    Towards Reliability- & Variability-aware Design-Technology Co-optimization in Advanced Nodes: Defect Characterization, Industry-friendly Modelling and ML-assisted Prediction

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    Reliability- & variability-aware Design Technology co-optimization (RV-DTCO) becomes indispensable with advanced nodes. However, four key issues hinder its practical adoption: the lack of characterization technique that offer both accuracy and efficiency, the lack of defect model with long-term prediction capability, the lack of compact model compatible with most EDA platforms, and the low efficiency in circuit-level prediction to support frequent iterations during co-optimization. Demonstrating with 7nm technology, this work tackles these issues by developing an efficient characterization method for separating defects, introducing a comprehensive test-data-verified defect-centric physical-based model & an industry-friendly OMI-based compact model, and proposing a machine learning-assisted approach to accelerate circuit-level prediction. With these achievements, a RV-DTCO flow is established and demonstrated on 3nm GAA technology to bridge the material level to the circuit level. The work paves ways in boosting adoption of RV-DTCO in both circuit design & process development for ultimate nodes. Index Terms— Design Technology co-optimization (DTCO), FinFET, reliability, variability, Discharging-based multi-pulse technique (DMP), OMI, ST-GN

    System and Design Technology Co-optimization of SOT-MRAM for High-Performance AI Accelerator Memory System

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    SoCs are now designed with their own AI accelerator segment to accommodate the ever-increasing demand of Deep Learning (DL) applications. With powerful MAC engines for matrix multiplications, these accelerators show high computing performance. However, because of limited memory resources (i.e., bandwidth and capacity), they fail to achieve optimum system performance during large batch training and inference. In this work, we propose a memory system with high on-chip capacity and bandwidth to shift the gear of AI accelerators from memory-bound to achieving system-level peak performance. We develop the memory system with DTCO-enabled customized SOT-MRAM as large on-chip memory through STCO and detailed characterization of the DL workloads. %We evaluate our workload-aware memory system on the CV and NLP benchmarks and observe significant PPA improvement compared to an SRAM-based in both inference and training modes. Our workload-aware memory system achieves 8X energy and 9X latency improvement on Computer Vision (CV) benchmarks in training and 8X energy and 4.5X latency improvement on Natural Language Processing (NLP) benchmarks in training while consuming only around 50% of SRAM area at iso-capacity

    Dynamic data driven investigation of petrophysical and geomechanical properties for reservoir formation evaluation

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    Petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the formation such as Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and porosity provide characteristic description of the hydrocarbon reservoir. It is well-established that static geomechanical properties are good representatives of reservoir formations; however, they are non-continuous along the wellbore, expensive and determining these properties may lead to formation damage. Dynamic geomechanical formation properties from acoustic measurements offer a continuous and non-destructive means to provide a characteristic description of the reservoir formation. In the absence of reliable acoustic measurements of the formation, such as sonic logs, the estimation of the dynamic geomechanical properties becomes challenging. Several techniques like empirical, analytical and intelligent systems have been used to approximate the property estimates. These techniques can also be used to approximate acoustic measurements thus enable dynamic estimation of geomechanical properties. This study intends to explore methodologies and models to dynamically estimate geomechanical properties in the absence of some or all acoustic measurements of the formation. The present work focused on developing empirical and intelligent systems like artificial neural networks (ANN), Gaussian processes (GP), and recurrent neural networks (RNN) to determine the dynamic geomechanical properties. The developed models serve as a cost-effective, reliable, efficient, and robust methods, offering dyanmic geomechanical analysis of the formation. This thesis has five main contributions: (a) a new data-driven empirical model of estimating static Young’s modulus from dynamic Young’s modulus, (b) a new data-driven ANN model for sonic well log prediction, (c) a new data-driven GP model for shear wave transit time prediction, (d) a new dynamic data-driven RNN model for sonic well log reproduction, and (e) an assessment on the ANN as a reliable sonic logging tool

    MLCAD: A Survey of Research in Machine Learning for CAD Keynote Paper

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    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Flash Memory Devices

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    Flash memory devices have represented a breakthrough in storage since their inception in the mid-1980s, and innovation is still ongoing. The peculiarity of such technology is an inherent flexibility in terms of performance and integration density according to the architecture devised for integration. The NOR Flash technology is still the workhorse of many code storage applications in the embedded world, ranging from microcontrollers for automotive environment to IoT smart devices. Their usage is also forecasted to be fundamental in emerging AI edge scenario. On the contrary, when massive data storage is required, NAND Flash memories are necessary to have in a system. You can find NAND Flash in USB sticks, cards, but most of all in Solid-State Drives (SSDs). Since SSDs are extremely demanding in terms of storage capacity, they fueled a new wave of innovation, namely the 3D architecture. Today “3D” means that multiple layers of memory cells are manufactured within the same piece of silicon, easily reaching a terabit capacity. So far, Flash architectures have always been based on "floating gate," where the information is stored by injecting electrons in a piece of polysilicon surrounded by oxide. On the contrary, emerging concepts are based on "charge trap" cells. In summary, flash memory devices represent the largest landscape of storage devices, and we expect more advancements in the coming years. This will require a lot of innovation in process technology, materials, circuit design, flash management algorithms, Error Correction Code and, finally, system co-design for new applications such as AI and security enforcement

    Machine learning for the subsurface characterization at core, well, and reservoir scales

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    The development of machine learning techniques and the digitization of the subsurface geophysical/petrophysical measurements provides a new opportunity for the industries focusing on exploration and extraction of subsurface earth resources, such as oil, gas, coal, geothermal energy, mining, and sequestration. With more data and more computation power, the traditional methods for subsurface characterization and engineering that are adopted by these industries can be automized and improved. New phenomenon can be discovered, and new understandings may be acquired from the analysis of big data. The studies conducted in this dissertation explore the possibility of applying machine learning to improve the characterization of geological materials and geomaterials. Accurate characterization of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs is essential for economical oil and gas reservoir development. The characterization of reservoir formation requires the integration interpretation of data from different sources. Large-scale seismic measurements, intermediate-scale well logging measurements, and small-scale core sample measurements help engineers understand the characteristics of the hydrocarbon reservoirs. Seismic data acquisition is expensive and core samples are sparse and have limited volume. Consequently, well log acquisition provides essential information that improves seismic analysis and core analysis. However, the well logging data may be missing due to financial or operational challenges or may be contaminated due to complex downhole environment. At the near-wellbore scale, I solve the data constraint problem in the reservoir characterization by applying machine learning models to generate synthetic sonic traveltime and NMR logs that are crucial for geomechanical and pore-scale characterization, respectively. At the core scale, I solve the problems in fracture characterization by processing the multipoint sonic wave propagation measurements using machine learning to characterize the dispersion, orientation, and distribution of cracks embedded in material. At reservoir scale, I utilize reinforcement learning models to achieve automatic history matching by using a fast-marching-based reservoir simulator to estimate reservoir permeability that controls pressure transient response of the well. The application of machine learning provides new insights into traditional subsurface characterization techniques. First, by applying shallow and deep machine learning models, sonic logs and NMR T2 logs can be acquired from other easy-to-acquire well logs with high accuracy. Second, the development of the sonic wave propagation simulator enables the characterization of crack-bearing materials with the simple wavefront arrival times. Third, the combination of reinforcement learning algorithms and encapsulated reservoir simulation provides a possible solution for automatic history matching

    Design automation algorithms for advanced lithography

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    In circuit manufacturing, as the technology nodes keep shrinking, conventional 193 nm immersion lithography (193i) has reached its printability limit. To continue the scaling with Moore's law, different kinds of advanced lithography have been proposed, such as multiple patterning lithography (MPL), extreme ultraviolet (EUV), electron beam lithography (EBL) and directed self-assembly (DSA). While these new technologies create enormous opportunities, they also pose great design challenges due to their unique process characteristics and stringent constraints. In order to smoothly adopt these advanced lithography technologies in integrated circuit (IC) fabrication, effective electronic design automation (EDA) algorithms must be designed and integrated into computer-aided design (CAD) tools to address the underlying design constraints and help the circuit designer to better facilitate the lithography process. In this thesis, we focus on algorithmic design and efficient implementation of EDA algorithm for advanced lithography, including directed self-assembly (DSA) and self-aligned double patterning (SADP), to conquer the physical challenges and improve the manufacturing yield. The first advanced lithography technology we explore is self-aligned double patterning (SADP). SADP has the significant advantage over traditional litho-etch-litho-etch (LELE) double patterning in its ability to eliminate overlay, making it a preferable DPL choice for the 14 nm technology node. As in any DPL technology, layout decomposition is the key problem. While the layout decomposition problem for LELE DPL has been well studied in the literature, only a few attempts have been made for the SADP layout decomposition problem. This thesis studies the SADP decomposition problem in different scenarios. SADP has been successfully deployed in 1D patterns and has several applications; however, applying it to 2D patterns turns out to be much more difficult. All previous exact algorithms were based on computationally expensive methods such as SAT or ILP. Other previous algorithms were heuristics without a guarantee that an overlay-free solution can be found even if one exists. The SADP decomposition problem on general 2D layout is proven to be NP-complete. However, we show that if we restrict the overlay, the problem is polynomial-time solvable, and present an exact algorithm to determine if a given 2D layout has a no-overlay SADP decomposition. When designing the layout decomposition algorithms, it is usually useful to take the layout structure into consideration. As most of the current IC layouts adopt a row-based standard cell design style, we can take advantage of its characteristics and design more efficient algorithms compared to the algorithms for general 2D patterns. In particular, the fixed widths of standard cells and power tracks on top and bottom of cells suggest that improvements can be made over the algorithms for general decomposition problem. We present a shortest-path based polynomial time SADP decomposition algorithm for row-based standard cell layout that efficiently finds decompositions with minimum overlay violations. Our proposed algorithm takes advantage of the fixed width of the cells and the alternating power tracks between the rows to limit the possible decompositions and thus achieve high efficiency. The next advanced lithography technology we discuss in the thesis is directed self-assembly (DSA). Block copolymer directed self-assembly (DSA) is a promising technique for patterning contact holes and vias in 7 nm technology nodes. To pattern contacts/vias with DSA, guiding templates are usually printed first with conventional lithography (193i) that has a coarser pitch resolution. Contact holes are then patterned with DSA process. The guiding templates play the role of defining the DSA patterns, which have a finer resolution than the templates. As a result, different patterns can be obtained through controlling the templates. It is shown that DSA lithography is very promising in patterning contacts/vias in 7 nm technology node. However, to utilize DSA for full-chip manufacturing, EDA for DSA must be fully explored because EDA is the key enabler for manufacturing, and the EDA research for DSA is still lagging behind. To pattern the contact layer with DSA, we must ensure that all the contacts in the layout require only feasible DSA templates. Nevertheless, the original layout may not be designed in a DSA-friendly way. However, even with an optimized library, infeasible templates may be introduced after the physical design phase. We propose a simulated-annealing (SA) based scheme to perform full-chip level contact layer optimization. According to the experimental results, the DSA conflicts in the contact layer are reduced by close to 90% on average after applying the proposed optimization algorithm. It is a current trend that industry is transiting from the random 2D designs to highly regular 1D gridded designs for sub-20 nm nodes and fabricating circuit designs with print-cut technology. In this process, the randomly distributed cuts may be too dense to be printed by single patterning lithography. DSA has proven its success in contact hole patterning, and can be easily expanded to cut printing for 1D gridded designs. Nevertheless, the irregular distribution of cuts still presents a great challenge for DSA, as the self-assembly process usually forms regular patterns. As a result, the cut layer must be optimized for the DSA process. To address the above problem, we propose an efficient algorithm to optimize cut layers without hurting the original circuit logic. Our work utilizes a technique called `line-end extension' to move the cuts and extend the functional wires without changing the original functionality of the circuit. Consequently, the cuts can be redistributed and grouped into valid DSA templates. Multiple patterning lithography has been widely adopted for today's circuit manufacturing. However, increasing the number of masks will make the manufacturing process more expensive. By incorporating DSA into the multiple patterning process, it is possible to reduce the number of masks and achieve a cost-effective solution. We study the decomposition problem for the contact layer in row-based standard cell layout with DSA-MP complementary lithography. We explore several heuristic-based approaches, and propose an algorithm that decomposes a standard cell row optimally in polynomial-time. Our experiments show that our algorithm is guaranteed to find a minimum cost solution if one exists, while the heuristic cannot or only finds a sub-optimal solution. Our results show that the DSA-MP complementary approach is very promising for the future advanced nodes. As in any lithography technique, the process variation control and proximity correction are the most important issues. As the DSA templates are patterned by conventional lithography, the patterned templates are prone to deviate from mask shapes due to process variations, which will ultimately affect the contacts after the DSA process even for the same type of template. Therefore, in order to enable the DSA technology in contact/via layer printing, it is extremely important to accurately model and detect hotspots, as well as estimate the contact pitch and locations during the verification phase. We propose a machine learning based design automation framework for DSA verification. A novel DSA model and a set of features are included. We implemented the proposed ML-based flow and performed extensive experiments on comparing the performances of learning algorithms and features. The experimental results show that our approach is much more efficient than the traditional approach, and can produce highly accurate results

    Roadmap on ferroelectric hafnia- and zirconia-based materials and devices

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    Ferroelectric hafnium and zirconium oxides have undergone rapid scientific development over the last decade, pushing them to the forefront of ultralow-power electronic systems. Maximizing the potential application in memory devices or supercapacitors of these materials requires a combined effort by the scientific community to address technical limitations, which still hinder their application. Besides their favorable intrinsic material properties, HfO2–ZrO2 materials face challenges regarding their endurance, retention, wake-up effect, and high switching voltages. In this Roadmap, we intend to combine the expertise of chemistry, physics, material, and device engineers from leading experts in the ferroelectrics research community to set the direction of travel for these binary ferroelectric oxides. Here, we present a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art and offer readers an informed perspective of where this field is heading, what challenges need to be addressed, and possible applications and prospects for further development