1,698 research outputs found

    Sturm-Liouville Estimates for the Spectrum and Cheeger Constant

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    Buser's inequality gives an upper bound on the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a closed manifold M in terms of the Cheeger constant h(M). Agol later gave a quantitative improvement of Buser's inequality. Agol's result is less transparent since it is given implicitly by a set of equations, one of which is a differential equation Agol could not solve except when M is three-dimensional. We show that a substitution transforms Agol's differential equation into the Riemann differential equation. Then, we give a proof of Agol's result and also generalize it using Sturm-Liouville theory. Under the same assumptions on M, we are able to give upper bounds on the higher eigenvalues of M, \lambda_k(M), in terms of the eigenvalues of a Sturm-Liouville problem which depends on h(M). We then compare the Weyl asymptotic of \lambda_k(M) given by the works of Cheng, Gromov, and B\'erard-Besson-Gallot to the asymptotics of our Sturm-Liouville problems given by Atkinson-Mingarelli.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. Answered the question from v1 in the negative; see Example 1.5. Some changes in numbering conventions of equations and examples to avoid confusion that occurred in v1. Improvements to the writing of the proof of Proposition 2.1. Lemma 3.5 now references the slicing lemma, which was omitted in v1. Some typos were fixed and references added from v

    Classical and Quantum Complexity of the Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem

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    We study the approximation of the smallest eigenvalue of a Sturm-Liouville problem in the classical and quantum settings. We consider a univariate Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem with a nonnegative function qq from the class C2([0,1])C^2([0,1]) and study the minimal number n(\e) of function evaluations or queries that are necessary to compute an \e-approximation of the smallest eigenvalue. We prove that n(\e)=\Theta(\e^{-1/2}) in the (deterministic) worst case setting, and n(\e)=\Theta(\e^{-2/5}) in the randomized setting. The quantum setting offers a polynomial speedup with {\it bit} queries and an exponential speedup with {\it power} queries. Bit queries are similar to the oracle calls used in Grover's algorithm appropriately extended to real valued functions. Power queries are used for a number of problems including phase estimation. They are obtained by considering the propagator of the discretized system at a number of different time moments. They allow us to use powers of the unitary matrix exp(12iM)\exp(\tfrac12 {\rm i}M), where MM is an n×nn\times n matrix obtained from the standard discretization of the Sturm-Liouville differential operator. The quantum implementation of power queries by a number of elementary quantum gates that is polylog in nn is an open issue.Comment: 33 page

    Spectral bounds for singular indefinite Sturm-Liouville operators with L1L^1--potentials

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    The spectrum of the singular indefinite Sturm-Liouville operator A=sgn()(d2dx2+q)A=\text{\rm sgn}(\cdot)\bigl(-\tfrac{d^2}{dx^2}+q\bigr) with a real potential qL1(R)q\in L^1(\mathbb R) covers the whole real line and, in addition, non-real eigenvalues may appear if the potential qq assumes negative values. A quantitative analysis of the non-real eigenvalues is a challenging problem, and so far only partial results in this direction were obtained. In this paper the bound λqL12|\lambda|\leq |q|_{L^1}^2 on the absolute values of the non-real eigenvalues λ\lambda of AA is obtained. Furthermore, separate bounds on the imaginary parts and absolute values of these eigenvalues are proved in terms of the L1L^1-norm of the negative part of qq.Comment: to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Correspondence of the eigenvalues of a non-self-adjoint operator to those of a self-adjoint operator

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    We prove that the eigenvalues of a certain highly non-self-adjoint operator that arises in fluid mechanics correspond, up to scaling by a positive constant, to those of a self-adjoint operator with compact resolvent; hence there are infinitely many real eigenvalues which accumulate only at ±\pm \infty. We use this result to determine the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues and to compute some of the eigenvalues numerically. We compare these to earlier calculations by other authors.Comment: 29 pages, corrections to section 3, added section

    A Lower Bound for the Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem on a Quantum Computer

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    We study the complexity of approximating the smallest eigenvalue of a univariate Sturm-Liouville problem on a quantum computer. This general problem includes the special case of solving a one-dimensional Schroedinger equation with a given potential for the ground state energy. The Sturm-Liouville problem depends on a function q, which, in the case of the Schroedinger equation, can be identified with the potential function V. Recently Papageorgiou and Wozniakowski proved that quantum computers achieve an exponential reduction in the number of queries over the number needed in the classical worst-case and randomized settings for smooth functions q. Their method uses the (discretized) unitary propagator and arbitrary powers of it as a query ("power queries"). They showed that the Sturm-Liouville equation can be solved with O(log(1/e)) power queries, while the number of queries in the worst-case and randomized settings on a classical computer is polynomial in 1/e. This proves that a quantum computer with power queries achieves an exponential reduction in the number of queries compared to a classical computer. In this paper we show that the number of queries in Papageorgiou's and Wozniakowski's algorithm is asymptotically optimal. In particular we prove a matching lower bound of log(1/e) power queries, therefore showing that log(1/e) power queries are sufficient and necessary. Our proof is based on a frequency analysis technique, which examines the probability distribution of the final state of a quantum algorithm and the dependence of its Fourier transform on the input.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures; Major changes in Theorem 3 to previous version. To be published in the Journal of Complexit

    Eigenvalue estimates for singular left-definite Sturm-Liouville operators

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    The spectral properties of a singular left-definite Sturm-Liouville operator JAJA are investigated and described via the properties of the corresponding right-definite selfadjoint counterpart AA which is obtained by substituting the indefinite weight function by its absolute value. The spectrum of the JJ-selfadjoint operator JAJA is real and it follows that an interval (a,b)R+(a,b)\subset\mathbb R^+ is a gap in the essential spectrum of AA if and only if both intervals (b,a)(-b,-a) and (a,b)(a,b) are gaps in the essential spectrum of the JJ-selfadjoint operator JAJA. As one of the main results it is shown that the number of eigenvalues of JAJA in (b,a)(a,b)(-b,-a) \cup (a,b) differs at most by three of the number of eigenvalues of AA in the gap (a,b)(a,b); as a byproduct results on the accumulation of eigenvalues of singular left-definite Sturm-Liouville operators are obtained. Furthermore, left-definite problems with symmetric and periodic coefficients are treated, and several examples are included to illustrate the general results.Comment: to appear in J. Spectral Theor

    A comparison of the eigenvalues of the Dirac and Laplace operator on the two-dimensional torus

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    We compare the eigenvalues of the Dirac and Laplace operator on a two-dimensional torus with respect to the trivial spin structure. In particular, we compute their variation up to order 4 upon deformation of the flat metric, study the corresponding Hamiltonian and discuss several families of examples.Comment: Latex2.09, 28 pages, with figure

    On the Spectral Gap of a Quantum Graph

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    We consider the problem of finding universal bounds of "isoperimetric" or "isodiametric" type on the spectral gap of the Laplacian on a metric graph with natural boundary conditions at the vertices, in terms of various analytical and combinatorial properties of the graph: its total length, diameter, number of vertices and number of edges. We investigate which combinations of parameters are necessary to obtain non-trivial upper and lower bounds and obtain a number of sharp estimates in terms of these parameters. We also show that, in contrast to the Laplacian matrix on a combinatorial graph, no bound depending only on the diameter is possible. As a special case of our results on metric graphs, we deduce estimates for the normalised Laplacian matrix on combinatorial graphs which, surprisingly, are sometimes sharper than the ones obtained by purely combinatorial methods in the graph theoretical literature

    Variational bound on energy dissipation in plane Couette flow

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    We present numerical solutions to the extended Doering-Constantin variational principle for upper bounds on the energy dissipation rate in turbulent plane Couette flow. Using the compound matrix technique in order to reformulate this principle's spectral constraint, we derive a system of equations that is amenable to numerical treatment in the entire range from low to asymptotically high Reynolds numbers. Our variational bound exhibits a minimum at intermediate Reynolds numbers, and reproduces the Busse bound in the asymptotic regime. As a consequence of a bifurcation of the minimizing wavenumbers, there exist two length scales that determine the optimal upper bound: the effective width of the variational profile's boundary segments, and the extension of their flat interior part.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX, 11 postscript figures are available as one uuencoded .tar.gz file from [email protected]