799 research outputs found

    New Plane-Sweep Algorithms for Distance-Based Join Queries in Spatial Databases

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    Efficient and effective processing of the distance-based join query (DJQ) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications that may address such queries (mapping, urban planning, transportation planning, resource management, etc.). The most representative and studied DJQs are the K Closest Pairs Query (KCPQ) and ΔDistance Join Query (ΔDJQ). These spatial queries involve two spatial data sets and a distance function to measure the degree of closeness, along with a given number of pairs in the final result (K) or a distance threshold (Δ). In this paper, we propose four new plane-sweep-based algorithms for KCPQs and their extensions for ΔDJQs in the context of spatial databases, without the use of an index for any of the two disk-resident data sets (since, building and using indexes is not always in favor of processing performance). They employ a combination of plane-sweep algorithms and space partitioning techniques to join the data sets. Finally, we present results of an extensive experimental study, that compares the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for KCPQs and ΔDJQs. This performance study, conducted on medium and big spatial data sets (real and synthetic) validates that the proposed plane-sweep-based algorithms are very promising in terms of both efficient and effective measures, when neither inputs are indexed. Moreover, the best of the new algorithms is experimentally compared to the best algorithm that is based on the R-tree (a widely accepted access method), for KCPQs and ΔDJQs, using the same data sets. This comparison shows that the new algorithms outperform R-tree based algorithms, in most cases

    Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-Trees

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    Abstract: In this paper, we show that spatial joins are very suitable to be processed on a parallel hardware platform. The parallel system is equipped with a so-called shared virtual memory which is well-suited for the design and implementation of parallel spatial join algorithms. We start with an algorithm that consists of three phases: task creation, task assignment and parallel task execu-tion. In order to reduce CPU- and I/O-cost, the three phases are processed in a fashion that pre-serves spatial locality. Dynamic load balancing is achieved by splitting tasks into smaller ones and reassigning some of the smaller tasks to idle processors. In an experimental performance compar-ison, we identify the advantages and disadvantages of several variants of our algorithm. The most efficient one shows an almost optimal speed-up under the assumption that the number of disks is sufficiently large. Topics: spatial database systems, parallel database systems

    Efficient Large-scale Distance-Based Join Queries in SpatialHadoop

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    Efficient processing of Distance-Based Join Queries (DBJQs) in spatial databases is of paramount importance in many application domains. The most representative and known DBJQs are the K Closest Pairs Query (KCPQ) and the Δ Distance Join Query (ΔDJQ). These types of join queries are characterized by a number of desired pairs (K) or a distance threshold (Δ) between the components of the pairs in the final result, over two spatial datasets. Both are expensive operations, since two spatial datasets are combined with additional constraints. Given the increasing volume of spatial data originating from multiple sources and stored in distributed servers, it is not always efficient to perform DBJQs on a centralized server. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing DBJQs on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports efficient processing of spatial queries in a cloud-based setting. We propose novel algorithms, based on plane-sweep, to perform efficient parallel DBJQs on large-scale spatial datasets in Spatial Hadoop. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms in several situations with large real-world as well as synthetic datasets. The experiments demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our proposed methodologies

    Distance Range Queries in SpatialHadoop

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    Efficient processing of Distance Range Queries (DRQs) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications. This type of spatial query is characterized by a distance range over one or two datasets. The most representative and known DRQs are the Δ Distance Range Query (ΔDRQ) and the Δ Distance Range Join Query (ΔDRJQ). Given the increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform a DRQ on a centralized machine efficiently. Moreover, the ΔDRJQ is an expensive spatial operation, since it can be considered a combination of the ΔDR and the spatial join queries. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing DRQs on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports spatial operations efficiently, and proposes new algorithms in SpatialHadoop to perform efficient parallel DRQs on large-scale spatial datasets. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed algorithms in several situations with big synthetic and real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal

    Enhancing SpatialHadoop with Closest Pair Queries

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    Given two datasets P and Q, the K Closest Pair Query (KCPQ) finds the K closest pairs of objects from P ×Q. It is an operation widely adopted by many spatial and GIS applications. As a combination of the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and the spatial join queries, KCPQ is an expensive operation. Given the increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform a KCPQ on a centralized machine efficiently. For this reason, this paper addresses the problem of computing the KCPQ on big spatial datasets in SpatialHadoop, an extension of Hadoop that supports spatial operations efficiently, and proposes a novel algorithm in SpatialHadoop to perform efficient parallel KCPQ on large-scale spatial datasets. We have evaluated the performance of the algorithm in several situations with big synthetic and real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal

    A Comparison of Distributed Spatial Data Management Systems for Processing Distance Join Queries

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    Due to the ubiquitous use of spatial data applications and the large amounts of spatial data that these applications generate, the processing of large-scale distance joins in distributed systems is becoming increasingly popular. Two of the most studied distance join queries are the K Closest Pair Query (KCPQ) and the Δ Distance Join Query (ΔDJQ). The KCPQ finds the K closest pairs of points from two datasets and the ΔDJQ finds all the possible pairs of points from two datasets, that are within a distance threshold Δ of each other. Distributed cluster-based computing systems can be classified in Hadoop-based and Spark-based systems. Based on this classification, in this paper, we compare two of the most current and leading distributed spatial data management systems, namely SpatialHadoop and LocationSpark, by evaluating the performance of existing and newly proposed parallel and distributed distance join query algorithms in different situations with big real-world datasets. As a general conclusion, while SpatialHadoop is more mature and robust system, LocationSpark is the winner with respect to the total execution time

    Efficient query processing on large spatial databases A performance study

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    Processing of spatial queries has been studied extensively in the literature. In most cases, it is accomplished by indexing spatial data using spatial access methods. Spatial indexes, such as those based on the Quadtree, are important in spatial databases for efficient execution of queries involving spatial constraints and objects. In this paper, we study a recent balanced disk-based index structure for point data, called xBR + -tree, that belongs to the Quadtree family and hierarchically decomposes space in a regular manner. For the most common spatial queries, like Point Location, Window, Distance Range, Nearest Neighbor and Distance-based Join, the R-tree family is a very popular choice of spatial index, due to its excellent query performance. For this reason, we compare the performance of the xBR + -tree with respect to the R ∗ -tree and the R + -tree for tree building and processing the most studied spatial queries. To perform this comparison, we utilize existing algorithms and present new ones. We demonstrate through extensive experimental performance results (I/O efficiency and execution time), based on medium and large real and synthetic datasets, that the xBR + -tree is a big winner in execution time in all cases and a winner in I/O in most cases

    An R*-Tree Based Semi-Dynamic Clustering Method for the Efficient Processing of Spatial Join in a Shared-Nothing Parallel Database System

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    The growing importance of geospatial databases has made it essential to perform complex spatial queries efficiently. To achieve acceptable performance levels, database systems have been increasingly required to make use of parallelism. The spatial join is a computationally expensive operator. Efficient implementation of the join operator is, thus, desirable. The work presented in this document attempts to improve the performance of spatial join queries by distributing the data set across several nodes of a cluster and executing queries across these nodes in parallel. This document discusses a new parallel algorithm that implements the spatial join in an efficient manner. This algorithm is compared to an existing parallel spatial-join algorithm, the clone join. Both algorithms have been implemented on a Beowulf cluster and compared using real datasets. An extensive experimental analysis reveals that the proposed algorithm exhibits superior performance both in declustering time as well as in the execution time of the join query
