13 research outputs found

    New Work Modes For Collaborative Writing

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    ISBN : 978-0-9727412-4-8International audienceIn the recent years, due to the emergence of new models of production based on collaboration, collaborative writing tools started to be increasingly used by various communities. Due to great variety of groupware software, there is the need of criteria for discriminating the working modes supported by these tools. In this paper we propose a new model for the classification of collaborative writing tools. Based on our model, we categorize most popular existing collaborative tools. We also propose novel working modes that are not adopted by existing tools and that improve the process of collaboration

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Building Metrics of Collaborative Systems

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    he paper objective is to reveal the importance of genetic algorithms in building robust metrics of collaborative systems. The main types of collaborative systems in economy are presented and some characteristics of genetic algorithms are described. A genetic algorithm was implemented in order to determine the local maximum and minimum points of the relative complexity function associated to a collaborative banking system. The intelligent collaborative systems based on genetic algorithms, representing the new generation of collaborative systems, are analyzed and the implementation of auto-adaptive interfaces in a banking application is described.Collaborative Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Metrics, Banking, Auto-Adaptive Interfaces

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Building Metrics of Collaborative Systems

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    he paper objective is to reveal the importance of genetic algorithms in building robust metrics of collaborative systems. The main types of collaborative systems in economy are presented and some characteristics of genetic algorithms are described. A genetic algorithm was implemented in order to determine the local maximum and minimum points of the relative complexity function associated to a collaborative banking system. The intelligent collaborative systems based on genetic algorithms, representing the new generation of collaborative systems, are analyzed and the implementation of auto-adaptive interfaces in a banking application is described

    OntoReST: A RST-based Ontology for Maintaining Semantic Consistency in Collaborative Writing

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    Collaborative writing is the process by which more than one author contributes to the content of a document. Multi-synchronous collaboration is very efficient for reducing task completion time but is known to produce inconsistent documents. Most existing collaborative writing environments do not really check the semantic consistency of documents. They rely on authors to verify the coherence of the document. This introduces a severe overhead for authors to achieve efficient collaboration. To address this lack, we use semantic web technologies and a discourse theory called Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) to reduce the overhead of consistency checking. We develop OntoReST, an ontology based on RST that helps detect incoherent texts automatically. OntoReST also provides authors with valuable information about the semantic structure of texts which contributes towards more coherent documents

    Atividade de escrita colaborativa: percepção de alunos, princípio cooperativo de Grice e social loafing

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    Este artigo discute a efetividade das adaptações de critérios aplicados às categorias do princípio cooperativo de Grice e a possível ocorrência de social loafing em atividades de escrita colaborativa. Apresenta a concepção de uma atividade desenvolvida em editor wiki de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA); as estratégias de envolvimento e sua aplicação junto a duas turmas de alunos de curso superior na área de ciências sociais aplicadas. Analisa os dados e os depoimentos relativos às dificuldades no domínio do editor, a clareza dos critérios de avaliação e a contribuição da experiência ao entendimento de um conceito de trabalho colaborativo. Os resultados da investigação demonstraram indícios de social loafing e de outras perdas de processo e, quanto à efetividade da aplicação dos critérios agregados às categorias do princípio de Grice, verificou-se que esses são efetivos para as contribuições individuais, mas não contemplam sutilezas e dimensões relativas às atividades em colaboração. Conclui-se que a proposta de colaboração não é uma barreira per se, ainda que dificuldades técnicas desestimulem os participantes. Um editor colaborativo que desconsidere a integração imediata entre os envolvidos gera contribuições estanques e acarreta o uso de alternativas externas ao ambiente de trabalho, o que dilui a proposta cooperativa. A divisão das tarefas, as responsabilidades de administração das páginas do editor e a definição de regras para intervenções devem ser explicitadas para que todos os envolvidos estejam seguros e motivados quanto às condições de sua participação. Ao fazer isso, diminuem-se perdas de processo e aumenta-se a efetividade de resposta aos objetivos da experiência de ensino-aprendizagem.This article discusses the effectiveness of the adaptations of criteria applied to the categories of Grice's cooperative principle and the possible occurrence of social loafing in collaborative writing activities. It presents: the concept of an activity developed in a wiki editor of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE); and the strategies of engagement and their application to two higher education classes in the area of applied social sciences. It analyzes data and testimonials relating to difficulties to master the editor, the clarity of evaluation criteria and the contribution of experience to the understanding of a concept of collaborative work. Research results have shown evidence of social loafing and other process losses and, as to the effectiveness of the application of the criteria added to the categories of Grice's principle, it was found that these criteria are effective for individual contributions, but do not consider subtleties and dimensions relating to activities in collaboration. It is concluded that the collaboration proposal is not a barrier per se, although technical difficulties discourage participants. A collaborative editor that disregards the immediate integration between those involved generates limited contributions and results in the use of alternatives outside the work environment, which dilutes the cooperative proposal. The division of tasks, responsibilities of managing the editor pages and setting rules for interventions should be made explicit so that all those involved are confident and motivated about the conditions of their participation. By doing so, there is a decrease in process losses and an increase in the effectiveness of responses to the objectives of the teaching-learning experience

    Atividade de escrita colaborativa: percepção de alunos, princípio cooperativo de Grice e social loafing

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    Este artigo discute a efetividade das adaptações de critérios aplicados às categorias do princípio cooperativo de Grice e a possível ocorrência de social loafing em atividades de escrita colaborativa. Apresenta a concepção de uma atividade desenvolvida em editor wiki de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA); as estratégias de envolvimento e sua aplicação junto a duas turmas de alunos de curso superior na área de ciências sociais aplicadas. Analisa os dados e os depoimentos relativos às dificuldades no domínio do editor, a clareza dos critérios de avaliação e a contribuição da experiência ao entendimento de um conceito de trabalho colaborativo. Os resultados da investigação demonstraram indícios de social loafing e de outras perdas de processo e, quanto à efetividade da aplicação dos critérios agregados às categorias do princípio de Grice, verificou-se que esses são efetivos para as contribuições individuais, mas não contemplam sutilezas e dimensões relativas às atividades em colaboração. Conclui-se que a proposta de colaboração não é uma barreira per se, ainda que dificuldades técnicas desestimulem os participantes. Um editor colaborativo que desconsidere a integração imediata entre os envolvidos gera contribuições estanques e acarreta o uso de alternativas externas ao ambiente de trabalho, o que dilui a proposta cooperativa. A divisão das tarefas, as responsabilidades de administração das páginas do editor e a definição de regras para intervenções devem ser explicitadas para que todos os envolvidos estejam seguros e motivados quanto às condições de sua participação. Ao fazer isso, diminuem-se perdas de processo e aumenta-se a efetividade de resposta aos objetivos da experiência de ensino-aprendizagem.This article discusses the effectiveness of the adaptations of criteria applied to the categories of Grice's cooperative principle and the possible occurrence of social loafing in collaborative writing activities. It presents: the concept of an activity developed in a wiki editor of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE); and the strategies of engagement and their application to two higher education classes in the area of applied social sciences. It analyzes data and testimonials relating to difficulties to master the editor, the clarity of evaluation criteria and the contribution of experience to the understanding of a concept of collaborative work. Research results have shown evidence of social loafing and other process losses and, as to the effectiveness of the application of the criteria added to the categories of Grice's principle, it was found that these criteria are effective for individual contributions, but do not consider subtleties and dimensions relating to activities in collaboration. It is concluded that the collaboration proposal is not a barrier per se, although technical difficulties discourage participants. A collaborative editor that disregards the immediate integration between those involved generates limited contributions and results in the use of alternatives outside the work environment, which dilutes the cooperative proposal. The division of tasks, responsibilities of managing the editor pages and setting rules for interventions should be made explicit so that all those involved are confident and motivated about the conditions of their participation. By doing so, there is a decrease in process losses and an increase in the effectiveness of responses to the objectives of the teaching-learning experience

    Exploring the impacts of wiki collaborative technologies within the english writing environment

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    The use of technology in the writing classroom has been a staple since the early-1990’s when the personal computer made its way onto the desks of teachers and students across America. Since that time, the challenge has been for educators to incorporate the most recent technologies in an effort to stimulate student writing. This study examined the effects the use of a web-based wiki technology can have on the writings of high school students. The primary goal of this study was to explore how the web-based collaborative technology in Google Docs and used in a secondary English IV classroom can impact the writing skills of twelfth grade students dually enrolled in a freshman level writing class of a local university. Specifically, the study explored how students writing levels and processes were affected, how they perceived themselves as writers, and the challenges and successes they faced through the wiki-style inclusion. A mixed methods case study design was used. One intact twelfth grade English IV classroom was used for the study (n=15). During the Fall 2009 and the Spring 2010 semesters, data were collected from observations, student interviews, two essays, and two student surveys. Quantitative data were collected from all the 15 class members via student perception surveys and rubric-based assessments of two essays. Qualitative data included open-ended questions on the writing surveys from all of the students; teacher observations of student interactions with each other, the wiki, and the writing; and interviews with six students at three ability levels. Results showed that wiki-based technologies can impact students’ writing processes and their essay results. Strategies inherent to the wiki process can motivate students to be better participants when they know someone else is depending on their input. Another factor was the ease of access. Finally, what seemed especially prevalent in student comments and observation was how peer editing may have contributed to students’ writing progress. The findings of this study support those of previous research. They also underscore the importance of continuing to incorporate modern technologies into the classroom. Other implications for practice are also discussed

    Electronic Environments for Reading: An Annotated Bibliography of Pertinent Hardware and Software

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    In the development of new research environments, hardware has often been neglected. E-readers have (reasonably) successfully been developed for leisurely reading, but reading with the goal of writing demands a different approach. This bibliography has been written to inform the INKE research group on physical aspects of digital scholarly reading. It consists of two parts: a hardware section, including a description of commercial e-readers as well as an overview of academically developed digital reading devices and a software section, also including commercially available packages next to academically developed reading environments which allow for flexible manipulation of text and other modalities; as well as reflections on digital scholarly reading. Combined, the two sections inform an integrated approach in the development of new research environments

    Multi-Touch Table for Enhancing Collaboration during Software Design

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    Encouraging collaborative software design through the use of Multi-touch interfaces has become increasingly important because such surfaces can accommodate more than one user concurrently, which is particularly useful for collaborative software design. This study investigated the differences in collaborative design among groups of students working in PC-based and Multi-touch table conditions to determine the potential of the Multi-touch table to increase the effectiveness of collaboration during software design. The literature includes several interesting studies reflecting the role of Multi-touch tables in enhancing collaborative activities. Research has found that Multi-touch tables increase group interaction and therefore increase the attainment of group goals. Although many research efforts have facilitated collaboration among users in software design using Unified Modelling Language (UML), these studies examined distributed collaboration and not face-to-face collaboration. However, existing research that studied facilitating co-located collaborative software design has some limitations such as using technologies that prevent parallel design activities. Collaborative software design using Multi-touch table has not been widely explored. A structured literature review revealed that no Multi-touch collaborative UML design tool is available. Thus, a Multi-touch enabled tool called MT-CollabUML was developed for this study to encourage students to work collaboratively on software design using UML in a co-located setting. Eighteen master’s level students enrolled in the Software Engineering for the Internet module were selected to participate in the study. The participants formed nine pairs. The experiment followed a counterbalanced within-subjects design where groups switched experiment conditions to ensure each group used the Multi-touch table and PC-based conditions. All collaborative UML diagramming activities were video recorded for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results show that using the MT-CollabUML tool in the Multi-touch table condition enhanced the level of collaboration among the team members and increased their shared contribution. It also increased the equity of participation; the individuals contributed almost equally to the task, and single-person domination decreased in the Multi-touch condition. Results also show that the Multi-touch table encourages parallel-participative design where both group members work in a parallel manner to accomplish the final agreed-upon design. The analysis of verbal communication shows that both experiment conditions encouraged subjects to use collaborative learning skills