9,894 research outputs found

    Privacy in (mobile) telecommunications services

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    Telecommunications services are for long subject to privacy regulations. At stake are traditionally: privacy of the communication and the protection of traffic data. Privacy of the communication is legally founded. Traffic data subsume under the notion of data protection and are central in the discussion. The telecommunications environment is profoundly changing. The traditionally closed markets with closed networks change into an open market with open networks. Within these open networks more privacy sensitive data are generated and have to be exchanged between growing numbers of parties. Also telecommunications and computer networks are rapidly being integrated and thus the distinction between telephony and computing disappears. Traditional telecommunications privacy regulations are revised to cover internet applications. In this paper telecommunications issues are recalled to aid the on-going debate. Cellular mobile phones have recently be introduced. Cellular networks process a particular category of traffic data namely location data, thereby introducing the issue of territorial privacy into the telecommunications domain. Location data are bound to be used for pervasive future services. Designs for future services are discussed and evaluated for their impact on privacy protection.</p

    The impact of using location-based services with a behaviour-disordered child

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    In this paper we explore technologies that help parents locate their children. Parents regularly use mobile phones to stay in touch with their children, but recent developments in location-based tracking allow parents to assess the location of their child directly. Such location-based services offer new assurances, but also bring new privacy challenges. In order to explore these, we conducted a case study focussing on the way in which a family has used location-based technologies to keep track of a child with Aspergers Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This novel research shows that Location-Based Services, although usually applied to lone-worker situations, can be effectively applied to other user groups. The parents of the child were interviewed at length, and the interview was analysed using qualitative methods. The findings are discussed and considered against a current predictive model of LBS use

    Video résumés portrayed: findings and challenges

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    Recent technological developments and the increased use of internet-based applications have resulted in the emergence of so-called video résumés. This chapter first presents the characteristics of video résumés as a selection instrument by comparing the instrument with other, related selection tools, like the job interview. The chapter proceeds with a review of existing research on video résumés and ends with an agenda for future research

    A User-Focused Reference Model for Wireless Systems Beyond 3G

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    This whitepaper describes a proposal from Working Group 1, the Human Perspective of the Wireless World, for a user-focused reference model for systems beyond 3G. The general structure of the proposed model involves two "planes": the Value Plane and the Capability Plane. The characteristics of these planes are discussed in detail and an example application of the model to a specific scenario for the wireless world is provided

    From Critique to Responsibility: the Ethical Turn in the Technology Debate

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    The Crypto-democracy and the Trustworthy

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    In the current architecture of the Internet, there is a strong asymmetry in terms of power between the entities that gather and process personal data (e.g., major Internet companies, telecom operators, cloud providers, ...) and the individuals from which this personal data is issued. In particular, individuals have no choice but to blindly trust that these entities will respect their privacy and protect their personal data. In this position paper, we address this issue by proposing an utopian crypto-democracy model based on existing scientific achievements from the field of cryptography. More precisely, our main objective is to show that cryptographic primitives, including in particular secure multiparty computation, offer a practical solution to protect privacy while minimizing the trust assumptions. In the crypto-democracy envisioned, individuals do not have to trust a single physical entity with their personal data but rather their data is distributed among several institutions. Together these institutions form a virtual entity called the Trustworthy that is responsible for the storage of this data but which can also compute on it (provided first that all the institutions agree on this). Finally, we also propose a realistic proof-of-concept of the Trustworthy, in which the roles of institutions are played by universities. This proof-of-concept would have an important impact in demonstrating the possibilities offered by the crypto-democracy paradigm.Comment: DPM 201

    Fundamental Rights of workers in the Digital Age: A methodological approach from a case study. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 89/2011

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    The relationship between employer and worker is not only obligatory but above all, as Sinzheimer said, a ‘relationship of power’. In the Digital Age this statement is confirmed by the massive introduction of ICT in most of the companies that increase, in practice, employer’s supervisory powers. This is a worrying issue for two reasons: on one hand, ICT emerge as a new way to weaken the effectiveness of fundamental rights and the right to dignity of workers; and, on the other hand, Spanish legal system does not offer appropriate solutions to ensure that efficacy. Moreover, in a scenario characterized by a hybridization of legal systems models –in which traditional hard law methods are combined with soft law and self regulation instruments–, the role of our case law has become very important in this issue. Nevertheless, despite the increase of judicialization undergone, solutions offered by Courts are so different that do not give enough legal certainty. Facing this situation, I suggest a methodological approach –using Alchourron and Bulygin’s normative systems theory and Alexy’s fundamental rights theory– which can open new spaces of decision to legal operators in order to solve properly these problems. This proposal can allow setting a policy that guarantees fundamental rights of workers, deepening their human freedom in companies from the Esping-Andersen’s de-commodification perspective. With this purpose, I examine electronic communications in the company as a case study

    Interview with Prof. Jeroen van den Hoven on Why do Ethics and Values Matter in Business and Information Systems Engineering?

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    Svrha ovog rada je prepoznati zašto je važno da organizacije uvedu poslovnu etiku u svoje poslovanje, jer ona se može okarakterizirati kao jedan od preduvjeta za uspjeh. Prvi dio rada definira etiku, jer ona je opći okvir za razmatranje poslovne i menadžerske etike. Budući da se etika bavi moralom, u radu je opisan odnos etike i morala, te po čemu se ta dva pojma razlikuju. Kada se dobije jasna slika o tome što je etika, na red dolazi poslovna etika i menadžerska etika, koje su bit ovoga rada. Odnose se na ponašanje, poštivanje pravila i načela neke organizacije, i poslovanje te organizacije. Želi li neko poduzeće biti konkurentno, uspješno i efikasno na tržištu mora imati sređenu situaciju između svojih menadžera, zaposlenika i suradnika. Kako bi takav odnos što bolje funkcionirao; pravila ponašanja, temeljne vrijednosti te načela organizacije jasno su navedeni u etičkom kodeksu. Menadžerska etika daje jasne upute i pravila te smjernice kako bi se jedan menadžer trebao ponašati u poduzeću kojim on upravlja. Rezultat toga su etični pristupi, a svaki ima svoje kriterije i standarde. Najpoznatiji etički pristupi su utilitarni pristup, pristup moralnih prava te pristup pravednosti. Rad završava primjerom etičkog kodeksa Generali Grupe, koja obuhvaća interese i očekivanja široke javnosti: djelatnika, investitora, klijenata, dobavljača, i lokalne zajednice. Svoj Etički kodeks su oblikovali sa svrhom uređenja cjelovitih i skladnih odnosa između lokalnih Generali kompanija i zemalja u kojima Grupa posluje.The purpose of this work is to identify why it is important for organizations to introduce their business ethics as it can be characterized as one of the preconditions for success. The first part of this work defines ethics as it is the general framework for considering business and management ethics. Since ethics deals with morality, the relationship between ethics and morality is described in this work, and how these two concepts differ. When we get a clear picture of what ethics is, then we have to understand what business and management ethics are, which are the essence of this work. They are related to the behavior, compliance with the rules and principles of an organization, and the business of that organization. If a company wants to be competing successfully and efficiently on the market, they have to have a good relationship between managers, employees, and associates. The rules of conduct, the fundamental values and the principles of organization are clearly stated in the Code of Ethics to make this relationship work better. The Management ethics gives clears instruction and rules for a manager how to behave in a company he manages. The result of this is an ethical approach and each of them has its own criteria and standards. The best known ethical approaches are the utilitarian approach, access to moral rights, and access to justice. The final work ends with the example of the ethics code of Generali Group, that includes interests and expectations of the general public: employees, investors, clients, suppliers and the local community. Their code of ethics has shaped the purpose of arranging complete and harmonious relationship between local Generali companies and the countries where the group operates