18 research outputs found

    Detection of Hard Exudates in Retinal Fundus Images using Deep Learning

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    Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a retinal disorder that affects the people having diabetes mellitus for a long time (20 years). DR is one of the main reasons for the preventable blindness all over the world. If not detected early the patient may progress to severe stages of irreversible blindness. Lack of Ophthalmologists poses a serious problem for the growing diabetes patients. It is advised to develop an automated DR screening system to assist the Ophthalmologist in decision making. Hard exudates develop when DR is present. It is important to detect hard exudates in order to detect DR in an early stage. Research has been done to detect hard exudates using regular image processing techniques and Machine Learning techniques. Here, a deep learning algorithm has been presented in this paper that detects hard exudates in fundus images of the retina.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking http://icscan.in

    Diabetes and Hard Disease Detection Algorithm

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    In diebetise detection we are using a detection technique using an algorithm based on k map technique this technique is helpful for the detection of disease in effective manner and smooth way. The k map method has two comparative way which has to be compared and get result in the form of graph or table .this algorithm is to be achieved in R programming

    Diabetes and Hard Disease Detection Algorithm

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    diebetise detection we are using a detection technique using an algorithm based on k map technique this technique is helpful for the detection of disease in effective manner and smooth way. The k map method has two comparative way which has to be compared and get result in the form of graph or table .this algorithm is to be achieved in R programming

    Evaluation of machine learning classifiers in keratoconus detection from orbscan II examinations

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function neural network as auxiliary tools to identify keratoconus from Orbscan II maps. METHODS: A total of 318 maps were selected and classified into four categories: normal (n = 172), astigmatism (n = 89), keratoconus (n = 46) and photorefractive keratectomy (n = 11). For each map, 11 attributes were obtained or calculated from data provided by the Orbscan II. Ten-fold cross-validation was used to train and test the classifiers. Besides accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for each classifier were generated, and the areas under the curves were calculated. RESULTS: The three selected classifiers provided a good performance, and there were no differences between their performances. The area under the ROC curve of the support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function neural network were significantly larger than those for all individual Orbscan II attributes evaluated (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Overall, the results suggest that using a support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron classifiers and radial basis function neural network, these classifiers, trained on Orbscan II data, could represent useful techniques for keratoconus detection


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    One of the main causes of blindness is diabetic retinopathy (DR) and it may affect people of any ages. In these days, both young and old ages are affected by diabetes, and the di abetes is the main cause of DR. Hence, it is necessary to have an automated system with good accuracy and less computation time to diagnose and treat DR, and the automated system can simplify the work of ophthalmologists. The objective is to present an overview of various works recently in detecting and segmenting the various lesions of DR. Papers were categorized based on the diagnosing tools and the methods used for detecting early and advanced stage lesions. The early lesions of DR are microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates, and cotton wool spots and in the advanced stage, new and fragile blood vessels can be grown. Results have been evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and receiver operating characteristic curve. This paper analyzed the various steps and different algorithms used recently for the detection and classification of DR lesions. A comparison of performances has been made in terms of sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve, and accuracy. Suggestions, future workand the area to be improved were also discussed.Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, Image processing, Morphological operations, Neural network, Fuzzy logic.Â

    Segmentation and texture analysis with multimodel inference for the automatic detection of exudates in early diabetic retinopathy

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    Una revisión sistemática de métodos de aprendizaje profundo aplicados a imágenes oculares

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    Artificial intelligence is having an important effect on different areas of medicine, and ophthalmology has not been the exception. In particular, deep learning methods have been applied successfully to the detection of clinical signs and the classification of ocular diseases. This represents a great potential to increase the number of people correctly diagnosed. In ophthalmology, deep learning methods have primarily been applied to eye fundus images and optical coherence tomography. On the one hand, these methods have achieved an outstanding performance in the detection of ocular diseases such as: diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, diabetic macular degeneration and age-related macular degeneration.&nbsp; On the other hand, several worldwide challenges have shared big eye imaging datasets with segmentation of part of the eyes, clinical signs and the ocular diagnostic performed by experts. In addition, these methods are breaking the stigma of black-box models, with the delivering of interpretable clinically information. This review provides an overview of the state-of-the-art deep learning methods used in ophthalmic images, databases and potential challenges for ocular diagnosisLa inteligencia artificial está teniendo un importante impacto en diversas áreas de la medicina y a la oftalmología no ha sido la excepción. En particular, los métodos de aprendizaje profundo han sido aplicados con éxito en la detección de signos clínicos y la clasificación de enfermedades oculares. Esto representa un potencial impacto en el incremento de pacientes correctamente y oportunamente diagnosticados. En oftalmología, los métodos de aprendizaje profundo se han aplicado principalmente a imágenes de fondo de ojo y tomografía de coherencia óptica. Por un lado, estos métodos han logrado un rendimiento sobresaliente en la detección de enfermedades oculares tales como: retinopatía diabética, glaucoma, degeneración macular diabética y degeneración macular relacionada con la edad. Por otro lado, varios desafíos mundiales han compartido grandes conjuntos de datos con segmentación de parte de los ojos, signos clínicos y el diagnóstico ocular realizado por expertos. Adicionalmente, estos métodos están rompiendo el estigma de los modelos de caja negra, con la entrega de información clínica interpretable. Esta revisión proporciona una visión general de los métodos de aprendizaje profundo de última generación utilizados en imágenes oftálmicas, bases de datos y posibles desafíos para los diagnósticos oculare