440 research outputs found

    Credit scoring models for Egyptian banks : neural nets and genetic programming versus conventional techniques

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    Credit scoring has been regarded as a core appraisal tool of banks during the last few decades, and has been widely investigated in the area of finance, in general, and banking sectors, in particular. In this thesis, the main aims and objectives are: to identify the currently used techniques in the Egyptian banking credit evaluation process; and to build credit scoring models to evaluate personal bank loans. In addition, the subsidiary aims are to evaluate the impact of sample proportion selection on the Predictive capability of both advanced scoring techniques and conventional scoring techniques, for both public banks and a private banking case-study; and to determine the key characteristics that affect the personal loans' quality (default risk). The stages of the research comprised: firstly, an investigative phase, including an early pilot study, structured interviews and a questionnaire; and secondly, an evaluative phase, including an analysis of two different data-sets from the Egyptian private and public banks applying average correct classification rates and estimated misclassification costs as criteria. Both advanced scoring techniques, namely, neural nets (probabilistic neural nets and multi-layer feed-forward nets) and genetic programming, and conventional techniques, namely, a weight of evidence measure, multiple discriminant analysis, probit analysis and logistic regression were used to evaluate credit default risk in Egyptian banks. In addition, an analysis of the data-sets using Kohonen maps was undertaken to provide additional visual insights into cluster groupings. From the investigative stage, it was found that all public and the vast majority of private banks in Egypt are using judgemental approaches in their credit evaluation. From the evaluative stage, clear distinctions between the conventional techniques and the advanced techniques were found for the private banking case-study; and the advanced scoring techniques (such as powerful neural nets and genetic programming) were superior to the conventional techniques for the public sector banks. Concurrent loans from other banks and guarantees by the corporate employer of the loan applicant, which have not been used in other reported studies, are identified as key variables and recommended in the specific environment chosen, namely Egypt. Other variables, such as a feasibility study and the Central Bank of Egypt report also play a contributory role in affecting the loan quality.The Egyptian Governmen

    Predicting Credit Default among Micro Borrowers in Ghana

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    Microfinance institutions play a major role in economic development in many developing countries. However many of these microfinance institutions are faced with the problem of default because of the non-formal nature of the business and individuals they lend money to. This study seeks to find the determinants of credit default in microfinance institutions. With data on 2631 successful loan applicants from a microfinance institution with braches all over the country we proposed a Binary logistic regression model to predict the probability of default. We found the following variables significant in determining default: Age, Gender, Marital Status, Income Level, Residential Status, Number of Dependents, Loan Amount, and Tenure. We also found default to be more among the younger generation and in males. We however found Loan Purpose not to be significant in determining credit default. Microfinance institutions could use this model to screen prospective loan applicants in order to reduce the level of default. Keywords: Microfinance, Loan Default, Default Prediction, Logistic Regressio

    An improved Bank Credit Scoring Model A Naïve Bayesian Approach

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    Credit scoring is a decision tool used by organizations to grant or reject credit requests from their customers. Series of artificial intelligent and traditional approaches have been used to building credit scoring model and credit risk evaluation. Despite being ranked amongst the top 10 algorithm in Data mining, Naïve Bayesian algorithm has not been extensively used in building credit score cards. Using demographic and material indicators as input variables, this paper investigate the ability of Bayesian classifier towards building credit scoring model in banking sector

    Design and Implementation of a Student Attendance System Using Iris Biometric Recognition

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    Attendance taking is a standard practice in every educational system. The methods used to take class attendance are quite numerous but emphasis keeps shifting towards automating the process. The use of biometrics in taking class attendance is fast gaining ground and the traditional way of taking attendance is fast losing ground especially when the class is very large and time is of great essence. The iris was used as the biometric in this paper. After enrolling all attendees by storing their particulars along with their unique iris template, the designed system automatically took class attendance by capturing the eye image of each attendee, recognizing their iris, and searching for a match in the created database. The designed prototype is also web based. This paper proposes an alternative and accurate method of taking attendance that is both spoofproof and relatively cheap to implement

    Financial distress prediction using the hybrid associative memory with translation

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    This paper presents an alternative technique for financial distress prediction systems. The method is based on a type of neural network, which is called hybrid associative memory with translation. While many different neural network architectures have successfully been used to predict credit risk and corporate failure, the power of associative memories for financial decision-making has not been explored in any depth as yet. The performance of the hybrid associative memory with translation is compared to four traditional neural networks, a support vector machine and a logistic regression model in terms of their prediction capabilities. The experimental results over nine real-life data sets show that the associative memory here proposed constitutes an appropriate solution for bankruptcy and credit risk prediction, performing significantly better than the rest of models under class imbalance and data overlapping conditions in terms of the true positive rate and the geometric mean of true positive and true negative rates.This work has partially been supported by the Mexican CONACYT through the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program [232167], the Spanish Ministry of Economy [TIN2013-46522-P], the Generalitat Valenciana [PROMETEOII/2014/062] and the Mexican PRODEP [DSA/103.5/15/7004]. We would like to thank the Reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions, which have helped to improve the quality of this paper substantially

    Prediction of financial strength ratings using machine learning and conventional techniques

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    Financial strength ratings (FSRs) have become more significant particularly since the recent financial crisis of 2007–2009 where rating agencies failed to forecast defaults and the downgrade of some banks. The aim of this paper is to predict Capital Intelligence banks’ financial strength ratings (FSRs) group membership using machine learning and conventional techniques. Here the authors use five different statistical techniques, namely CHAID, CART, multilayer-perceptron neural networks, discriminant analysis and logistic regression. They also use three different evaluation criteria namely average correct classification rate, misclassification cost and gains charts. The data are collected from Bankscope database for the Middle Eastern commercial banks by reference to the first decade of the 21st century. The findings show that when predicting bank FSRs during the period 2007–2009, discriminant analysis is surprisingly superior to all other techniques used in this paper. When only machine learning techniques are used, CHAID outperform other techniques. In addition, the findings highlight that when a random sample is used to predict bank FSRs, CART outperform all other techniques. The evaluation criteria have confirmed the findings and both CART and discriminant analysis are superior to other techniques in predicting bank FSRs. This has implications for Middle Eastern banks, as the authors would suggest that improving their bank FSR can improve their presence in the market

    Primjena ansambl metoda, logističke regresije i neuronske mreže na mogućnost predviđanja Peer-to-Peer pozajmljivanja

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    Credit scoring has become an important issue because competition among financial institutions is intense and even a small improvement in predictive accuracy can result in significant savings. Financial institutions are looking for optimal strategies using credit scoring models. Therefore, credit scoring tools are extensively studied. As a result, various parametric statistical methods, non-parametric statistical tools and soft computing approaches have been developed to improve the accuracy of credit scoring models. In this paper, different approaches are used to classify customers into those who repay the loan and those who default on a loan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of two credit scoring techniques, the logistic regression model estimated on categorized variables modified with the use of WOE (Weight of Evidence) transformation, and neural networks. We also combine multiple classifiers and test whether ensemble learning has better performance. To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of these methods, the analysis is performed on Lending Club data. In addition, we investigate Peer-to-peer lending, also called social lending. From the results, it can be concluded that the logistic regression model can provide better performance than neural networks. The proposed ensemble model (a combination of logistic regression and neural network by averaging the probabilities obtained from both models) has higher AUC, Gini coefficient and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics compared to other models. Therefore, we can conclude that the ensemble model allows to successfully reduce the potential risks of losses due to misclassification costs.Procjena kreditne sposobnosti postaje izuzetno važna s obzirom na sve intenzivniju konkurenciju među financijskim institucijama tako da čak i neznatno unapređivanje točnosti predviđanja može rezultirati značajnom uštedom. Financijske institucije traže optimalne strategije pomoću modela procjene kreditne sposobnosti. Stoga je proučavanje alata za procjenu kreditne sposobnosti široko rasprostranjeno. Kao rezultat toga, razvijene su različite parametarske statističke metode, ne-parametarski statistički alati i pristupi programskom računanju kako bi se povećala točnost modela procjene kreditne sposobnosti. U ovom radu primjenjuju se različiti pristupi za klasifikaciju kupaca, kao onih koji vraćaju zajam i onih koji ne mogu podmirivati svoje obveze. Svrha ove studije je istražiti uspješnost dviju tehnika vrednovanja kreditne sposobnosti, modela logističke regresije, procijenjene na temelju kategorizirane varijable modificirane pomoću WOE (Weight of Evidence) transformacije, i neuronskih mreža. Nadalje, istražuje se da li kombiniranje više klasifikatora i testiranje prikupljenih informacija ansambl metodom doprinosi boljim rezultatima. Da bi se procijenila izvedivost i učinkovitost ovih metoda, provodi se analiza podataka Lending Cluba. Istražuje se P2P pozajmljivanje, odnosno uzajamno pozajmljivanje bez posredovanja financijskih institucija, koje se još naziva i socijalno pozajmljivanje. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja, može se zaključiti da model logističke regresije daje bolje rezultate od neuronskih mreža. Izgleda da je predloženi ansambl model (kombinirajući logističku regresiju i neuronsku mrežu s prosjekom vjerojatnosti dobivenih iz oba modela) imao veću AUC krivulju, Gini koeficijent i Kolmogorov-Smirnov test veću statističku vrijednost u usporedbi s drugim modelima. Stoga možemo zaključiti da ansambl model omogućuje uspješno reduciranje mogućih rizika od gubitaka koji nastaju uslijed pogrešne klasifikacije troškova

    Artificial Intelligence and Bank Soundness: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - Part 2

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    Banks have experienced chronic weaknesses as well as frequent crisis over the years. As bank failures are costly and affect global economies, banks are constantly under intense scrutiny by regulators. This makes banks the most highly regulated industry in the world today. As banks grow into the 21st century framework, banks are in need to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) to not only to provide personalized world class service to its large database of customers but most importantly to survive. The chapter provides a taxonomy of bank soundness in the face of AI through the lens of CAMELS where C (Capital), A(Asset), M(Management), E(Earnings), L(Liquidity), S(Sensitivity). The taxonomy partitions challenges from the main strand of CAMELS into distinct categories of AI into 1(C), 4(A), 17(M), 8 (E), 1(L), 2(S) categories that banks and regulatory teams need to consider in evaluating AI use in banks. Although AI offers numerous opportunities to enable banks to operate more efficiently and effectively, at the same time banks also need to give assurance that AI ‘do no harm’ to stakeholders. Posing many unresolved questions, it seems that banks are trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea for now