10 research outputs found

    Buffered Steiner Trees for difficult instances

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    Buffer insertion has become an increasingly critical optimization in high performance design. The problem of finding a delay-optimal buffered Steiner tree has been an active area of research, and excellent solutions exist for most instances. However, current approaches fail to adequately solve a particular class of real-world "difficult" instances which are characterized by a large number of sinks, variations in sink criticalities, and varying polarity requirements. We propose a new Steiner tree construction called C-Tree for these instance types. When combined with van Ginneken style buffer insertion, C-Tree achieves higher quality solutions with fewer resources compared to traditional approaches

    Performance Driven Global Routing Through Gradual Refinement

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    We propose a heuristic for VLSI interconnect global routing that can optimize routing congestion, delay and number of bends, which are often competing objectives. Routing flexibilities under timing constraints are obtained and exploited to reduce congestion subject to timing constraints. The wire routes are determined through gradual refinement according to probabilistic estimation on congestions so that the congestion is minimized while the number of bends on wires is limited. The experiments on both random generated circuits and benchmark circuits confirm the effectiveness of this method

    Interconnect tree optimization algorithm in nanometer very large scale integration designs

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    This thesis proposes a graph-based maze routing and buffer insertion algorithm for nanometer Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) layout designs. The algorithm is called Hybrid Routing Tree and Buffer insertion with Look-Ahead (HRTB-LA). In recent VLSI designs, interconnect delay becomes a dominant factor compared to gate delay. The well-known technique to minimize the interconnect delay is by inserting buffers along the interconnect wires. In conventional buffer insertion algorithms, the buffers are inserted on the fixed routing paths. However, in a modern design, there are macro blocks that prohibit any buffer insertion in their respective area. Most of the conventional buffer insertion algorithms do not consider these obstacles. In the presence of buffer obstacles, post routing algorithm may produce poor solution. On the other hand, simultaneous routing and buffer insertion algorithm offers a better solution, but it was proven to be NP-complete. Besides timing performance, power dissipation of the inserted buffers is another metric that needs to be optimized. Research has shown that power dissipation overhead due to buffer insertions is significantly high. In other words, interconnect delay and power dissipation move in opposite directions. Although many methodologies to optimize timing performance with power constraint have been proposed, no algorithm is based on grid graph technique. Hence, the main contribution of this thesis is an efficient algorithm using a hybrid approach for multi-constraint optimization in multi-terminal nets. The algorithm uses dynamic programming to compute the interconnect delay and power dissipation of the inserted buffers incrementally, while an effective runtime is achieved with the aid of novel look-ahead and graph pruning schemes. Experimental results prove that HRTB-LA is able to handle multi-constraint optimizations and produces up to 47% better solution compared to a post routing buffer insertion algorithm in comparable runtime

    Improved algorithms for link-based non-tree clock networks for skew variability reduction

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    In the nanometer VLSI technology, the variation effects like manufacturing variation, power supply noise, temperature etc. become very significant. As one of the most vital nets in any synchronous VLSI chip, the Clock Distribution Network (CDN) is especially sensitive to these variations. Recently proposed link-based non-tree [1] addresses this problem by constructing a non-tree that is significantly more tolerant to variations when compared to a clock tree. Although the two algorithms proposed in [1] are effective in reducing the skew variability, they have a few drawbacks including high com-plexity, lengthy links and uneven link distribution across the clock network. In this paper, we propose two new algorithms that can overcome these disadvantages. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms has been validated using HSPICE based Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental results show that the new algorithms are able to achieve the same or better skew reduction with an average of 5 % wire length increase when compared to the 15 % wire length increase of the existing algorithms in [1]. Moreover, the new algorithms scale extremely well to big clock networks, i.e., the bigger the clock network, the less overall link cost (less than 2 % for the biggest benchmark we have)

    Analysis and optimization of VLSI Clock Distribution Networks for skew variability reduction

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    As VLSI technology moves into the Ultra-Deep Sub-Micron (UDSM) era, manufacturing variations, power supply noise and temperature variations greatly affect the performance and yield of VLSI circuits. Clock Distribution Network (CDN), which is one of the biggest and most important nets in any synchronous VLSI chip, is especially sensitive to these variations. To address this problem variability-aware analysis and optimization techniques for VLSI circuits are needed. In the first part of this thesis an analytical bound for the unwanted skew due to interconnect variation is established. Experimental results show that this bound is safer, tighter and computationally faster than existing approaches. This bound could be used in variation-aware clock tree synthesis.The second part of the thesis deals with optimizing a given clock tree to minimize the unwanted skew variations. Non-tree CDNs have been recognized as a promising approach to overcome the variation problem. We propose a novel non-tree CDN obtained by adding cross links in an existing clock tree. We analyze the effect of the link insertion on clock skew variability and propose link insertion schemes. The non-tree CDNs so obtained are shown to be highly tolerant to skew variability with very little increase in total wire-length. This can be used in applications such as ASIC design where a significant increase in the total wire-length is unacceptable

    Layout optimization in ultra deep submicron VLSI design

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    As fabrication technology keeps advancing, many deep submicron (DSM) effects have become increasingly evident and can no longer be ignored in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design. In this dissertation, we study several deep submicron problems (eg. coupling capacitance, antenna effect and delay variation) and propose optimization techniques to mitigate these DSM effects in the place-and-route stage of VLSI physical design. The place-and-route stage of physical design can be further divided into several steps: (1) Placement, (2) Global routing, (3) Layer assignment, (4) Track assignment, and (5) Detailed routing. Among them, layer/track assignment assigns major trunks of wire segments to specific layers/tracks in order to guide the underlying detailed router. In this dissertation, we have proposed techniques to handle coupling capacitance at the layer/track assignment stage, antenna effect at the layer assignment, and delay variation at the ECO (Engineering Change Order) placement stage, respectively. More specifically, at layer assignment, we have proposed an improved probabilistic model to quickly estimate the amount of coupling capacitance for timing optimization. Antenna effects are also handled at layer assignment through a linear-time tree partitioning algorithm. At the track assignment stage, timing is further optimized using a graph based technique. In addition, we have proposed a novel gate splitting methodology to reduce delay variation in the ECO placement considering spatial correlations. Experimental results on benchmark circuits showed the effectiveness of our approaches

    Near-optimal critical sink routing tree constructions

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    Abstract-We present critical-sink routing tree (CSRT) con-structions which exploit available critical-path information to yield high-performance routing trees. Our CS-Steiner and “global slack removal ” algorithms together modify traditional Steiner tree constructions to optimize signal delay at identified critical sinks. We further propose an iterative Elmore routing tree (ERT) construction which optimizes Elmore delay directly, as opposed to heuristically abstracting linear or Elmore delay as in previous approaches. Extensive timing simulations on industry IC and MCM interconnect parameters show that our methods yield trees that significantly improve (by averages of up to 67 %) over minimum Steiner routings in terms of delays to identified critical sinks. ERT’s also serve as generic high-performance routing trees when no critical sink is specified: for 8-sink nets in standard IC (MCM) technology, we improve average sink delay by 19

    Timing-Constrained Global Routing with RC-Aware Steiner Trees and Routing Based Optimization

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    In this thesis we consider the global routing problem, which arises as one of the major subproblems in the physical design step in VLSI design. In global routing, we are given a three-dimensional grid graph G with edge capacities representing available routing space, and we have to connect a set of nets in G without overusing any edge capacities. Here, each net consists of a set of pins corresponding to vertices of G, where one pin is the sender of signals, while all other pins are receivers. Traditionally, next to obeying all edge capacity constraints, the objective has been to minimize wire length and possibly via (edges in z-direction) count, and timing constraints on the chip were only modeled indirectly. We present a new approach, where timing constraints are modeled directly during global routing: In joint work with Stephan Held, Dirk Mueller, Daniel Rotter, Vera Traub and Jens Vygen, we extend the modeling of global routing as a Min-Max Resource Sharing Problem to also incorporate timing constraints. For measuring signal delays we use the well-established Elmore delay model. One of the key subproblems here is the computation of Steiner trees minimizing a weighted sum of routing space usages and signal delays. For k pins, this problem is NP-hard to approximate within o(log k), and even the special case k = 2 is NP-hard, as was shown by Haehnle and Rotter. We present a fast approximation algorithm with strong approximation bounds for the case k = 2. For k > 2 we use a multi-stage approach based on modifying the topology of a short Steiner tree and using our algorithm for the two-pin case for computing new connections. Moreover, we present a layer assignment algorithm that assigns z-coordinates to the edges of a given two-dimensional tree. We also discuss the topic of routing based optimization. Here, the starting point is a complete routing, and timing optimization tools make changes that require incremental adaptations of the underlying routing. We investigate several aspects of this problem and derive a new routing flow that includes our timing-aware global router and routing based optimization steps. We evaluate our results from this thesis in practice on industrial 14nm microprocessor designs from IBM. Our theoretical results are validated in practice by a strong performance of our timing-aware global routing framework and our new routing flow, yielding significant improvements over the traditional global routing method and the previously used routing flow. Therefore, we conclude that our approaches and results from this thesis are not only theoretically sound but also give compelling results in practice