1,129 research outputs found


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    Drought is becoming one of the most important issues for government and policy makers. National food security highly concerned, especially when drought occurred in food production center areas. Climate variability, especially in South Sulawesi as one of the primary national rice production centers is influenced by global climate phenomena such as El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO. This phenomenon can lead to drought occurrences. Monitoring of drought potential occurrences in near real-time manner becomes a primary key element to anticipate the drought impact. This study was conducted to determine potential occurrences and the evolution of drought that occurred as a result of the 2015 El Niño event using the Vegetation Health Index (VHI) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite products. Composites analysis was performed using weekly Smoothed and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (or smoothed NDVI) (SMN), Smoothed Brightness Temperature Index (SMT), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), and  Vegetation Health Index (VHI).  This data were obtained from The Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) - Global Vegetation Health Products (NOAA) website during 35-year period (1981-2015). Lowest potential drought occurrences (highest VHI and VCI value) caused by 2015 El Niño is showed by composite analysis result. Strong El Niño induced drought over the study area indicated by decreasing VHI value started at week 21st. Spatial characteristic differences in drought occurrences observed, especially on the west coast and east coast of South Sulawesi during strong El Niño. Weekly evolution of potential drought due to the El Niño impact in 2015 indicated by lower VHI values (VHI < 40) concentrated on the east coast of South Sulawesi, and then spread to another region along with the El Nino stage. 

    Agricultural Drought Monitoring And Prediction Using Soil Moisture Deficit Index

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    The purposes of this study are: 1) to evaluate the performance of an agricultural drought index, Soil Moisture Deficit Index (SMDI) at continental scale; 2) to develop an agricultural drought prediction method based on precipitation, evapotranspiration and terrestrial water storage. This study applied multiple linear regression (MLR) with the inputs of precipitation from Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM), evapotranspiration from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MOD 16 and terrestrial water storage (TWS) derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to predict soil moisture and SMDI. The inputs of the MLR model were chosen based on the mass conservation of the hydrological quantities at the near surface soil layer (two meters). In addition, the model also includes seasonal and regional terms for estimation. Comparisons with the US drought monitor (USDM)showed that SMDI can be used as a proxy of agricultural drought. The model exhibited strong predictive skills at both one- and two-month lead times in forecasting agricultural drought (correlation \u3e0.8 and normalized root mean square error \u3c15%)

    Enhancing community resilience in arid regions: A smart framework for flash flood risk assessment

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    This paper presents a novel framework for smart integrated risk management in arid regions. The framework combines flash flood modelling, statistical methods, artificial intelligence (AI), geographic evaluations, risk analysis, and decision-making modules to enhance community resilience. Flash flood is simulated by using Watershed Modelling System (WMS). Statistical methods are also used to trim outlier data from physical systems and climatic data. Furthermore, three AI methods, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Nearest Neighbours Classification (NNC), are used to predict and classify flash flood occurrences. Geographic Information System (GIS) is also utilised to assess potential risks in vulnerable regions, together with Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) methods. The decision-making module employs the Classic Delphi technique to classify the appropriate solutions for flood risk control. The methodology is demonstrated by its application to the real case study of the Khosf region in Iran, which suffers from both drought and severe floods simultaneously, exacerbated by recent climate changes. The results show high Coefficient of determination (R2) scores for the three AI methods, with SVM at 0.88, ANN at 0.79, and NNC at 0.89. FMEA results indicate that over 50% of scenarios are at high flood risk, while HAZOP indicates 30% of scenarios with the same risk rate. Additionally, peak flows of over 24 m3/s are considered flood occurrences that can cause financial damage in all scenarios and risk techniques of the case study. Finally, our research findings indicate a practical decision support system that is compatible with sustainable development concepts and can enhance community resilience in arid regions

    Drought Monitoring and Prediction using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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    Drought is a climate phenomenon which might occur in any climate condition and all regions on the earth. Effective drought management depends on the application of appropriate drought indices. Drought indices are variables which are used to detect and characterize drought conditions. In this study, it was tried to predict drought occurrence, based on the standard precipitation index (SPI), using k-nearest neighbor modeling. The model was tested by using precipitation data of Kerman, Iran. Results showed that the model gives reasonable predictions of drought situation in the region. Finally, the efficiency and precision of the model was quantified by some statistical coefficients. Appropriate values of the correlation coefficient (r=0.874), mean absolute error (MAE=0.106), root mean square error (RMSE=0.119) and coefficient of residual mass (CRM=0.0011) indicated that the present model is suitable and efficien

    Improved LANDSAT to give better view of earth resources

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    The launch data of LANDSAT 3 is announced. The improved capability of the spacecrafts' remote sensors (the return beam vidicon and the multispectral scanner) and application of LANDSAT data to the study of energy supplies, food production, and global large-scale environmental monitoring are discussed along with the piggyback amateur radio communication satellite-OSCAR-D, the plasma Interaction Experiment, and the data collection system onboard LANDSAT 3. An assessment of the utility of LANDSAT multispectral data is given based on the research results to data from studies of LANDSAT 1 and 2 data. Areas studied include agriculture, rangelands, forestry, water resources, environmental and marine resources, environmental and marine resources, cartography, land use, demography, and geological surveys and mineral/petroleum exploration

    Desertification of Iran in the early twenty-first century: assessment using climate and vegetation indices

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    AbstractRemote sensing of specific climatic and biogeographical parameters is an effective means of evaluating the large-scale desertification status of drylands affected by negative human impacts. Here, we identify and analyze desertification trends in Iran for the period 2001–2015 via a combination of three indices for vegetation (NPP—net primary production, NDVI—normalized difference vegetation index, LAI—leaf area index) and two climate indices (LST—land surface temperature, P—precipitation). We combine these indices to identify and map areas of Iran that are susceptible to land degradation. We then apply a simple linear regression method, the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test, and the Theil–Sen estimator to identify long-term temporal and spatial trends within the data. Based on desertification map, we find that 68% of Iran shows a high to very high susceptibility to desertification, representing an area of 1.1 million km2 (excluding 0.42 million km2 classified as unvegetated). Our results highlight the importance of scale in assessments of desertification, and the value of high-resolution data, in particular. Annually, no significant change is evident within any of the five indices, but significant changes (some positive, some negative) become apparent on a seasonal basis. Some observations follow expectations; for instance, NDVI is strongly associated with cooler, wet spring and summer seasons, and milder winters. Others require more explanation; for instance, vegetation appears decoupled from climatic forcing during autumn. Spatially, too, there is much local and regional variation, which is lost when the data are considered only at the largest nationwide scale. We identify a northwest–southeast belt spanning central Iran, which has experienced significant vegetation decline (2001–2015). We tentatively link this belt of land degradation with intensified agriculture in the hinterlands of Iran’s major cities. The spatial and temporal trends identified with the three vegetation and two climate indices afford a cost-effective framework for the prediction and management of future environmental trends in developing regions at risk of desertification.</jats:p

    Capability of meteorological drought indices for detecting soil moisture droughts

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    Study region Eastern Australia Study focus Long-term monitoring of soil moisture is a time- and cost-intensive challenge. Therefore, meteorological drought indices are commonly used proxies of periods of significant soil moisture deficit. However, the question remains whether soil moisture droughts can be adequately characterised using meteorological variables such as rainfall and potential evaporation, or whether a more physically based approach is required. We applied two commonly used drought indices – the Standardized Precipitation Index and the Reconnaissance Drought Index – to evaluate their performance against soil moisture droughts simulated with the numerical soil water model Hydrus-1D. The performance of the two indices was measured in terms of their correlation with the standardised simulated monthly minimum soil water pressures, and their capability to detect soil moisture droughts that are potentially critical for plant water stress. New hydrological insights for the region For three typical soil types and climate zones in Eastern Australia, and for two soil profiles, we have found a significant correlation between the indices and soil moisture droughts detected by Hydrus-1D. The failure rates and false alarm rates for detecting the simulated soil moisture droughts were generally below 50% for both indices and both soil profiles (the Reconnaissance Drought Index at Melbourne was the only exception). However, the complexity of Hydrus-1D and the uncertainty associated with the available, regionalised soil water retention curves encourage using the indices over Hydrus-1D in absence of appropriate soil moisture monitoring data
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