23,065 research outputs found

    Modern Narcissus: the lingering reflections of myth in modern art

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    Why has myth continued to fascinate modern artists, and why the myth of Narcissus, with its modern association with narcissism? This article considers the relationship between the Narcissus myth and the lineage of modern art that runs from Symbolism to surrealism through the polymorphous prism of the Greco-Roman Pantheon to which Narcissus belongs. The article offers an interpretation of the role of mythology in modern art that moves beyond psychoanalysis to incorporate the longer span of the art-historical tradition. Addressing issues of aesthetics, gender and sexuality, the following account highlights Narcissus‟s double nature as an erotic myth that comprises both identity formation and intersubjectivity, as enacted in the field of representation. The myths associated with Narcissus in the history of Western art will help us reconsider his role as a powerful figure capable to activate that slippage between word and image, identity and sociability, representation and reality which was celebrated by the Symbolists and formed the centre of the surrealists‟ social-aesthetic project


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    Typyfications of the names of Iberian accepted species of Narcissus L. (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Tipificación de los nombres aceptados de las especies ibéricas del género Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae). En el curso de la preparación del tratamiento taxonómico del género Narcissus para Flora Ibérica, catorce nombres de taxa aceptados han sido encontrados sin designación de tipo nomenclatural. Trece lectotipos y un neotipo han sido designados para estos taxa. Adicionalmente, cinco epitipos se han seleccionado para las especies aceptadas con ilustración como tipos y uno para un nombre de Linneo que presenta un deficiente especímen como lectotipo

    Segunda localidad de Narcissus cavanillesii A. Barra & G. López (Amaryllidaceae) para Portugal

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    Second locality of Narcissus cavanillesii A. Barra & G. López (Amaryllidaceae) for Portugal.Palabras llave. Amaryllidaceae, Narcissus, corología, conservación, embalse del Alqueva, Portugal.Key words. Amaryllidaceae, Narcissus, chorology, conservation, Alqueva dam, Portugal

    Narcissus in Queer Time

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    Queer temporality has been studied in relation to the Middle Ages as a means of questioning the prevailing historiography for other modes of connection to the past, such as embodied or affective. Conversely, the other branch of queer temporality has been primarily interested in how queer lifestyles today disrupt the heteronormative plan laid out by society. Joining these modes, Gower’s revision of Narcissus questions our notions of historiography through showing us an example of a queer, transgender character and his struggles with heteronormative expectations—demonstrating that the medieval is not so disconnected from the modern

    Circular, No. 2

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    The information in this circular is intended for the use of settlers and homesteaders in Alaska who are interested in the more general growing of hardy flowering bulbs in the Territory. Alaska is very poor in native ornamental plants, and although the Alaska agricultural experiment stations do not specialize in flower growing, the Sitka station in 1923 began -an experiment which was later extended to the stations in the interior, to determine the possibility of growing bulbous plants in the Territory. The experiment has demonstrated that hardy flowering bulbs, including narcissus, tulips, English iris, gladiolus, the Regal lily, and hyacinths can be propagated on a commercial scale in Alaska. Lovers of these beautiful flowers should grow their own bulbs so far as possible, as some varieties can no longer be obtained in commercial quantities from foreign countries on account of the risk of introducing pests. Narcissus bulbs, shipped interstate by American growers, are required by a Federal quarantine to be inspected and certified to be free from pests and diseases, and certain States have placed similar restrictions on the sale of other kinds of bulbs.Narcissus: Forcing daffodils, Varieties -- Tulips: Varieties -- English iris: Gladiolus -- The Regal lily -- Tests in the interior -- General cultural directions -- Dutch method of planting -- Bibliograph

    Narcissus dubius, Narcisse Douteux

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    This species is endemic to southern France and eastern Spain. It is assessed as Least Concern because it has a widespread distribution, occurs in several protected areas throughout its range and its population is not expected to significantly decline in the near future. Further studies on the genetic structure of its population and trends in population size at global level are needed