15,529 research outputs found

    Rediscovering the scientific and didactic value of minor herbarium collections: the seeds and fruits collection by Gustavo Bonaventura

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    Seeds and fruits collections are very important from a systematic point of view and represent useful references in several disciplines and research fields. The Herbarium of Sapienza University of Rome (RO) hosts a Spermoteque/Carpoteque, which was organized by Gustavo Bonaventura (1902-1976). The purpose of this paper is to describe the heritage of Bonaventura's collection. It consists of 42 wooden boxes, globally hosting 3411 glass tubes containing seeds, fruits, and other materials. The collection was first of all catalogued; then, analysis were conducted regarding taxonomic composition, temporal and geographic coverage, institutions of provenience, collectors, content, and preservation status. The specimens refer to 2740 taxa, belonging to 890 genera and 135 families. Many genera of agricultural interest are present, each one with different cultivars. The collection spans across 130 years (1843-1975) and hosts specimens coming from all over the world. Materials were provided by several herbaria, botanical gardens and agrarian institutes, and by 50 collectors. The Bonaventura's collection is still a useful reference collection, testifying biodiversity over times and thus being useful for diachronic studies; moreover, it documents the interests of collectors and the past network activity between institutions

    New life to Italian university anatomical collections: desire to give value and open museological issues. Cases compared

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    The anatomical museums are one of the most difficult categories of museums to deal with because the issues addressed and the stored materials are complex to communicate and often not suitable for all audiences. The history of medicine teaches us that the knowledge of our body is a fascinating topic that continues to be the subject of study and research. The Italian anatomical museums are mostly university property, often closed and with specimens in urgent need of restoration. Their rooms still house important collections of human biological samples, dry or in liquid, collected between the eighteenth and twentieth century: a historical heritage that testifies to the evolution of medical science and provides a searchable archive of biological and genetic data. The curator of such a museum must confront many issues \u2013 museological, legislative and ethical \u2013 many of which are unclear and incomplete. This article provides an overview of museological issues in the anatomical area in order to offer ideas and visions, from a comparison of three different examples: the Museum of Human Anatomy of the University of Pavia, the Museum of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Padua and the Gordon Museum of Pathology in London

    For scientists, for students or for the public? : the shifting roles of natural history museums

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    This article aims to discuss the main roles of natural history museums and to show how these purposes have evolved and adapted throughout the museums’ history, as a response to the development of natural sciences and societal change, from their creation in the 18th century to the present. It strives to demonstrate how the balance between research, teaching and disseminating knowledge to the public has successively shifted, without ever forsaking any of these functions. It is focused on Portuguese museums, but examining their place within international trends

    El Museu Sostenible: L’entrada de la idea de sostenibilitat en el món dels museus en el segle XXI

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    Treball de l'assignatura Museologia dins del programa del Máster en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural i Museologia de la Facultat de Geografia i Història de la Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Tutora: Dra. Teresa-M. Sala GarcíaDes de principis del segle XXI i especialment des que va començar la crisi econòmica mundial, el terme sostenibilitat, que ja portava sonant des de ben bé els anys 80 en relació amb altres sectors com l’industrial, s’ha introduït amb força dins l’àmbit dels museus. La idea de Museu Sostenible, tot i ser molt recent en el marc de la museologia, sembla ben bé que haesdevingut el gran repte museísticde la primera meitat del segle XXI

    Museologia oitocentista do património religioso em Portugal

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    Museologia oitocentista do património religioso em Portuga

    Museologia (d)e género

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Desinventar objetos: a poética de Manoel de Barros e a gramática das exposições museológicas

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    Cadernos de SociomuseologiaO artigo aproxima a exposição museológica da poética de Manoel de Barros (1916-2014), escritor brasileiro cuja proposta consiste em desinventar objetos e distorcer o olhar. Nesse aspecto, assim como a estratégia do poeta, a exposição aproxima coisas distintas, de trajetórias fragmentadas e que retiradas de sua função original são inseridas em um novo contexto, resultante de um gesto poético (sintaxe das coisas). Nosso intuito é investigar em que medida a alquimia poética promovida pelas exposições e a poética e a política dos museus promovida pela Sociomuseologia consistem em formas de instituir novas dramaturgias da memória.This paper It shows the interconnections between the museological display and the poetics of Manoel de Barros (1916-2014), Brazilian writer whose proposal is to disinvent objects and distort the look. In this respect, as the poet strategy, the exhibition approaches different things, fragmented trajectories and taken from their original function are placed in a new context resulting from a poetic gesture (syntax of things). Our aim is to investigate to what extent the poetic alchemy promoted by exhibitions and the poetics and politics of museums promoted by Sociomuseology consist of ways to institute a new dramaturgy of the memory

    Consolidação do diálogo entre Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia, Museologia e Ciência da Informação: a contribuição brasileira.

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    Objective. To present the contributions of the research group based at the School of Information Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, named “Approaches and possible dialogues between Information Science and the areas of Archival Science, Library Science and Museum Studies” to consolidate the problem. Design/Methodology/Approach. We present the discussions made from the productions of the members of this group, showing the elements capable of supporting an epistemological view and the processes of an interdisciplinary dialogue. Results/Discusion. There are several historical, institutional and theoretical elements that have the potential for dialogue, such as concepts, themes, professional and educational challenges in each of them. Conclusions. There is some immaturity in the conditions of dialogue between the three areas, and even more so with the information science. The idea that the foundation is in belonging to the field of social sciences seems to point the way to the realization of possibilities. Originality/Value. The text points to the construction of a reflective space beyond the specificity of each one of the areas, demonstrating the possible dialogues and convergences between them

    Social technology of mobilizations: identity and participation in the management of communitybased museums

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    O objetivo deste artigo é propor novas estratégias de gestão para iniciativas museológicas comunitárias. Consideramos a participação e a identidade territorial como forças essenciais desse tipo de iniciativas, permitindo o desenvolvimento de processos de gestão mais dinâmicos e territorializados. O resultado da pesquisa é a ‘Tecnologia Social das Mobilizações’ (TMob), composta por quatro mobilizações estratégicas e integradas de forma orgânica (mobilização cultural, mobilização museológica técnica, organizacional e interorganizacional). Fruto de pesquisa qualitativa, análise documental e experiências de museus dentro e fora do Brasil, a TMob busca ser útil para líderes comunitários, empreendedores socioculturais, gestores do setor público, promovendo a proliferação e o florescimento de museus que desencadeiem novos padrões de desenvolvimento e sociedades mais equitativas.The purpose of this paper is to propose strategies for community-based museum initiatives. Thus, we assume participation and territorial identity as key strengths of this type of initiative, allowing the development of more dynamic and territorialized management processes. The research’s result is the ‘Social Technology of Mobilizations’ (TMob), composed by four strategic and organically integrated mobilizations (cultural mobilization, Museology-technical, - organizational and – interorganizational mobilizations). Based on qualitative research, document analysis and museums experiences, inside Brazil and abroad, the TMob seeks to be relevant to community leaders, sociocultural entrepreneurs, and the public managers, fostering the proliferation and flourishing of museums that trigger new patters of inclusive development and egalitarian societies