175 research outputs found

    Adaptive Markov random fields for joint unmixing and segmentation of hyperspectral image

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    Linear spectral unmixing is a challenging problem in hyperspectral imaging that consists of decomposing an observed pixel into a linear combination of pure spectra (or endmembers) with their corresponding proportions (or abundances). Endmember extraction algorithms can be employed for recovering the spectral signatures while abundances are estimated using an inversion step. Recent works have shown that exploiting spatial dependencies between image pixels can improve spectral unmixing. Markov random fields (MRF) are classically used to model these spatial correlations and partition the image into multiple classes with homogeneous abundances. This paper proposes to define the MRF sites using similarity regions. These regions are built using a self-complementary area filter that stems from the morphological theory. This kind of filter divides the original image into flat zones where the underlying pixels have the same spectral values. Once the MRF has been clearly established, a hierarchical Bayesian algorithm is proposed to estimate the abundances, the class labels, the noise variance, and the corresponding hyperparameters. A hybrid Gibbs sampler is constructed to generate samples according to the corresponding posterior distribution of the unknown parameters and hyperparameters. Simulations conducted on synthetic and real AVIRIS data demonstrate the good performance of the algorithm

    Vehicle Tracking in Occlusion and Clutter

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    Vehicle tracking in environments containing occlusion and clutter is an active research area. The problem of tracking vehicles through such environments presents a variety of challenges. These challenges include vehicle track initialization, tracking an unknown number of targets and the variations in real-world lighting, scene conditions and camera vantage. Scene clutter and target occlusion present additional challenges. A stochastic framework is proposed which allows for vehicles tracks to be identified from a sequence of images. The work focuses on the identification of vehicle tracks present in transportation scenes, namely, vehicle movements at intersections. The framework combines background subtraction and motion history based approaches to deal with the segmentation problem. The tracking problem is solved using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Data Association (MCMCDA) method. The method includes a novel concept of including the notion of discrete, independent regions in the MCMC scoring function. Results are presented which show that the framework is capable of tracking vehicles in scenes containing multiple vehicles that occlude one another, and that are occluded by foreground scene objects

    Morphologie, Géométrie et Statistiques en imagerie non-standard

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    Digital image processing has followed the evolution of electronic and computer science. It is now current to deal with images valued not in {0,1} or in gray-scale, but in manifolds or probability distributions. This is for instance the case for color images or in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Each kind of images has its own algebraic, topological and geometric properties. Thus, existing image processing techniques have to be adapted when applied to new imaging modalities. When dealing with new kind of value spaces, former operators can rarely be used as they are. Even if the underlying notion has still a meaning, a work must be carried out in order to express it in the new context.The thesis is composed of two independent parts. The first one, "Mathematical morphology on non-standard images", concerns the extension of mathematical morphology to specific cases where the value space of the image does not have a canonical order structure. Chapter 2 formalizes and demonstrates the irregularity issue of total orders in metric spaces. The main results states that for any total order in a multidimensional vector space, there are images for which the morphological dilations and erosions are irregular and inconsistent. Chapter 3 is an attempt to generalize morphology to images valued in a set of unordered labels.The second part "Probability density estimation on Riemannian spaces" concerns the adaptation of standard density estimation techniques to specific Riemannian manifolds. Chapter 5 is a work on color image histograms under perceptual metrics. The main idea of this chapter consists in computing histograms using local Euclidean approximations of the perceptual metric, and not a global Euclidean approximation as in standard perceptual color spaces. Chapter 6 addresses the problem of non parametric density estimation when data lay in spaces of Gaussian laws. Different techniques are studied, an expression of kernels is provided for the Wasserstein metric.Le traitement d'images numériques a suivi l'évolution de l'électronique et de l'informatique. Il est maintenant courant de manipuler des images à valeur non pas dans {0,1}, mais dans des variétés ou des distributions de probabilités. C'est le cas par exemple des images couleurs où de l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI). Chaque type d'image possède ses propres structures algébriques, topologiques et géométriques. Ainsi, les techniques existantes de traitement d'image doivent être adaptés lorsqu'elles sont appliquées à de nouvelles modalités d'imagerie. Lorsque l'on manipule de nouveaux types d'espaces de valeurs, les précédents opérateurs peuvent rarement être utilisés tel quel. Même si les notions sous-jacentes ont encore un sens, un travail doit être mené afin de les exprimer dans le nouveau contexte. Cette thèse est composée de deux parties indépendantes. La première, « Morphologie mathématiques pour les images non standards », concerne l'extension de la morphologie mathématique à des cas particuliers où l'espace des valeurs de l'image ne possède pas de structure d'ordre canonique. Le chapitre 2 formalise et démontre le problème de l'irrégularité des ordres totaux dans les espaces métriques. Le résultat principal de ce chapitre montre qu'étant donné un ordre total dans un espace vectoriel multidimensionnel, il existe toujours des images à valeur dans cet espace tel que les dilatations et les érosions morphologiques soient irrégulières et incohérentes. Le chapitre 3 est une tentative d'extension de la morphologie mathématique aux images à valeur dans un ensemble de labels non ordonnés.La deuxième partie de la thèse, « Estimation de densités de probabilités dans les espaces de Riemann » concerne l'adaptation des techniques classiques d'estimation de densités non paramétriques à certaines variétés Riemanniennes. Le chapitre 5 est un travail sur les histogrammes d'images couleurs dans le cadre de métriques perceptuelles. L'idée principale de ce chapitre consiste à calculer les histogrammes suivant une approximation euclidienne local de la métrique perceptuelle, et non une approximation globale comme dans les espaces perceptuels standards. Le chapitre 6 est une étude sur l'estimation de densité lorsque les données sont des lois Gaussiennes. Différentes techniques y sont analysées. Le résultat principal est l'expression de noyaux pour la métrique de Wasserstein

    Eddy current defect response analysis using sum of Gaussian methods

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    This dissertation is a study of methods to automatedly detect and produce approximations of eddy current differential coil defect signatures in terms of a summed collection of Gaussian functions (SoG). Datasets consisting of varying material, defect size, inspection frequency, and coil diameter were investigated. Dimensionally reduced representations of the defect responses were obtained utilizing common existing reduction methods and novel enhancements to them utilizing SoG Representations. Efficacy of the SoG enhanced representations were studied utilizing common Machine Learning (ML) interpretable classifier designs with the SoG representations indicating significant improvement of common analysis metrics

    Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data based on a Stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest Approach

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    International audienceIn this paper, a new method for supervised hyperspectral data classification is proposed. In particular, the notion of stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest (MSF) is introduced. For a given hyperspectral image, a pixelwise classification is first performed. From this classification map, M marker maps are generated by randomly selecting pixels and labeling them as markers for the construction of Minimum Spanning Forests. The next step consists in building an MSF from each of the M marker maps. Finally, all the M realizations are aggregated with a maximum vote decision rule, in order to build the final classification map. The proposed method is tested on three different data sets of hyperspectral airborne images with different resolutions and contexts. The influence of the number of markers and of the number of realizations M on the results are investigated in experiments. The performance of the proposed method is compared to several classification techniques (both pixelwise and spectral-spatial) using standard quantitative criteria and visual qualitative evaluation

    Novel strategies for control of fermentation processes

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    Analysis of Atrial Electrograms

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    This work provides methods to measure and analyze features of atrial electrograms - especially complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) - mathematically. Automated classification of CFAEs into clinical meaningful classes is applied and the newly gained electrogram information is visualized on patient specific 3D models of the atria. Clinical applications of the presented methods showed that quantitative measures of CFAEs reveal beneficial information about the underlying arrhythmia

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    Automatic road network extraction from high resolution satellite imagery using spectral classification methods

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    Road networks play an important role in a number of geospatial applications, such as cartographic, infrastructure planning and traffic routing software. Automatic and semi-automatic road network extraction techniques have significantly increased the extraction rate of road networks. Automated processes still yield some erroneous and incomplete results and costly human intervention is still required to evaluate results and correct errors. With the aim of improving the accuracy of road extraction systems, three objectives are defined in this thesis: Firstly, the study seeks to develop a flexible semi-automated road extraction system, capable of extracting roads from QuickBird satellite imagery. The second objective is to integrate a variety of algorithms within the road network extraction system. The benefits of using each of these algorithms within the proposed road extraction system, is illustrated. Finally, a fully automated system is proposed by incorporating a number of the algorithms investigated throughout the thesis. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte