9 research outputs found

    Modelling and control of power inverters in microgrids

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    Power electronic converter systems play an important role in the interconnection of renewable energy sources in microgrids and utility grid. The interface between energy sources and microgrids is usually implemented by digitally controlled power inverters. This thesis provides a discrete modelling and design method for the digitally controlled inverters in microgrids. The fundamentals and background of digital control of power inverters are introduced. The small-signal models for digital pulse-width-modulations (PWMs) with delay effects are derived. Based on the models, the controllers can be designed using several methods according to the block diagrams. The simulation software and experimental environment for the digitally controlled inverters are described. For inverters operating in parallel, a linear voltage control scheme with duty-ratio feedforward is proposed. The control parameters are chosen according to the stable operating condition derived in z-domain. The closed-loop transfer function and output impedance for both the classical controller and the proposed controller are derived theoretically. A comparison reveals the advantages of the proposed control scheme: a unity closed-loop gain, no phase shift, good current sharing and low total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage. The theoretical results are verified by the experimental setup of a system with two digitally controlled inverters connected in parallel. For digitally controlled grid-connected inverters with LCL filters, new small-signal z-domain models are deduced. The proposed methods model the inverters including different delay effects under most possible circumstances, which allows a direct design for controllers in z-domain. The stability boundaries obtained from the root loci of the classic models and the proposed models are compared to the simulation results, showing that the proposed z-domain models are more accurate in predicting instabilities. Experimental results are presented, showing the proposed models are also capable of predicting the values of control variables at the true sampling instants. The phase-shifted modulated multisampled multilevel inverter is studied. The filter current ripple frequency of the multilevel inverters is increased by the phase-shifted PWM. The small-signal z-domain model is derived. Compared to the bipolar switched inverter, the multisampled multilevel inverter is characterized by the capability of achieving higher feedback control gains, which improves the control performance. An experimental prototype based on a 10 kHz switching frequency, 80 kHz sampling frequency five-level single-phase H bridge inverter is tested to demonstrate the validity of the analysis

    Mitigation of Power Quality Problems Using Custom Power Devices: A Review

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    Electrical power quality (EPQ) in distribution systems is a critical issue for commercial, industrial and residential applications. The new concept of advanced power electronic based Custom Power Devices (CPDs) mainly distributed static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) and unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) have been developed due to lacking the performance of traditional compensating devices to minimize power quality disturbances. This paper presents a comprehensive review on D-STATCOM, DVR and UPQC to solve the electrical power quality problems of the distribution networks. This is intended to present a broad overview of the various possible DSTATCOM, DVR and UPQC configurations for single-phase (two wire) and three-phase (three-wire and four-wire) networks and control strategies for the compensation of various power quality disturbances. Apart from this, comprehensive explanation, comparison, and discussion on D-STATCOM, DVR, and UPQC are presented. This paper is aimed to explore a broad prospective on the status of D-STATCOMs, DVRs, and UPQCs to researchers, engineers and the community dealing with the power quality enhancement. A classified list of some latest research publications on the topic is also appended for a quick reference

    Advances in Control of Power Electronic Converters

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    This book proposes a list of contributions in the field of control of power electronics converters for different topologies: DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-DC. It particularly focuses on the use of different advanced control techniques with the aim of improving the performances, flexibility and efficiency in the context of several operation conditions. Sliding mode control, fuzzy logic based control, dead time compensation and optimal linear control are among the techniques developed in the special issue. Simulation and experimental results are provided by the authors to validate the proposed control strategies

    Modulation and Control Techniques for Performance Improvement of Micro Grid Tie Inverters

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    The concept of microgrids is a new building block of smart grid that acts as a single controllable entity which allows reliable interconnection of distributed energy resources and loads and provides alternative way of their integration into power system. Due to its specifics, microgrids require different control strategies and dynamics of regulation as compared to ones used in conventional utility grids. All types of power converters used in microgrid share commonalities which potentially affect high frequency modes of microgrid in same manner. There are numerous unique design requirements imposed on microgrid tie inverters, which are dictated by the nature of the microgrid system and bring major challenges that are reviewed and further analyzed in this work. This work introduces, performs a detailed study on, and implements nonconventional control and modulation techniques leading to performance improvement of microgrid tie inverters in respect to aforementioned challenges

    Active current sharing control schemes for parallel connected AC/DC/AC converters

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    PhD ThesisThe parallel operation of voltage fed converters can be used in many applications, such as aircraft, aerospace, and wind turbines, to increase the current handling capability, system efficiency, flexibility, and reliability through providing redundancy. Also, the maintenance of low power parallel connected units is lower than one high power unit. Significant performance improvement can be attained with parallel converters employing interleaving techniques where small passive components can be used due to harmonic cancellation. In spite of the advantages offered by parallel connected converters, the circulating current problem is still a major concern. The term circulating current describes the uneven current sharing between the units. This circulating current leads to: current distortion, unbalanced operation, which possibly damages the converters, and a reduction in overall system performance. Therefore, current sharing control methods become necessary to limit the circulating current in a parallel connected converter system. The work in this thesis proposes four active current sharing control schemes for two equally rated, directly paralleled, AC/DC/AC converters. The first scheme is referred to as a “time sharing approach,” and it divides the operation time between the converters. Accordingly, in the scheme inter-module reactors become unnecessary, as these are normally employed at the output of each converter. However, this approach can only be used with a limited number of parallel connected units. To avoid this limitation, three other current sharing control schemes are proposed. Moreover, these three schemes can be adopted with any pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy and can be easily extended to three or more parallel connected units since they employ a modular architecture. The proposed current sharing control methods are employed in two applications: a current controller for three-phase RL load and an open loop V/f speed control for a three-phase induction motor. The performance of the proposed methods is verified in both transient and steady state conditions using numerical simulation and experimental testingMinistry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq

    Study on Digital Peak Current Mode DC-DC Converter

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    長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(工)甲第21号 学位授与年月日:平成28年3月18日Nagasaki University (長崎大学)課程博

    Discrete time current regulation of grid connected converters with LCL filters

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    Two important components of a grid connected power electronic converter are the line filter and the closed loop current regulator. Together they are largely responsible for system stability, power flow and power quality into the grid. The LCL filter is a smaller and cheaper line filter alternative because of its third order filtering capability. However the LCL filter has a resonance that must be appropriately damped using either passive or active techniques, generating more losses or adding complexity to the controller respectively. It is now generally accepted that the PWM transport delay due to discrete/digital implementations is the main limiting factor for controller bandwidth in L filtered systems. However, despite the large body of literature for the LCL filter, there is still only limited consensus regarding the implications of PWM transport delay on the current regulator and active damping controller for this type of filter. This thesis applies discrete time models to these systems to overcome these perceived limitations and hence develop the optimal controllers. This knowledge is then used to enhance the current regulator to overcome further practical problems. The first part of this thesis focuses on the development of discrete time current regulation for a grid connected inverter. The benefits of discrete time modelling and control for current regulation are demonstrated by using a discrete state feedback controller for an L filter system. A precise discrete time model of the LCL filter system is then developed to exactly identify the frequency region where active damping is mandatory, and the high frequency region where active damping is not required. The critical frequency, which separates these two regions, is identified as a fraction of the sampling frequency, demonstrating the controller's dependence on PWM transport delay. Controllers and gain selection methods are developed and verified for each region. A generalised approach for analysis of the LCL filtered system is then developed so that all forms can be evaluated on a precisely comparable basis. Using this generalised approach the particular advantages and disadvantages of each control method are readily identified. The second part of this thesis looks at the impact of two practical issues for current regulation of LCL filtered grid connected converters. It firstly identifies that practical converters generally do not match their ideal output current quality expectations. The reasons for this distortion are explained and harmonic compensators are then proposed as an effective solution to overcome it. Secondly the implications of a virtual neutral common mode EMI filter on the current regulator are investigated. A virtual neutral filter design is proposed that utilises the primary LCL filter components. The active damping current regulator is then enhanced to avoid interference from the additional current path and to actively damp the common mode resonance. All theoretical work is validated by extensive simulation and experimental results