178 research outputs found

    Noncoherent sequence detection

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    Capacity -based parameter optimization of bandwidth constrained CPM

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    Continuous phase modulation (CPM) is an attractive modulation choice for bandwidth limited systems due to its small side lobes, fast spectral decay and the ability to be noncoherently detected. Furthermore, the constant envelope property of CPM permits highly power efficient amplification. The design of bit-interleaved coded continuous phase modulation is characterized by the code rate, modulation order, modulation index, and pulse shape. This dissertation outlines a methodology for determining the optimal values of these parameters under bandwidth and receiver complexity constraints. The cost function used to drive the optimization is the information-theoretic minimum ratio of energy-per-bit to noise-spectral density found by evaluating the constrained channel capacity. The capacity can be reliably estimated using Monte Carlo integration. A search for optimal parameters is conducted over a range of coded CPM parameters, bandwidth efficiencies, and channels. Results are presented for a system employing a trellis-based coherent detector. To constrain complexity and allow any modulation index to be considered, a soft output differential phase detector has also been developed.;Building upon the capacity results, extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used to analyze a system that iterates between demodulation and decoding. Convergence thresholds are determined for the iterative system for different outer convolutional codes, alphabet sizes, modulation indices and constellation mappings. These are used to identify the code and modulation parameters with the best energy efficiency at different spectral efficiencies for the AWGN channel. Finally, bit error rate curves are presented to corroborate the capacity and EXIT chart designs

    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants

    Low-complexity Noncoherent Iterative CPM Demodulator for FH Communication

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    In this paper, we investigate the noncoherent iterative demodulation of coded continuous phase modulation (CPM) in frequency hopped (FH) systems. In this field, one important problem is that the complexity of the optimal demodulator is prohibitive unless the number of symbols per hop duration is very small. To solve this problem, we propose a novel demodulator, which reduces the complexity by applying phase quantization and exploiting the phase rotational invariance property of CPM signals. As shown by computational complexity analysis and numerical results, the proposed demodulator approaches the performance of the optimal demodulator, and provides considerable performance improvement over the existing solutions with the same computational complexity

    Cyclic redundancy check-based detection algorithms for automatic identification system signals received by satellite.

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    This paper addresses the problem of demodulating signals transmitted in the automatic identification system. The main characteristics of such signals consist of two points: (i) they are modulated using a trellis-coded modulation, more precisely a Gaussian minimum shift keying modulation; and (ii) they are submitted to a bit stuffing procedure, which makes more difficult the detection of the transmitted information bits. This paper presents several demodulation algorithms developed in different contexts: mono-user and multi-user transmissions, and known/unknown phase shift. The proposed receiver uses the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) present in the automatic identification system signals for error correction and not for error detection only. By using this CRC, a particular Viterbi algorithm, on the basis of a so-called extended trellis, is developed. This trellis is defined by extended states composed of a trellis code state and a CRC state. Moreover, specific conditional transitions are defined to take into account the possible presence of stuffing bits. The algorithms proposed in the multi-user scenario present a small increase of computation complexity with respect to the mono-user algorithms. Some performance results are presented for several scenarios in the context of the automatic identification system and compared with those of existing techniques developed in similar scenarios

    Detection of Linear Modulations in the Presence of Strong Phase and Frequency Instabilities

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    Noncoherent sequence detection algorithms, recently proposed by the authors, have a performance which approaches that of coherent detectors and are robust to phase and frequency instabilities. These schemes exhibit a negligible performance loss in the presence of a frequency offset, provided this offset does not exceed an order of 1 % of the signaling frequency. For higher values, the performance rapidly degrades. In this paper, detection schemes are proposed, characterized by high robustness to frequency offsets and capable of tolerating offset values up to 10 % of the signaling frequency. More generally, these detection schemes are very robust to rapidly varying phase and frequency instabilities. The general case of coded linear modulations is addressed, with explicit reference to-ary phase shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation

    A universal space-time architecture for multiple-antenna aided systems

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    In this tutorial, we first review the family of conventional multiple-antenna techniques, and then we provide a general overview of the recent concept of the powerful Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) family based on a universal Space-Time Shift Keying (STSK) philosophy. When appropriately configured, the proposed STSK scheme has the potential of outperforming conventional MIMO arrangements

    Detection, Receivers, and Performance of CPFSK and CPCK

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    Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) is a power/bandwidth efficient signaling technique for data transmission. In this thesis, two subclasses of this modulation called Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying (CPFSK) and Continuous Phase Chirp Keying (CPCK) are considered and their descriptions and properties are discussed in detail and several illustrations are given. Bayesian Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test (MLRT) is designed for detection of CPFSK and CPCK in AWGN channel. Based on this test, an optimum receiver structure, that minimizes the total probability of error, is obtained. Using high- and low-SNR approximations in the Bayesian test, two receivers, whose performances are analytically easy-to-evaluate relative to the optimum receiver, are identified. Next, a Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detection (MLSD) technique for CPFSK and CPCK is considered and a simplified and easy-to-understand structure of the receiver is presented. Finally, a novel Decision Aided Receiver (DAR) for detection of CPFSK and CPCK is presented and closed-form expressions for its Bits Error Rate (BER) performance are derived. Throughout the thesis, performances of the receivers are presented in terms of probability of error as a function of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), modulation parameters and number of observation intervals of the received waveform. Analytical results wherever possible and, in general, simulation results are presented. An analysis of numerical results is given from the viewpoint of the ability of CPFSK and CPCK to operate over AWGN Channel