226 research outputs found

    Identification by virtual screening of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and matrix metalloproteinase 13 inhibitors for the treatment of obesity and obesity-associated disorders

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    L'obesitat és un dels principals problemes de salut pública del segle XXI. La gran expansió econòmica de les últimes dècades en els països desenvolupats ha contribuit a l’increment del consum d’aliments poc saludables i a l’ús excessiu de tecnologies d’estalvi d’energia. Aquests canvis han generat estils de vida poc saludables i el consegüent augment de la prevalença d'obesitat. Així doncs, l'obesitat sorgeix com una resposta natural a un entorn antinatural. Amb l'augment continu de la població obesa en cada generació, la prevalença de trastorns associats a l'obesitat com la diabetis tipus II i l'artrosi també augmenta, i la perspectiva de desenvolupar una teràpia mèdica específica per a cada pacient va guanyant interès. En aquest sentit, les dianes proteïna tirosina fosfatasa 1B (PTP1B) i la metaloproteasa de la matriu 13 (MMP-13) estan implicades tant en l’obesitat com, respectivament, la diabetis mellitus de tipus II i l’artrosi. La present tesi doctoral es centra en el desenvolupament d'estratègies de cribratge virtual per tal d’identificar compostos que modulin l'activitat d'aquestes dues dianes i puguin influir positivament en l'obesitat i els trastorns associats a l'obesitat.La obesidad es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública del siglo XXI. La gran expansión económica de las últimas décadas en los países desarrollados a contribuido al incremento del consumo de alimentos poco saludables y al uso excesivo de tecnologías de ahorro de energía. Estos cambios han generado estilos de vida poco saludables y el consiguiente aumento de la prevalencia de obesidad. Así pues, la obesidad surge como una respuesta natural a un entorno antinatural. Con el aumento continuo de la población obesa en cada generación, la prevalencia de trastornos asociados a la obesidad como la diabetes tipo II y la artrosis también aumenta, y la perspectiva de desarrollar una terapia médica específica para cada paciente va ganando interés. En este sentido, las dianas proteína tirosina fosfatasa 1B (PTP1B) y la metaloproteasa de la matriz 13 (MMP-13) están implicadas tanto en la obesidad como, respectivamente, la diabetes mellitus de tipo II y la artrosis. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de estrategias de cribado virtual para identificar compuestos que modulen la actividad de estas dos dianas y puedan influir positivamente en la obesidad y los trastornos asociados a la obesidad.Obesity is one of the major public health problems in the 21st century. The great economic expansion of the last decades in developed countries has contributed to the increased consumption of unhealthy foods and the excessive usage of energy-saving technologies. These have in turn led to the development of unhealthy lifestyles and the consequent increase of obesity prevalence. Thus, obesity has emerged as a natural response to an unnatural environment. With the continuous increase in obese population in each generation, the prevalence of obesity-associated disorders such as type II diabetes and osteoarthritis is also on the rise, and the prospect of developing a medical therapy specific for each patient earns increasing interest. In this regard, the targets protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) are involved in both obesity and, respectively, type II diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. The present doctoral thesis focuses on developing virtual screening strategies to identify compounds that modulate the activity of these two targets which may have a positive influence on both obesity and its associated disorders

    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening

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    Lead optimization for new antimalarials and Successful lead identification for metalloproteinases: A Fragment-based approach Using Virtual Screening Computer-aided drug design is an essential part of the modern medicinal chemistry, and has led to the acceleration of many projects. The herein described thesis presents examples for its application in the field of lead optimization and lead identification for three metalloproteins. DOXP-reductoisomerase (DXR) is a key enzyme of the mevalonate independent isoprenoid biosynthesis. Structure-activity relationships for 43 DXR inhibitors are established, derived from protein-based docking, ligand-based 3D QSAR and a combination of both approaches as realized by AFMoC. As part of an effort to optimize the properties of the established inhibitor Fosmidomycin, analogues have been synthesized and tested to gain further insights into the primary determinants of structural affinity. Unfortunately, these structures still leave the active Fosmidomycin conformation and detailed reaction mechanism undetermined. This fact, together with the small inhibitor data set provides a major challenge for presently available docking programs and 3D QSAR tools. Using the recently developed protein tailored scoring protocol AFMoC precise prediction of binding affinities for related ligands as well as the capability to estimate the affinities of structurally distinct inhibitors has been achieved. Farnesyltransferase is a zinc-metallo enzyme that catalyzes the posttranslational modification of numerous proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. The development of farnesyltransferase inhibitors is directed towards the so-called non-thiol inhibitors because of adverse drug effects connected to free thiols. A first step on the way to non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors was the development of an CAAX-benzophenone peptidomimetic based on a pharmacophore model. On its basis bisubstrate analogues were developed as one class of non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors. In further studies two aryl binding and two distinct specificity sites were postulated. Flexible docking of model compounds was applied to investigate the sub-pockets and design highly active non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitor. In addition to affinity, special attention was paid towards in vivo activity and species specificity. The second part of this thesis describes a possible strategy for computer-aided lead discovery. Assembling a complex ligand from simple fragments has recently been introduced as an alternative to traditional HTS. While frequently applied experimentally, only a few examples are known for computational fragment-based approaches. Mostly, computational tools are applied to compile the libraries and to finally assess the assembled ligands. Using the metalloproteinase thermolysin (TLN) as a model target, a computational fragment-based screening protocol has been established. Starting with a data set of commercially available chemical compounds, a fragment library has been compiled considering (1) fragment likeness and (2) similarity to known drugs. The library is screened for target specificity, resulting in 112 fragments to target the zinc binding area and 75 fragments targeting the hydrophobic specificity pocket of the enzyme. After analyzing the performance of multiple docking programs and scoring functions forand the most 14 candidates are selected for further analysis. Soaking experiments were performed for reference fragment to derive a general applicable crystallization protocol for TLN and subsequently for new protein-fragment complex structures. 3-Methylsaspirin could be determined to bind to TLN. Additional studies addressed a retrospective performance analysis of the applied scoring functions and modification on the screening hit. Curios about the differences of aspirin and 3-methylaspirin, 3-chloroaspirin has been synthesized and affinities could be determined to be 2.42 mM; 1.73 mM und 522 μM respectively. The results of the thesis show, that computer aided drug design approaches could successfully support projects in lead optimization and lead identification. fragments in general, the fragments derived from the screening are docke

    Exploring the Role of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Most Recent Cancer Research: Insights into Treatment Strategies

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    Cancer is a complex disease that is characterized by uncontrolled growth and division of cells. It involves a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors that lead to the initiation and progression of tumors. Recent advances in molecular dynamics simulations have revolutionized our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer initiation and progression. Molecular dynamics simulations enable researchers to study the behavior of biomolecules at an atomic level, providing insights into the dynamics and interactions of proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules involved in cancer development. In this review paper, we provide an overview of the latest advances in molecular dynamics simulations of cancer cells. We will discuss the principles of molecular dynamics simulations and their applications in cancer research. We also explore the role of molecular dynamics simulations in understanding the interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment, including signaling pathways, proteinprotein interactions, and other molecular processes involved in tumor initiation and progression. In addition, we highlight the current challenges and opportunities in this field and discuss the potential for developing more accurate and personalized simulations. Overall, this review paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of molecular dynamics simulations in cancer research, with a focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer initiation and progression.Comment: 49 pages, 2 figure

    Lead compound discovery using pharmacophore-based models of small-molecule metabolites from human blood as inhibitor cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2

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    Context: The development of emerging viral diseases like SARS-CoV-2 has underlined the critical need for new antiviral medicines. Many of the discovered inhibitors have off-target effects or toxicity issues, but no single lead chemical has been found as a powerful SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor. Small-molecule metabolites from human blood, for example, have been demonstrated to exhibit biological action, such as anti-inflammatory or antiviral properties, but have not been reported as pharmacophore-based drug discovery models. Aims: To evaluate the feasibility of employing pharmacophore models of small-molecule metabolites taken from human blood as a lead discovery method for SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors. Methods: A total of six small-molecule metabolites from human blood were utilized to construct a pharmacophore model, which was then used to simulate the interaction’s stability for the top two-rank ligands with the best interactions using molecular docking and molecular dynamics. Results: The area under the curve value of the pharmacophore model created using the best pairwise alignments approach was 0.576, indicating that it is suitably validated as a model. The pharmacophore model was utilized for virtual screening, followed by molecular docking, yielding 75 hits. An investigation of the molecular dynamics of two top-rank hits (ZINC000085567845 and ZINC000085567870) revealed a stable interaction with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Conclusions: Finally, the pharmacophore model developed was capable of discovering lead compounds with the potential as SARS-CoV-2 spike protein inhibitors

    Two Decades of 4D-QSAR: A Dying Art or Staging a Comeback?

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    A key question confronting computational chemists concerns the preferable ligand geometry that fits complementarily into the receptor pocket. Typically, the postulated ‘bioactive’ 3D ligand conformation is constructed as a ‘sophisticated guess’ (unnecessarily geometry-optimized) mirroring the pharmacophore hypothesis—sometimes based on an erroneous prerequisite. Hence, 4D-QSAR scheme and its ‘dialects’ have been practically implemented as higher level of model abstraction that allows the examination of the multiple molecular conformation, orientation and protonation representation, respectively. Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since the eminent work of Hopfinger appeared on the stage; therefore the natural question occurs whether 4D-QSAR approach is still appealing to the scientific community? With no intention to be comprehensive, a review of the current state of art in the field of receptor-independent (RI) and receptor-dependent (RD) 4D-QSAR methodology is provided with a brief examination of the ‘mainstream’ algorithms. In fact, a myriad of 4D-QSAR methods have been implemented and applied practically for a diverse range of molecules. It seems that, 4D-QSAR approach has been experiencing a promising renaissance of interests that might be fuelled by the rising power of the graphics processing unit (GPU) clusters applied to full-atom MD-based simulations of the protein-ligand complexes

    Database development and machine learning prediction of pharmaceutical agents

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    Computational Methods to Identify and Target Druggable Binding Sites at Protein-Protein Interactions in the Human Proteome

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Protein-protein interactions are fundamental in cell signaling and cancer progression. An increasing prevalent idea in cancer therapy is the development of small molecules to disrupt protein-protein interactions. Small molecules impart their action by binding to pockets on the protein surface of their physiological target. At protein-protein interactions, these pockets are often too large and tight to be disrupted by conventional design techniques. Residues that contribute a disproportionate amount of energy at these interfaces are known as hot spots. The successful disruption of protein-protein interactions with small molecules is attributed to the ability of small molecules to mimic and engage these hot spots. Here, the role of hot spots is explored in existing inhibitors and compared with the native protein ligand to explore how hot spot residues can be leveraged in protein-protein interactions. Few studies have explored the use of interface residues for the identification of hit compounds from structure-based virtual screening. The tight uPAR•uPA interaction offers a platform to test methods that leverage hot spots on both the protein receptor and ligand. A method is described that enriches for small molecules that both engage hot spots on the protein receptor uPAR and mimic hot spots on its protein ligand uPA. In addition, differences in chemical diversity in mimicking ligand hot spots is explored. In addition to uPAR•uPA, there are additional opportunities at unperturbed protein-protein interactions implicated in cancer. Projects such as TCGA, which systematically catalog the hallmarks of cancer across multiple platforms, provide opportunities to identify novel protein-protein interactions that are paramount to cancer progression. To that end, a census of cancer-specific binding sites in the human proteome are identified to provide opportunities for drug discovery at the system level. Finally, tumor genomic, protein-protein interaction, and protein structural data is integrated to create chemogenomic libraries for phenotypic screening to uncover novel GBM targets and generate starting points for the development of GBM therapeutic agents.2020-10-0

    Development and application of fast fuzzy pharmacophore-based virtual screening methods for scaffold hopping

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    The goal of this thesis was the development, evaluation and application of novel virtual screening approaches for the rational compilation of high quality pharmacological screening libraries. The criteria for a high quality were a high probability of the selected molecules to be active compared to randomly selected molecules and diversity in the retrieved chemotypes of the selected molecules to be prepared for the attrition of single lead structures. For the latter criterion the virtual screening approach had to perform “scaffold hopping”. The first molecular descriptor that was explicitly reported for that purpose was the topological pharmacophore CATS descriptor, representing a correlation vector (CV) of all pharmacophore points in a molecule. The representation is alignment-free and thus renders fast screening of large databases feasible. In a first series of experiments the CATS descriptor was conceptually extended to the three-dimensional pharmacophore-pair CATS3D descriptor and the molecular surface based SURFCATS descriptor. The scaling of the CATS3D descriptor, the combination of CATS3D with different similarity metrics and the dependence of the CATS3D descriptor on the threedimensional conformations of the molecules in the virtual screening database were evaluated in retrospective screening experiments. The “scaffold hopping” capabilities of CATS3D and SURFCATS were compared to CATS and the substructure fingerprint MACCS keys. Prospective virtual screening with CATS3D similarity searching was applied for the TAR RNA and the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlur5). A combination of supervised and unsupervised neural networks trained on CATS3D descriptors was applied prospectively to compile a focused but still diverse library of mGluR5 modulators. In a second series of experiments the SQUID fuzzy pharmacophore model method was developed, that was aimed to provide a more general query for virtual screening than the CATS family descriptors. A prospective application of the fuzzy pharmacophore models was performed for TAR RNA ligands. In a last experiment a structure-/ligand-based pharmacophore model was developed for taspase1 based on a homology model of the enzyme. This model was applied prospectively for the screening for the first inhibitors of taspase1. The effect of different similarity metrics (Euc: Euclidean distance, Manh: Manhattan distance and Tani: Tanimoto similarity) and different scaling methods (unscaled, scaling1: scaling by the number of atoms, and scaling2: scaling by the added incidences of potential pharmacophore points of atom pairs) on CATS3D similarity searching was evaluated in retrospective virtual screening experiments. 12 target classes of the COBRA database of annotated ligands from recent scientific literature were used for that purpose. Scaling2, a new development for the CATS3D descriptor, was shown to perform best on average in combination with all three similarity metrics (enrichment factor ef (1%): Manh = 11.8 ± 4.3, Euc = 11.9 ± 4.6, Tani = 12.8 ± 5.1). The Tanimoto coefficient was found to perform best with the new scaling method. Using the other scaling methods the Manhattan distance performed best (ef (1%): unscaled: Manh = 9.6 ± 4.0, Euc = 8.1 ± 3.5, Tani = 8.3 ± 3.8; scaling1: Manh = 10.3 ± 4.1, Euc = 8.8 ± 3.6, Tani = 9.1 ± 3.8). Since CATS3D is independent of an alignment, the dependence of a “receptor relevant” conformation might also be weaker compared to other methods like docking. Using such methods might be a possibility to overcome problems like protein flexibility or the computational expensive calculation of many conformers. To test this hypothesis, co-crystal structures of 11 target classes served as queries for virtual screening of the COBRA database. Different numbers of conformations were calculated for the COBRA database. Using only a single conformation already resulted in a significant enrichment of isofunctional molecules on average (ef (1%) = 6.0 ± 6.5). This observation was also made for ligand classes with many rotatable bonds (e.g. HIV-protease: 19.3 ± 6.2 rotatable bonds in COBRA, ef (1%) = 12.2 ± 11.8). On average only an improvement from using the maximum number of conformations (on average 37 conformations / molecule) to using single conformations of 1.1 fold was found. It was found that using more conformations actives and inactives equally became more similar to the reference compounds according to the CATS3D representations. Applying the same parameters as before to calculate conformations for the crystal structure ligands resulted in an average Cartesian RMSD of the single conformations to the crystal structure conformations of 1.7 ± 0.7 Å. For the maximum number of conformations, the RMSD decreased to 1.0 ± 0.5 Å (1.8 fold improvement on average). To assess the virtual screening performance and the scaffold hopping potential of CATS3D and SURFACATS, these descriptors were compared to CATS and the MACCS keys, a fingerprint based on exact chemical substructures. Retrospective screening of ten classes of the COBRA database was performed. According to the average enrichment factors the MACCS keys performed best (ef (1%): MACCS = 17.4 ± 6.4, CATS = 14.6 ± 5.4, CATS3D = 13.9 ± 4.9, SURFCATS = 12.2 ± 5.5). The classes, where MACCS performed best, consisted of a lower average fraction of different scaffolds relative to the number of molecules (0.44 ± 0.13), than the classes, where CATS performed best (0.65 ± 0.13). CATS3D was the best performing method for only a single target class with an intermediate fraction of scaffolds (0.55). SURFCATS was not found to perform best for a single class. These results indicate that CATS and the CATS3D descriptors might be better suited to find novel scaffolds than the MACCS keys. All methods were also shown to complement each other by retrieving scaffolds that were not found by the other methods. A prospective evaluation of CATS3D similarity searching was done for metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) allosteric modulators. Seven known antagonists of mGluR5 with sub-micromolar IC50 were used as reference ligands for virtual screening of the 20,000 most drug-like compounds – as predicted by an artificial neural network approach – of the Asinex vendor database (194,563 compounds). Eight of 29 virtual screening hits were found with a Ki below 50 µM in a binding assay. Most of the ligands were only moderately specific for mGluR5 (maximum of > 4.2 fold selectivity) relative to mGluR1, the most similar receptor to mGluR5. One ligand exhibited even a better Ki for mGluR1 than for mGluR5 (mGluR5: Ki > 100 µM, mGluR1: Ki = 14 µM). All hits had different scaffolds than the reference molecules. It was demonstrated that the compiled library contained molecules that were different from the reference structures – as estimated by MACCS substructure fingerprints – but were still considered isofunctional by both CATS and CATS3D pharmacophore approaches. Artificial neural networks (ANN) provide an alternative to similarity searching in virtual screening, with the advantage that they incorporate knowledge from a learning procedure. A combination of artificial neural networks for the compilation of a focused but still structurally diverse screening library was employed prospectively for mGluR5. Ensembles of neural networks were trained on CATS3D representations of the training data for the prediction of “mGluR5-likeness” and for “mGluR5/mGluR1 selectivity”, the most similar receptor to mGluR5, yielding Matthews cc between 0.88 and 0.92 as well as 0.88 and 0.91 respectively. The best 8,403 hits (the focused library: the intersection of the best hits from both prediction tasks) from virtually ranking the Enamine vendor database (ca. 1,000,000 molecules), were further analyzed by two self-organizing maps (SOMs), trained on CATS3D descriptors and on MACCS substructure fingerprints. A diverse and representative subset of the hits was obtained by selecting the most similar molecules to each SOM neuron. Binding studies of the selected compounds (16 molecules from each map) gave that three of the molecules from the CATS3D SOM and two of the molecules from the MACCS SOM showed mGluR5 binding. The best hit with a Ki of 21 µM was found in the CATS3D SOM. The selectivity of the compounds for mGluR5 over mGluR1 was low. Since the binding pockets in the two receptors are similar the general CATS3D representation might not have been appropriate for the prediction of selectivity. In both SOMs new active molecules were found in neurons that did not contain molecules from the training set, i. e. the approach was able to enter new areas of chemical space with respect to mGluR5. The combination of supervised and unsupervised neural networks and CATS3D seemed to be suited for the retrieval of dissimilar molecules with the same class of biological activity, rather than for the optimization of molecules with respect to activity or selectivity. A new virtual screening approach was developed with the SQUID (Sophisticated Quantification of Interaction Distributions) fuzzy pharmacophore method. In SQUID pairs of Gaussian probability densities are used for the construction of a CV descriptor. The Gaussians represent clusters of atoms comprising the same pharmacophoric feature within an alignment of several active reference molecules. The fuzzy representation of the molecules should enhance the performance in scaffold hopping. Pharmacophore models with different degrees of fuzziness (resolution) can be defined which might be an appropriate means to compensate for ligand and receptor flexibility. For virtual screening the 3D distribution of Gaussian densities is transformed into a two-point correlation vector representation which describes the probability density for the presence of atom-pairs, comprising defined pharmacophoric features. The fuzzy pharmacophore CV was used to rank CATS3D representations of molecules. The approach was validated by retrospective screening for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and thrombin ligands. A variety of models with different degrees of fuzziness were calculated and tested for both classes of molecules. Best performance was obtained with pharmacophore models reflecting an intermediate degree of fuzziness. Appropriately weighted fuzzy pharmacophore models performed better in retrospective screening than CATS3D similarity searching using single query molecules, for both COX-2 and thrombin (ef (1%): COX-2: SQUID = 39.2., best CATS3D result = 26.6; Thrombin: SQUID = 18.0, best CATS3D result = 16.7). The new pharmacophore method was shown to complement MOE pharmacophore models. SQUID fuzzy pharmacophore and CATS3D virtual screening were applied prospectively to retrieve novel scaffolds of RNA binding molecules, inhibiting the Tat-TAR interaction. A pharmacophore model was built up from one ligand (acetylpromazine, IC50 = 500 µM) and a fragment of another known ligand (CGP40336A), which was assumed to bind with a comparable binding mode as acetylpromazine. The fragment was flexible aligned to the TAR bound NMR conformation of acetylpromazine. Using an optimized SQUID pharmacophore model the 20,000 most druglike molecules from the SPECS database (229,658 compounds) were screened for Tat-TAR ligands. Both reference inhibitors were also applied for CATS3D similarity searching. A set of 19 molecules from the SQUID and CATS3D results was selected for experimental testing. In a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay the best SQUID hit showed an IC50 value of 46 µM, which represents an approximately tenfold improvement over the reference acetylpromazine. The best hit from CATS3D similarity searching showed an IC50 comparable to acetylpromazine (IC50 = 500 µM). Both hits contained different molecular scaffolds than the reference molecules. Structure-based pharmacophores provide an alternative to ligand-based approaches, with the advantage that no ligands have to be known in advance and no topological bias is introduced. The latter is e.g. favorable for hopping from peptide-like substrates to drug-like molecules. A homology model of the threonine aspartase taspase1 was calculated based on the crystal structures of a homologous isoaspartyl peptidase. Docking studies of the substrate with GOLD identified a binding mode where the cleaved bond was situated directly above the reactive N-terminal threonine. The predicted enzyme-substrate complex was used to derive a pharmacophore model for virtual screening for novel taspase1 inhibitors. 85 molecules were identified from virtual screening with the pharmacophore model as potential taspase1- inhibitors, however biochemical data was not available before the end of this thesis. In summary this thesis demonstrated the successful development, improvement and application of pharmacophore-based virtual screening methods for the compilation of molecule-libraries for early phase drug development. The highest potential of such methods seemed to be in scaffold hopping, the non-trivial task of finding different molecules with the same biological activity.Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung, Untersuchung und Anwendung von neuen virtuellen Screening-Verfahren für den rationalen Entwurf hoch-qualitativer Molekül-Datenbanken für das pharmakologische Screening. Anforderung für eine hohe Qualität waren eine hohe a priori Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Vorhandensein aktiver Moleküle im Vergleich zu zufällig zusammengestellten Bibliotheken, sowie das Vorhandensein einer Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Grundstrukturen unter den selektierten Molekülen, um gegen den Ausfall einzelner Leitstrukturen in der weiteren Entwicklung abgesichert zu sein. Notwendig für die letztere Eigenschaft ist die Fähigkeit eines Verfahrens zum „Grundgerüst-Springen“. Der erste Molekül-Deskriptor, der explizit für das „Grundgerüst-Springen“ eingesetzt wurde war der CATS Deskriptor – ein topologischer Korrelations-Vektor („correlation vector“, CV) über alle Pharmakophor-Punkte eines Moleküls. Der Vergleich von Molekülen über den CATS Deskriptor geschieht ohne eine Überlagerung der Moleküle, was den effizienten Einsatz solcher Verfahren für sehr große Molekül-Datenbanken ermöglicht. In einer ersten Serie von Versuchen wurde der CATS Deskriptor erweitert zu dem dreidimensionalen CATS3D Deskriptor und dem auf der Molekül-Oberfläche basierten SURFCATS Deskriptor. In retrospektiven Studien wurde für diese Deskriptoren der Einfluss verschiedener Skalierungs-Methoden, die Kombination mit unterschiedlichen Ähnlichkeits- Metriken und die Auswirkung verschiedener dreidimensionaler Konformationen untersucht. Weiter wurden das Potential der entwickelten Deskriptoren CATS3D und SURFCATS im „Grundgerüst-Springen“ mit CATS und dem Substruktur-Fingerprint MACCS keys verglichen. Prospektive Anwendungen der CATS3D Ähnlichkeitssuche wurden für die TARRNA und den metabotropen Glutamat Rezeptor 5 (mGluR5) durchgeführt. Eine Kombination von überwachten und unüberwachten neuronalen Netzen wurde prospektiv für die Zusammenstellung einer fokussierten aber dennoch diversen Bibliothek von mGluR5 Modulatoren eingesetzt. In einer zweiten Reihe von Versuchen wurde der SQUID Fuzzy Pharmakophor Ansatz entwickelt, mit dem Ziel zu einer noch generelleren Molekül- Beschreibung als mit den Deskriptoren aus der CATS Familie zu gelangen. Eine prospektive Anwendung der „Fuzzy Pharmakophor“ Methode wurde für die TAR-RNA durchgeführt. In einem letzten Versuch wurde für Taspase1 ein Struktur-/Liganden-basiertes Pharmakophor- Modell auf der Grundlage eines Homologie-Modells des Enzyms entwickelt. Dieses wurde für das prospektive Screening nach Taspase1-Inhibitoren eingesetzt. Der Einfluss verschiedener Ähnlichkeits-Metriken (Euk: Euklidische Distanz, Manh: Manhattan Distanz, Tani: Tanimoto Ähnlichkeit) und verschiedener Skalierungs-Methoden (Ohne-Skalierung, Skalierung1: Skalierung aller Werte nach der Anzahl Atome, Skalierung2: Skalierung der Werte eines Paares von Pharmakophor-Punkten entsprechend der Summe aller Pharmakophor-Punkte mit denselben Pharmakophor-Typen) auf die Ähnlichkeits-Suche mit CATS3D wurde in retrospektiven virtuellen Screening Experimenten untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden 12 verschiedene Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen aus der COBRA Datenbank von annotierten Liganden aus der jüngeren wissenschaftlichen Literatur eingesetzt. Skalierung2, eine neue Entwicklung für CATS3D, zeigte im Durchschnitt die beste Performanz in Kombination mit allen drei Ähnlichkeits-Metriken (Anreicherungs-Faktor ef (1%): Manh = 11,8 ± 4,3; Euk = 11,9 ± 4,6; Tani = 12,8 ± 5,1). Die Kombination von Skalierung2 mit dem Tanimoto Ähnlichkeits-Koeffizienten lieferte die besten Ergebnisse. In Kombination mit den anderen Skalierungen brachte die Manhattan Distanz die besten Ergebnisse (ef (1%): Ohne-Skalierung: Manh = 9,6 ± 4,0; Euk = 8,1 ± 3,5; Tani = 8,3 ± 3,8; Skalierung1: Manh = 10,3 ± 4,1; Euk = 8,8 ± 3,6; Tani = 9,1 ± 3,8). Da die CATS3D Ähnlichkeits-Suche unabhängig von der Überlagerung einzelner Moleküle ist, könnte ebenfalls eine gewisse Unabhängigkeit von der vorhandenen 3D Konformation bestehen. Eine solche Unabhängigkeit wäre interessant um die zeitaufwendige Berechnung multipler Konformationen zu umgehen. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen wurden Co-Kristalle von Liganden aus 11 Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen ausgewählt, um als Anfrage-Strukturen im virtuellen Screening in der COBRA Datenbank zu dienen. Verschiedene Versionen der COBRA Datenbank mit unterschiedlicher Anzahl Konformationen wurden berechnet. Bereits mit einer einzigen Konformation pro Molekül konnte im Mittel eine deutliche Anreicherung an aktiven Molekülen beobachte werden (ef (1%) = 6,0 ± 6,5). Diese Beobachtung beinhaltete auch Klassen von Molekülen mit vielen rotierbaren Bindungen. (z.B. HIV-Protease: 19,3 ± 6,2 rotierbare Bindungen in COBRA, ef (1%) = 12,2 ± 11,8). Im Mittel konnten dazu bei Verwendung der maximalen Anzahl Konformationen (durchschnittlich 37 Konformationen / Molekül) nur eine Verbesserung von 1.1 festgestellt werden. Nach der CATS3D Ähnlichkeit wurden die inaktiven Moleküle im gleichen Maß ähnlicher zu den Referenzen als die aktiven Moleküle. Zum Vergleich konnte durch Verwendung multipler statt einzelner Konformationen eine 1,8-fache Verbesserung des RMSD zu den Konformationen aus den Kristall-Struktur Konformationen erreicht werden (einzelne Konformationen: 1,7 ± 0,7 Å; max. Konformationen: 1,0 ± 0,5 Å). Um die Leistungsfähigkeit von CATS3D und SURFCATS im virtuellen Screening und im Grundgerüst-Springen zu beurteilen, wurden diese Deskriptoren mit CATS und den MACCS keys, einem Fingerprint basierend auf exakten chemischen Substrukturen, verglichen. Für die retrospektive Analyse wurden 10 Klassen von Rezeptoren und Enzymen aus der COBRA Datenbank ausgewählt. Nach den mittleren Anreicherungs-Faktoren ergaben sich für MACCS die besten Resultate (ef (1%): MACCS = 17,4 ± 6,4; CATS = 14,6 ± 5,4; CATS3D = 13,9 ± 4,9; SURFCATS = 12,2 ± 5,5). Es zeigte sich, dass die Klassen, in denen MACCS die besten Ergebnisse erzielen konnte, einen geringen gemittelten Anteil von verschiedenen Grundgerüsten aufwiesen im Verhältnis zu der Anzahl an Molekülen (0,44 ± 0,13) als die Klassen, in denen CATS am besten war (0,65 ± 0,13). CATS3D war nur in einer Klasse mit einem mittleren Anteil von Grundgerüsten (0,55) die beste Methode. SURFCATS war für keine Klasse besser als alle anderen Methoden. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Methoden wie CATS und CATS3D besser geeignet sind, um neue Grundgerüste zu finden. Es konnte weiter gezeigt werden, dass sich die Methoden einander ergänzen, dass also mit jeder Methode Grundgerüste gefunden werden konnten, die mit keiner der anderen Methoden gefunden werden konnten. Eine prospektive Anwendung wurde für CATS3D in der Suche nach neuen allosterischen Modulatoren des metabotropen Glutamat Rezeptors 5 (mGluR5) durchgeführt. Sieben bekannte allosterische mGluR5 Antagonisten mit sub-mikromolaren IC50 Werten wurde als Referenzen eingesetzt. Das virtuelle Screening wurde auf den 20.000 von einem künstlichen neuronalen Netz als am wirkstoff-artigsten vorhergesagten Molekülen der Asinex Datenbank (194.563 Moleküle) durchgeführt. Acht der 29 gefundenen Hits aus dem virtuellen Screening zeigten Ki Werte unter 50 µM in einem Bindungs-Assay. Die Mehrheit der Liganden zeigte nur eine geringe Selektivität (Maximum > 4,2-fach) gegenüber mGluR1, dem ähnlichsten Rezeptor zu mGluR5. Einer der Liganden zeigte einen besseren Ki für mGluR1 als für mGluR5 (mGluR5: Ki > 100 µM, mGluR1: Ki = 14 µM). Alle gefundenen Moleküle zeigten verschiedene Grundgerüste als die Referenz Moleküle. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die zusammengestellte Bibliothek von den MACCS keys als unterschiedlich zu den Referenz Strukturen betrachtet wurden, von CATS und CATS3D aber noch als isofunktional betracht wurden. Künstliche neuronal Netze („artificial neural net“, ANN) bieten eine Alternative zur Ähnlichkeits-Suche im virtuellen Screening mit dem Vorteil, dass in einer Serie von Liganden enthaltenes implizites Wissen über eine Lernprozedur in ein Modell integrierte werden kann. Eine Kombination von ANNs für die Zusammenstellung einer fokussierten aber dennoch diversen Molekül-Bibliothek wurde prospektiv für die Suche nach mGluR5 Antagonisten eingesetzt. Gruppen von ANNs wurden auf den Basis von CATS3D Repräsentationen für die Vorhersage von „mGluR5-artigkeit“ und „mGluR5/mGluR1 Selektivität“ trainiert. Dabei ergaben sich Matthews cc zwischen 0,88 und 0,92 sowie zwischen 0,88 und 0,91. Die besten 8.403 Hits (die Schnittmenge der besten Hits aus beiden Vorhersagen) aus einem virtuellen Screening der Enamine Datenbank (ca. 1.000.000 Moleküle) ergab die fokussierte Bibliothek. Diese wurde weiter mit Selbstor