38 research outputs found

    Regional scale dryland vegetation classification with an integrated lidar-hyperspectral approach

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    The sparse canopy cover and large contribution of bright background soil, along with the heterogeneous vegetation types in close proximity, are common challenges for mapping dryland vegetation with remote sensing. Consequently, the results of a single classification algorithm or one type of sensor to characterize dryland vegetation typically show low accuracy and lack robustness. In our study, we improved classification accuracy in a semi-arid ecosystem based on the use of vegetation optical (hyperspectral) and structural (lidar) information combined with the environmental characteristics of the landscape. To accomplish this goal, we used both spectral angle mapper (SAM) and multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) for optical vegetation classification. Lidar-derived maximum vegetation height and delineated riparian zones were then used to modify the optical classification. Incorporating the lidar information into the classification scheme increased the overall accuracy from 60% to 89%. Canopy structure can have a strong influence on spectral variability and the lidar provided complementary information for SAM’s sensitivity to shape but not magnitude of the spectra. Similar approaches to map large regions of drylands with low uncertainty may be readily implemented with unmixing algorithms applied to upcoming space-based imaging spectroscopy and lidar. This study advances our understanding of the nuances associated with mapping xeric and mesic regions, and highlights the importance of incorporating complementary algorithms and sensors to accurately characterize the heterogeneity of dryland ecosystems

    Characterization of indicator tree species in neotropical environments and implications for geological mapping

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOGeobotanical remote sensing (GbRS) in the strict sense is an indirect approach to obtain geological information in heavily vegetated areas for mineral prospecting and geological mapping. Using ultra- and hyperspectral technologies, the goals of this resea216385400FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2010/51758-2, 2010/51718-0309712/2017-3, 302925/2015-

    Deriving Landscape-Scale Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem Using Imaging Spectroscopy

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    Environmental disturbances in semi-arid ecosystems have highlighted the need to monitor current and future vegetation conditions across the landscape. Imaging spectroscopy provide the necessary information to derive vegetation characteristics at high-spatial resolutions across large geographic areas. The work of this thesis is divided into two sections focused on using imaging spectroscopy to estimate and classify vegetation cover, and approximate aboveground biomass in a semi-arid ecosystem. The first half of this thesis assesses the ability of imaging spectroscopy to derive vegetation classes and their respective cover across large environmental gradients and ecotones often associated with semi-arid ecosystems. Optimal endmember selection and endmember bundling are coupled with classification and spectral unmixing techniques to derive vegetation species and abundances across Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW) in southwest Idaho at high spatial resolution (1 m). Results validated using field data indicated classification of aspen, Douglas fir, juniper, and riparian classes had an overall accuracy of 57.9% and a kappa coefficient of 0.43. Plant functional type classification, consisting of deciduous and evergreen trees, had an overall accuracy of 84.4% and a kappa coefficient of 0.68. Shrub, grass, and soil cover were predicted with an overall accuracy of 67.4% and kappa coefficient of 0.53. I conclude that imaging spectroscopy can be used to map vegetation communities in semi-arid ecosystems across large environmental gradients at high-spatial resolution and with high accuracy. The second half of this thesis focuses on monitoring the changes of aboveground biomass (AGB) from the 2015 Soda Fire, which burned portions of southwest Idaho and southeastern Oregon. Classifications derived in the first study are used to estimate AGB loss within a portion of RCEW, and these estimates are used to compare to gross estimates made over the full extent of the Soda Fire. I found that there was an AGB loss of 174M kg within RCEW and approximately 1.8B kg lost over the full extent of the Soda Fire. Additionally, a post-fire analysis was performed to provide insight into the amount of AGB that returned to both RCEW and the full extent of the Soda Fire. An estimated 2,100 – 208,000 kg of AGB had returned to the burned portion of RCEW one-year post fire, and approximately 3.2M kg of AGB had returned over the full extent of the Soda Fire. These AGB loss and re-growth estimates can be used by researchers and practitioners to monitor carbon flux across the Soda Fire and as baseline data for wildfires in semi-arid ecosystems

    Assessing multi-temporal remote sensing imagery for discriminating savannah tree species.

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    M. Sc. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2014.The advent of new multispectral sensors such as Worldview-2 with very high spatial resolution (VHR) has presented new opportunities for mapping vegetation at species-level. However the use of VHR data for tree species mapping is often confronted with issues of within-canopy spectral variability. The prevailing intraspecies variability in southern African savannah limits our ability to accurately map the distribution of tree species. These challenges necessitate the development of new methods for tree species mapping. This study investigated i) the utility of object-based image analysis (OBIA) for tree species mapping in the savannah environment using Worldview-2 image, ii) the spectral capability of WV-2 for species mapping and iii) the ability of multi-temporal data to enhance spectral separability between tree species in southern African savannah. Using Random Forest (RF), the study could not establish any statistically significant difference between OBIA and pixel-based approach towards savannah tree species classification (zobt < zcrit). However OBIA successfully improved classification accuracy of Sclerocharya birrea and Acacia nigrescens which makes it an appropriate alternative for classifying big trees in the savannah environment using WV-2 image. Moreover, the spectral configuration of WV-2 with the inclusion of yellow and red-edge bands enhanced the discriminatory power of WV-2 sensor. The WV-2 image achieved higher classification accuracy (74.5% with object-based and 76.4% with pixel-based) than simulated IKONOS image (58.6% with object-based and 67.9% with pixel-based). The difference was statistically significant (zobt > zcrit). The use of multi-temporal data enhanced spectral variability between species and achieved the highest classification accuracy (80.4%) than March and April dates (72.9% and 76.4%, respectively). Multi-temporal data mitigated the spectral confusion between Sclerocharya birrea and Dichrostachys cinerea and achieved producer’s and user’s accuracy of above 60% for these tree species. The results highlight the opportunities available to biodiversity managers due to advances in remote sensing technology. The ability to accurately map tree species is the key element in the management of savannah biodiversity

    Interpreting Vegetation and Soil Anomalies in the Guarumen Area of Northwestern Venezuela Using Remote Sensing Applications

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    The Guarumen area of Venezuela is a tectonically active region that is approximately 1,640 mi2 across the northern portions of the Barinas Basin and the foothills of the Mérida Andes. It is structurally influenced by the Caribbean plate to the north, the Nazca plate to the west, and the Maracaibo block against the Guyana Shield of the South American Plate. These result in an oblique boundary that gives rise to the fold-and-thrust belt of the Mérida Andes to the west, and the Caribbean Mountain system to the north, in concordance to the right-lateral shearing that is evidenced by the Boconó fault system. The goal of this research was to investigate the geological setting of northwestern Venezuela and further understand the geologic controls of the region, as it has become a region of interest for mineral, oil, and gas exploration. To achieve the goal, hyperspectral and multispectral data analysis were used to address land cover types by reducing hyperspectral and multispectral spectra to unique endmembers for use in classification. Then, provide an accurate land cover analysis using derived endmembers to characterize the outcomes concerning the influence of geological phenomena, and determine if microclimate analysis using satellite-based land surface temperature data can be effectively used to infer geologic structure or geomorphology, particularly soils and vegetation. Based on the hyperspectral data, an in-depth endmember analysis was conducted with image-derived spectra. These spectra were plotted in comparison with spectral libraries to identify the anomaly classification. It was determined that the natural vegetation make up of a specific region helped identify soil type. The Guarumen area was influenced by the sediment transport of the alluvial stream geomorphology of both the Merida Andes and the Caribbean Mountain System and both its respective geologies. The microclimate analysis shoa land surface temperature comparison of two separate Landscenes. Both shoa similar mean temperature range due to Venezuela’s tropical climate, but differed in other classifications. Results from this research show that remote sensing applications with limited field data can provide accurate land cover analysis concerning geological phenomena, but further field analysis is needed for more detailed classification

    Characterizing Dryland Ecosystems Using Remote Sensing and Dynamic Global Vegetation Modeling

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    Drylands include all terrestrial regions where the production of crops, forage, wood and other ecosystem services are limited by water. These ecosystems cover approximately 40% of the earth terrestrial surface and accommodate more than 2 billion people (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Moreover, the interannual variability of the global carbon budget is strongly regulated by vegetation dynamics in drylands. Understanding the dynamics of such ecosystems is significant for assessing the potential for and impacts of natural or anthropogenic disturbances and mitigation planning, and a necessary step toward enhancing the economic and social well-being of dryland communities in a sustainable manner (Global Drylands: A UN system-wide response, 2011). In this research, a combination of remote sensing, field data collection, and ecosystem modeling were used to establish an integrated framework for semi-arid ecosystems dynamics monitoring. Foliar nitrogen (N) plays an important role in vegetation processes such as photosynthesis and there is wide interest in retrieving this variable from hyperspectral remote sensing data. In this study, I used the theory of canopy spectral invariants (AKA p-theory) to understand the role of canopy structure and soil in the retrieval of foliar N from hyperspectral data and machine learning techniques. The results of this study showed the inconsistencies among different machine learning techniques used for estimating N. Using p-theory, I demonstrated that soil can contribute up to 95% to the total radiation budget of the canopy. I suggested an alternative approach to study photosynthesis is the use of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). Gross primary production (GPP) is the apparent ecosystem scale photosynthesis that can be estimated using DGVMs. In this study, I performed a thorough sensitivity analysis and calibrated the Ecosystem Demography (EDv2.2) model along an elevation gradient in a dryland study area. I investigated the GPP capacity and activity by comparing the EDv2.2 GPP with flux towers and remote sensing products. The overall results showed that EDv2.2 performed well in capturing GPP capacity and its long term trend at lower elevation sites within the study area; whereas the model performed worse at higher elevations likely due to the change in vegetation community. I discussed that adding more heterogeneity and modifying ecosystem processes such as phenology and plant hydraulics in ED.v2.2 will improve its application to higher elevation ecosystems where there is more vegetation production. And finally, I developed an integrated hyperspectral-lidar framework for regional mapping of xeric and mesic vegetation in the study area. I showed that by considering spectral shape and magnitude, canopy structure and landscape features (riparian zone), we can develop a straightforward algorithm for vegetation mapping in drylands. This framework is simple, easy to interpret and consistent with our ecological understanding of vegetation distribution in drylands over large areas. Collectively, the results I present in this dissertation demonstrate the potential for advanced remote sensing and modeling to help us better understand ecosystem processes in drylands

    Spectral angle mapper algorithm for mangrove biodiversity mapping in Semarang, Indonesia

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    Monitoring biodiversity is a key component of sustainability research related to safeguarding ecosystems. Although there still exist limits to its application, remote sensing has been used to map mangrove biodiversity and its distribution using spectral reflectance. This study considers the mangrove ecosystem in the Semarang coastal area using the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) method for biodiversity identification at species level. The remote sensing data is SPOT 7 imagery, acquired on 24 December 2019. In situ spectral reflection measurements were performed using a USB4000 spectrometer. The result from in situ measurement is referred to as the spectral library used for mangrove classification. Eight mangrove species were identified by the SAM method in this study, with a preponderance of the species Avicennia marina in the northern part of the study area, an open area that directly faces the sea, corresponding to the original habitat of Avicennia marina. The study shows that while the SAM method can be considered accurate for species with larger concentrations, the classification results demonstrate an overall moderate-low accuracy of 52% because some species classes have small patches that are intermingled with areas of different land-use. Further developments in remote sensing analysis techniques and more research will be necessary to endeavor to overcome these limits

    Exploring the relationship between spectral reflectance and tree species diversity in the savannah woodlands.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.Abstract available in PDF file

    Ash Tree Identification Based on the Integration of Hyperspectral Imagery and High-density Lidar Data

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    Monitoring and management of ash trees has become particularly important in recent years due to the heightened risk of attack from the invasive pest, the emerald ash borer (EAB). However, distinguishing ash from other deciduous trees can be challenging. Both hyperspectral imagery and Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data are two valuable data sources that are often used for tree species classification. Hyperspectral imagery measures detailed spectral reflectance related to the biochemical properties of vegetation, while LiDAR data measures the three-dimensional structure of tree crowns related to morphological characteristics. Thus, the accuracy of vegetation classification may be improved by combining both techniques. Therefore, the objective of this research is to integrate hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR data for improving ash tree identification. Specifically, the research aims include: 1) using LiDAR data for individual tree crowns segmentation; 2) using hyperspectral imagery for extraction of relative pure crown spectra; 3) fusing hyperspectral and LiDAR data for ash tree identification. It is expected that the classification accuracy of ash trees will be significantly improved with the integration of hyperspectral and LiDAR techniques. Analysis results suggest that, first, 3D crown structures of individual trees can be reconstructed using a set of generalized geometric models which optimally matched LiDAR-derived raster image, and crown widths can be further estimated using tree height and shape-related parameters as independent variables and ground measurement of crown widths as dependent variables. Second, with constrained linear spectral mixture analysis method, the fractions of all materials within a pixel can be extracted, and relative pure crown-scale spectra can be further calculated using illuminated-leaf fraction as weighting factors for tree species classification. Third, both crown shape index (SI) and coefficient of variation (CV) can be extracted from LiDAR data as invariant variables in tree’s life cycle, and improve ash tree identification by integrating with pixel-weighted crown spectra. Therefore, three major contributions of this research have been made in the field of tree species classification:1) the automatic estimation of individual tree crown width from LiDAR data by combining a generalized geometric model and a regression model, 2) the computation of relative pure crown-scale spectral reflectance using a pixel-weighting algorithm for tree species classification, 3) the fusion of shape-related structural features and pixel-weighted crown-scale spectral features for improving of ash tree identification

    A multiscale remote sensing assessment of subtropical indigenous forests along the wild coast, South Africa

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    The subtropical forests located along South Africa’s Wild Coast region, declared as one of the biodiversity hotspots, provide benefits to the local and national economy. However, there is evidence of increased pressure exerted on the forests by growing population and reduced income from activities not related to forest products. The ability of remote sensing to quantify subtropical forest changes over time, perform species discrimination (using field spectroscopy) and integrating field spectral and multispectral data were all assessed in this study. Investigations were conducted at pixel, leaf and sub-pixel levels. Both per-pixel and sub-pixel classification methods were used for improved forest characterisation. Using SPOT 6 imagery for 2013, the study determined the best classification algorithm for mapping sub-tropical forest and other land cover types to be the maximum likelihood classifier. Maximum likelihood outperformed minimum distance, spectral angle mapper and spectral information divergence algorithms, based on overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient values. Forest change analysis was made based on spectral measurements made at top of the atmosphere (TOC) level. When applied to the 2005 and 2009 SPOT 5 images, subtropical forest changes between 2005-2009 and 2009-2013 were quantified. A temporal analysis of forest cover trends in the periods 2005-2009 and 2009-2013 identified a decreasing trend of -3648.42 and -946.98 ha respectively, which translated to 7.81 percent and 2.20 percent decrease. Although there is evidence of a trend towards decreased rates of forest loss, more conservation efforts are required to protect the Wild Coast ecosystem. Using field spectral measurements data, the hierarchical method (comprising One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Jeffries Matusita method) successfully selected optimal wavelengths for species discrimination at leaf level. Only 17 out of 2150 wavelengths were identified, thereby reducing the complexities related to data dimensionality. The optimal 17 wavelength bands were noted in the visible (438, 442, 512 and 695 nm), near infrared (724, 729, 750, 758, 856, 936, 1179, 1507 and 1673 nm) and mid-infrared (2220, 2465, 2469 and 2482 nm) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Jeffries-Matusita (JM) distance method confirmed the separability of the selected wavelength bands. Using these 17 wavelengths, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classified subtropical species at leaf level more accurately than partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) and random forest (RF). In addition, the study integrated field-collected canopy spectral and multispectral data to discriminate proportions of semi-deciduous and evergreen subtropical forests at sub-pixel level. By using the 2013 land cover (using MLC) to mask non-forested portions before sub-pixel classification (using MTMF), the proportional maps were a product of two classifiers. The proportional maps show higher proportions of evergreen forests along the coast while semi-deciduous subtropical forest species were mainly on inland parts of the Wild Coast. These maps had high accuracy, thereby proving the ability of an integration of field spectral and multispectral data in mapping semi-deciduous and evergreen forest species. Overall, the study has demonstrated the importance of the MLC and LDA and served to integrate field spectral and multispectral data in subtropical forest characterisation at both leaf and top-of-atmosphere levels. The success of both the MLC and LDA further highlighted how essential parametric classifiers are in remote sensing forestry applications. Main subtropical characteristics highlighted in this study were species discrimination at leaf level, quantifying forest change at pixel level and discriminating semi-deciduous and evergreen forests at sub-pixel level