1,136 research outputs found

    Improving the multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm for hydropower reservoir operations in the California Oroville-Thermalito complex

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    This study demonstrates the application of an improved Evolutionary optimization Algorithm (EA), titled Multi-Objective Complex Evolution Global Optimization Method with Principal Component Analysis and Crowding Distance Operator (MOSPD), for the hydropower reservoir operation of the Oroville-Thermalito Complex (OTC) - a crucial head-water resource for the California State Water Project (SWP). In the OTC's water-hydropower joint management study, the nonlinearity of hydropower generation and the reservoir's water elevation-storage relationship are explicitly formulated by polynomial function in order to closely match realistic situations and reduce linearization approximation errors. Comparison among different curve-fitting methods is conducted to understand the impact of the simplification of reservoir topography. In the optimization algorithm development, techniques of crowding distance and principal component analysis are implemented to improve the diversity and convergence of the optimal solutions towards and along the Pareto optimal set in the objective space. A comparative evaluation among the new algorithm MOSPD, the original Multi-Objective Complex Evolution Global Optimization Method (MOCOM), the Multi-Objective Differential Evolution method (MODE), the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), the Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing approach (MOSA), and the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization scheme (MOPSO) is conducted using the benchmark functions. The results show that best the MOSPD algorithm demonstrated the best and most consistent performance when compared with other algorithms on the test problems. The newly developed algorithm (MOSPD) is further applied to the OTC reservoir releasing problem during the snow melting season in 1998 (wet year), 2000 (normal year) and 2001 (dry year), in which the more spreading and converged non-dominated solutions of MOSPD provide decision makers with better operational alternatives for effectively and efficiently managing the OTC reservoirs in response to the different climates, especially drought, which has become more and more severe and frequent in California

    Metaheuristics for the unit commitment problem : The Constraint Oriented Neighbourhoods search strategy

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    Tese de mestrado. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 199

    Making the most of data:An information selection and assessment framework to improve water systems operations

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    Advances in Environmental monitoring systems are making a wide range of data available at increasingly higher temporal and spatial resolution. This creates an opportunity to enhance real-time understanding of water systems conditions and to improve prediction of their future evolution, ultimately increasing our ability to make better decisions. Yet, many water systems are still operated using very simple information systems, typically based on simple statistical analysis and the operator’s experience. In this work, we propose a framework to automatically select the most valuable information to inform water systems operations supported by quantitative metrics to operationally and economically assess the value of this information. The Hoa Binh reservoir in Vietnam is used to demonstrate the proposed framework in a multiobjective context, accounting for hydropower production and flood control. First, we quantify the expected value of perfect information, meaning the potential space for improvement under the assumption of exact knowledge of the future system conditions. Second, we automatically select the most valuable information that could be actually used to improve the Hoa Binh operations. Finally, we assess the economic value of sample information on the basis of the resulting policy performance. Results show that our framework successfully select information to enhance the performance of the operating policies with respect to both the competing objectives, attaining a 40% improvement close to the target trade-off selected as potentially good compromise between hydropower production and flood control

    Uncertainty management in multiobjective hydro-thermal self-scheduling under emission considerations

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    In this paper, a stochastic multiobjective framework is proposed for a day-ahead short-term Hydro Thermal Self-Scheduling (HTSS) problem for joint energy and reserve markets. An efficient linear formulations are introduced in this paper to deal with the nonlinearity of original problem due to the dynamic ramp rate limits, prohibited operating zones, operating services of thermal plants, multi-head power discharge characteristics of hydro generating units and spillage of reservoirs. Besides, system uncertainties including the generating units\u27 contingencies and price uncertainty are explicitly considered in the stochastic market clearing scheme. For the stochastic modeling of probable multiobjective optimization scenarios, a lattice Monte Carlo simulation has been adopted to have a better coverage of the system uncertainty spectrum. Consequently, the resulting multiobjective optimization scenarios should concurrently optimize competing objective functions including GENeration COmpany\u27s (GENCO\u27s) profit maximization and thermal units\u27 emission minimization. Accordingly, the ε-constraint method is used to solve the multiobjective optimization problem and generate the Pareto set. Then, a fuzzy satisfying method is employed to choose the most preferred solution among all Pareto optimal solutions. The performance of the presented method is verified in different case studies. The results obtained from ε-constraint method is compared with those reported by weighted sum method, evolutionary programming-based interactive Fuzzy satisfying method, differential evolution, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization and hybrid multi-objective cultural algorithm, verifying the superiority of the proposed approach

    Population-based algorithms for improved history matching and uncertainty quantification of Petroleum reservoirs

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    In modern field management practices, there are two important steps that shed light on a multimillion dollar investment. The first step is history matching where the simulation model is calibrated to reproduce the historical observations from the field. In this inverse problem, different geological and petrophysical properties may provide equally good history matches. Such diverse models are likely to show different production behaviors in future. This ties the history matching with the second step, uncertainty quantification of predictions. Multiple history matched models are essential for a realistic uncertainty estimate of the future field behavior. These two steps facilitate decision making and have a direct impact on technical and financial performance of oil and gas companies. Population-based optimization algorithms have been recently enjoyed growing popularity for solving engineering problems. Population-based systems work with a group of individuals that cooperate and communicate to accomplish a task that is normally beyond the capabilities of each individual. These individuals are deployed with the aim to solve the problem with maximum efficiency. This thesis introduces the application of two novel population-based algorithms for history matching and uncertainty quantification of petroleum reservoir models. Ant colony optimization and differential evolution algorithms are used to search the space of parameters to find multiple history matched models and, using a Bayesian framework, the posterior probability of the models are evaluated for prediction of reservoir performance. It is demonstrated that by bringing latest developments in computer science such as ant colony, differential evolution and multiobjective optimization, we can improve the history matching and uncertainty quantification frameworks. This thesis provides insights into performance of these algorithms in history matching and prediction and develops an understanding of their tuning parameters. The research also brings a comparative study of these methods with a benchmark technique called Neighbourhood Algorithms. This comparison reveals the superiority of the proposed methodologies in various areas such as computational efficiency and match quality

    Assessment and implementation of evolutionary algorithms for optimal management rules design in water resources systems

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    Tesis por compendioWater is an essential resource from an environmental, biological, economic or social point of view. In basin management, the irregular distribution in time and in space of this resource is well known. This issue is worsened by extreme climate conditions, generating drought periods or flood events. For both situations, optimal management is necessary. In one case, different water uses should be supplied efficiently using the available surface and groundwater resources. In another case, the most important goal is to avoid damages in flood areas, including the loss of human lives, but also to optimize the revenue of energy production in hydropower plants, or in other uses. The approach presented in this thesis proposes to obtain optimal management rules in water resource systems. With this aim, evolutionary algorithms were combined with simulation models. The first ones, as optimization tools, are responsible for guiding the process iterations. In each iteration, a new management rule is defined in the simulation model, which is computed to comprehend the situation of the system after applying this new management. For testing the proposed methodology, four evolutionary algorithms were assessed combining them with two simulation models. The methodology was implemented in four real case studies. This thesis is presented as a compendium of five manuscripts: three scientific papers published in journals (which are indexed in the Journal Citation Report), another under review, and the last manuscript from Conference Proceedings. In the first manuscript, the Pikaia optimization algorithm was combined with the network flow SIMGES simulation model for obtaining four different types of optimal management rules in the Júcar River Basin. In addition, the parameters of the Pikaia algorithm were also analyzed to identify the best combination of them to use in the optimization process. In the second scientific paper, the multi-objective NSGA-II algorithm was assessed to obtain a parametric management rule in the Mijares River basin. In this case, the same simulation model was linked with the evolutionary algorithm. In the Conference manuscript, an in-depth analysis of the Tirso-Flumendosa-Campidano (TFM) system using different scenarios and comparing three water simulation models for water resources management was developed. The third published manuscript presented the assessment and comparison of two evolutionary algorithms for obtaining optimal rules in the TFM system using SIMGES model. The algorithms assessed were the SCE-UA and the Scatter Search. In this research paper, the parameters of both algorithms were also analyzed as it was done with the Pikaia algorithm. The management rules in the three first manuscripts were focused to avoid or minimize deficits in urban and agrarian demands and, in some case studies, also to minimize the water pumped. Finally, in the last document, two of the algorithms used in previous manuscripts were assessed, the mono-objective SCE-UA and the multi-objective NSGA-II. For this research, the algorithms were combined with RS MINERVE software to manage flood events in Visp River basin minimizing damages in risk areas and losses in hydropower plants. Results reached in the five manuscripts demonstrate the validity of the approach. In all the case studies and with the different evolutionary algorithms assessed, the obtained management rules achieved a better system management than the base scenario of each case. These results usually mean a decrease of the economic costs in the management of water resources. However, comparing the four algorithms assessed, SCE-UA algorithm proved to be the most efficient due to the different stop/convergence criteria and its formulation. Nevertheless, NSGA-II is the most recommended due to its multi-objective search focus on the enhancement of different objectives with the same importance where the decision makers can make the best decision for the management of the system.El agua es un recurso esencial desde el punto de vista ambiental, biológico, económico o social. En la gestión de cuencas, es bien conocido que la distribución del recurso en el tiempo y el espacio es irregular. Este problema se agrava debido a condiciones climáticas extremas, generando períodos de sequía o inundaciones. Para ambas situaciones, una gestión óptima es necesaria. En un caso, el suministro de agua a los diferentes usos del sistema debe realizarte eficientemente empleando los recursos disponibles, tanto superficiales como subterráneos. En el otro caso, el objetivo más importante es evitar daños en las zonas de inundación, incluyendo la pérdida de vidas humanas, pero al mismo tiempo, optimizar los beneficios de centrales hidroeléctricas, o de otros usos. El enfoque presentado en esta tesis propone la obtención de reglas de gestión óptimas en sistemas reales de recursos hídricos. Con este objetivo, se combinaron algoritmos evolutivos con modelos de simulación. Los primeros, como herramientas de optimización, encargados de guiar las iteraciones del proceso. En cada iteración se define una nueva regla de gestión en el modelo de simulación, que se evalúa para conocer la situación del sistema después de aplicar esta nueva gestión. Para probar la metodología propuesta, se evaluaron cuatro algoritmos evolutivos combinándolos con dos modelos de simulación. La metodología se implementó en cuatro casos de estudio reales. Esta tesis se presenta como un compendio de cinco publicaciones: tres de ellas en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Report, otra en revisión y la última como publicación de un congreso. En el primer manuscrito, el algoritmo de optimización Pikaia se combinó con el modelo de simulación SIMGES para obtener reglas de gestión óptimas en la cuenca del río Júcar. Además, se analizaron los parámetros del algoritmo para identificar la mejor combinación de los mismos en el proceso de optimización. El segundo artículo evaluó el algoritmo multi-objetivo NSGA-II para obtener una regla de gestión paramétrica en la cuenca del río Mijares. En el trabajo presentado en el congreso se desarrolló un análisis en profundidad del sistema Tirso-Flumendosa-Campidano utilizando diferentes escenarios y comparando tres modelos de simulación para la gestión de los recursos hídricos. En el tercer manuscrito publicado se evaluó y comparó dos algoritmos evolutivos (SCE-UA y Scatter Search) para obtener reglas de gestión óptimas en el sistema Tirso-Flumendosa-Campidano. En dicha investigación también se analizaron los parámetros de ambos algoritmos. Las reglas de gestión de estas cuatro publicaciones se enfocaron en evitar o minimizar los déficits de las demandas urbanas y agrarias y, en ciertos casos, también en minimizar el caudal bombeado, utilizando para ello el modelo de simulación SIMGES. Finalmente, en la última publicación se evaluó el algoritmo mono-objetivo SCE-UA y el multi-objetivo NSGA-II. Para esta investigación, los algoritmos se combinaron con el software RS MINERVE para gestionar los eventos de inundación en la cuenca del río Visp minimizando los daños en las zonas de riesgo y las pérdidas en las centrales hidroeléctricas. Los resultados obtenidos en las cinco publicaciones demuestran la validez del enfoque. En todos los casos de estudio y, con los diferentes algoritmos evolutivos evaluados, las reglas de gestión obtenidas lograron una mejor gestión del sistema que el escenario base de cada caso. Estos resultados suelen representar una disminución de los costes económicos en la gestión de los recursos hídricos. Comparando los cuatro algoritmos, el SCE-UA demostró ser el más eficiente debido a los diferentes criterios de convergencia. No obstante, el NSGA-II es el más recomendado debido a su búsqueda multi-objetivo enfocada en la mejora, con la misma importancia, de diferentes objetivos, donde los tomadores de decisiones pueden selL'aigua és un recurs essencial des del punt de vista ambiental, biològic, econòmic o social. En la gestió de conques, és ben conegut que la distribució del recurs en el temps i l'espai és irregular. Este problema s'agreuja a causa de condicions climàtiques extremes, generant períodes de sequera o inundacions. Per a ambdúes situacions, una gestió òptima és necessària. En un cas, el subministrament d'aigua als diferents usos del sistema ha de realitzar-se eficientment utilitzant els recursos disponibles, tant superficials com subterranis. En l'altre cas, l'objectiu més important és evitar danys en les zones d'inundació, incloent la pèrdua de vides humanes, però al mateix temps, optimitzar els beneficis de centrals hidroelèctriques, o d'altres usos. La proposta d'esta tesi és l'obtenció de regles de gestió òptimes en sistemes reals de recursos hídrics. Amb este objectiu, es van combinar algoritmes evolutius amb models de simulació. Els primers, com a ferramentes d'optimització, encarregats de guiar les iteracions del procés. En cada iteració es definix una nova regla de gestió en el model de simulació, que s'avalua per a conéixer la situació del sistema després d'aplicar esta nova gestió. Per a provar la metodologia proposada, es van avaluar quatre algoritmes evolutius combinant-los amb dos models de simulació. La metodologia es va implementar en quatre casos d'estudi reals. Esta tesi es presenta com un compendi de cinc publicacions: tres d'elles en revistes indexades en el Journal Citation Report, una altra en revisió i l'última com a publicació d'un congrés. En el primer manuscrit, l'algoritme d'optimització Pikaia es va combinar amb el model de simulació SIMGES per a obtindre regles de gestió òptimes en la conca del riu Xúquer. A més, es van analitzar els paràmetres de l'algoritme per a identificar la millor combinació dels mateixos en el procés d'optimització. El segon article va avaluar l'algoritme multi-objectiu NSGA-II per a obtindre una regla de gestió paramètrica en la conca del riu Millars. En el treball presentat en el congrés es va desenvolupar una anàlisi en profunditat del sistema Tirso-Flumendosa-Campidano utilitzant diferents escenaris i comparant tres models de simulació per a la gestió dels recursos hídrics. En el tercer manuscrit publicat es va avaluar i va comparar dos algoritmes evolutius (SCE-UA i Scatter Search) per a obtindre regles de gestió òptimes en el sistema Tirso-Flumendosa-Campidano. En dita investigació també es van analitzar els paràmetres d'ambdós algoritmes. Les regles de gestió d'estes quatre publicacions es van enfocar a evitar o minimitzar els dèficits de les demandes urbanes i agràries i, en certs casos, també a minimitzar el cabal bombejat, utilitzant per a això el model de simulació SIMGES. Finalment, en l'última publicació es va avaluar l'algoritme mono-objectiu SCE-UA i el multi-objetiu NSGA-II. Per a esta investigació, els algoritmes es van combinar amb el programa RS MINERVE per a gestionar els esdeveniments d'inundació en la conca del riu Visp minimitzant els danys en les zones de risc i les pèrdues en les centrals hidroelèctriques. Els resultats obtinguts en les cinc publicacions demostren la validesa de la metodología. En tots els casos d'estudi i, amb els diferents algoritmes evolutius avaluats, les regles de gestió obtingudes van aconseguir una millor gestió del sistema que l'escenari base de cada cas. Estos resultats solen representar una disminució dels costos econòmics en la gestió dels recursos hídrics. Comparant els quatre algoritmes, el SCE-UA va demostrar ser el més eficient a causa dels diferents criteris de convergència. No obstant això, el NSGA-II és el més recomanat a causa de la seua cerca multi-objectiu enfocada en la millora, amb la mateixa importància, de diferents objectius, on els decisors poden seleccionar la millor opció per a la gestió del sistema.Lerma Elvira, N. (2017). Assessment and implementation of evolutionary algorithms for optimal management rules design in water resources systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90547TESISCompendi

    Curses, Tradeoffs, and Scalable Management:Advancing Evolutionary Multiobjective Direct Policy Search to Improve Water Reservoir Operations

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    Optimal management policies for water reservoir operation are generally designed via stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). Yet, the adoption of SDP in complex real-world problems is challenged by the three curses of dimensionality, modeling, and multiple objectives. These three curses considerably limit SDP’s practical application. Alternatively, this study focuses on the use of evolutionary multiobjective direct policy search (EMODPS), a simulation-based optimization approach that combines direct policy search, nonlinear approximating networks, and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to design Pareto-approximate closed-loop operating policies for multipurpose water reservoirs. This analysis explores the technical and practical implications of using EMODPS through a careful diagnostic assessment of the effectiveness and reliability of the overall EMODPS solution design as well as of the resulting Pareto-approximate operating policies. The EMODPS approach is evaluated using the multipurpose Hoa Binh water reservoir in Vietnam, where water operators are seeking to balance the conflicting objectives of maximizing hydropower production and minimizing flood risks. A key choice in the EMODPS approach is the selection of alternative formulations for flexibly representing reservoir operating policies. This study distinguishes between the relative performance of two widely-used nonlinear approximating networks, namely artificial neural networks (ANNs) and radial basis functions (RBFs). The results show that RBF solutions are more effective than ANN ones in designing Pareto approximate policies for the Hoa Binh reservoir. Given the approximate nature of EMODPS, the diagnostic benchmarking uses SDP to evaluate the overall quality of the attained Pareto-approximate results. Although the Hoa Binh test case’s relative simplicity should maximize the potential value of SDP, the results demonstrate that EMODPS successfully dominates the solutions derived via SDP

    Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs

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    [EN] Currently, the management of water networks is key to increase their sustainability. This fact implies that water managers have to develop tools that ease the decision-making process in order to improve the efficiency of irrigation networks, as well as their exploitation costs. The present research proposes a mathematical programming model to optimize the selection of the water sources and the volume over time in water networks, minimizing the operation costs as a function of the water demand and the reservoir capacity. The model, which is based on fuzzy methods, improves the evaluation performed by water managers when they have to decide about the acquisition of the water resources under uncertain costs. Different fuzzy solution approaches have been applied and assessed in terms of model complexity and computational efficiency, showing the solution accomplished for each one. A comparison between different methods was applied in a real water network, reaching a 20% total cost reduction for the best solution.Sanchis, R.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; López Jiménez, PA.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2019). Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs. Water. 11(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122432S1221112Biswas, A. K. (2004). Integrated Water Resources Management: A Reassessment. Water International, 29(2), 248-256. doi:10.1080/02508060408691775Pahl-Wostl, C. (2006). Transitions towards adaptive management of water facing climate and global change. Water Resources Management, 21(1), 49-62. doi:10.1007/s11269-006-9040-4Wu, K., & Zhang, L. (2014). Progress in the Development of Environmental Risk Assessment as a Tool for the Decision-Making Process. 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    jHawanet: an open-source project for the implementation and assessment of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on water distribution networks

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    [EN] Efficient design and management of water distribution networks is critical for conservation of water resources and minimization of both energy requirements and maintenance costs. Several computational routines have been proposed for the optimization of operational parameters that govern such networks. In particular, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have proven to be useful both properly describing a network and optimizing its performance. Despite these computational advances, practical implementation of multi-objective optimization algorithms for water networks is an abstruse subject for researchers and engineers, particularly since efficient coupling between multi-objective algorithms and the hydraulic network model is required. Further, even if the coupling is successfully implemented, selecting the proper set of multi-objective algorithms for a given network, and addressing the quality of the obtained results (i.e., the approximate Pareto frontier) introduces additional complexities that further hinder the practical application of these algorithms. Here, we present an open-source project that couples the EPANET hydraulic network model with the jMetal framework for multi-objective optimization, allowing flexible implementation and comparison of different metaheuristic optimization algorithms through statistical quality assessment. Advantages of this project are discussed by comparing the performance of different multi-objective algorithms (i.e., NSGA-II, SPEA2, SMPSO) on case study water pump networks available in the literatureThis research and the APC were funded by the Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (Conicyt), grant number 1180660Gutierrez-Bahamondes, JH.; Salgueiro, Y.; Silva-Rubio, SA.; Alsina, MA.; Mora-Melia, D.; Fuertes-Miquel, VS. (2019). jHawanet: an open-source project for the implementation and assessment of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on water distribution networks. Water. 11(10):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/w111020181171110Wang, Y., Hua, Z., & Wang, L. (2018). Parameter Estimation of Water Quality Models Using an Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization. Water, 10(1), 32. doi:10.3390/w10010032Letting, L., Hamam, Y., & Abu-Mahfouz, A. (2017). Estimation of Water Demand in Water Distribution Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Water, 9(8), 593. doi:10.3390/w9080593Ngamalieu-Nengoue, U. A., Martínez-Solano, F. J., Iglesias-Rey, P. L., & Mora-Meliá, D. (2019). Multi-Objective Optimization for Urban Drainage or Sewer Networks Rehabilitation through Pipes Substitution and Storage Tanks Installation. Water, 11(5), 935. doi:10.3390/w11050935Morley, M. ., Atkinson, R. ., Savić, D. ., & Walters, G. . (2001). GAnet: genetic algorithm platform for pipe network optimisation. Advances in Engineering Software, 32(6), 467-475. doi:10.1016/s0965-9978(00)00107-1Van Thienen, P., & Vertommen, I. (2015). Gondwana: A Generic Optimization Tool for Drinking Water Distribution Systems Design and Operation. Procedia Engineering, 119, 1212-1220. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.978Mala-Jetmarova, H., Sultanova, N., & Savic, D. (2017). Lost in optimisation of water distribution systems? A literature review of system operation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 93, 209-254. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.02.009Durillo, J. J., & Nebro, A. J. (2011). jMetal: A Java framework for multi-objective optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 42(10), 760-771. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2011.05.014Ravber, M., Mernik, M., & Črepinšek, M. (2017). The impact of Quality Indicators on the rating of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 55, 265-275. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2017.01.03