660 research outputs found

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization

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    This dissertation presents metaheuristic approaches in the areas of genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization to combinatorial optimization problems. Ant colony optimization for the split delivery vehicle routing problem An Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based approach is presented to solve the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP). SDVRP is a relaxation of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) wherein a customer can be visited by more than one vehicle. The proposed ACO based algorithm is tested on benchmark problems previously published in the literature. The results indicate that the ACO based approach is competitive in both solution quality and solution time. In some instances, the ACO method achieves the best known results to date for the benchmark problems. Hybrid genetic algorithm for the split delivery vehicle routing problem (SDVRP) The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a combinatory optimization problem in the field of transportation and logistics. There are various variants of VRP which have been developed of the years; one of which is the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (SDVRP). The SDVRP allows customers to be assigned to multiple routes. A hybrid genetic algorithm comprising a combination of ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, and heuristics is proposed and tested on benchmark SDVRP test problems. Genetic algorithm approach to solve the hospital physician scheduling problem Emergency departments have repeating 24-hour cycles of non-stationary Poisson arrivals and high levels of service time variation. The problem is to find a shift schedule that considers queuing effects and minimizes average patient waiting time and maximizes physicians’ shift preference subject to constraints on shift start times, shift durations and total physician hours available per day. An approach that utilizes a genetic algorithm and discrete event simulation to solve the physician scheduling problem in a hospital is proposed. The approach is tested on real world datasets for physician schedules

    Solving the waste collection problem from a multiobjective perspective: New methodologies and case studies

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    Fecha de lectura Tesis Doctoral: 19 de marzo de 2018.Economía Aplicada ( Matemáticas) Resumen tesis: El tratamiento de residuos es un tema de estudio por parte de las administraciones locales a nivel mundial. Distintos factores han de tenerse en cuenta para realizar un servicio eficiente. En este trabajo se desarrolla una herramienta para analizar y resolver el problema de la recogida de residuos sólidos en Málaga. Tras un análisis exhaustivo de los datos, se aborda el problema real como un problema de rutas multiobjetivo con capacidad limitada. Para los problemas multiobjetivo, no suele existir una única solución óptima, sino un conjunto de soluciones eficientes de Pareto. Las características del problema hacen inviable su resolución de forma exacta, por lo que se aplican distintas estrategias metaheurísticas para obtener una buena aproximación. En particular, se combinan las técnicas de GRASP, Path Relinking y Variable Neighborhood Search, que son adaptadas a la perspectiva multicriterio. Se trata de una aproximación en dos fases: una primera aproximación de la frontera eficiente se genera mediante un GRASP multiobjetivo. Tres son los métodos propuestos para la primera aproximación, dos de ellos derivados de la publicación de Martí et al. (2015) y el último se apoya en la función escalarizada de logro de Wierzbicki (Wierzbicki, 1980) para distintas combinaciones de pesos. A continuación, esta aproximación es mejorada con una versión de Path Relinking o Variable Neighborhood Search, con un punto de referencia diseñado para problemas multiobjetivo. Una vez generada la aproximación de la frontera eficiente, el proceso de obtención de la solución que más se adecúa a las preferencias de los gestores se basa en el desarrollo de un método interactivo sin trade – off, derivado de la filosofía NAUTILUS (Miettinen et al. 2010). Para evitar gastos de cómputo extensos, esta metodología se apoya en una pre - computación de los elementos de la frontera eficiente

    Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Based on Carbon Emission and Multiobjective Hybrid Quantum Immune Algorithm

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    © 2018 Xiao-Hong Liu et al. Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem (GVROP) is currently a scientific research problem that takes into account the environmental impact and resource efficiency. Therefore, the optimal allocation of resources and the carbon emission in GVROP are becoming more and more important. In order to improve the delivery efficiency and reduce the cost of distribution requirements through intelligent optimization method, a novel multiobjective hybrid quantum immune algorithm based on cloud model (C-HQIA) is put forward. Simultaneously, the computational results have proved that the C-HQIA is an efficient algorithm for the GVROP. We also found that the parameter optimization of the C-HQIA is related to the types of artificial intelligence algorithms. Consequently, the GVROP and the C-HQIA have important theoretical and practical significance


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    Transportation of dangerous goods has been receiving more attention in the realm of academic and scientific research during the last few decades as countries have been increasingly becoming industrialized throughout the world, thereby making Hazmats an integral part of our life style. However, the number of scholarly articles in this field is not as many as those of other areas in SCM. Considering the low-probability-and-high-consequence (LPHC) essence of transportation of Hazmats, on the one hand, and immense volume of shipments accounting for more than hundred tons in North America and Europe, on the other, we can safely state that the number of scholarly articles and dissertations have not been proportional to the significance of the subject of interest. On this ground, we conducted our research to contribute towards further developing the domain of Hazmats transportation, and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), in general terms. Transportation of Hazmats, from logistical standpoint, may include all modes of transport via air, marine, road and rail, as well as intermodal transportation systems. Although road shipment is predominant in most of the literature, railway transportation of Hazmats has proven to be a potentially significant means of transporting dangerous goods with respect to both economies of scale and risk of transportation; these factors, have not just given rise to more thoroughly investigation of intermodal transportation of Hazmats using road and rail networks, but has encouraged the competition between rail and road companies which may indeed have some inherent advantages compared to the other medium due to their infrastructural and technological backgrounds. Truck shipment has ostensibly proven to be providing more flexibility; trains, per contra, provide more reliability in terms of transport risk for conveying Hazmats in bulks. In this thesis, in consonance with the aforementioned motivation, we provide an introduction into the hazardous commodities shipment through rail network in the first chapter of the thesis. Providing relevant statistics on the volume of Hazmat goods, number of accidents, rate of incidents, and rate of fatalities and injuries due to the incidents involving Hazmats, will shed light onto the significance of the topic under study. As well, we review the most pertinent articles while putting more emphasis on the state-of-the-art papers, in chapter two. Following the discussion in chapter 3 and looking at the problem from carrier company’s perspective, a mixed integer quadratically constraint problem (MIQCP) is developed which seeks for the minimization of transportation cost under a set of constraints including those associating with Hazmats. Due to the complexity of the problem, the risk function has been piecewise linearized using a set of auxiliary variables, thereby resulting in an MIP problem. Further, considering the interests of both carrier companies and regulatory agencies, which are minimization of cost and risk, respectively, a multiobjective MINLP model is developed, which has been reduced to an MILP through piecewise linearization of the risk term in the objective function. For both single-objective and multiobjective formulations, model variants with bifurcated and nonbifurcated flows have been presented. Then, in chapter 4, we carry out experiments considering two main cases where the first case presents smaller instances of the problem and the second case focuses on a larger instance of the problem. Eventually, in chapter five, we conclude the dissertation with a summary of the overall discussion as well as presenting some comments on avenues of future work

    Bicriterion a priori route choice in stochastic time-dependent networks.

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest in using stochastic time-dependent (STD) networks as a modelling tool for a number of applications within such areas as transportation and telecommunications. It is known that an optimal routing policy does not necessarily correspond to a path, but rather to a time-adaptive strategy. In some applications, however, it makes good sense to require that the routing policy corresponds to a loopless path in the network, that is, the time-adaptive aspect disappears and a priori route choice is considered. In this paper we consider bicriterion a priori route choice in STD networks, i.e. the problem of finding the set of efficient paths. Both expectation and min-max criteria are considered and a solution method based on the two-phase approach is devised. Experimental results reveal that the full set of efficient solutions can be determined on rather large test instances, which is in contrast to previously reported results for the time-adaptive caseStochastic time-dependent networks; Bicriterion shortest path; A priori route choice; Two-phase method

    A web spatial decision support system for vehicle routing using Google Maps

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    This article presents a user-friendly web-based Spatial Decision Support System (wSDSS) aimed at generating optimized vehicle routes for multiple vehicle routing problems that involve serving the demand located along arcs of a transportation network. The wSDSS incorporates Google Maps™ (cartography and network data), a database, a heuristic and an ant-colony meta-heuristic developed by the authors to generate routes and detailed individual vehicle route maps. It accommodates realistic system specifics, such as vehicle capacity and shift time constraints, as well as network constraints such as one-way streets and prohibited turns. The wSDSS can be used for “what-if” analysis related to possible changes to input parameters such as vehicle capacity, maximum driving shift time, seasonal variations of demand, network modifications, imposed arc orientations, etc. Since just a web browser is needed, it can be easily adapted to be widely used in many real-world situations. The system was tested for urban trash collection in Coimbra, Portugal

    The Bi-objective Periodic Closed Loop Network Design Problem

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For further details please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Reverse supply chains are becoming a crucial part of retail supply chains given the recent reforms in the consumers’ rights and the regulations by governments. This has motivated companies around the world to adopt zero-landfill goals and move towards circular economy to retain the product’s value during its whole life cycle. However, designing an efficient closed loop supply chain is a challenging undertaking as it presents a set of unique challenges, mainly owing to the need to handle pickups and deliveries at the same time and the necessity to meet the customer requirements within a certain time limit. In this paper, we model this problem as a bi-objective periodic location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery as well as time windows and examine the performance of two procedures, namely NSGA-II and NRGA, to solve it. The goal is to find the best locations for a set of depots, allocation of customers to these depots, allocation of customers to service days and the optimal routes to be taken by a set of homogeneous vehicles to minimise the total cost and to minimise the overall violation from the customers’ defined time limits. Our results show that while there is not a significant difference between the two algorithms in terms of diversity and number of solutions generated, NSGA-II outperforms NRGA when it comes to spacing and runtime.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio