38 research outputs found

    A single propagation path multimode CMOS power amplifier based on the stacked topology

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    Orientador: Bernardo Rego Barros de Almeida LeiteCoorientador: André Augusto MarianoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/06/2021Inclui referências: p. 54-56Resumo: Esta tese apresenta o projeto de um amplificador de potências (PA) prova-de-conceito com quatro perfis de eficiência de um caminho único de propagação, realizado com tecnologia CMOS 130 nm e operando em 2,4 GHz. Esse circuito se baseia em dois conceitos: na seleção da região de operação de transistores (triodo ou saturação) e na alteração da tensão de alimentação de uma arquitetura empilhada modificada. Nos modos de alta e baixa potência (todos transistores em saturação e um transistor em saturação e três em triodo, respectivamente), o ponto de compressão de 1 dB referenciado à saída (OCP1dB) e a eficiência adicionada à potência (PAE) no OCP1dB resultantes de simulação pós-layout são de 19,9 dBm e 25,7%; de 15,1 dBm e 20,5%, respectivamente. Para validar a operação desse PA, quatro tipos de sinais do padrão IEEE 802.11ax foram testados. Para sinais menos complexos (16 QAM) o PA pode operar sem que a ultrapasse os limites impostos pela máscara do padrão até uma potencia de saída (pout) de 17,8 dBm; para sinais mais complexos (1024 QAM) o PA pode operar até uma pout de 8,5 dBm. Por um lado, o circuito apresentado é capaz de ocupar uma pequena área, o que é uma vantagem em processos escaláveis, tais como o CMOS. Por outro lado, a complexidade de design é elevada, tendo em vista que a otimização de eficiência e potência é também função da interação entre os modos de operação.Abstract: This thesis presents the design of a proof-of-concept single propagation path four-mode power amplifier (PA) in 130 nm CMOS operating at 2.4 GHz. It is based on two concepts: the selection of the transistor's operation region (triode or saturation) and on the scaling of supply voltage of a modified stacked architecture. In high and low power modes (all transistors in saturation and one transistor in saturation and three in triode, respectively), the output-referred 1 dB compression point (OCP1dB) and the power added efficiency (PAE) in OCP1dB post-layout simulation results are 19.9 dBm and 25.7%; 15.1 dBm and 20.5%, respectively. To validate this PA's operation capability, four types of IEEE 802.11ax signals were tested. For less complex signals (16 QAM) the PA can operate without exceeding the limits imposed by the standard's mask up to an output power (pout) of 17.8 dBm; for more complex signals (1024 QAM) the PA can operate up to a pout of 8.5 dBm. On the one hand, the proposed circuit is capable of occupying a small area, which is an advantage in scalable processes, such as CMOS is. On the other hand, its design is complex, as optimization of efficiency and power is also a function of the interaction among operation modes

    Energy efficiency analysis in wireless communication systems with reconfigurable RF

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. André Augusto MarianoCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Glauber Gomes de Oliveira BranteTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/05/2021Inclui referências: p. 74-84Área de concentração: Sistemas EletrônicosResumo: Alta eficiˆencia energ'etica (EE) 'e crucial para aplicac¸ ˜oes da Internet das Coisas que operam remotamente, uma vez que os n'os sem fio s˜ao tipicamente alimentados por bateria. Diferentes t'ecnicas de diversidade espacial tais com o uso de m'ultiplas antenas (MIMO) nos n'os do transmissor e receptor, bem como o uso de comunicac¸ ˜ao cooperativa podem ser exploradas para melhorar a EE. Al'em disso, o uso de transceptores de r'adio frequˆencia (RF) reconfigur'aveis s˜ao considerados uma soluc¸ ˜ao interessante para sistemas com restric¸ ˜ao de energia, pois permitem alterar o seu ponto de funcionamento, bem como o seu consumo de potˆencia, adaptando-se aos diferentes requisitos de comunicac¸ ˜ao. Nessa tese, uma nova abordagem para economizar energia inclui no modelo do sistema de comunicac¸ ˜ao o uso de transceptores de RF reconfigur'aveis. Mais especificamente, os componentes envolvidos em nossa estrutura de otimizac¸ ˜ao de consumo de potˆencia s˜ao o amplificador de potˆencia (PA) no transmissor e o amplificador de baixo ru'?do (LNA) no receptor. Nosso objetivo 'e mostrar que os circuitos de RF baseados em operac¸ ˜oes mult'?modo podem melhorar significativamente a EE. Assim, realizamos uma selec¸ ˜ao conjunta dos melhores modos de operac¸ ˜ao para os circuitos do PA e do LNA para diferentes esquemas de transmiss˜ao em dois cen'arios de rede: i) comunicac¸ ˜ao n˜ao-cooperativa em que os n'os s˜ao equipados com m'ultiplas antenas, para a qual consideramos a selec¸ ˜ao de antenas (AS) e a decomposic¸ ˜ao por valores singulares (SVD); e ii) comunicac¸ ˜ao cooperativa em que os n'os s˜ao equipados com uma 'unica antena, para a qual consideramos decodificac¸ ˜ao incremental e encaminha (IDF) por rel'e. Em nosso primeiro cen'ario proposto, comparamos os circuitos reconfigur 'aveis do PA e do LNA com amplificadores de RF n˜ao-reconfigur'aveis do estado-da-arte dispon'?veis na literatura. Nesta comparac¸ ˜ao, ao explorar as caracter'?sticas dos amplificadores reconfigur'aveis de RF, mostramos uma melhora de EE de mais de 40% em distˆancias curtas para as comunicac¸ ˜oes MIMO. Ao comparar os esquemas MIMO, a t'ecnica AS apresenta melhor desempenho para distˆancias mais curtas, enquanto que o SVD permite transmiss˜oes mais longas, pois explora todas as antenas dispon'?veis. Al'em disso, a otimizac¸ ˜ao da eficiˆencia espectral contribui para aumentar ainda mais a EE. Por fim, investigamos o efeito do n'umero de antenas, em que a EE do AS sempre aumenta com o n'umero de antenas, enquanto que o SVD apresenta um n'umero 'otimo de antenas. Para o segundo cen'ario, propomos uma an'alise de EE para o esquema IDF, auxiliada por um canal de retorno para realizar a selec¸ ˜ao de rel'es. Al'em disso, comparamos o desempenho do IDF com os esquemas MIMO n˜ao-cooperativos. Os resultados mostram que uma melhor EE 'e obtida por meio de t'ecnicas de selec¸ ˜ao de antenas, principalmente quando aplicadas tanto no transmissor quanto no receptor. Tamb'em analisamos o impacto do rel'e na cooperac¸ ˜ao, uma vez que o n'o do rel'e opera apenas se necess'ario, a maior parte da carga de reconfigurabilidade 'e do rel'e, enquanto os modos de operac¸ ˜ao do PA e do LNA tendem a ser razoavelmente fixados nos n'os de origem e destino. Por fim, os resultados mostram que o n'umero de rel'es contribui para alcanc¸ar transmiss˜oes de longa distˆancia. Palavras-chave: Eficiˆencia Energ'etica, Transceptores de RF Reconfigur'aveis, Diversidade Espacial, M'ultiplas Antenas, Comunicac¸ ˜oes Cooperativas.Abstract: High energy efficiency (EE) is crucial for Internet of Things applications that operate remotely, since wireless nodes are typically battery-powered. Different spatial diversity techniques such as the use of multiple antennas (MIMO) at the transmitter and receiver nodes, as well as the use of cooperative communication can be exploited to improve the EE. In addition, the use of radio frequency (RF) transceivers are considered an interesting solution for powerrestricted systems, as they allow changing their operating point, as well as their power consumption, adapting to different communication requirements. In this thesis, a novel energy-saving approach includes in the communication system model the use of reconfigurable RF transceivers. More specifically, the components involved in our power consumption optimization framework are the power amplifier (PA) at the transmitter and the low noise amplifier (LNA) at the receiver. Our goal is to show that RF circuits based on multimode operation can significantly improve the EE. Thus, we perform a joint selection of the best operating modes for the PA and LNA circuits for different transmission schemes in two network scenarios: i) non-cooperative communication where the nodes are equipped with multiple antennas, for which we consider antenna selection (AS) and singular value decomposition (SVD) beamforming; and ii) cooperative communication where the nodes are equipped with single antenna, for which we consider incremental decode and forward (IDF) relaying. In our first proposed scenario, we compare the reconfigurable PA and LNA circuits with state-of-the-art non-reconfigurable RF amplifiers available in the literature. In this comparison, by exploiting the characteristics of reconfigurable RF amplifiers, we show an EE improvement of more than 40% at short distances for MIMO communications. When comparing MIMO schemes, the AS technique performs better for shorter distances, while the SVD allows for longer transmissions, as it exploits all available antennas. In addition, the optimization of the spectral efficiency contributes to further increase the EE. Finally, we investigate the effect of the number of antennas, in which the EE of AS always increases with the number of antennas, while SVD presents an optimal number of antennas. For the second scenario, we propose an EE analysis for the IDF scheme, aided by a feedback channel to perform relay selection. In addition, we compare the performance of the IDF with non-cooperative MIMO schemes. The results show that a better EE is obtained through antenna selection techniques, especially when applied at both transmitter and receiver. We also analyze the impact of the relay on cooperation, as the relay node operates only if necessary, most of the reconfigurability charge ends up at the relay, whereas the PA and LNA operating modes tend to be reasonably fixed at the source and destination nodes. Finally, results show that the number of relays contributes to achieving long distance transmissions. Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Reconfigurable RF Transceivers, Spatial Diversity, Multiple Antennas, Cooperative Communications

    펄스에 의한 동적 부하 변조 기술을 이용한 고효율 선형 송신기에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2016. 8. 서광석.STRONG push for longer battery life time and growing thermal concerns for the modern 3G/4G mobile terminals lead to an ever-growing need for higher efficiencies from the handset power amplifiers (PAs). Furthermore, as the modulation signal bandwidth is increased and more complex modulation schemes are introduced for higher data rate, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of signals increases and the PA requires more power back-off to meet the stringent linearity requirement. Therefore, the PA design has to address the challenging task of enhancing the efficiencies in the back-off power levels. In this dissertation, dynamic load modulation (DLM) technique is investigated to boost the efficiency of a PA in the back-off output power level. This technique increases the efficiency by adjusting the PA load impedance according to the magnitude of the envelope signal. It can be categorized into two types, continuous and discrete types. Continuous-type DLM PA changes load impedance continuously by changing the capacitance of varactors used in the load matching circuit. Although the continuous modulation of the load impedance may result in significant efficiency enhancement, difficulties on integration of varactors and complexities on linearization of the PA make it difficult to be applied to the handset PA applications. Discrete-type DLM PA switches the load impedance from one value to another using RF switches. This type has the advantage in the aspect of ease of integration and simplicity in linearization compared to the continuous-type DLM PA, which make it more suited to the handset PA applications. However, the overall efficiency enhancement is quite limited since the PA does not always operate under the optimal load conditions. To overcome the limitation of the existing DLM techniques, a new method of DLM, called pulsed dynamic load modulation (PDLM), is proposed to operate the PA near the optimum impedance across a continuous back-off power range while still benefiting from the advantages offered by the discrete-type DLM PA. PDLM PA combines the concept of Class-S PA with 1-bit discrete load switching. Analytical calculation using simplified equivalent model is well matched with simulation results. To prove the proposed concept, it is implemented by designing and fabricating a prototype PDLM PA at 837 MHz using a 0.32-μm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS process. The experimental results show the overall PAE improvement for high-PAPR signals such as LTE signals. Several issues caused by the PDLM technique are also discussed such as imperfect pulse tone termination effect and output noise spectrum due to pulse tones. Improving methods are proposed through the further analysis and evaluation. The proposed PA is compared to the envelope tracking (ET) PA which is commonly used to boost efficiency at the back-off output power. Since the proposed concept is realized with low-power control circuits unlike envelope tracking, which requires high-power circuits such as dc-dc converters and linear amplifiers, the PDLM PA concept of this work can provide a potential solution for high-efficiency PAs for the future mobile terminals using wideband modulation signals.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Dynamic Load Modulation Technique 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Continuous-type dynamic load modulation PA 9 2.3 Discrete-type dynamic load modulation PA 14 2.4 Implementation example 15 2.4.1 DLM PA Structure 16 2.4.2 Linearization 23 2.4.3 Experimental Results 25 2.4.4 Conclusion 31 2.5 Limitations 32 2.6 References 33 Chapter 3. A Pulsed Dynamic Load Modulation Technique for High-Efficiency Linear Transmitters 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 Operation Principle of the PDLM PA 38 3.2.1 Concept of the PDLM PA 38 3.2.2 Theoretical Analysis of the PDLM PA 41 3.3 Circuit Design 47 3.3.1 2 stage CMOS PA design 49 3.3.2 High power RF switch design 59 3.3.3 PWM signal generator and switch driver 61 3.4 Experimental Results 63 3.5 Conclusion 76 3.6 References 77 Chapter 4. Discussions 83 4.1 Operation bandwidth of the PDLM PA 83 4.2 Spectral noise reduction method 87 4.3 References 91 Chapter 5. Conclusions 94 5.1 Research Summary 94 5.2 Future Works 95 Abstract in Korean 97 Publications 99Docto

    Envelope Factorization with Partial Elimination and Recombination, EF-PER, a New Linear RF Architecture

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    In this paper, a new architecture for efficient linear radio frequency transmitters is proposed; it includes envelope-tracking (ET) and envelope-elimination-and-restoration (EER) architectures as special instances. The proposed technique is referred to as Envelope Factorization with Partial Elimination and Recombination (EF-PER). It relies on a decomposition of the RF signal before power amplification as a product of two signals, one of them being the envelope signal elevated to an exponent “α”. Compared to ET or EER architectures, the parameter “α” constitutes a new degree of freedom. This allows one to realize good tradeoffs between different performance criteria such as spectrum use, power efficiency, and transmitter linearity. An intuitive aggregate cost function is introduced to capture the desired tradeoff and turns out to be maximized in α=0.5. The full relevance of EF-PER is sustained both by analytical results and realistic simulations performed for OFDM signals. The EF-PER architecture (with α=0.5) has been simulated under Agilent-ADS with a non-linear transistor model from Avago (E-PHEMT) and compared with ET and EER

    Novel Predistortion System for 4G/5G Small-Cell and Wideband Transmitters

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    To meet the growing demand for mobile data, various technologies are being introduced to wireless networks to increase system capacity. On one hand, large number of small-cell base stations are adopted to serve the reduced cell size; on the other hand, millimeter wave (mm-wave) systems with large antenna arrays that transmit ultra-wideband signals are expected in fifth generation (5G) networks. Power amplifiers (PAs), responsible for boosting the radio frequency (RF) signal power, are the most critical components in base station transmitters, and dominate the overall efficiency and linearity of the system. The design challenges to balance the contradictory requirements of efficiency and linearity of the PAs are usually addressed by linearization techniques, particularly the digital predistortion (DPD) system. However, existing DPD solutions face increasing difficulties keeping up with new developments in base station technologies. When considering sub-6 GHz small-cell base station transmitters, analog and RF predistortion techniques have recently received renewed attention due to their inherent low power nature. Their achievable linearization capacity is significantly limited, however, largely by their implementation complexity in realizing the needed predistortion models in analog circuitry. On the other hand, despite significant developments in DPD models for wideband signals, the implementations of such DPD models in practical hardware have received relatively little attention. Yet the conventional implementation of a DPD engine is limited by the maximum clock frequency of the digital circuitry employed and cannot be scaled to satisfy the growing bandwidth of transmitted signals for 5G networks. Furthermore, both analog and digital solutions require a transmitter-observation-receiver (TOR) to capture the PA outputs, necessitates the use of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) whose complexity and power consumption increase with signal bandwidth. Such trend is not scalable for future base stations, and new innovations in feedback and training methods are required. This thesis presents a number of contributions to address the above identified challenges. To reduce the power overhead of the linearization system, a digitally-assisted analog-RF predistortion (DA-ARFPD) system that uses a novel predistortion model is introduced. The proposed finite-impulse-response assisted envelope memory polynomial (FIR-EMP) model allows for a reduction of hardware implementation complexity while maintaining good linearization capacity and low power overhead. A two-step small-signal-assisted parameter identification (SSAPI) algorithm is devised to estimate the parameters of the two main blocks of the FIR-EMP model, such that the training can be completed efficiently. A DA-ARFPD test bench has been built, which incorporates major RF components, to assess the validity of the proposed FIR-EMP scheme and the SSAPI algorithm. Measurement results show that the proposed FIR-EMP model with SSAPI algorithm can successfully linearize multiple PAs driven with various wideband and carrier-aggregated signals of up to 80~MHz modulation bandwidths for sub-6 GHz systems. Next, a hardware-efficient real-time DPD system with scalable linearization bandwidth for ultra-wideband 5G mm-wave transmitters is proposed. It uses a novel parallel-processing DPD engine architecture to process multiple samples per clock cycle, overcomes the linearization bandwidth limit imposed by the maximum clock rate of digital circuits used in conventional DPD implementation. Potentially unlimited linearization bandwidth could be achieved by using the proposed system with current digital circuit technologies. The linearization performance and bandwidth scalability of the proposed system is demonstrated experimentally using a silicon-based Doherty (DPA) with 400 MHz wideband signal operating at 28 GHz, and over-the-air measurements using a 64-element beamforming array with 800 MHz wideband signal, also at 28 GHz. The proposed DPD system achieves over 2.4 GHz linearization bandwidth using only a 300 MHz core clock for the digital circuits. Finally, to reduce the power consumption and cost of the TOR, a new approach to train the predistorter using under-sampled feedback signal is presented. Using aliased samples of the PA's output captured at either baseband or intermedia frequency (IF), the proposed algorithm is able to compute the coefficients of the predistortion engine to linearize the PA using a direct learning architecture. Experimentally, both the baseband and IF schemes achieve linearization performance comparable to a full-rate system. Implemented together with a parallel-processing based DPD engine on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based system-on-chip (SOC), the proposed feedback and training solution achieves over 2.4~GHz linearization bandwidth using an ADC operating at a clock rate of 200 MHz. Its performance is demonstrated experimentally by linearizing a silicon DPA with 200 MHz and 400 MHz signals in conductive measurements, and a 64-element beamforming array with 400 MHz and 800 MHz signals in over-the-air testing

    Amplificador de potência CMOS em 2.4 ghz com potência de saída programável

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Bernardo Rego Barros de Almeida LeiteCoorientador : Prof. Dr. André Augusto MarianoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/12/2016Inclui referências : f. 89-90Área de concentraçãoResumo: A potência DC (PDC) em um sistema móvel sem fio é um critério deter-minante de projeto. O amplificador de potência (PA) é um dos subsistemas que mais consome PDC, uma vez que é responsável por amplificar sinais de baixa potência para sinais de alta potência de saída (POUT). Para que o uso da PDC seja eficiente, o sistema transmissor deve ser capaz de selecionar os níveis de POUT do PA conforme a necessidade da aplicação, relacionando de maneira ótima PDC e POUT. Em arquiteturas de PAs nas quais não é possível selecionar a POUT, o consumo da PDC é aproximadamente constante, independente da POUT utilizada. Dessa maneira, se a aplicação demanda uma POUT baixa, a PDC consumida será aproximadamente a mesma que aquela consumida por uma POUT alta. Ao contrário, em arquiteturas de PAs nas quais a POUT é selecioná-vel, o consumo da PDC é modulado conforme a demanda da POUT. Dessa ma-neira, se é necessária uma POUT alta, a PDC consumida será proporcionalmente maior. Se a POUT é baixa, a PDC consumida será proporcionalmente menor. O fato da PDC ser modulada em função da POUT caracteriza a utilização inteligente da energia disponível em um sistema móvel sem fio. Essa dissertação de mestrado apresenta o projeto, a implementação e a caracterização de um PA em tecnologia CMOS 130 nm em 2,4 GHz com POUT selecionável. O projeto do PA consiste em compreender o que é um PA, qual o seu papel e impacto em um sistema transmissor, onde ele se insere em um sistema transceptor de rádio frequências (RF) e em quais padrões de comunicação sem fio ele se enquadra. Também são demandas de projeto o estudo da tecnologia utilizada (características e ferramentas), CMOS RF8-DM, quais os benefícios e desafios encontrados na microeletrônica de potência em RF, quais arquiteturas atendem aos requisitos de projeto, acompanhar um tape-out, e determinar quais são as métricas utilizadas para a caracterização do circuito. A implementação, por sua vez, consiste em estudar a literatura referen-te às topologias de PAs com POUT selecionável, em compreender os blocos construtivos de um PA, em propor a captura de esquemático da solução defini-da, em realizar o leiaute e simulações do circuito. Por fim, a caracterização neste trabalho consiste em apresentar os re-sultados pós-leiaute e medições preliminares; em apresentar a comparação entre os resultados de pós-leiaute e o estado da arte; a comparação entre os resultados pós-layout e medições; a análise de variações de processo, tensão e temperatura (PVT) e Monte Carlo do circuito, e a apresentação dos resulta-dos do PA em alguns padrões de comunicação digital. Diferentemente da literatura estudada, o PA proposto utiliza um estágio de potência composto por três células de amplificação que são ativadas ou de-sativadas independentemente. Dependendo da combinação em que tais célu-las são ativadas ou desativadas, sete níveis diferentes de POUT e de PDC são obtidos. Por exemplo: quando todas as células são ativadas, o PA é capaz de entregar a maior faixa de POUT possível, entretanto, o consumo de PDC é tam-bém o maior. De forma contrária, se apenas uma célula for ativada e as demais desativadas, a faixa de POUT e o consumo de PDC são reduzidos. Dessa manei-ra, é possível adequar o PA para uma operação com consumo de PDC mínima dependente da POUT desejada. O circuito proposto possui sete modos de ope-ração unívocos em termos de ganho de pequeno sinal, ponto de compressão de 1 dB referenciado à potência de saída (OCP1dB) e potência saturada (PSAT). O PA é incondicionalmente estável em todos os modos de operação. O PA proposto é totalmente integrado, significando que componente externo algum é necessário para o seu funcionamento. Os blocos-núcleo do circuito são: rede de adaptação de impedância de entrada, estágio de ganho, componente de acoplamento interestágios, estágio de potência reconfigurável e rede de adaptação de impedância de saída. Os blocos periféricos do projeto são um buffer e um circuito gerador de polarização. O circuito é composto por pads para que seja possível aplicar e ler as tensões e sinais de RF. As redes de adaptação de impedância de entrada e de saída são responsáveis por adaptar a impedância de 50 ? à impedância de entrada do estágio de ganho e a impedância de saída do estágio de potência a 50 ?, respectivamente. Os estágios de ganho e de potência são responsáveis respectivamente por dar ganho de potência ao sinal RF de entrada e fornecer um sinal de saída com alta potência e baixas distorções. Ambos estágios são baseados em transisto-res em topologia cascode: a fonte de um transistor em configuração fonte co-mum (CS) conectada ao dreno de um transistor em configuração porta comum (CG). Em especial no estágio de potência, para se selecionar os diferentes modos de operação, as células cascode de potência devem ser ligadas ou des-ligadas. Para que as células sejam ligadas, deve-se aplicar a tensão VDD nas portas dos CGs. De forma contrária, para que as células cascode de potência sejam desligadas, deve-se aplicar a tensão gnd nas portas dos CGs. O leiaute do circuito foi realizado considerando a presença de parasitas dos metais, o fluxo e intensidade da corrente RF, o desacoplamento da interfe-rência RF na alimentação e a dispersão de potenciais de terra e de alimenta-ção por todo o circuito. Nenhum erro impactante de fabricação foi encontrado durante o design rule check e o layout Vs. schematic e a verificação de modo ortogonal não apresentaram erros. Após o leiaute, as componentes parasitas R e C foram extraídas, o arquivo de fabricação encaminhado para a MOSIS e simulações pós-leiaute foram conduzidas. A simulação pós-leiaute apresentou os seguintes resultados para o modo de menor potência: PSAT de 8,1 dBm, ganho de 13,5 dB e consumo de PDC de 171 mW para entregar 6 dBm de OCP1dB. O modo de maior potência, por sua vez, apresentou PSAT de 18,9 dBm, ganho de 21,1 dB e PDC de 415 mW para OCP1dB de 18,2 dBm. Em relação à literatura estudada, este trabalho pos-sui a maior faixa de OCP1dB e de PSAT. Em termos de medição, apenas o modo de operação de maior potência foi medido. Ele apresenta um PSAT de 12,6 dBm, OCP1dB de 9,4 dBm, ganho de 12,8 dB e PDC de 252 mW para o OCP1dB. Em termos comparativos, o modo de maior potência medido situou-se entre os modos de menor potência de simulação pós-leiaute. Na tentativa de determinar a fonte da diferença entre o circuito medido e simulado, algumas hipóteses foram testadas, tais como alteração da tensão de polarização do cir-cuito, métodos alternativos para extração de parasitas e influência dos pads no descasamento de impedâncias. Os resultados obtidos não foram suficientes para explicar a discrepância encontrada e espera-se que com as medições fal-tantes seja possível determinar a fonte de diferenças. Palavras-chave: Amplificador de potências. PA CMOS em 2,4 GHz. Po-tência de saída selecionável.Abstract: The DC power consumption (PDC) of a mobile wireless system is a de-terminant project criterion. The power amplifier (PA) is one of the most PDC con-suming subsystem, as it is responsible for amplifying low power signals into high output power (POUT) signals. In order to use PDC efficiently, the transmitter system must be capable of selecting levels of POUT according to the amplifica-tion demand, optimizing the PDC and POUT relation. This masters dissertation presents the design, implementation and characterization of a selectable POUT 2.4 GHz 130 nm CMOS PA. Employing a power stage composed of amplifica-tion cells that are independently enabled or disabled, different levels of POUT and PDC are achieved. The designed amplifier is composed of seven univocal power modes and is fully integrated, meaning that no external components are needed for operation. The characterization of the circuit is composed of small and large-signal continuous-wave metrics, as well as digital channel metrics. The post-layout simulations showed a lowest power mode with a PSAT of 8.1 dBm, gain of 13.5 dB and PDC consumption of 171 mW to deliver an OCP1dB of 6 dBm. The highest power mode performs a PSAT of 18.9 dBm, gain of 21.1 dB and PDC of 415 mW for an 18.2 dBm OCP1dB. The circuit was fabricated and preliminary measurements were conducted. The comparison between measurement and simulation results showed that the fabricated circuit performs bellow expected. Some hypotheses and tests were conducted to determine the difference, but no conclusive results were obtained as further measurements are necessary. Key-words: Power amplifier. 2.4 GHz CMOS PA. Selectable output power

    A digital polar transmitter for multi-band OFDM Ultra-WideBand

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    Linear power amplifiers used to implement the Ultra-Wideband standard must be backed off from optimum power efficiency to meet the standard specifications and the power efficiency suffers. The problem of low efficiency can be mitigated by polar modulation. Digital polar architectures have been employed on numerous wireless standards like GSM, EDGE, and WLAN, where the fractional bandwidths achieved are only about 1%, and the power levels achieved are often in the vicinity of 20 dBm. Can the architecture be employed on wireless standards with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements and yet achieve good power efficiency? To answer these question, this thesis studies the application of a digital polar transmitter architecture with parallel amplifier stages for UWB. The concept of the digital transmitter is motivated and inspired by three factors. First, unrelenting advances in the CMOS technology in deep-submicron process and the prevalence of low-cost Digital Signal processing have resulted in the realization of higher level of integration using digitally intensive approaches. Furthermore, the architecture is an evolution of polar modulation, which is known for high power efficiency in other wireless applications. Finally, the architecture is operated as a digital-to-analog converter which circumvents the use of converters in conventional transmitters. Modeling and simulation of the system architecture is performed on the Agilent Advanced Design System Ptolemy simulation platform. First, by studying the envelope signal, we found that envelope clipping results in a reduction in the peak-to-average power ratio which in turn improves the error vector magnitude performance (figure of merit for the study). In addition, we have demonstrated that a resolution of three bits suffices for the digital polar transmitter when envelope clipping is performed. Next, this thesis covers a theoretical derivation for the estimate of the error vector magnitude based on the resolution, quantization and phase noise errors. An analysis on the process variations - which result in gain and delay mismatches - for a digital transmitter architecture with four bits ensues. The above studies allow RF designers to estimate the number of bits required and the amount of distortion that can be tolerated in the system. Next, a study on the circuit implementation was conducted. A DPA that comprises 7 parallel RF amplifiers driven by a constant RF phase-modulated signal and 7 cascode transistors (individually connected in series with the bottom amplifiers) digitally controlled by a 3-bit digitized envelope signal to reconstruct the UWB signal at the output. Through the use of NFET models from the IBM 130-nm technology, our simulation reveals that our DPA is able to achieve an EVM of - 22 dB. The DPA simulations have been performed at 3.432 GHz centre frequency with a channel bandwidth of 528 MHz, which translates to a fractional bandwidth of 15.4%. Drain efficiencies of 13.2/19.5/21.0% have been obtained while delivering -1.9/2.5/5.5 dBm of output power and consuming 5/9/17 mW of power. In addition, we performed a yield analysis on the digital polar amplifier, based on unit-weighted and binary-weighted architecture, when gain variations are introduced in all the individual stages. The dynamic element matching method is also introduced for the unit-weighted digital polar transmitter. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that when the gain of the amplifiers are allowed to vary at a mean of 1 with a standard deviation of 0.2, the binary-weighted architecture obtained a yield of 79%, while the yields of the unit-weighted architectures are in the neighbourhood of 95%. Moreover, the dynamic element matching technique demonstrates an improvement in the yield by approximately 3%. Finally, a hardware implementation for this architecture based on software-defined arbitrary waveform generators is studied. In this section, we demonstrate that the error vector magnitude results obtained with a four-stage binary-weighted digital polar transmitter under ideal combining conditions fulfill the European Computer Manufacturers Association requirements. The proposed experimental setup, believed to be the first ever attempted, confirm the feasibility of a digital polar transmitter architecture for Ultra-Wideband. In addition, we propose a number of power combining techniques suitable for the hardware implementation. Spatial power combining, in particular, shows a high potential for the digital polar transmitter architecture. The above studies demonstrate the feasibility of the digital polar architecture with good power efficiency for a wideband wireless standard with low-power and high fractional bandwidth requirements

    Vidutinių dažnių 5G belaidžių tinklų galios stiprintuvų tyrimas

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    This dissertation addresses the problems of ensuring efficient radio fre-quency transmission for 5G wireless networks. Taking into account, that the next generation 5G wireless network structure will be heterogeneous, the device density and their mobility will increase and massive MIMO connectivity capability will be widespread, the main investigated problem is formulated – increasing the efficiency of portable mid-band 5G wireless network CMOS power amplifier with impedance matching networks. The dissertation consists of four parts including the introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions, references and 3 annexes. The investigated problem, importance and purpose of the thesis, the ob-ject of the research methodology, as well as the scientific novelty are de-fined in the introduction. Practical significance of the obtained results, defended state-ments and the structure of the dissertation are also included. The first chapter presents an extensive literature analysis. Latest ad-vances in the structure of the modern wireless network and the importance of the power amplifier in the radio frequency transmission chain are de-scribed in detail. The latter is followed by different power amplifier archi-tectures, parameters and their improvement techniques. Reported imped-ance matching network design methods are also discussed. Chapter 1 is concluded distinguishing the possible research vectors and defining the problems raised in this dissertation. The second chapter is focused around improving the accuracy of de-signing lumped impedance matching network. The proposed methodology of estimating lumped inductor and capacitor parasitic parameters is dis-cussed in detail provi-ding complete mathematical expressions, including a summary and conclusions. The third chapter presents simulation results for the designed radio fre-quency power amplifiers. Two variations of Doherty power amplifier archi-tectures are presented in the second part, covering the full step-by-step de-sign and simulation process. The latter chapter is concluded by comparing simulation and measurement results for all designed radio frequency power amplifiers. General conclusions are followed by an extensive list of references and a list of 5 publications by the author on the topic of the dissertation. 5 papers, focusing on the subject of the discussed dissertation, have been published: three papers are included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Sci-ence database with a citation index, one paper is included in Clarivate Ana-lytics Web of Science database Conference Proceedings, and one paper has been published in unreferred international conference preceedings. The au-thor has also made 9 presentations at 9 scientific conferences at a national and international level.Dissertatio

    Integration of broadband direct-conversion quadrature modulators

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    To increase spectral efficiency, transmitters usually send only one of the information carrying sidebands centered around a single radio-frequency carrier. The close-lying mirror, or image, sideband will be eliminated either by the filtering method or by the phasing method. Since filter Q-values rise in direct relation to the transmitted frequencies, the filtering method is generally not feasible for integrated microwave transmitters. A quadrature modulator realizes the phasing method by combining signals phased at quadrature (i.e. at 90° offsets) to produce a single-sideband (SSB) output. In this way output filtering can be removed or its specifications greatly relieved so as to produce an economical microwave transmitter. The proliferation of integrated circuit (IC) technologies since the 1980s has further boosted the popularity of quadrature modulator as an IC realization makes possible the economical production of two closely matched doubly balanced mixers, which suppress carrier and even-order spurious leakage to circuit output. Another strength of IC is its ability to perform microwave quadrature generation accurately on-chip, and thereby to avoid most of the interconnect parasitics which could ruin high-frequency quadrature signaling. Nevertheless, all quadrature modulator implementations are sensitive to phasing and amplitude errors, which are born as a result of mismatches, from the use of inaccurate differential signaling, and from inadequacies in the phasing circuitry itself. A 2° phase error is easily produced, and it reduces the image-rejection ratio (IRR) to −30 dBc. Therefore, as baseband signals synthesized by digital signal processing (DSP) are sufficiently accurate, this thesis concentrates on analyzing and producing the microwave signal path of a direct-conversion quadrature modulator with special emphasis on broadband, multimode radio-compatible operation. A model of the direct-conversion quadrature modulator operation has been developed, which reveals the effect the circuit non-linearities and mismatch-related offsets have on available performance. Further, theoretical proof is given of the well-known property of improving differential signal balance that cascaded differential pairs exhibit. Among the practical results, a current reuse mixer has been developed, which improves the transmitted signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) by 3 dB, with a maximum measured dynamic range of +158 dB. The complementary bipolar process was further used to extend the bipolar push-pull stage bandwidth to 9.5 GHz. At the core of this work is the parallel switchable polyphase (PP) filter quadrature generator that was developed, since it makes possible accurate broadband IQ generation without the high loss that usually results from the application of PP filtering. Two IQ modulator prototypes were realized to test simulated and theoretically derived data: the 0.8 µm SiGe IC achieves an IRR better than −40 dBc over 0.75-3.6 GHz, while the 0.13 µm digital bulk CMOS IC achieves better than −37 dBc over 0.56-4.76 GHz. For this IRR performance the SiGe prototype boasts the inexpensive solution of integrated baluns, while the CMOS one utilizes a coil-transmission line hybrid transformer at its LO input to drive the switchable PP filters.Taajuuksien käytön tehostamiseksi lähettimet lähettävät yleensä vain toisen informaatiota sisältävistä sivukaistoistaan yhdelle radiotaajuuksiselle kantoaallolle keskitettynä. Viereinen peilitaajuus eli sivukaista vaimennetaan joko suodattamalla tai vaiheistamalla signalointia sopivasti. Koska suodattimen hyvyysluvut nousevat suorassa suhteessa käytettyyn taajuuteen, ei suodatusmenetelmä ole yleensä mahdollinen mikroaaltotaajuusalueen lähettimissä. Kvadratuurimodulaattori toteuttaa vaiheistusmenetelmän yhdistämällä 90-asteen vaihesiirroksin vaiheistetut signaalit yksisivukaistaisen lähetteen tuottamiseksi. Näin voidaan korvata lähdön suodatus joko kokonaan tai lieventämällä vaadittavia suoritusarvoja, jolloin mikroaaltoalueen lähetin voidaan tuottaa taloudellisesti. Integroitujen piiriratkaisujen yleistyminen 1980-luvulta lähtien on edesauttanut kvadratuurimodulaattorin suosiota, koska integroidulle piirille voidaan taloudellisesti tuottaa kaksi hyvin ominaisuuksiltaan toisiaan vastaavaa kaksoisbalansoitua sekoitinta, ja nämä tunnetusti vaimentavat kantoaaltovuotoa ja parillisia harmoonisia piirin lähdössä. Toinen integroitujen piirien vahvuus on kyky tarkkaan mikroaaltoalueen kvadratuurisignalointiin samalla piirillä, jolloin vältetään suurin osa kytkentöjen parasiittisista jotka muutoin voisivat tuhota korkeataajuuksisen 90-asteen vaiheistuksen. Kaikki kvadratuurimodulaattorit ovat joka tapauksessa herkkiä vaiheistus- ja amplitudieroille, joita syntyy komponenttiarvojen satunnaishajonnasta, epätarkan differentiaalisen signaloinnin käytöstä, ja itse vaiheistuspiiristön puutteellisuuksista. Kahden asteen vaihevirhe syntyy helposti, ja tällöin sivukaistavaimennus heikkenee -30 dBc:n tasolle. Tämänvuoksi, ja olettaen että digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla luotu kantataajuuksinen signalointi on riittävän tarkkaa, tämä väitöskirja keskittyy kvadratuurimodulaattorin mikroaaltotaajuuksisen signaalipolun analysointiin ja tuottamiseen painottaen erityisesti laajakaistaista, monisovellusradioiden kanssa yhteensopivaa toimivuutta. Kvadratuurimodulaattorin toimintamallia on kehitetty siten, että mallissa huomioidaan epälineaarisuuksien ja piirielementtien satunnaishajontojen vaikutus saavutettavalle suorituskyvylle. Lisäksi on teoreettisesti todistettu sinänsä hyvin tunnettu peräkkäin kytkettyjen vahvistinasteiden differentiaalisen signaloinnin symmetrisyyttä parantava vaikutus. Käytännön tuloksista voidaan mainita kehitetty virtaakierrättävä sekoitin, joka parantaa signaali-kohinasuhdetta +3 dB, suurimman mitatun dynaamisen alueen ollessa +158 dB. Samaa komplementaarista bipolaariprosessia käytettiin edelleen bipolaarisen vuorovaihe-asteen kaistan levittämisessä 9.5 GHz:iin. Yhtenä tämän työn tärkeimmistä tuloksista on kehitetty kytkimin valittavista rinnakkaisista monivaihesuodattimista koostuva kvadratuurigeneraattori, jolla on mahdollista tuottaa laajakaistaista IQ-signalointia ilman suurta häviötä joka yleensä liittyy monivaihesuodattimien käyttöön. Kaksi IQ-modulaattoriprototyyppiä toteutettiin simuloitujen ja teoreettisesti mallinnettujen tulosten testaamiseksi: 0.8 µm SiGe integroitu piiri saavuttaa paremman sivukaistavaimennuksen kuin -40 dBc yli 0.75-3.6 GHz, kun taas 0.13 µm digitaalipiirien tuottamiseen tarkoitetulla CMOS prosessilla toteutettu integroitu piiri saavuttaa paremman sivukaistavaimennuksen kuin -37 dBc taajuusalueella 0.56-4.76 GHz. Näihin sivukaistavaimennuksiin SiGe prototyyppi pääsee edullisesti integroiduin symmetrointimuuntajin, kun taas CMOS piirillä käytetään kela-siirtojohto-tyyppistä yhdistelmämuuntajaa LO-sisääntulossa josta ajetaan erikseen kytkettäviä monivaihesuodattimia.reviewe