9,450 research outputs found

    Introduction: migrating heritage - experiences of cultural networks and cultural dialogue in Europe

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    Characteristics of pervasive learning environments in museum contexts

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    There is no appropriate learning model for pervasive learning environments (PLEs), and museums maintain authenticity at the cost of unmarked information. To address these problems, we present the LieksaMyst PLE developed for Pielinen Museum and we derive a set of characteristics that an effective PLE should meet and which form the basis of a new learning model currently under development. We discuss how the characteristics are addressed in LieksaMyst and present an evaluation of the game component of LieksaMyst. Results indicate that, while some usability issues remain to be resolved, the game was received well by the participants enabling them to immerse themselves in the story and to interact effectively with its virtual characters

    Artistic design of visual multimedia content

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    The article is dedicated to the development of an approach to the design of visual information content of an exposition for museum equipment. It considers the importance of designing informative visual imagery. The proposed techniques for solving the issue of images in the absence of complete archaeological and historical data imply the use of stylization. Various ways and approaches to the solution of the content styling issue are provided. Successful application of the design techniques is illustrated by experimental data.peer-reviewe

    Letters from the Front and Memoires in a Museum Exhibition as the Means of Commemoration and Formation of Historical Memory

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    The article researches the process of historical memory formation and the role of museum spaces in it. The authors consider the use of letters from the front as the means of commemoration. The issues of commemoration and re-commemoration, museum reflection and its influence on historical memory are studied. Special attention is paid to museumification of front letters and memoires of war workers. The authors consider the new possibilities of using them in museum displays using multimedia technologies, emphasizing the higher accessibility of the letters’ content in multimedia. The research novelty consists in the cross-disciplinary view of a historical source through the prism of museum space. The authors show the properties and possibilities of narrative sources which are now available due to modern technologies. The unpublished ego-documents (private letters and memoires) from museum funds were studied and described. The research topicality is due to identification of the influence of written museum exhibits on the formation and socialization of historical memory. It is proved that the personal materials in a museum display using modern technical opportunities enhance the informative effect, stimulating commemoration and facilitating the formation of historical memory. The article employs the experience of fund, exhibition and excursion work of the Museum of the history of Gorky railroad development

    Letters from the Front and Memoires in a Museum Exhibition as the Means of Commemoration and Formation of Historical Memory

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    The article researches the process of historical memory formation and the role of museum spaces in it. The authors consider the use of letters from the front as the means of commemoration. The issues of commemoration and re-commemoration, museum reflection and its influence on historical memory are studied. Special attention is paid to museumification of front letters and memoires of war workers. The authors consider the new possibilities of using them in museum displays using multimedia technologies, emphasizing the higher accessibility of the letters’ content in multimedia. The research novelty consists in the cross-disciplinary view of a historical source through the prism of museum space. The authors show the properties and possibilities of narrative sources which are now available due to modern technologies. The unpublished ego-documents (private letters and memoires) from museum funds were studied and described. The research topicality is due to identification of the influence of written museum exhibits on the formation and socialization of historical memory. It is proved that the personal materials in a museum display using modern technical opportunities enhance the informative effect, stimulating commemoration and facilitating the formation of historical memory. The article employs the experience of fund, exhibition and excursion work of the Museum of the history of Gorky railroad development

    Практика використання інтерактивних мультимедіа інсталяцій у сфері музейної справи

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze modern interactive multimedia installations that function in the museum environment in the process of working on artistic interactive and educational media projects. The research is devoted to the theoretical and methodological principles of use of interactive multimedia installations in the activities of museum institutions. Methodology. The selection of the actual material was based on the general scientific methods of visualization, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization; methods of system analysis, comprehensiveness, objectivity and retrospective were used precisely, when studying innovative systems that function within museum institutions. In the process of presenting the main provisions of the article system-structural and statistical- analytical, comparative and descriptive methods were used. Scientific novelty. For a thorough research of the modern activity of the museum industry through the prism of introduction of interactive installations, the authors have studied the conceptual approaches to hardware and software design of interactive multimedia projects in museums. They have developed their own interactive and educational multimedia project "The Pantheon of Prominent Ukrainians". Conclusions. The factors of using innovative multimedia installations were determined. The importance of information technologies for the development of modern museum expositions wasemphasized.Целью исследования является анализ современных интерактивных мультимедийных инсталляций, функционирующих в музейной среде в процессе работы над художественными интерактивно-образовательным медиа проектами. Исследование посвящено теоретико-методологическим основам использования интерактив-ных мультимедийных инсталляций в деятельности музейных учреждений. Методология исследования. Отбор фактического материала основывался на общенаучных методах визуализации анализа и синтеза, сравнения и обобщения; метод системного анализа, всесторонности, объективности и ретроспективы, были использованы именно при изучении инновационных систем, функционирующих в сфере музейных учреждений. В процессе из-ложения основных положений статьи использовались системно-структурный, статистическо-аналитический, сра-внительный и описательный методы. Научная новизна. Для исследования современной деятельности музейной отрасли сквозь призму введения интерактивных инсталляций были изучены концептуальные подходы к аппарат-но-программному оформления интерактивных мультимедиа проектов в музеях. Разработан собственный интера-ктивно-образовательный мультимедиа проект "Пантеон выдающихся украинцев". Выводы. Определены факторы использования инновационных мультимедийных инсталляций. Подчеркнуто значение информационных тех-нологий для развития современных музейных экспозицийМетою дослідження є аналіз сучасних інтерактивних мультимедійних інсталяцій, що функціонують у музейному середовищі у процесі роботи над художніми інтерактивно-освітніми медіа-проектами. Дослідження присвячено теоретико-методологічним засадам використання інтерактивних мультимедійних інсталяцій в діяльності музейних установ. Методологія дослідження. Добір фактичного матеріалу ґрунтувався на основі загальнонаукових методів візуалізації, аналізу і синтезу, порівняння та узагальнення ; метод системного аналізу, всебічності, об’єктивності та ретроспективи, було використано саме під час вивчення інноваційних систем, що функціонують в середовищі музейних установ. У процесі викладу основних положень статті використовувалися системно-структурний, статистично-аналітичний, порівняльний та описовий методи. Наукова новизна. Для ґрунтовного дослідження сучасної діяльності музейної галузі через призму запровадження інтерактивних інсталяцій були вивчені концептуальні підходи до апаратно-програмного оформлення інтерактивних мультимедіа проектів в музеях. Розроблено власний інтерактивно-освітній мультимедіа проект "Пантеон визначних українців ". Висновки. Визна-чено фактори використання інноваційних мультимедійних інсталяцій. Підкреслено значення інформаційних тех-нологій для розвитку сучасних музейних експозицій

    Exploring heritage through time and space : Supporting community reflection on the highland clearances

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    On the two hundredth anniversary of the Kildonan clearances, when people were forcibly removed from their homes, the Timespan Heritage centre has created a program of community centred work aimed at challenging pre conceptions and encouraging reflection on this important historical process. This paper explores the innovative ways in which virtual world technology has facilitated community engagement, enhanced visualisation and encouraged reflection as part of this program. An installation where users navigate through a reconstruction of pre clearance Caen township is controlled through natural gestures and presented on a 300 inch six megapixel screen. This environment allows users to experience the past in new ways. The platform has value as an effective way for an educator, artist or hobbyist to create large scale virtual environments using off the shelf hardware and open source software. The result is an exhibit that also serves as a platform for experimentation into innovative ways of community co-creation and co-curation.Postprin

    Digital libraries and minority languages

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    Digital libraries have a pivotal role to play in the preservation and maintenance of international cultures in general and minority languages in particular. This paper outlines a software tool for building digital libraries that is well adapted for creating and distributing local information collections in minority languages, and describes some contexts in which it is used. The system can make multilingual documents available in structured collections and allows them to be accessed via multilingual interfaces. It is issued under a free open-source licence, which encourages participatory design of the software, and an end-user interface allows community-based localization of the various language interfaces - of which there are many

    Afterschool for the Global Age

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    Summarizes discussions from a July 2006 convening on model afterschool programs and best practices for enhancing global literacy, including innovative uses of community and international connections, project-based learning, and educational technology