145 research outputs found

    Propuesta De Diseño De Red De Datos Para La Empresa Bata En El Distrito De Miraflores

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    El proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un “Modelo de Red de Datos” como apoyo a las dependencias administrativas de la Empresa BATA, y la necesidad de aplicar políticas de seguridad y administración a todos los usuarios de la red LAN, lo cual resulta una tarea compleja en la tecnología actual pero se puede resolver aplicando diversas tecnologías y equipos de red ideales para el diseño que se quiere lograr, el presente modelo de red se propone para cumplir con los requerimientos de la Empresa en cuanto a Costo y Fidelidad. En la actualidad la necesidad de las empresas de contar con un diseño de Red confiable, seguro y eficiente para la transmisión de datos es un tema de mucha importancia debido a que las empresas requieren la interconectividad de todos sus dispositivos de red dentro de un determinado lugar y también al exterior a través de Internet, teniendo más facilidades y beneficios para la empresa. La estructura que hemos seguido en este proyecto se compone de 3 capítulos. El Primer Capítulo comprende el Planteamiento del Problema, el Segundo Capítulo el Desarrollo del marco teórico y el tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo del Proyecto.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Application of overlay techniques to network monitoring

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    Measurement and monitoring are important for correct and efficient operation of a network, since these activities provide reliable information and accurate analysis for characterizing and troubleshooting a network’s performance. The focus of network measurement is to measure the volume and types of traffic on a particular network and to record the raw measurement results. The focus of network monitoring is to initiate measurement tasks, collect raw measurement results, and report aggregated outcomes. Network systems are continuously evolving: besides incremental change to accommodate new devices, more drastic changes occur to accommodate new applications, such as overlay-based content delivery networks. As a consequence, a network can experience significant increases in size and significant levels of long-range, coordinated, distributed activity; furthermore, heterogeneous network technologies, services and applications coexist and interact. Reliance upon traditional, point-to-point, ad hoc measurements to manage such networks is becoming increasingly tenuous. In particular, correlated, simultaneous 1-way measurements are needed, as is the ability to access measurement information stored throughout the network of interest. To address these new challenges, this dissertation proposes OverMon, a new paradigm for edge-to-edge network monitoring systems through the application of overlay techniques. Of particular interest, the problem of significant network overheads caused by normal overlay network techniques has been addressed by constructing overlay networks with topology awareness - the network topology information is derived from interior gateway protocol (IGP) traffic, i.e. OSPF traffic, thus eliminating all overlay maintenance network overhead. Through a prototype that uses overlays to initiate measurement tasks and to retrieve measurement results, systematic evaluation has been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of OverMon. The measurement results show that OverMon achieves good performance in scalability, flexibility and extensibility, which are important in addressing the new challenges arising from network system evolution. This work, therefore, contributes an innovative approach of applying overly techniques to solve realistic network monitoring problems, and provides valuable first hand experience in building and evaluating such a distributed system

    Development of advanced multimedia services in P2P architectures

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    La transmissió de fluxos multimèdia en temps real (streaming) s’ha convertit en un tema punter i de gran interès al món de la recerca d’Internet, especialment quan ens referim a aplicacions de transmissió d’àudio i vídeo en directe a través de xarxes peer-to-peer (P2P). Generalment, aquestes aplicacions han de fer front a molts problemes en el seu disseny i implementació deguts a la dinamicitat i heterogeneïtat que per natura caracteritzen les xarxes P2P. En aquest projecte, s’introdueixen noves característiques que les aplicacions de transmissió multimèdia P2P actuals no contemplen. Els requisits de connexió i maquinari són diferents per a la transmissió de fluxos de baixa i alta capacitat, no obstant, tots els nodes s’acostumen a considerar idèntics, cosa que no representa una aproximació gaire encertada tenint en compte un medi tan heterogeni. A més a més, amb la finalitat d’aconseguir distinció entre nodes, es fa necessari la introducció d’un mecanisme que permeti l’intercanvi de les capacitats específiques de cada node, incloent-hi les de transcodificació de fluxos. Un altre aspecte a destacar és el fet que aquestes aplicacions són difícils d’ampliar, incorporar nous serveis o modificar les dades que porten precarregades com ara la llista de canals de televisió disponibles, cosa que impossibilita garantir la disponibilitat de la font tot el temps. Per altra banda, els serveis interactius tampoc s’han desenvolupat gaire. Aquest projecte proposa el disseny i implementació d’una plataforma de difusió multimèdia P2P cooperativa i interactiva que permet superar els problemes esmentats. La plataforma integra diferents mecanismes que permeten la distribució en temps real de continguts multimèdia en diferents qualitats incloent fluxos d’alta capacitat (com per exemple HD). Aquesta plataforma és una solució novedosa basada en JXTA, DONET i ALM (Arbres Multicast a nivell d’Aplicació) que proporciona un sistema ampliable segons noves necessitats i facilita la inserció de nous serveis de valor afegit. La plataforma proposada es fonamenta en la creació d’una arquitectura de 2 capes lògiques superposades: una capa lògica JXTA, encarregada bàsicament de la senyalització i intercanvi de metadades, i una capa de transmissió basada en sockets UDP unicast. D’aquesta manera, la diferència entre la capa de transmissió i la capa física es pot veure reduïda a partir de la informació obtinguda de la capa JXTA, la qual es va actualitzant al llarg del temps

    SFE2000/SFE2000P Fast Ethernet Switch Reference Guide

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    SFE2000/SFE2000P Fast Ethernet Switch Reference GuideSFE2000/SFE2000P Fast Ethernet Switch Reference Guid

    Modelling PIM-SM in OMNeT++

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    Ve své diplomové práci se zabývám modelováním a simulací multicastového směrovacího protokolu PIM Sparse Mode v nástroji OMNeT++. Čtenář se seznámí se základními informacemi o multicastu, s protokolem PIM-SM, jeho konfigurací na zařízeních Cisco. Zároveň bude uveden do problematiky vizualizace multicastových toků v síti. Práce je zaměřena zejména na návrh a implementaci protokolu PIM-SM v OMNeT++ a rozšíření knihovny ANSAINET o další multicastový směrovací protokol.In this master's thesis I deal with modelling and simulating of multicast routing protocol PIM Sparse Mode in OMNeT++. I also describe basic information about multicast, protocol PIM-SM, its configuration and multicast data streams visualization in computer networks. The thesis is especially focused on design and implementation of PIM-SM in OMNeT++ and extension of ANSAINET library.

    Ad hoc networking in a medical environment

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    Validation of "triple-play" services in the access node

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesCom o grande crescimento das comunicações fixas, as tecnologias de fornecimento de acesso à Internet, como o cabo (CATV) e o par de cobre (xDSL), têm possibilitado o fornecimento de serviços adicionais para além do típico acesso à Internet de Banda Larga (em que, desde há vários anos o serviço de televisão já existe na tecnologia de cabo). Assim sendo, e ainda devido a uma forte concorrência entre operadores de cabo e de “cobre”, o DSL Forum apresenta uma solução de arquitectura da rede de acesso e agregação que permite a migração da tradicional tecnologia ATM para Ethernet, em tecnologias baseadas em xDSL. A migração da arquitectura para uma rede baseada em Ethernet permite o fornecimento de serviços adicionais que exijam altos débitos, qualidade de serviço, transmissão de multicast, VOIP, entre outros. A presente tese apresenta os requisitos propostos pelo DSL Forum para o equipamento da rede de acesso e agregação: o nó de acesso (DSLAM), e um conjunto de testes conducentes à validação dos mesmos em laboratório, simulando uma possível rede de fornecedor de serviços. ABSTRACT: With the large growth of fixed communications, the technology that provides Internet access, such as cable (CATV) and copper (xDSL), need to enable the provision of additional services beyond the typical broadband Internet access (where, television service already exists for several years over cable technology). Thus, because of strong competition between cable and copper operators , DSL Forum presents an architecture and aggregation solution for the xDSL based access networks that allows the migration of traditional ATM technology to Ethernet. The migration of the architecture to Ethernet based network is due to the high speeds offer, and the possibility of additional services supporting quality of service, multicast transmission, VOIP, amongst others. This thesis presents the requirements proposed by the DSL Forum for the equipment of the access network and aggregation: access node (DSLAM), and their validation in a laboratory environment, simulating service provision scenarios

    Supporting distributed computation over wide area gigabit networks

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    The advent of high bandwidth fibre optic links that may be used over very large distances has lead to much research and development in the field of wide area gigabit networking. One problem that needs to be addressed is how loosely coupled distributed systems may be built over these links, allowing many computers worldwide to take part in complex calculations in order to solve "Grand Challenge" problems. The research conducted as part of this PhD has looked at the practicality of implementing a communication mechanism proposed by Craig Partridge called Late-binding Remote Procedure Calls (LbRPC). LbRPC is intended to export both code and data over the network to remote machines for evaluation, as opposed to traditional RPC mechanisms that only send parameters to pre-existing remote procedures. The ability to send code as well as data means that LbRPC requests can overcome one of the biggest problems in Wide Area Distributed Computer Systems (WADCS): the fixed latency due to the speed of light. As machines get faster, the fixed multi-millisecond round trip delay equates to ever increasing numbers of CPU cycles. For a WADCS to be efficient, programs should minimise the number of network transits they incur. By allowing the application programmer to export arbitrary code to the remote machine, this may be achieved. This research has looked at the feasibility of supporting secure exportation of arbitrary code and data in heterogeneous, loosely coupled, distributed computing environments. It has investigated techniques for making placement decisions for the code in cases where there are a large number of widely dispersed remote servers that could be used. The latter has resulted in the development of a novel prototype LbRPC using multicast IP for implicit placement and a sequenced, multi-packet saturation multicast transport protocol. These prototypes show that it is possible to export code and data to multiple remote hosts, thereby removing the need to perform complex and error prone explicit process placement decisions