124 research outputs found

    Multiagent Flight Control in Dynamic Environments with Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms

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    Dynamic flight environments in which objectives and environmental features change with respect to time pose a difficult problem with regards to planning optimal flight paths. Path planning methods are typically computationally expensive, and are often difficult to implement in real time if system objectives are changed. This computational problem is compounded when multiple agents are present in the system, as the state and action space grows exponentially. In this work, we use cooperative coevolutionary algorithms in order to develop policies which control agent motion in a dynamic multiagent unmanned aerial system environment such that goals and perceptions change, while ensuring safety constraints are not violated. Rather than replanning new paths when the environment changes, we develop a policy which can map the new environmental features to a trajectory for the agent while ensuring safe and reliable operation, while providing 92% of the theoretically optimal performanc

    Super Ball Bot - Structures for Planetary Landing and Exploration

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    Small, light-weight and low-cost missions will become increasingly important to NASA's exploration goals for our solar system. Ideally teams of dozens or even hundreds of small, collapsable robots, weighing only a few kilograms a piece, will be conveniently packed during launch and would reliably separate and unpack at their destination. Such teams will allow rapid, reliable in-situ exploration of hazardous destination such as Titan, where imprecise terrain knowledge and unstable precipitation cycles make single-robot exploration problematic. Unfortunately landing many lightweight conventional robots is difficult with conventional technology. Current robot designs are delicate, requiring combinations of devices such as parachutes, retrorockets and impact balloons to minimize impact forces and to place a robot in a proper orientation. Instead we propose to develop a radically different robot based on a "tensegrity" built purely upon tensile and compression elements. These robots can be light-weight, absorb strong impacts, are redundant against single-point failures, can recover from different landing orientations and are easy to collapse and uncollapse. We believe tensegrity robot technology can play a critical role in future planetary exploration

    Human–machine network through bio‑inspired decentralized swarm intelligence and heterogeneous teaming in SAR operations

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    Disaster management has always been a struggle due to unpredictable changing conditions and chaotic occurrences that require real-time adaption. Highly optimized missions and robust systems mitigate uncertainty effects and improve notoriously success rates. This paper brings a niching hybrid human–machine system that combines UAVs fast responsiveness with two robust, decentralized, and scalable bio-inspired techniques. Cloud-Sharing Network (CSN) and Pseudo-Central Network (PCN), based on Bacterial and Honeybee behaviors, are presented, and applied to Safe and Rescue (SAR) operations. A post-earthquake scenario is proposed, where a heterogeneous fleet of UAVs cooperates with human rescue teams to detect and locate victims distributed along the map. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to test both approaches through state-of-the-art metrics. This paper introduces two hybrid and bio-inspired schemes to deal with critical scouting stages, poor communications environments and high uncertainly levels in disaster release operations. Role heterogeneity, path optimization and hive data-sharing structure give PCN an efficient performance as far as task allocation and communications are concerned. Cloud-sharing network gains strength when the allocated agents per victim and square meter is high, allowing fast data transmission. Potential applications of these algorithms are not only comprehended in SAR field, but also in surveillance, geophysical mapping, security and planetary exploration

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Airport under Control:Multi-agent scheduling for airport ground handling

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    Modeling Team Performance For Coordination Configurations Of Large Multi-Agent Teams Using Stochastic Neural Networks

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    Coordination of large numbers of agents to perform complex tasks in complex domains is a rapidly progressing area of research. Because of the high complexity of the problem, approximate and heuristic algorithms are typically used for key coordination tasks. Such algorithms usually require tuning algorithm parameters to yield the best performance under particular circumstances. Manually tuning parameters is sometimes difficult. In domains where characteristics of the environment can vary dramatically from scenario to scenario, it is desirable to have automated techniques for appropriately configuring the coordination. This research presents an approach to online reconfiguration of heuristic coordination algorithms. The approach uses an abstract simulation to produce a large performance data set to train a stochastic neural network that concisely models the complex, probabilistic relationship between configurations, environments and performance metrics. The final stochastic neural network, referred as the team performance model, is then used as the core of a tool that allows rapid online or offline configuration of coordination algorithms to particular scenarios and user preferences. The overall system allows rapid adaptation of coordination, leading to better performance in new scenarios. Results show that the team performance model captured key features of a very large configuration space and mostly captured the uncertainty in performance well. The tool was shown to be often capable of reconfiguring the algorithms to meet user requests for increases or decreases in performance parameters. This work represents the first practical approach to quickly reconfiguring a complex set of algorithms for a specific scenario
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