442 research outputs found

    Multi-resolution analysis for region of interest extraction in thermographic, nondestructive evaluation

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    Infrared Non-Destructive Testing (INDT) is known as an effective and rapid method for nondestructive inspection. It can detect a broad range of near-surface structuring flaws in metallic and composite components. Those flaws are modeled as a smooth contour centered at peaks of stored thermal energy, termed Regions of Interest (ROI). Dedicated methodologies must detect the presence of those ROIs. In this paper, we present a methodology for ROI extraction in INDT tasks. The methodology deals with the difficulties due to the non-uniform heating. The non-uniform heating affects low spatial/frequencies and hinders the detection of relevant points in the image. In this paper, a methodology for ROI extraction in INDT using multi-resolution analysis is proposed, which is robust to ROI low contrast and non-uniform heating. The former methodology includes local correlation, Gaussian scale analysis and local edge detection. In this methodology local correlation between image and Gaussian window provides interest points related to ROIs. We use a Gaussian window because thermal behavior is well modeled by Gaussian smooth contours. Also, the Gaussian scale is used to analyze details in the image using multi-resolution analysis avoiding low contrast, non-uniform heating and selection of the Gaussian window size. Finally, local edge detection is used to provide a good estimation of the boundaries in the ROI. Thus, we provide a methodology for ROI extraction based on multi-resolution analysis that is better or equal compared with the other dedicate algorithms proposed in the state of art

    Multi-scale gapped smoothing algorithm for robust baseline-free damage detection in optical infrared thermography

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    Flash thermography is a promising technique to perform rapid non-destructive testing of composite materials. However, it is well known that several difficulties are inherently paired with this approach, such as non-uniform heating, measurement noise and lateral heat diffusion effects. Hence, advanced signal-processing techniques are indispensable in order to analyze the recorded dataset. One such processing technique is Gapped Smoothing Algorithm, which predicts a gapped pixel’s value in its sound state from a measurement in the defected state by evaluating only its neighboring pixels. However, the standard Gapped Smoothing Algorithm uses a fixed spatial gap size, which induces issues to detect variable defect sizes in a noisy dataset. In this paper, a Multi-Scale Gapped Smoothing Algorithm (MSGSA) is introduced as a baseline-free image processing technique and an extension to the standard Gapped Smoothing Algorithm. The MSGSA makes use of the evaluation of a wide range of spatial gap sizes so that defects of highly different dimensions are identified. Moreover, it is shown that a weighted combination of all assessed spatial gap sizes significantly improves the detectability of defects and results in an (almost) zero-reference background. The technique thus effectively suppresses the measurement noise and excitation non-uniformity. The efficiency of the MSGSA technique is evaluated and confirmed through numerical simulation and an experimental procedure of flash thermography on carbon fiber reinforced polymers with various defect sizes

    Nondestructive evaluation of FRP composite members using infrared thermography

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    The objective of this research is to establish infrared thermography as an effective tool for nondestructive evaluation of structural members made of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials. The applicability of this method for the detection of subsurface anomalies such as voids, cracks, debonding, and delaminations in concrete bridge decks and pavements and in some configurations of FRP decks has been studied earlier by other researchers. These earlier studies have yielded reasonably satisfactory results though further refinement of the methodology and improvements in the image processing techniques were recommended.;To enhance the effectiveness of the infrared thermography technique, it is important to improve and quantify the contrast in the thermal images. This enables the thermographer to arrive at better conclusions including quantitative estimation of the defect depth. Different methods for analysis of digital infrared images suggested by various researchers were reviewed in this study and recommendations were made for evaluating their applicability for mass-produced FRP composite structural components.;Infrared thermography tests were conducted in the laboratory on various FRP specimens with built-in delaminations. The results showed that the infrared technique can be developed for long term monitoring of FRP structural components. As a part of this research, a field trip was also conducted for detecting the presence of delaminations/debondings in FRP wrapped reinforced concrete bridge columns using infrared thermography. In the field tests, it was possible to detect the locations of delaminations/debondings. These results were in agreement with the tapping test results

    Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring - A Review

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    Built cultural heritage is under constant threat due to environmental pressures, anthropogenic damages, and interventions. Understanding the preservation state of monuments and historical structures, and the factors that alter their architectural and structural characteristics through time, is crucial for ensuring their protection. Therefore, inspection and monitoring techniques are essential for heritage preservation, as they enable knowledge about the altering factors that put built cultural heritage at risk, by recording their immediate effects on monuments and historic structures. Nondestructive evaluations with close-range sensing techniques play a crucial role in monitoring. However, data recorded by different sensors are frequently processed separately, which hinders integrated use, visualization, and interpretation. This article’s aim is twofold: i) to present an overview of close-range sensing techniques frequently applied to evaluate built heritage conditions, and ii) to review the progress made regarding the fusion of multi-sensor data recorded by them. Particular emphasis is given to the integration of data from metric surveying and from recording techniques that are traditionally non-metric. The article attempts to shed light on the problems of the individual and integrated use of image-based modeling, laser scanning, thermography, multispectral imaging, ground penetrating radar, and ultrasonic testing, giving heritage practitioners a point of reference for the successful implementation of multidisciplinary approaches for built cultural heritage scientific investigations

    Application of Pulsed Thermography and Post-processing Techniques for CFRP Industrial Components

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    AbstractSeveral studies demonstrate the effectiveness of pulsed thermography for detection and visualization of sub-superficial flaws in composites. Continuous improvement of thermal data manipulation makes active thermography an attractive and powerful inspection method for industrial process control and maintenance aims. Therefore, temperature image-processing is the major ongoing challenge in the thermographic research field. However, the particular interest for thermographic inspections is to be more addressed to its simple and relatively fast industrial application; an appropriate image processing tool should be implemented and verified on industrial components, containing manufacturing and in-service defects. In the proposed research, well-established and previously proposed methods were analysed and compared for different defect typology inside three CFRP components. The main goal is not solely focused on establishing the suitable data processing approach, providing detection limits of processed data in terms of damage type, size and distribution. The aim of proposed work is to present detailed examples of thermal imaging methods applied on similar critical defects, evaluating different results among methods in terms of defects mapping capabilities and Tanimoto evaluation criterion, coupled also with the signal-to-noise ratio as assessment of defect detectability

    Defect detection in infrared thermography by deep learning algorithms

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    L'évaluation non destructive (END) est un domaine permettant d'identifier tous les types de dommages structurels dans un objet d'intérêt sans appliquer de dommages et de modifications permanents. Ce domaine fait l'objet de recherches intensives depuis de nombreuses années. La thermographie infrarouge (IR) est l'une des technologies d'évaluation non destructive qui permet d'inspecter, de caractériser et d'analyser les défauts sur la base d'images infrarouges (séquences) provenant de l'enregistrement de l'émission et de la réflexion de la lumière infrarouge afin d'évaluer les objets non autochauffants pour le contrôle de la qualité et l'assurance de la sécurité. Ces dernières années, le domaine de l'apprentissage profond de l'intelligence artificielle a fait des progrès remarquables dans les applications de traitement d'images. Ce domaine a montré sa capacité à surmonter la plupart des inconvénients des autres approches existantes auparavant dans un grand nombre d'applications. Cependant, en raison de l'insuffisance des données d'entraînement, les algorithmes d'apprentissage profond restent encore inexplorés, et seules quelques publications font état de leur application à l'évaluation non destructive de la thermographie (TNDE). Les algorithmes d'apprentissage profond intelligents et hautement automatisés pourraient être couplés à la thermographie infrarouge pour identifier les défauts (dommages) dans les composites, l'acier, etc. avec une confiance et une précision élevée. Parmi les sujets du domaine de recherche TNDE, les techniques d'apprentissage automatique supervisées et non supervisées sont les tâches les plus innovantes et les plus difficiles pour l'analyse de la détection des défauts. Dans ce projet, nous construisons des cadres intégrés pour le traitement des données brutes de la thermographie infrarouge à l'aide d'algorithmes d'apprentissage profond et les points forts des méthodologies proposées sont les suivants: 1. Identification et segmentation automatique des défauts par des algorithmes d'apprentissage profond en thermographie infrarouge. Les réseaux neuronaux convolutifs (CNN) pré-entraînés sont introduits pour capturer les caractéristiques des défauts dans les images thermiques infrarouges afin de mettre en œuvre des modèles basés sur les CNN pour la détection des défauts structurels dans les échantillons composés de matériaux composites (diagnostic des défauts). Plusieurs alternatives de CNNs profonds pour la détection de défauts dans la thermographie infrarouge. Les comparaisons de performance de la détection et de la segmentation automatique des défauts dans la thermographie infrarouge en utilisant différentes méthodes de détection par apprentissage profond : (i) segmentation d'instance (Center-mask ; Mask-RCNN) ; (ii) détection d’objet (Yolo-v3 ; Faster-RCNN) ; (iii) segmentation sémantique (Unet ; Res-unet); 2. Technique d'augmentation des données par la génération de données synthétiques pour réduire le coût des dépenses élevées associées à la collecte de données infrarouges originales dans les composites (composants d'aéronefs.) afin d'enrichir les données de formation pour l'apprentissage des caractéristiques dans TNDE; 3. Le réseau antagoniste génératif (GAN convolutif profond et GAN de Wasserstein) est introduit dans la thermographie infrarouge associée à la thermographie partielle des moindres carrés (PLST) (réseau PLS-GANs) pour l'extraction des caractéristiques visibles des défauts et l'amélioration de la visibilité des défauts pour éliminer le bruit dans la thermographie pulsée; 4. Estimation automatique de la profondeur des défauts (question de la caractérisation) à partir de données infrarouges simulées en utilisant un réseau neuronal récurrent simplifié : Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU) à travers l'apprentissage supervisé par régression.Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) is a field to identify all types of structural damage in an object of interest without applying any permanent damage and modification. This field has been intensively investigated for many years. The infrared thermography (IR) is one of NDE technology through inspecting, characterize and analyzing defects based on the infrared images (sequences) from the recordation of infrared light emission and reflection to evaluate non-self-heating objects for quality control and safety assurance. In recent years, the deep learning field of artificial intelligence has made remarkable progress in image processing applications. This field has shown its ability to overcome most of the disadvantages in other approaches existing previously in a great number of applications. Whereas due to the insufficient training data, deep learning algorithms still remain unexplored, and only few publications involving the application of it for thermography nondestructive evaluation (TNDE). The intelligent and highly automated deep learning algorithms could be coupled with infrared thermography to identify the defect (damages) in composites, steel, etc. with high confidence and accuracy. Among the topics in the TNDE research field, the supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques both are the most innovative and challenging tasks for defect detection analysis. In this project, we construct integrated frameworks for processing raw data from infrared thermography using deep learning algorithms and highlight of the methodologies proposed include the following: 1. Automatic defect identification and segmentation by deep learning algorithms in infrared thermography. The pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are introduced to capture defect feature in infrared thermal images to implement CNNs based models for the detection of structural defects in samples made of composite materials (fault diagnosis). Several alternatives of deep CNNs for the detection of defects in the Infrared thermography. The comparisons of performance of the automatic defect detection and segmentation in infrared thermography using different deep learning detection methods: (i) instance segmentation (Center-mask; Mask-RCNN); (ii) objective location (Yolo-v3; Faster-RCNN); (iii) semantic segmentation (Unet; Res-unet); 2. Data augmentation technique through synthetic data generation to reduce the cost of high expense associated with the collection of original infrared data in the composites (aircraft components.) to enrich training data for feature learning in TNDE; 3. The generative adversarial network (Deep convolutional GAN and Wasserstein GAN) is introduced to the infrared thermography associated with partial least square thermography (PLST) (PLS-GANs network) for visible feature extraction of defects and enhancement of the visibility of defects to remove noise in Pulsed thermography; 4. Automatic defect depth estimation (Characterization issue) from simulated infrared data using a simplified recurrent neural network: Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU) through the regression supervised learning

    Infrared thermography and NDT : 2050 horizon

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    Society is changing fast, new technologies and materials have been developed which require new inspection approaches. Infrared thermography (IRT) has emerged in the recent years as an attractive and reliable technique to address complex non-destructive testing (NDT) problems. Companies are now providing turn-key IRT-NDT systems, but the question we ask now is ‘What is next?’. Even though the future is elusive, we can consider the possible future developments in IR NDT. Our analysis shows that new developments will take place in various areas such as: acquisition, stimulation, processing and obviously an always enlarging range of applications with new materials which will have particular inspection requirements. This paper presents the various developments in the field of IRT which have evolved to lead to the current situation, and then examines the potential future trend in IRT-NDT

    Transient thermography for flaw detection in friction stir welding : a machine learning approach

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    A systematic computational method to simulate and detect sub-surface flaws, through non-destructive transient thermography, in aluminium sheets and friction stir welded sheets is proposed. The proposed method relies on feature extraction methods and a data driven machine learning modelling structure. In this work, we propose the use of a multi-layer perceptron feed-forward neural-network with feature extraction methods to improve the flaw-probing depth of transient thermography inspection. Furthermore, for the first time, we propose Thermographic Signal Linear Modelling (TSLM), a hyper-parameterfree feature extraction technique for transient thermography. The new feature extraction and modelling framework was tested with out-of-sample experimental transient thermography data and results show effectiveness in sub-surface flaw detection of up to 2.3 mm deep in aluminium sheets (99.8 % true positive rate, 92.1 % true negative rate) and up to 2.2 mm deep in friction stir welds (97.2 % true positive rate, 87.8 % true negative rate)
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