5,057 research outputs found

    Ortalama-varyans portföy optimizasyonunda genetik algoritma uygulamaları ĂŒzerine bir literatĂŒr araƟtırması

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    Mean-variance portfolio optimization model, introduced by Markowitz, provides a fundamental answer to the problem of portfolio management. This model seeks an efficient frontier with the best trade-offs between two conflicting objectives of maximizing return and minimizing risk. The problem of determining an efficient frontier is known to be NP-hard. Due to the complexity of the problem, genetic algorithms have been widely employed by a growing number of researchers to solve this problem. In this study, a literature review of genetic algorithms implementations on mean-variance portfolio optimization is examined from the recent published literature. Main specifications of the problems studied and the specifications of suggested genetic algorithms have been summarized

    Scaled and stable mean-variance-EVaR portfolio selection strategy with proportional transaction costs

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    This paper studies a portfolio optimization problem with variance and Entropic Value-at-Risk (evar) as risk measures. As the variance measures the deviation around the expected return, the introduction of evar in the mean-variance framework helps to control the downside risk of portfolio returns. This study utilized the squared l2-norm to alleviate estimation risk problems arising from the mean estimate of random returns. To adequately represent the variance-evar risk measure of the resulting portfolio, this study pursues rescaling by the capital accessible after payment of transaction costs. The results of this paper extend the classical Markowitz model to the case of proportional transaction costs and enhance the efficiency of portfolio selection by alleviating estimation risk and controlling the downside risk of portfolio returns. The model seeks to meet the requirements of regulators and fund managers as it represents a balance between short tails and variance. The practical implications of the findings of this study are that the model when applied, will increase the amount of capital for investment, lower transaction cost and minimize risk associated with the deviation around the expected return at the expense of a small additional risk in short tails


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    Nowadays financial markets’ volatility and significant stock prices’ fluctuations allow improving investment return actively managing investment portfolio, rather than choosing long term investment strategy. Active portfolio management also allows personal investor’s development and gives opportunity to avoid losses in terms of market instability. However active portfolio management is more risky. Rebalancing the investment portfolio investor incurs real costs for expected return, so actively managing the investment portfolio it is crucial to use a good, investor needs meeting portfolio rebalancing method. Dealing with mentioned problem scientific information sources analysis is made and a new portfolio rebalancing method is suggested in the article

    Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Selection Model Based on RBF-GA

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    The classical Markowitz’s mean-variance model in modern investment science uses variance as risk measure while it ignores the asymmetry of the return distribution. This article introduces skewness, V-type transaction costs, cardinality constraint and initial investment proportion, and builds a new class of nonlinear multi-objective portfolio model (mean-variance-skewness portfolio selection model). To solve the model, we develop a genetic algorithm(GA) which contains radial basis function(RBF) neural network, called RBF-GA. The experimental results show that the proposed model is more effective and more realistic than others

    Dynamic changes and multi-dimensional evolution of portfolio optimization

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    Although there has been an increasing number of studies investigate portfolio optimization from different perspectives, few attempts could be found that focus on the development trend and hotspots of this research area. Therefore, it motivates us to comprehensively investigate the development of portfolio optimization research and give some deep insights into this knowledge domain. In this paper, some bibliometric methods are utilized to analyse the status quo and emerging trends of portfolio optimization research on various aspects such as authors, countries and journals. Besides, ‘theories’, ‘models’ and ‘algorithms’, especially heuristic algorithms are identified as the hotspots in the given periods. Furthermore, the evolutionary analysis tends to presents the dynamic changes of the cutting-edge concepts of this research area in the time dimension. It is found that more portfolio optimization studies were at an exploration stage from mean-variance analysis to consideration of multiple constraints. However, heuristic algorithms have become the driving force of portfolio optimization research in recent years. Multidisciplinary analyses and applications are also the main trends of portfolio optimization research. By analysing the dynamic changes and multi-dimensional evolution in recent decades, we contribute to presenting some deep insights of the portfolio optimization research directly, which assists researchers especially beginners to comprehensively learn this research field

    Determination of Optimal Portfolio by Calculating Transaction Costs using Genetic Algorithms on the Jakarta Islamic Index

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    The optimal portfolio is a portfolio that can provide maximum returns at the same level of risk. In investing, the term "high return, high risk" is known, meaning that the higher the return, the higher the risk. Therefore, investors need to develop an optimal portfolio to obtain the maximum return on investment at the same level of risk. This study aims to determine the optimal formation of a stock portfolio by calculating transaction costs using the genetic algorithm method on stocks that are members of the Jakarta Islamic Index. This research uses data of daily return on stocks included in Jakarta Islamic Index from 1 August 2020-1 August 2022. The dataset consists of two variables: the date of observation and daily stock returns. The method used in this study is the minimum variance method and the genetic algorithm. Data analysis was divided into two stages: model formulation and model testing through case studies. The analysis of optimal portfolio formation using genetic algorithms shows that in terms of performance, the minimum variance portfolio is superior to the genetic algorithm portfolio, as indicated by the Sharpe ratio value. Meanwhile, the genetic algorithm portfolio is superior to the minimum variance portfolio regarding transaction costs. The genetic algorithm portfolio can provide a fairly high total return, small transaction costs, and good performance compared to the minimum portfolio. Hence, the genetic algorithm portfolio is worthy of recommendation to investors
