10 research outputs found

    A new selection operator for genetic algorithms that balances between premature convergence and population diversity

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    The research objective is to find a balance between premature convergence and population diversity with respect to genetic algorithms (GAs). We propose a new selection scheme, namely, split-based selection (SBS) for GAs that ensures a fine balance between two extremes, i.e. exploration and exploitation. The proposed selection operator is further compared with five commonly used existing selection operators. A rigorous simulation-based investigation is conducted to explore the statistical characteristics of the proposed procedure. Furthermore, performance evaluation of the proposed scheme with respect to competing methodologies is carried out by considering 14 diverse benchmarks from the library of the traveling salesman problem (TSPLIB). Based on t-test statistic and performance index (PI), this study demonstrates a superior performance of the proposed scheme while maintaining the desirable statistical characteristics

    Toplu taşıma sistemlerinin evrimsel algoritmalarla optimizasyonu

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    This study aims to examine, regulate, and update the land transportation of the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), Turkey using computerized calculation techniques. In line with these targets, some critical information has been obtained for study: the number of buses, the number of expeditions, the number of bus lines, and the number and maps of existing routes belonging to EMM. By using the information that has been obtained, this study aims at outlining specific outputs according to the input parameters, such as determining the optimal routes, the average travel, and the journey time. Once all of these situations were considered, various optimization algorithms were used to get the targeted outputs in response to the determined input parameters. In addition, the study found that the problem involved in modeling the land transport network of the EMM is in line with the so-called “traveling salesman problem,” which is a scenario about optimization often discussed in the literature. This study tried to solve this problem by using the genetic algorithm, the clonal selection algorithm, and the DNA computing algorithm. The location data for each bus stops on the bus lines selected for the study were obtained from the EMM, and the distances between these coordinates were obtained by using Google Maps via a Google API. These distances were stored in a distance matrix file and used as input parameters in the application and then were put through optimization algorithms developed initially on the MATLAB platform. The study’s results show that the algorithms developed for the proposed approaches work efficiently and that the distances for the selected bus lines can be shortened.Bu çalışma, Erzurum Büyükşehir Belediyesi'nin (EBB) Türkiye kara ulaşımını bilgisayarlı hesaplama teknikleri kullanarak incelemeyi, düzenlemeyi ve güncellemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu hedefler doğrultusunda, çalışma için bazı önemli bilgiler: otobüs sayısı, sefer sayısı, otobüs hattı sayısı ve EBB’ye ait mevcut güzergâh sayısı ve haritaları elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, elde edilen bilgileri kullanarak, optimal rotaların belirlenmesi, ortalama seyahat ve yolculuk süresi gibi girdi parametrelerine göre belirli çıktıların ana hatlarını çizmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Tüm bu durumlar göz önüne alındığında, belirlenen girdi parametrelerine karşılık hedeflenen çıktıları elde etmek için çeşitli optimizasyon algoritmaları kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, EBB’ nin ulaşım ağının modellenmesindeki problemin, literatürde sıklıkla tartışılan optimizasyonla ilgili bir senaryo olan “gezgin satıcı problemi” ile uyumlu olduğunu bulmuştur. Çalışmada genetik algoritma, klonal seçim algoritması ve DNA hesaplama algoritması kullanılarak bu problem çözülmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada seçilen otobüs hatlarındaki her bir durak için konum bilgisi EBB'den alınmış ve bu koordinatlar arasındaki mesafeler bir Google API üzerinden Google Maps kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Bu mesafeler bir mesafe matrisi dosyasında saklanmış ve uygulamada giriş parametreleri olarak kullanılmış daha sonra MATLAB platformunda geliştirilen optimizasyon algoritmalarına aktarılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, önerilen yaklaşımlar için geliştirilen algoritmaların verimli çalıştığını ve seçilen otobüs hatları için mesafelerin kısaltılabileceğini göstermektedir

    An Hybrid Genetic Algorithm to Optimization of Flow Shop Scheduling Problems under Real Environments Constraints

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    This paper aims to analyzing the effect of the inclusion of several constraints that have negative influence in the real manufacturing productions. For the solution of the scheduling problem treated in this paper, known as Flow Shop Scheduling, an efficient Genetic Algorithm is introduced combined with the Variable Neighborhood Search for problems of n tasks and m machines minimizing the total completion time or makespan. Release date, dependent setup-times and transport times are entered. These are common restrictions that can be found in multiple manufacturing environments where there are machines, tools, and a set of jobs must be processed in these, following the same flow pattern. The computational experiments carried out on a set of instances of problems of different sizes of complexity show that the proposed hybrid metaheuristic achieves high quality solutions comparable to the optimum ones reported

    Niching particle swarm optimization based euclidean distance and hierarchical clustering for multimodal optimization

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    Abstract : Multimodal optimization is still one of the most challenging tasks in the evolutionary computation field, when multiple global and local optima need to be effectively and efficiently located. In this paper, a niching Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based Euclidean Distance and Hierarchical Clustering (EDHC) for multimodal optimization is proposed. This technique first uses the Euclidean distance based PSO algorithm to perform preliminarily search. In this phase, the particles are rapidly clustered around peaks. Secondly, hierarchical clustering is applied to identify and concentrate the particles distributed around each peak to finely search as a whole. Finally, a small world network topology is adopted in each niche to improve the exploitation ability of the algorithm. At the end of this paper, the proposed EDHC-PSO algorithm is applied to the Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP) after being discretized. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing niching techniques on benchmark problems, and is effective for TSP

    How Do We Decide? Thought Architecture Decision Making?

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    The study of decision-making is an intellectual discipline; mathematics, sociology, psychology, economics, political science, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and physics. Conventional decision theory tells us what choice of behavior should be made if we follow certain axioms. Scientific curiosity instructs us to reconsider beyond any area in which we have defined ourselves. We design the intertwining of brain, genetics, phylogenetics, and artificial and neural networks in financial trading to find the best combinations of parameter values in financial trading, incorporating them into ANN models for stock selection and trader identification

    Simulated annealing based symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem

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    Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm is an effective new metaheuristic search algorithm, which has recently recorded wider application in solving complex optimization problems. SOS mimics the symbiotic relationship strategies adopted by organisms in the ecosystem for survival. This paper, presents a study on the application of SOS with Simulated Annealing (SA) to solve the well-known traveling salesman problems (TSPs). The TSP is known to be NP-hard, which consist of a set of (n − 1)!/2 feasible solutions. The intent of the proposed hybrid method is to evaluate the convergence behaviour and scalability of the symbiotic organism’s search with simulated annealing to solve both small and large-scale travelling salesman problems. The implementation of the SA based SOS (SOS-SA) algorithm was done in the MATLAB environment. To inspect the performance of the proposed hybrid optimization method, experiments on the solution convergence, average execution time, and percentage deviations of both the best and average solutions to the best known solution were conducted. Similarly, in order to obtain unbiased and comprehensive comparisons, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and range were used to describe each of the algorithms, in the analysis section. The oneway ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test were further used to compare the significant difference in performance between SOS-SA and the other selected state-of-the-art algorithms. The performances of SOS-SA and SOS are evaluated on different sets of TSP benchmarks obtained from TSPLIB (a library containing samples of TSP instances). The empirical analysis’ results show that the quality of the final results as well as the convergence rate of the new algorithm in some cases produced even more superior solutions than the best known TSP benchmarked results

    Predicting Hazardous Driving Behaviour with Quantum Neural Networks

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    Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) were used to predict both future steering wheel signals and upcoming lane departures for N=34 drivers undergoing 37 h of sleep deprivation. The drivers drove in a moving-base truck simulator for 55 min once every third hour, resulting in 31 200 km of highway driving, out of which 8 432 km were on straights. Predicting the steering wheel signal one time step ahead, 0.1 s, was achieved with a 15-40-20-1 time-delayed feed-forward QNN with a root-mean-square error of RMSEtot = 0.007 a.u. corresponding to a 0.4 % relative error. The best prediction of the number of lane departures during the subsequent 10 s was achieved using the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of the steering wheel signal from the previous ten 1 s segments as inputs to a 10-15-5-1 time-delayed feed-forward QNN. A correct prediction was achieved in 55 % of cases and the overall sensitivity and specificity were 31 % and 80 %, respectively.Kvantneuronätverk (QNN) användes för att förutsäga både framtida rattsignaler och filavkörningar för N=34 bilförare som genomgick 37 timmars vaka. Bilförarna körde 55 min var tredje timme i en lastbilssimulator på en rörlig plattform, vilket resulterade i 31 200 km landsvägskörning, varav 8 432 km inföll på raksträckor. Ett 15-40-20-1 strukturerat tidsförskjutet, framåtkopplat QNN användes för att förutsäga rattsignalen ett tidssteg framåt, 0,1 s, vilket lyckades med ett kvadratiskt medelvärdesfel på RMSEtot = 0.007 a.u., som motsvarar ett relativt fel på 0,4 %. Den bästa föutsägelsen av antalet filavkörningar under de följande 10 s uppnåddes genom att som in-signal till ett 10-15-5-1 tidsförskjutet, framåtkopplat QNN använda skillnaden mellan maximi- och minimivärdet i rattsignalen i de tio föregående 1 s segmenten. En korrekt förutsägelse uppnåddes i 55 % av fallen och den totala sensitiviteten var 31 % medan specificiteten var 80 %.Kvanttineuroverkkoja (QNN) käytettiin ennustamaan tulevaa rattisignaalia ja tulevia kaistalta poikkeamisia 37 tuntia valvoneille N=34 kuljettajalle. Kuljettajat ajoivat liikuvapohjaisesssa rekkasimulaattorissa 55 min ajan joka kolmas tunti, eli kokonaisuudessaan 31 200 km maantieajoa, joista 8 432 km olivat suorilla. Rattisignaalin ennustaminen yhden aika-askeleen eteenpäin, 0,1 s, suoritettin aikaviivästetyllä eteenpäinkytkeyllä QNN:llä, jolla oli 15-40-20-1 rakenne. Neliöllinen keskiarvollinen virhe oli RMSEtot = 0.007 a.u., mikä vastaa 0,4 % suhteellista virhettä. Paras ennustus kaistalta poikkeamisten määrälle tulevan 10 s aikana saavutettiin käyttämällä sisäänmenona rattisignaalin suurinta huipusta huippuun amplitudia kymmenen edellisten 1 s pätkien ajalta ja aikaviivästettyä eteenpäinkytkettyä 10-15-5-1 QNN:ää. Oikeaa ennustusta saavutettiin 55 % tapauksista ja sensitiviteetti oli 31 % ja spesifisiteetti oli 80 %

    Advanced analytics through FPGA based query processing and deep reinforcement learning

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    Today, vast streams of structured and unstructured data have been incorporated in databases, and analytical processes are applied to discover patterns, correlations, trends and other useful relationships that help to take part in a broad range of decision-making processes. The amount of generated data has grown very large over the years, and conventional database processing methods from previous generations have not been sufficient to provide satisfactory results regarding analytics performance and prediction accuracy metrics. Thus, new methods are needed in a wide array of fields from computer architectures, storage systems, network design to statistics and physics. This thesis proposes two methods to address the current challenges and meet the future demands of advanced analytics. First, we present AxleDB, a Field Programmable Gate Array based query processing system which constitutes the frontend of an advanced analytics system. AxleDB melds highly-efficient accelerators with memory, storage and provides a unified programmable environment. AxleDB is capable of offloading complex Structured Query Language queries from host CPU. The experiments have shown that running a set of TPC-H queries, AxleDB can perform full queries between 1.8x and 34.2x faster and 2.8x to 62.1x more energy efficient compared to MonetDB, and PostgreSQL on a single workstation node. Second, we introduce TauRieL, a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based method for combinatorial problems. The design idea behind combining DRL and combinatorial problems is to apply the prediction capabilities of deep reinforcement learning and to use the universality of combinatorial optimization problems to explore general purpose predictive methods. TauRieL utilizes an actor-critic inspired DRL architecture that adopts ordinary feedforward nets. Furthermore, TauRieL performs online training which unifies training and state space exploration. The experiments show that TauRieL can generate solutions two orders of magnitude faster and performs within 3% of accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art DRL on the Traveling Salesman Problem while searching for the shortest tour. Also, we present that TauRieL can be adapted to the Knapsack combinatorial problem. With a very minimal problem specific modification, TauRieL can outperform a Knapsack specific greedy heuristics.Hoy en día, se han incorporado grandes cantidades de datos estructurados y no estructurados en las bases de datos, y se les aplican procesos analíticos para descubrir patrones, correlaciones, tendencias y otras relaciones útiles que se utilizan mayormente para la toma de decisiones. La cantidad de datos generados ha crecido enormemente a lo largo de los años, y los métodos de procesamiento de bases de datos convencionales utilizados en las generaciones anteriores no son suficientes para proporcionar resultados satisfactorios respecto al rendimiento del análisis y respecto de la precisión de las predicciones. Por lo tanto, se necesitan nuevos métodos en una amplia gama de campos, desde arquitecturas de computadoras, sistemas de almacenamiento, diseño de redes hasta estadísticas y física. Esta tesis propone dos métodos para abordar los desafíos actuales y satisfacer las demandas futuras de análisis avanzado. Primero, presentamos AxleDB, un sistema de procesamiento de consultas basado en FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) que constituye la interfaz de un sistema de análisis avanzado. AxleDB combina aceleradores altamente eficientes con memoria, almacenamiento y proporciona un entorno programable unificado. AxleDB es capaz de descargar consultas complejas de lenguaje de consulta estructurado desde la CPU del host. Los experimentos han demostrado que al ejecutar un conjunto de consultas TPC-H, AxleDB puede realizar consultas completas entre 1.8x y 34.2x más rápido y 2.8x a 62.1x más eficiente energéticamente que MonetDB, y PostgreSQL en un solo nodo de una estación de trabajo. En segundo lugar, presentamos TauRieL, un nuevo método basado en Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) para problemas combinatorios. La idea central que está detrás de la combinación de DRL y problemas combinatorios, es aplicar las capacidades de predicción del aprendizaje de refuerzo profundo y el uso de la universalidad de los problemas de optimización combinatoria para explorar métodos predictivos de propósito general. TauRieL utiliza una arquitectura DRL inspirada en el actor-crítico que se adapta a redes feedforward. Además, TauRieL realiza el entrenamieton en línea que unifica el entrenamiento y la exploración espacial de los estados. Los experimentos muestran que TauRieL puede generar soluciones dos órdenes de magnitud más rápido y funciona con un 3% de precisión en comparación con el estado del arte en DRL aplicado al problema del viajante mientras busca el recorrido más corto. Además, presentamos que TauRieL puede adaptarse al problema de la Mochila. Con una modificación específica muy mínima del problema, TauRieL puede superar a una heurística codiciosa de Knapsack Problem.Postprint (published version

    Advanced analytics through FPGA based query processing and deep reinforcement learning

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    Today, vast streams of structured and unstructured data have been incorporated in databases, and analytical processes are applied to discover patterns, correlations, trends and other useful relationships that help to take part in a broad range of decision-making processes. The amount of generated data has grown very large over the years, and conventional database processing methods from previous generations have not been sufficient to provide satisfactory results regarding analytics performance and prediction accuracy metrics. Thus, new methods are needed in a wide array of fields from computer architectures, storage systems, network design to statistics and physics. This thesis proposes two methods to address the current challenges and meet the future demands of advanced analytics. First, we present AxleDB, a Field Programmable Gate Array based query processing system which constitutes the frontend of an advanced analytics system. AxleDB melds highly-efficient accelerators with memory, storage and provides a unified programmable environment. AxleDB is capable of offloading complex Structured Query Language queries from host CPU. The experiments have shown that running a set of TPC-H queries, AxleDB can perform full queries between 1.8x and 34.2x faster and 2.8x to 62.1x more energy efficient compared to MonetDB, and PostgreSQL on a single workstation node. Second, we introduce TauRieL, a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based method for combinatorial problems. The design idea behind combining DRL and combinatorial problems is to apply the prediction capabilities of deep reinforcement learning and to use the universality of combinatorial optimization problems to explore general purpose predictive methods. TauRieL utilizes an actor-critic inspired DRL architecture that adopts ordinary feedforward nets. Furthermore, TauRieL performs online training which unifies training and state space exploration. The experiments show that TauRieL can generate solutions two orders of magnitude faster and performs within 3% of accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art DRL on the Traveling Salesman Problem while searching for the shortest tour. Also, we present that TauRieL can be adapted to the Knapsack combinatorial problem. With a very minimal problem specific modification, TauRieL can outperform a Knapsack specific greedy heuristics.Hoy en día, se han incorporado grandes cantidades de datos estructurados y no estructurados en las bases de datos, y se les aplican procesos analíticos para descubrir patrones, correlaciones, tendencias y otras relaciones útiles que se utilizan mayormente para la toma de decisiones. La cantidad de datos generados ha crecido enormemente a lo largo de los años, y los métodos de procesamiento de bases de datos convencionales utilizados en las generaciones anteriores no son suficientes para proporcionar resultados satisfactorios respecto al rendimiento del análisis y respecto de la precisión de las predicciones. Por lo tanto, se necesitan nuevos métodos en una amplia gama de campos, desde arquitecturas de computadoras, sistemas de almacenamiento, diseño de redes hasta estadísticas y física. Esta tesis propone dos métodos para abordar los desafíos actuales y satisfacer las demandas futuras de análisis avanzado. Primero, presentamos AxleDB, un sistema de procesamiento de consultas basado en FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) que constituye la interfaz de un sistema de análisis avanzado. AxleDB combina aceleradores altamente eficientes con memoria, almacenamiento y proporciona un entorno programable unificado. AxleDB es capaz de descargar consultas complejas de lenguaje de consulta estructurado desde la CPU del host. Los experimentos han demostrado que al ejecutar un conjunto de consultas TPC-H, AxleDB puede realizar consultas completas entre 1.8x y 34.2x más rápido y 2.8x a 62.1x más eficiente energéticamente que MonetDB, y PostgreSQL en un solo nodo de una estación de trabajo. En segundo lugar, presentamos TauRieL, un nuevo método basado en Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) para problemas combinatorios. La idea central que está detrás de la combinación de DRL y problemas combinatorios, es aplicar las capacidades de predicción del aprendizaje de refuerzo profundo y el uso de la universalidad de los problemas de optimización combinatoria para explorar métodos predictivos de propósito general. TauRieL utiliza una arquitectura DRL inspirada en el actor-crítico que se adapta a redes feedforward. Además, TauRieL realiza el entrenamieton en línea que unifica el entrenamiento y la exploración espacial de los estados. Los experimentos muestran que TauRieL puede generar soluciones dos órdenes de magnitud más rápido y funciona con un 3% de precisión en comparación con el estado del arte en DRL aplicado al problema del viajante mientras busca el recorrido más corto. Además, presentamos que TauRieL puede adaptarse al problema de la Mochila. Con una modificación específica muy mínima del problema, TauRieL puede superar a una heurística codiciosa de Knapsack Problem