8,149 research outputs found

    Multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers on the grid

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    Coupling conventional controller design methods, model based controller synthesis and simulation, and multi-objective evolutionary optimisation methods frequently results in an extremely computationally expensive design process. However, the emerging paradigm of grid computing provides a powerful platform for the solution of such problems by providing transparent access to large-scale distributed high-performance compute resources. As well as substantially speeding up the time taken to find a single controller design satisfying a set of performance requirements this grid-enabled design process allows a designer to effectively explore the solution space of potential candidate solutions. An example of this is in the multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers, where each candidate controller design has to be synthesised and the resulting performance of the compensated system evaluated by computer simulation. This paper introduces a grid-enabled framework for the multi-objective optimisation of computationally expensive problems which will then be demonstrated using and example of the multi-objective evolutionary design of a robust lateral stability controller for a real-world aircraft using H ∞ loop shaping

    Multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers on the grid

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    The emerging paradigm of grid computing provides a powerful platform for the solution of complex and computationally expensive problems. An example of this is the multi-objective evolutionary design of robust controllers, where each candidate controller design has to be synthesised and the resulting performance of the compensated system evaluated by computer simulation. This paper introduces a grid-enabled framework for the multi-objective optimisation of computationally expensive problems, before using the framework in the multi-objective evolutionary design of a robust lateral stability controller for a real-world aircraft using H-infinity loop shaping

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system

    Robust Multi-Cellular Developmental Design

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    This paper introduces a continuous model for Multi-cellular Developmental Design. The cells are fixed on a 2D grid and exchange "chemicals" with their neighbors during the growth process. The quantity of chemicals that a cell produces, as well as the differentiation value of the cell in the phenotype, are controlled by a Neural Network (the genotype) that takes as inputs the chemicals produced by the neighboring cells at the previous time step. In the proposed model, the number of iterations of the growth process is not pre-determined, but emerges during evolution: only organisms for which the growth process stabilizes give a phenotype (the stable state), others are declared nonviable. The optimization of the controller is done using the NEAT algorithm, that optimizes both the topology and the weights of the Neural Networks. Though each cell only receives local information from its neighbors, the experimental results of the proposed approach on the 'flags' problems (the phenotype must match a given 2D pattern) are almost as good as those of a direct regression approach using the same model with global information. Moreover, the resulting multi-cellular organisms exhibit almost perfect self-healing characteristics

    Fractional Order Load-Frequency Control of Interconnected Power Systems Using Chaotic Multi-objective Optimization

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Fractional order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID) controllers are designed for load frequency control (LFC) of two interconnected power systems. Conflicting time domain design objectives are considered in a multi objective optimization (MOO) based design framework to design the gains and the fractional differ-integral orders of the FOPID controllers in the two areas. Here, we explore the effect of augmenting two different chaotic maps along with the uniform random number generator (RNG) in the popular MOO algorithm - the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). Different measures of quality for MOO e.g. hypervolume indicator, moment of inertia based diversity metric, total Pareto spread, spacing metric are adopted to select the best set of controller parameters from multiple runs of all the NSGA-II variants (i.e. nominal and chaotic versions). The chaotic versions of the NSGA-II algorithm are compared with the standard NSGA-II in terms of solution quality and computational time. In addition, the Pareto optimal fronts showing the trade-off between the two conflicting time domain design objectives are compared to show the advantage of using the FOPID controller over that with simple PID controller. The nature of fast/slow and high/low noise amplification effects of the FOPID structure or the four quadrant operation in the two inter-connected areas of the power system is also explored. A fuzzy logic based method has been adopted next to select the best compromise solution from the best Pareto fronts corresponding to each MOO comparison criteria. The time domain system responses are shown for the fuzzy best compromise solutions under nominal operating conditions. Comparative analysis on the merits and de-merits of each controller structure is reported then. A robustness analysis is also done for the PID and the FOPID controllers

    Centralized wide area damping controller for power system oscillation problems

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, three different centralized control designs that vary on complexity are presented to damp inter-area oscillations in large power systems. All the controls are based on phasor measurements. The first two proposed architectures use simple proportional gains that consider availability of measurements from different areas of the system and fulfill different optimization functions. The third controller is based on a more sophisticated Linear Quadratic Gaussian approach which requires access to the state space model of the system under investigation. The novelty of the proposed scheme resides in designing a single control to command the most influence group of machines in the system. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, simulations results in the IEEE New England model are presented

    Optimal Design of PID Controller for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator-Based Wave Energy Conversion System Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization

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    This paper presents the complete modeling and simulation of Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) driven doubly-fed induction generator with a closed-loop vector control system. Two Pulse Width Modulated voltage source (PWM) converters for both rotor- and stator-side converters have been connected back to back between the rotor terminals and utility grid via common dc link. The closed-loop vector control system is normally controlled by a set of PID controllers which have an important influence on the system dynamic performance. This paper presents a Multi-objective optimal PID controller design of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wave energy system connected to the electrical grid using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). PSO and GA are used to optimize the controller parameters of both the rotor and grid-side converters to improve the transient operation of the DFIG wave energy system under a fault condition as compared with the conventional methods to design PID controllers