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    Multi Focus Image Fusion with variable size windows

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    [EN] In this paper we present the Linear Image Combination Algorithm with Variable Windows (CLI-VV) for the fusion of multifocus images. Unlike the CLI-S algorithm presented in a previous work, the CLI-VV algorithm allows to automatically determine the optimal size of the window in each pixel for the segmentation of the regions with the highest sharpness. We also present the generalized CLI-VV Algorithm for the fusion of sets of multi-focus images with more than two images. This new algorithm is called Variable Windows Multi-focus Fusion (FM-VV). The CLI-VV Algorithm was tested with 21 pairs of synthetic images and 29 pairs of real multi-focus images, and the FM-VV Algorithm on 5 trios of multi-focus images. In all the tests a competitive accuracy was obtained, with execution times lower than those reported in the literature.[ES] En este artículo presentamos el Algoritmo Combinación Lineal de Imágenes con Ventanas Variables (CLI-VV) para la fusión de imágenes multi-foco. A diferencia del Algoritmo CLI-S presentado en un trabajo anterior, el algoritmo CLI-VV permite determinar automáticamente el tamaño óptimo de la ventana en cada píxel para la segmentación de las regiones con la mayor nitidez. También presentamos la generalizado el Algoritmo CLI-VV para la fusión de conjuntos de imágenes multi-foco con más de dos imágenes. A este nuevo algoritmo lo denominamos Fusión Multi-foco con Ventanas Variables (FM-VV). El Algoritmo CLI-VV se probó con 21 pares de imágenes sintéticas y 29 pares de imágenes multi-foco reales, y el Algoritmo FM-VV sobre 5 tríos de imágenes multi-foco. En todos los ejemplos se obtuvo un porcentaje de acierto competitivos, producidos en tiempos de ejecución menores a los reportados en la literatura.Calderon, F.; Garnica-Carrillo, A.; Flores, JJ. (2018). Fusión de Imágenes Multi-Foco con Ventanas Variables. 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    Variational Methods for Biomolecular Modeling

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    Structure, function and dynamics of many biomolecular systems can be characterized by the energetic variational principle and the corresponding systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). This principle allows us to focus on the identification of essential energetic components, the optimal parametrization of energies, and the efficient computational implementation of energy variation or minimization. Given the fact that complex biomolecular systems are structurally non-uniform and their interactions occur through contact interfaces, their free energies are associated with various interfaces as well, such as solute-solvent interface, molecular binding interface, lipid domain interface, and membrane surfaces. This fact motivates the inclusion of interface geometry, particular its curvatures, to the parametrization of free energies. Applications of such interface geometry based energetic variational principles are illustrated through three concrete topics: the multiscale modeling of biomolecular electrostatics and solvation that includes the curvature energy of the molecular surface, the formation of microdomains on lipid membrane due to the geometric and molecular mechanics at the lipid interface, and the mean curvature driven protein localization on membrane surfaces. By further implicitly representing the interface using a phase field function over the entire domain, one can simulate the dynamics of the interface and the corresponding energy variation by evolving the phase field function, achieving significant reduction of the number of degrees of freedom and computational complexity. Strategies for improving the efficiency of computational implementations and for extending applications to coarse-graining or multiscale molecular simulations are outlined.Comment: 36 page

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    Time-resolved FRET fluorescence spectroscopy of visible fluorescent protein pairs

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