10 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    Detecting Image Brush Editing Using the Discarded Coefficients and Intentions

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    This paper describes a quick and simple method to detect brush editing in JPEG images. The novelty of the proposed method is based on detecting the discarded coefficients during the quantization of the image. Another novelty of this paper is the development of a subjective metric named intentions. The method directly analyzes the allegedly tampered image and generates a forgery mask indicating forgery evidence for each image block. The experiments show that our method works especially well in detecting brush strokes, and it works reasonably well with added captions and image splicing. However, the method is less effective detecting copy-moved and blurred regions. This means that our method can effectively contribute to implementing a complete imagetampering detection tool. The editing operations for which our method is less effective can be complemented with methods more adequate to detect them

    Review on local binary patterns variants as texture descriptors for copy-move forgery detection

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    Past decades had seen the concerned by researchers in authenticating the originality of an image as the result of advancement in computer technology. Many methods have been developed to detect image forgeries such as copy-move, splicing, resampling and et cetera. The most common type of image forgery is copy-move where the copied region is pasted on the same image. The existence of high similarity in colour and textures of both copied and pasted images caused the detection of the tampered region to be very difficult. Additionally, the existence of post-processing methods makes it more challenging. In this paper, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) variants as texture descriptors for copy-move forgery detection have been reviewed. These methods are discussed in terms of introduction and methodology in copy-move forgery detection. These methods are also compared in the discussion section. Finally, their strengths and weaknesses are summarised, and some future research directions were pointed out

    Copy-move forgery detection: a survey on time complexity issues and solutions

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    As the image processing especially image editing software evolve, more image manipulations were possible to be done, thus authentication of image become a very crucial task. Copy-move forgery detection (CMFD), a popular research focus in digital image forensic, is used to authenticate an image by detecting malicious copy-move tampering in an image. Copy-move forgery occurs when a region in an image is copied and paste into the same image. There were many survey and review papers discussed about CMFD robustness and accuracy yet less attention was given to performance and time complexity. In this paper, we attempts to highlight the key factors contribute to the time complexity issue. Before that, the CMFD processes were first explained for better understanding. The trends of tackling those issues are then explored. Finally, numbers of proposed solutions will be outlined to conclude this paper

    Detection of intentionally made changes in image content

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    Digital images and video signals represent the most frequently transmitted contents. Namely, with the development of modern digital cameras and smartphones, the use of multimedia content increases every day. They are used in everyday life, for getting information and also as authenticated proofs or corroboratory evidence in different areas like: forensic studies, law enforcement, journalism and others...Multifraktalna analiza se pokazala kao dobar alat za analizu postojećih slika, kao i segmentaciju određenih regiona, izdvajanje ivica, uglova slike i slično. Kako kopirani i nalepljeni delovi imaju sličnu strukturu, može se primeniti multifraktalna analiza, koja u osnovi analizira samosličnost. Multifraktalni spektar daje globalni opis slike (ili, opštije, fenomena koji se ispituje). Vrednost Hölder-ovog eksponenta zavisi od položaja u strukturi i opisuje lokalnu regularnost signala. Naime, različiti objekti na slici imaju različite spektre, različite pozicije maksimuma, minimuma, prve nule itd, što se pokazalo kao interesantan skup različitih parametara pomoću kojih se mogu detektovati namerne promene na slikama..

    Copy-move forgery detection in digital images

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    The ready availability of image-editing software makes it important to ensure the authenticity of images. This thesis concerns the detection and localization of cloning, or Copy-Move Forgery (CMF), which is the most common type of image tampering, in which part(s) of the image are copied and pasted back somewhere else in the same image. Post-processing can be used to produce more realistic doctored images and thus can increase the difficulty of detecting forgery. This thesis presents three novel methods for CMF detection, using feature extraction, surface fitting and segmentation. The Dense Scale Invariant Feature Transform (DSIFT) has been improved by using a different method to estimate the canonical orientation of each circular block. The Fitting Function Rotation Invariant Descriptor (FFRID) has been developed by using the least squares method to fit the parameters of a quadratic function on each block curvatures. In the segmentation approach, three different methods were tested: the SLIC superpixels, the Bag of Words Image and the Rolling Guidance filter with the multi-thresholding method. We also developed the Segment Gradient Orientation Histogram (SGOH) to describe the gradient of irregularly shaped blocks (segments). The experimental results illustrate that our proposed algorithms can detect forgery in images containing copy-move objects with different types of transformation (translation, rotation, scaling, distortion and combined transformation). Moreover, the proposed methods are robust to post-processing (i.e. blurring, brightness change, colour reduction, JPEG compression, variations in contrast and added noise) and can detect multiple duplicated objects. In addition, we developed a new method to estimate the similarity threshold for each image by optimizing a cost function based probability distribution. This method can detect CMF better than using a fixed threshold for all the test images, because our proposed method reduces the false positive and the time required to estimate one threshold for different images in the dataset. Finally, we used the hysteresis to decrease the number of false matches and produce the best possible result