12 research outputs found

    Perancangan Knowledge Management System Menggunakan Tools "Book Review": Studi Kasus pada Universitas Bina Nusantara

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    The role of knowledge in developing and maintaining an organization has been strongly regarded as a very important asset. Bina Nusantara University is one of the universities that is aware of the importance of book as main knowledge media in the learning process. Reviewing books and sharing the results can be a major resource to perform maintenance on knowledge and accelerate the learning process. A problem that occurs in Bina Nusantara University is no application to do Book Reviews. There are no tools that facilitate discussion between book reviewer and book review reader. The purpose of this research is to design features of Book Review on Knowledge Management System (KMS) in Bina Nusantara University. It is expected that book review features are useful for faculty members and staffs in doing book reviews. The methodology used in this study is literature study and design a KMS application using Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. Conclusion of this research is the application of KMS Book Review in Bina Nusantara University can encourage book reviewers and facilitate book review readers to discuss and interact more optimally


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    In a profession dedicated to disseminating knowledge, accounting journals may be missing an opportunity to share knowledge. This article presents original research on dozens of top accounting journals and whether they publish book reviews, including benefits and drawbacks of reviewing and specific key elements to avoid and to include in reviews. The article considers the basic elements of a book review, describes the advantages of publishing book reviews, and provides ideas for how a book review can be published in accounting journals. Results indicate that accounting journals’ de-emphasis of book reviews might deprive academics of sharing and dissemination of knowledge that are an essential part of re-search and publication – especially in a postdigital world

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Buku pada Mahasiswa

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    Publishers and bookstores declined in book sales from 2013 to 2020. The study aimed to find out factors that caused book sales declined and students influencing factors in buying books. There are various factors that influencing the decision to purchase books, i.e price, product, location, promotion, lifestyle, word of mouth technology, and information.This study used 205 respondents who are students of IPB University. The data collection technique used is Probability sampling, a random sampling method. Sample selection using convenience sampling is a sampling technique from the person or unit that is the easiest to find or access. The sampling done by the interview method and filled out a questionnaire on the google form. PLS SEM test tool used to data analysis. SEM (Structural Equation Models) is a statistical technique that aims to build or test statistical models, which are usually causalThis research is a field of consumer behaviour science. The research was conducted on the Bogor Agricultural University campus from December 2020 to April 2021. The author chose the location of this research purposively because the object of the research was active Bogor Agricultural University studentsThe study results showed that the product, price, word of mouth, lifestyle, technology, and information factors had a significant effect on students buying book decisions. Location and promotion factors have no significant effect on students purchase book decisions

    Blogs and reading: a critical analysis of research articles

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    La blogosfera literaria se ha transformado en los últimos años. El período de mayor efervescencia durante la primera década del milenio ha dado paso a una migración hacia otras plataformas y redes sociales. Este artículo analiza las investigaciones publicadas entre 2000-2020 en revistas internacionales indexadas en Scopus WoS, y ERIC, así como en otras como Google Scholar y LISA sobre el blog literario y su función como prescriptor de lecturas. Nuestro objetivo es analizarlo como agente que participa en la constitución del canon literario. La revisión bibliográfica permite observar los temas que han despertado el interés de la crítica internacional sobre los blogs literarios: perfil de blogueros y lectores, caracterización discursiva de las reseñas de blogs, debate sobre la convivencia o competencia entre la crítica literaria amateur y la profesional y relación entre los blogs y la compra de libros.The literary blogosphere has undergone a transformation in recent years. Its most effervescent period, the first decade of the millennium, has given way to a migration towards other platforms and social networks. This article analyses research on literary blogs and their role in prescribing readings. The research included in the study was published between 2000-2020 in international journals indexed in Scopus, WOS and ERIC, as well as in Google Scholar, LISA and other databases. The objective is to analyze the literary blog as an agent that takes part in constituting the literary canon. Through the literature review, we observe the topics that have aroused the interest of international researchers with regards to literary blogs: profiling of bloggers and readers, discursive characterization of blog reviews, debate on the coexistence of or competition between amateur and professional literary criticism, and the relationship between blogging and buying books.Este artículo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación: «El canon literario no académico: construcción, características, responsables, selección y recepción en los epitextos públicos virtuales» PID2019-105879RB-I00, Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i y de I +D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad. España (Convocatoria 2019)

    Blogs y lectura

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    La blogosfera literaria se ha transformado en los últimos años. El período de mayor efervescencia durante la primera década del milenio ha dado paso a una migración hacia otras plataformas y redes sociales. Este artículo analiza las investigaciones publicadas entre 2000-2020 en revistas internacionales indexadas en Scopus WoS, y ERIC, así como en otras como Google Scholar y LISA sobre el blog literario y su función como prescriptor de lecturas. Nuestro objetivo es analizarlo como agente que participa en la constitución del canon literario. La revisión bibliográfica permite observar los temas que han despertado el interés de la crítica internacional sobre los blogs literarios: perfil de blogueros y lectores, caracterización discursiva de las reseñas de blogs, debate sobre la convivencia o competencia entre la crítica literaria amateur y la profesional y relación entre los blogs y la compra de libros

    Blogs y lectura

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    La blogosfera literaria se ha transformado en los últimos años. El período de mayor efervescencia durante la primera década del milenio ha dado paso a una migración hacia otras plataformas y redes sociales. Este artículo analiza las investigaciones publicadas entre 2000-2020 en revistas internacionales indexadas en Scopus WoS, y ERIC, así como en otras como Google Scholar y LISA sobre el blog literario y su función como prescriptor de lecturas. Nuestro objetivo es analizarlo como agente que participa en la constitución del canon literario. La revisión bibliográfica permite observar los temas que han despertado el interés de la crítica internacional sobre los blogs literarios: perfil de blogueros y lectores, caracterización discursiva de las reseñas de blogs, debate sobre la convivencia o competencia entre la crítica literaria amateur y la profesional y relación entre los blogs y la compra de libros

    The role of information in consumers' decisions: a closer look at online reviews and product lists

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    What drives consumers to spread online book reviews

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMIn the context of cyberspace, consumers are strongly affected by their peers’ online opinions. The Internet has allowed for the rapid growth of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and thus, nowadays, we can find numerous product-related reviews and opinions from people around the globe. As a result, we are witnessing the rising of virtual communities, as well as new forms of social interaction. Regarding the book industry, research has highlighted the importance of online reviews as a reference when selecting and purchasing a book. However, the issue of what drives consumers to write online book reviews is seldom mentioned throughout the literature. This study focuses on the factors driving consumers to spread online book reviews. As a starting point, a Cheung and Lee’s model on what motivates consumers to spread eWOM was analysed, and other motivations that were found to be relevant in the literature were added to said model. The data was obtained through an online questionnaire published on Facebook and Goodreads book-related groups, as well as sent to the Nova Information Management School students. From the collected data, 225 responses were considered valid and were later analysed using PLS-SEM. The findings of this study showed that sense of belonging is the motivation with the greatest impact on consumer’s intention to write online book reviews, followed by venting negative feelings and desire for sharing, and, to a lesser extent, reputation. The results mentioned provide important insights that can be used both in future research and by managers in the book industry.No contexto do ciberespaço, os consumidores são fortemente influenciados pelas opiniões online dos seus pares. A Internet permitiu o rápido crescimento do passa-palavra eletrónico (eWOM) e, portanto, hoje em dia podemos encontrar inúmeras opiniões relacionadas com produtos, vindas de consumidores de todo o mundo. Consequentemente, estamos a testemunhar o surgimento de novas comunidades virtuais, bem como novas formas de interação social. No que diz respeito à indústria dos livros, a literatura tem destacado a importância das críticas online como referência para selecionar e comprar um livro. No entanto, a questão das motivações que levam os consumidores a escrever estas críticas online de livros raramente é mencionada na literatura. Este estudo centra-se nas motivações que levam os consumidores a escrever críticas online de livros, tendo como base o modelo de Cheung e Lee sobre as motivações dos consumidores para disseminar eWOM e adicionando a esse modelo outras motivações, que foram consideradas relevantes na literatura. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário disponibilizado em grupos relacionados com livros, no Facebook e no Goodreads, bem como enviado aos alunos da Nova Information Management School. A partir dos dados coletados, 225 respostas foram consideradas válidas e posteriormente analisadas através do PLS-SEM. Os resultados desde estudo mostraram que o sentimento de pertença é a motivação com maior impacto na intenção do consumidor para escrever críticas online de livros, seguindo-se as motivações partilhar sentimentos negativos e desejo de partilha e, em menor medida, a reputação. Os resultados mencionados fornecem informações importantes que podem ser usadas tanto em pesquisas futuras como a nível empresarial

    Exploring customer trust and relationships in the online environment

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    This thesis presents eleven selected publications concerning trust and relationships in the online environment. The evolution of the research over ten years showcases the author’s dedication to the practical application of marketing for the benefit of organisations and individuals alongside contribution to academic knowledge. The advent of new technology by way of the internet has added a new dimension to the complexity of marketing strategy and, from a practical point of view, marketers need to incorporate cutting edge technology into their strategic thinking. Existing literature at the time that the author started this research was at the nascent stage and over the period of the research, it became obvious that technology could be used as a tool to help build relationships. Conversely, customers demonstrated varying degrees of trust in both the technologies and the organisations using online-based tools. It became essential, therefore, for organisations to appear trustworthy in order for customers to engage with online marketing platforms and subsequently entrust their purchasing activities to the online environment. The research appraised in this thesis makes a significant contribution to knowledge about marketing in the online environment and the implications of engendering consumer trust. Six key contributions to knowledge are claimed as a result of this work. Firstly, a framework for using online marketing strategically has been developed. Secondly, an analysis of how online marketing fits into the traditional marketing framework is provided. Thirdly, the author introduces the notion that trust in a brand influences online behaviour by reducing perceived risk, leading to consumers committing to online purchasing. Fourthly, online brand elements used to create credibility of a B2B brand are identified. Fifthly, the author presents an identification of how structural elements of websites can be utilized to differentiate online brands from competitors’ offerings. Finally, the author puts forward the proposition that marketers can learn from relatiaonships between contributors to online social networks. The researcher has utilised a variety of deliberately chosen methodologies, most of which are qualitative. The thesis also contains three secondary contributions related to research design. These are the use of a bought-in, permission-based email list, the innovative use of netnography to elicit rich data from online discussion forums and, finally, content analysis of websites. The work concludes by offering eight recommendations for future research directions

    Customer Service Retention – A Behavioural Perspective of the UK Mobile Market

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    Abstract Customer retention is essential for firms in the service sector and will subsequently receive a great deal of attention in the coming years. A large majority of firms are losing their current customers at a significant rate. UK operators lose over a third of their subscribers every year in spite of incurring large customer acquisition and retention expenditures. A study of customer retention from a variety of angles, including economic, behavioural and psychological perspectives, was rigorously carried out. It has been found that a majority of scholars explain customer retention from a behavioural perspective by using unrelated or indirect factors such as trust and commitment, price terms, and loyalty terms. It has also been noted that previous studies lack a clear theoretical background and a solid empirical proof to support their findings of customer operant retention behaviour. This study approaches the customer retention problem in the mobile phone sector from a behavioural perspective, applying the Behavioural Perspective Model as the main analytical framework. The model includes a set of pre-behaviour and post-behaviour factors to study consumer choice and explains its relevant drivers in a viable and comprehensive way, grounded in radical behaviourism. Many data collection methods were used to collect data from the study sample, including mobile contracts content analysis techniques, customer focus groups, and, principally, a customer survey supported by interviews with a number of managers. The data were analysed using different regression measurements to test the study model, and the propositions were constructed and tested quantitatively and discussed qualitatively. Analysis revealed that a customer will buy a mobile telecommunication package and engage in a long-term relationship with a supplier whom he or she believes will honour the relationship’s functional and emotional benefits; the consumer will be expecting to obtain such benefits when he/she buys, consumes, and has a positive experience of both the purchased object and the seller