812 research outputs found

    Software Evolution for Industrial Automation Systems. Literature Overview

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    Understanding, Analysis, and Handling of Software Architecture Erosion

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    Architecture erosion occurs when a software system's implemented architecture diverges from the intended architecture over time. Studies show erosion impacts development, maintenance, and evolution since it accumulates imperceptibly. Identifying early symptoms like architectural smells enables managing erosion through refactoring. However, research lacks comprehensive understanding of erosion, unclear which symptoms are most common, and lacks detection methods. This thesis establishes an erosion landscape, investigates symptoms, and proposes identification approaches. A mapping study covers erosion definitions, symptoms, causes, and consequences. Key findings: 1) "Architecture erosion" is the most used term, with four perspectives on definitions and respective symptom types. 2) Technical and non-technical reasons contribute to erosion, negatively impacting quality attributes. Practitioners can advocate addressing erosion to prevent failures. 3) Detection and correction approaches are categorized, with consistency and evolution-based approaches commonly mentioned.An empirical study explores practitioner perspectives through communities, surveys, and interviews. Findings reveal associated practices like code review and tools identify symptoms, while collected measures address erosion during implementation. Studying code review comments analyzes erosion in practice. One study reveals architectural violations, duplicate functionality, and cyclic dependencies are most frequent. Symptoms decreased over time, indicating increased stability. Most were addressed after review. A second study explores violation symptoms in four projects, identifying 10 categories. Refactoring and removing code address most violations, while some are disregarded.Machine learning classifiers using pre-trained word embeddings identify violation symptoms from code reviews. Key findings: 1) SVM with word2vec achieved highest performance. 2) fastText embeddings worked well. 3) 200-dimensional embeddings outperformed 100/300-dimensional. 4) Ensemble classifier improved performance. 5) Practitioners found results valuable, confirming potential.An automated recommendation system identifies qualified reviewers for violations using similarity detection on file paths and comments. Experiments show common methods perform well, outperforming a baseline approach. Sampling techniques impact recommendation performance

    An architecture conformance process for software ecosystems with heterogeneous languages

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2017.Os custos de manutenção de software são fortemente influenciados pela sua conformidade com a arquitetura idealizada e boas práticas de desenvolvimento. A falta de conformidade gera gastos desnecessários. Ambientes heterogêneos com diferentes plataformas de desenvolvimento são ainda mais difíceis de manter conformidade devido à necessidade de lidar com diferentes técnicas e ferramentas. Este trabalho procura aliviar esse problema propondo um processo de conformidade arquitetural independente de plataforma. Técnicas de conformidade arquitetural são comparadas e uma avaliação é feita nos sistemas da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Seis software foram avaliados, três deles implementados em Java e os outros três implementados em Visual Basic. O processo foi capaz de identificar com sucesso, violações arquiteturais em todos os diferentes sistemas usando a mesma técnica e ferramenta.The software maintenance costs are strongly influenced for its conformance with the conceptual architecture and the good development practices. The lack of such conformance generates unnecessary expenses. Heterogeneous environments with different development platforms are even more difficult to keep the conformance due to the need of dealing with different techniques and tools. This work aims to overcome this problem by proposing a platform independent software conformance process. Conformance checking techniques are compared and an evaluation was carried out in the Data Center at the University of Brasilia (UnB) systems. Six software systems were evaluated where 3 were implemented in Java and other 3 implemented in Visual Basic. The process was able to successfully identify architectural constraints violations on all different systems using the same technique and tool

    On the Modularization of ExplorViz towards Collaborative Open Source Development

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    Software systems evolve over their lifetime. Changing conditions such as requirements or customer requests make it inevitable for developers to perform adjustments to the underlying code base. Especially in the context of open source software where everybody can contribute, demands can change over time and new user groups may be addressed. In particular, research software is often not structured with a maintainable and extensible architecture. In combination with obsolescent technologies, this is a challenging task for developers, especially, when students are involved. In this paper, we report on the modularization process and architecture of our open source research project ExplorViz towards a microservice architecture, which facilitates a collaborative development process for both researchers and students. We describe the modularization measures and present how we solved occurring issues and enhanced our development process. Afterwards, we illustrate our modularization approach with our modernized, extensible software system architecture and highlight the improved collaborative development process. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept implementation featuring several developed extensions in terms of architecture and extensibility

    Real-Time Reflexion Modelling in architecture reconciliation: A multi case study

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    Context Reflexion Modelling is considered one of the more successful approaches to architecture reconciliation. Empirical studies strongly suggest that professional developers involved in real-life industrial projects find the information provided by variants of this approach useful and insightful, but the degree to which it resolves architecture conformance issues is still unclear. Objective This paper aims to assess the level of architecture conformance achieved by professional architects using Reflexion Modelling, and to determine how the approach could be extended to improve its suitability for this task. Method An in vivo, multi-case-study protocol was adopted across five software systems, from four different financial services organizations. Think-aloud, video-tape and interview data from professional architects involved in Reflexion Modelling sessions were analysed qualitatively. Results This study showed that (at least) four months after the Reflexion Modelling sessions less than 50% of the architectural violations identified were removed. The majority of participants who did remove violations favoured changes to the architectural model rather than to the code. Participants seemed to work off two specific architectural templates, and interactively explored their architectural model to focus in on the causes of violations, and to assess the ramifications of potential code changes. They expressed a desire for dependency analysis beyond static-source-code analysis and scalable visualizations. Conclusion The findings support several interesting usage-in-practice traits, previously hinted at in the literature. These include (1) the iterative analysis of systems through Reflexion models, as a precursor to possible code change or as a focusing mechanism to identify the location of architecture conformance issues, (2) the extension of the approach with respect to dependency analysis of software systems and architectural modelling templates, (3) improved visualization support and (4) the insight that identification of architectural violations in itself does not lead to their removal in the majority of instances.This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland Grants 12/IP/1351 and 10/CE/I1855 to Lero – the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (www.lero.ie) and by the University of Brighton under the Rising Star Scheme awarded to Nour Ali

    Flexible Views for View-based Model-driven Development

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    Modern software development faces the problem of fragmentation of information across heterogeneous artefacts in different modelling and programming languages. In this dissertation, the Vitruvius approach for view-based engineering is presented. Flexible views offer a compact definition of user-specific views on software systems, and can be defined the novel ModelJoin language. The process is supported by a change metamodel for metamodel evolution and change impact analysis

    Scalable Automated Incrementalization for Real-Time Static Analyses

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    This thesis proposes a framework for easy development of static analyses, whose results are incrementalized to provide instantaneous feedback in an integrated development environment (IDE). Today, IDEs feature many tools that have static analyses as their foundation to assess software quality and catch correctness problems. Yet, these tools often fail to provide instantaneous feedback and are thus restricted to nightly build processes. This precludes developers from fixing issues at their inception time, i.e., when the problem and the developed solution are both still fresh in mind. In order to provide instantaneous feedback, incrementalization is a well-known technique that utilizes the fact that developers make only small changes to the code and, hence, analysis results can be re-computed fast based on these changes. Yet, incrementalization requires carefully crafted static analyses. Thus, a manual approach to incrementalization is unattractive. Automated incrementalization can alleviate these problems and allows analyses writers to formulate their analyses as queries with the full data set in mind, without worrying over the semantics of incremental changes. Existing approaches to automated incrementalization utilize standard technologies, such as deductive databases, that provide declarative query languages, yet also require to materialize the full dataset in main-memory, i.e., the memory is permanently blocked by the data required for the analyses. Other standard technologies such as relational databases offer better scalability due to persistence, yet require large transaction times for data. Both technologies are not a perfect match for integrating static analyses into an IDE, since the underlying data, i.e., the code base, is already persisted and managed by the IDE. Hence, transitioning the data into a database is redundant work. In this thesis a novel approach is proposed that provides a declarative query language and automated incrementalization, yet retains in memory only a necessary minimum of data, i.e., only the data that is required for the incrementalization. The approach allows to declare static analyses as incrementally maintained views, where the underlying formalism for incrementalization is the relational algebra with extensions for object-orientation and recursion. The algebra allows to deduce which data is the necessary minimum for incremental maintenance and indeed shows that many views are self-maintainable, i.e., do not require to materialize memory at all. In addition an optimization for the algebra is proposed that allows to widen the range of self-maintainable views, based on domain knowledge of the underlying data. The optimization works similar to declaring primary keys for databases, i.e., the optimization is declared on the schema of the data, and defines which data is incrementally maintained in the same scope. The scope makes all analyses (views) that correlate only data within the boundaries of the scope self-maintainable. The approach is implemented as an embedded domain specific language in a general-purpose programming language. The implementation can be understood as a database-like engine with an SQL-style query language and the execution semantics of the relational algebra. As such the system is a general purpose database-like query engine and can be used to incrementalize other domains than static analyses. To evaluate the approach a large variety of static analyses were sampled from real-world tools and formulated as incrementally maintained views in the implemented engine

    Conformance Checking and Simulation-based Evolutionary Optimization for Deployment and Reconfiguration of Software in the Cloud

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    Many SaaS providers nowadays want to leverage the cloud's capabilities also for their existing applications, for example, to enable sound scalability and cost-effectiveness. This thesis provides the approach CloudMIG that supports SaaS providers to migrate those applications to IaaS and PaaS-based cloud environments. CloudMIG consists of a step-by-step process and focuses on two core components. (1) Restrictions imposed by specific cloud environments (so-called cloud environment constraints (CECs)), such as a limited file system access or forbidden method calls, can be validated by an automatic conformance checking approach. (2) A cloud deployment option (CDO) determines which cloud environment, cloud resource types, deployment architecture, and runtime reconfiguration rules for exploiting a cloud's elasticity should be used. The implied performance and costs can differ in orders of magnitude. CDOs can be automatically optimized with the help of our simulation-based genetic algorithm CDOXplorer. Extensive lab experiments and an experiment in an industrial context show CloudMIG's applicability and the excellent performance of its two core components

    Domain architecture a design framework for system development and integration

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    The ever growing complexity of software systems has revealed many short-comings in existing software engineering practices and has raised interest in architecture-driven software development. A system\u27s architecture provides a model of the system that suppresses implementation detail, allowing the architects to concentrate on the analysis and decisions that are most critical to structuring the system to satisfy its requirements. Recently, interests of researchers and practi-tioners have shifted from individual system architectures to architectures for classes of software systems which provide more general, reusable solutions to the issues of overall system organization, interoperability, and allocation of services to system components. These generic architectures, such as product line architectures and domain architectures, promote reuse and interoperability, and create a basis for cost effective construction of high-quality systems. Our focus in this dissertation is on domain architectures as a means of development and integration of large-scale, domain-specific business software systems. Business imperatives, including flexibility, productivity, quality, and ability to adapt to changes, have fostered demands for flexible, coherent and enterprise--wide integrated business systems. The components of such systems, developed separately or purchased off the shelf, need to cohesively form an overall compu-tational environment for the business. The inevitable complexity of such integrated solutions and the highly-demanding process of their construction, management, and evolution support require new software engineering methodologies and tools. Domain architectures, prescribing the organization of software systems in a business domain, hold a promise to serve as a foundation on which such integrated business systems can be effectively constructed. To meet the above expectations, software architectures must be properly defined, represented, and applied, which requires suitable methodologies as well as process and tool support. Despite research efforts, however, state-of-the-art methods and tools for architecture-based system development do not yet meet the practical needs of system developers. The primary focus of this dissertation is on developing methods and tools to support domain architecture engineering and on leveraging architectures to achieve improved system development and integration in presence of increased complexity. In particular, the thesis explores issues related to the following three aspects of software technology: system complexity and software architectures as tools to alleviate complexity; domain architectures as frameworks for construction of large scale, flexible, enterprise-wide software systems; and architectural models and representation techniques as a basis for good” design. The thesis presents an archi-tectural taxonomy to help categorize and better understand architectural efforts. Furthermore, it clarifies the purpose of domain architectures and characterizes them in detail. To support the definition and application of domain architectures we have developed a method for domain architecture engineering and representation: GARM-ASPECT. GARM, the Generic Architecture Reference Model, underlying the method, is a system of modeling abstractions, relations and recommendations for building representations of reference software architectures. The model\u27s focus on reference and domain architectures determines its main distinguishing features: multiple views of architectural elements, a separate rule system to express constraints on architecture element types, and annotations such as “libraries” of patterns and “logs” of guidelines. ASPECT is an architecture description language based on GARM. It provides a normalized vocabulary for representing the skeleton of an architecture, its structural view, and establishes a framework for capturing archi-tectural constraints. It also allows extensions of the structural view with auxiliary information, such as behavior or quality specifications. In this respect, ASPECT provides facilities for establishing relationships among different specifications and gluing them together within an overall architectural description. This design allows flexibility and adaptability of the methodology to the specifics of a domain or a family of systems. ASPECT supports the representation of reference architectures as well as individual system architectures. The practical applicability of this method has been tested through a case study in an industrial setting. The approach to architecture engineering and representation, presented in this dissertation, is pragmatic and oriented towards software practitioners. GARM-ASPECT, as well as the taxonomy of architectures are of use to architects, system planners and system engineers. Beyond these practical contributions, this thesis also creates a more solid basis for expbring the applicability of architectural abstractions, the practicality of representation approaches, and the changes required to the devel-opment process in order to achieve the benefits from an architecture-driven software technology