978 research outputs found


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    The stylistic approach provides a new perspective in the literature studies, especially Qur'anic research. Understanding the Qur'an from a stylistic overview can explain the use of certain words or language structures that distinguish between works. It reveals the characteristics, implied meanings, and beauty of the structure of the Qur'anic text as the primary aspect of the miracles of the Qur'an. The euphemism of the composition of the Qur'an can be seen, for example, in surah al-Qiyāmah. Surah al-Qiyāmah, classified as a makkiyah surah, contains matters relating to the final day, starting from the sacratulmaut stage to the description of the Day of Judgment. Descriptive research with Stylistic analysis in this article, reveals the findings of four aspects of the Stylistics of the Qur'an contained in surah al-Qiyāmah; phonology, morphology, syntax, and imagery. On the phonological aspect, including; fricative, plosive, mukarrarah, and semi-vocal consonants. From the morphological aspect, there are forms of verbs (al-māḍi, al-muḍāri‘ and af‘al al-majhul) which have various meanings. Aspects of syntax contribute to the style of language such as; al-taqdm wa al-ta'khīr, repetition, imperative sentences, and interrogative sentences. Meanwhile, in the imagery aspect, alliteration, assonance, polysindenton, erotic, tautology, ellipsis, synecdoche, and hypalase styles are found

    Examining the Anecdotes of Tha’labī's Book "Qatla al-Qur'an" from Propp's Morphological Perspective

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    One way of examining fiction texts in literature is to analyze the structure of anecdotes from Vladimir Propp's morphological point of view. For fairy tales, Propp has defined functions that are applicable to a variety of other tales and stories. The book "Qatla al-Qur'an" by Abu Isḥāq al-Tha’labī is a collection of anecdotes, all of which have a common point and they are all about the stories of those who lost their lives after hearing a verse or verses from the divine book. Examining the narrative structure of these short stories reveals the hidden relationships between the anecdotes in their infrastructure and reveals the structure and form of the stories better. In this article, this attractive Tha’labī’s work has been analyzed from a morphological point of view by descriptive-analytical method. As a result, the introductory works and the climax of the story, which usually marks the end of it, are the most important design of Tha’labī for creating a single and uniform structure in the anecdotes of this book

    Instances of Quranic Analysis Using Arabic Linguistic Textual Standards

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight some instances of the Quranic Analysis in reference to the modern rules of linguistic textual standards and study the practical indications of the cohesive devices in the analysis of Quranic Arabic texts. Using the descriptive and analytical methods, the research treats the segments of the devices which are reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion as they are all traceable in the classical Arabic works and the interpretations made on the Quranic Arabic Texts. The paper elaborates on the textual analysis in the language of the Glorious Qur’an in terms of its roles in the deduction of Islamic legal rulings. Likewise, it treats the points of similarities and differences between the various Arabic linguistic analyses which constitute Traditional and Modern methods of textual structuring as related to the Qur’an. The study strikes a balance between the two analytical paradigms and widens the scope of understanding the Quranic message in the modern age. It offers insights into the possible Educational development in the learning of Arabic Language for religious purpose. The paper establishes the importance of analytical specimen from such aspects with attention to the rules guiding the interpretation of the Glorious Quran according to the methods and principles of the early scholars of Islamic Sciences. Finally, it concludes with suggestions and recommendations towards the resolution of the challenges faced in the contemporary Arabic Quranic Learning practices

    Classifying the suras by their lexical semantics :an exploratory multivariate analysis approach to understanding the Qur'an

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    PhD ThesisThe Qur'an is at the heart of Islamic culture. Careful, well-informed interpretation of it is fundamental both to the faith of millions of Muslims throughout the world, and also to the non-Islamic world's understanding of their religion. There is a long and venerable tradition of Qur'anic interpretation, and it has necessarily been based on literary-historical methods for exegesis of hand-written and printed text. Developments in electronic text representation and analysis since the second half of the twentieth century now offer the opportunity to supplement traditional techniques by applying the newly-emergent computational technology of exploratory multivariate analysis to interpretation of the Qur'an. The general aim of the present discussion is to take up that opportunity. Specifically, the discussion develops and applies a methodology for discovering the thematic structure of the Qur'an based on a fundamental idea in a range of computationally oriented disciplines: that, with respect to some collection of texts, the lexical frequency profiles of the individual texts are a good indicator of their semantic content, and thus provide a reliable criterion for their conceptual categorization relative to one another. This idea is applied to the discovery of thematic interrelationships among the suras that constitute the Qur'an by abstracting lexical frequency data from them and then analyzing that data using exploratory multivariate methods in the hope that this will generate hypotheses about the thematic structure of the Qur'an. The discussion is in eight main parts. The first part introduces the discussion. The second gives an overview of the structure and thematic content of the Qur'an and of the tradition of Qur'anic scholarship devoted to its interpretation. The third part xvi defines the research question to be addressed together with a methodology for doing so. The fourth reviews the existing literature on the research question. The fifth outlines general principles of data creation and applies them to creation of the data on which the analysis of the Qur'an in this study is based. The sixth outlines general principles of exploratory multivariate analysis, describes in detail the analytical methods selected for use, and applies them to the data created in part five. The seventh part interprets the results of the analyses conducted in part six with reference to the existing results in Qur'anic interpretation described in part two. And, finally, the eighth part draws conclusions relative to the research question and identifies directions along which the work presented in this study can be developed

    The Phonology And Morphology Of Yemeni Tihami Dialect: An Autosegmental Account

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    Tidak banyak kajian metodologi tentang dialek Arab, terutamanya dialek Arab Yemen (YAD) (Versteegh, 1997). Little methodological studies are available on Arabic dialectology particularly on Yemeni Arabic dialects (YADs) (Versteegh, 1997)

    The Phonology And Morphology Of Yemeni Tihami Dialect: An Autosegmental Account

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    Tidak banyak kajian metodologi tentang dialek Arab, terutamanya dialek Arab Yemen (YAD) (Versteegh, 1997). Little methodological studies are available on Arabic dialectology particularly on Yemeni Arabic dialects (YADs) (Versteegh, 1997)

    Innovative Connotations in The Noble Quran

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    The one who looks at the Qur’an will find that the saying has been attributed to a number of sources, some of which have nothing to do with the creation of man, and others are like the earth in the Almighty’s saying: (Then He turned to the sky when it was smoke, and He said to it, and to the earth are our creatures) In this preamble, I will address its content with human creation by mentioning it only, not by explaining its connotations and meanings, but rather narrating them in a narration, for the reason that the Qur’an ascribed the saying to his property that is related to human creation other than mouths and tongues. About the other in saying that they complement each other and look To the Qur`an we find from sources say: 1. Self: The Almighty said: (N) says the same is lost on what is fraited in the side of God. 2. - Leather: The Almighty said: (They said to their skin, you have not seen our priority Everything is your first time and to return. 3. Hands and legs: The Almighty said: (and spoke our hands and see their legs.) 4. This is in addition to the mouths of the topic of the search. 1. Surah Fussilat verse 11. 2. Surah Al-Zumar verse 56. 3. Surah Fussilat verse 21. 4. Surah Yasin, verse 65.Orang yang melihat Al-Qur'an akan menemukan bahwa perkataan itu dikaitkan dengan sejumlah sumber, beberapa di antaranya tidak ada hubungannya dengan penciptaan manusia, dan yang lain seperti bumi dalam firman Yang Mahakuasa: (Maka Dia menghadap ke langit ketika menjadi asap, dan Dia berkata kepadanya, dan kepada bumi adalah makhluk kita) Dalam mukadimah ini, saya akan membahas isinya dengan ciptaan manusia dengan menyebutkannya saja, bukan dengan menjelaskan konotasi dan maknanya, melainkan meriwayatkannya dalam sebuah riwayat, karena Al-Qur'an menganggap perkataan itu sebagai miliknya yang terkait dengan penciptaan manusia selain mulut dan lidah. Tentang yang lain dalam mengatakan bahwa mereka saling melengkapi dan memandang Al-Qur`an yang kami temukan dari sumber mengatakan: 1. Diri: Yang Mahakuasa berkata: (N) mengatakan hal yang sama hilang pada apa yang lemah di sisi Allah. 2. - Kulit: Yang Mahakuasa berkata: (Mereka berkata pada kulit mereka, Anda belum melihat prioritas kami Semuanya adalah pertama kalinya dan untuk kembali. 3. Tangan dan kaki: Yang Mahakuasa berkata: (dan berbicara dengan tangan kami dan melihat kaki mereka .) 4. Ini tambahan mulut-mulut topik pencarian 1. Surat Fussilat ayat 11. 2. Surat Al-Zumar ayat 56. 3. Surat Fussilat ayat 21. 4. Surat Yasin ayat 65

    The Typology of Irregular Plural in the Qur’an: A Morphosyntactical Study of Ultimate Plural

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    This research aims to identify the quantity, pattern, and characteristics of the irregular plural forms in Arabic, especially shighah muntaha al-jumu’ (ultimate plural) in the Qur'an. This research was conducted based on the many problems in identifying the pattern of ultimate plural. Although most of them are analogous, students still complain that it is complex, and as a solution they memorize. However, it still raises its own problems because of the many patterns. The study implemented a text study approach supported by data cards as a data collection instrument. The researchers managed to identify ultimate plural with a variety of patterns. This study found 245 ultimate plurals in the Quran. From these findings, researchers successfully found twelve (12) patterns of ultimate plural in the Quran. This finding certainly simplifies the nineteen (19) patterns of ultimate plural which Arabic language experts often introduce. The characteristics of ultimate plural can be identified from its singular form, which consists of words with at least four letters and the second letter is not a vowel. Meanwhile, when it comes to plural, the third letter is alif taksir followed by two or three letters. The patterns can be formulated in A-A/I, U-A/I, U-A/A and A-A/A